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File: gta5ifonthegameboylmao.jpg (3.67 MB, 1921x1080)
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In this thread we post dithered wallpapers, preferably in the 2-bit / 4-bit range, as long as it looks good

>What is dithering?
Dithering is a method used to reduce banding when intentionally lowering the color depth of an image, resulting in a "pixelated" image

>How do i dither an image?
With GIMP go to color > dither and choose the amount of colors and dithering mode, feel free to downscale-upscale an image at your discretion.

2-bit = 4 colors
4-bit = 16 colors
8-bit = 256 colors
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I live for this shit anon. It’s excellent. Will share some when I get out of work.
>resulting in a "pixelated" image
I know what you mean, but I think a better term would be "granulated", at least for me it looks similar to film photography
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fuck me.
reminder to export dithered images in .png and NOT .jpg ... quality is increased and filesize is decreased.
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imagemagick produces much cleaner results than gimp on average plus it has some nifty ordered dithering options
i use paint.net
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(Name so I could find the pic easily, y'all understand)
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btw I liked a part of the picture so I cropped it to a 1:1 :3 (I should change the colors desu, will wait for interaction)
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i fuck with these a lot. The others are good too but the dithering works too well or the color depth is too high
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made a better version of it, upped the chroma and added a custom pallette to dither.
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been making these for personal use for a while, nice thread
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all those are pretty good, saved.
the roman statues are a e s t h e t i c
my retarded lazy ass didn't bother to upscale it, here's one with higher quality and more pixels :)
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I recently spent some time developing a compositor/renderer for a 3 color (black/white/red) e-paper display with very low resolution. I ended up learning a lot about dithering and how to give it that nice old-school dithered aesthetic.

>lower the resolution of your pictures considerably (with interpolation), do your work on them, then re-upscale them without interpolation.
most images are too high-res for any dithering to be noticeable on a decent display. if you dither a high-res picture with too many colors, it just looks like you added a very light noise to it rather than actually dithering it.

>use a very limited color palette.
if you use too many colors while you 'dither' an image it's hardly noticeable. this parameter goes hand in hand with resolution; the lower the resolution you have the more colors you can get away with and retain a dithered look.

>for an old-school graphics aesthetic; use a custom palette for your image
if you look at old-school graphics, they picked palettes that minimized the amount of dithering they had to actually do. they would pick colors that allowed them to have large contiguous region of one, undithered color.

>pre-process your image by bumping up the contrast
ideally, you want to have the darkest regions of your image be undithered, contiguous blocks of your darkest indexed color, and the brightest regions be blocks of your lightest color. essentially, you want to fit the dynamic range of the original color space into the new faux-color-space given by dithering

>pre-process your image by posterizing it
essentially, if you manage the color space resolution first, it helps retain feature edges once you switch to the dithered color space, which tend to become very undefined and hard to distinguish between in dithered images.
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pic rel is just naively running an image through the 'index color' option in gimp. the image in the first post was made using the next technique:

>double dither your image to really make it look like magazine art
if you really want a graphic to look like it was out of an old nintendo power, down-scale it (cubic) work on it, upscale it (no interp) and then dither it again at the higher scaling. this mimics how old magazine images of old video games would be dithered twice, once by the graphic designer, and again by the half-tone printing process, and the scale of these two ditherings would rarely be the same.

>if you're not using a custom palette, at least bump up the saturation of the picture before you posterize it
you want the colors to be more separated in the color-space, that way when the dithering algorithm is trying to figure out which colors to use, it has nice, distinct colors to pick from
yeah, i think these two are the closest to how old school magazines worked.
Haven't tried dithering and redithering yet. Will give it a try when i get home. Also OP asked to limit the color bit range between 2-4 and desu they give pretty good results. Usung custom pallettes is also an option for what you mentioned, i did that for >>8062200
and they came out pretty even and well done
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cars look cool with dithering i think
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care to share the options you use?
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