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preferably European and historical
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Lord Jesus Christ, Son And Word Of God, Have Mercy On Me, A Sinner.
because you posted this on a holy internet forum, you are now saved, my son
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come on captcha let me post
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why are modern flags so bland?

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Couldn't find a better one, but still

The flag used to be exclusively metallic, because cloth flags hadn't made its way to Nepal as a symbol of a nation. Flags themselves weren't common, and this was the closest thing to a national flag.

Adapting the metallic flag that shone under the daylight to a piece of cloth didn't translate well, making the early flag, where the sun and the moon had a face, ugly (though it was incredibly soulful).

Today it just looks odd.

We should never have used the cloth, that would actually be badass, even if impractical.
Flemish Legion
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The flag of the newest communist banana republic in the world.
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Because your orange demagogue had to face punishment for fixing an election and you're mad about it? Even Republican strategists are calling out his lies.

But thanks for showing everyone else you're a fucking retard, retard.
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Except the federal election commission, you know the very same federal agency in charge of ensuring election integrity, are on public record making it very clear that Trump never 'fixed' ANY election, hence why they, AND the FBI let's not forget, refused to pursue any charges against Trump because they knew full well there was no case to answer; and yet the corrupt disgrace of a human being commie judge in new york refused to allow a senior member of the FEC to take the stand as a witness for Trump simply because the prosecution bitched and whined that allowing him to be a witness might prove Trumps innocence in the eyes of the jury and cause their lawfare to blow up in their faces.

Well it has blown up in their faces, big time, because Trump's now made approx. $60m (and more) in donations on the back of this bullshit case, and his support is only increasing, two inconvenient facts the leftist media are trying so very hard to gloss over.

And we should also acknowledge that a senior member of bidens DOJ quit his job and was immediately hired by Twinkies Bragg so he could ensure from close range that the lawfare in NY against Trump was maintained at all costs.

And now the corrupt disgrace of a judge in the case wants to do sentencing right before the republicans pick their nominee... yeah right, that's just a total coincidence for sure... not.

The fact is you can cope as hard as you want, and repeat all the bullshit 'talking points' you've been spoonfed by the leftist media, but at the end of the day this whole thing isn't going to turn out the way you and they all hope it will.
I stand corrected, Trumps donations are now apparently somewhere around $250-300m since the sham-trial ended.

Fact is the left went too far with their lawfare, and they full well know it, that's why they're now all quietly panicking and starting to come out with bullshit comments about how people who call out the sham trial and the corrupt judge/DA/ADA/jury are all just 'racist justice-deniers' and how it's "dangerous" to call the trial 'rigged', to which the only answer is get the fuck out of here, if you don't want ordinary people calling all you on the left out for your bullshit banana republic activities, don't keep carrying on with your bullshit banana republic activities, it's really not fucking rocket science.

And now the democrats want to change the law so a particular former president loses his secret service detail if he ends up in jail on false pretences all because of the very same sham trial the democrats helped stage/rig... talk about telling the world you want to get trump killed without actually saying the words, I mean seriously... corrupt motherfucking leftists need to permanently remove themselves from the gene pool, all of them, asap, there's seriously no place in this world for evil corrupt asshat clowns like that, not any more.
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DO US A FAVOR AND KILL YOURSELF and take your Alex Jones Bullshit to a different thread. Surprised an idiot like yourself was able to figure out the captcha.
Look, we know there are Feds hiding in plain sight all over this place, but you really should be more careful not to out yourself as one of them...

Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed!...
Thats right the Feds are all over watching us and The Orange Felon is our only savior, we should give him all our money despite him being convicted of Fraud.....Ain't that right Skeeter.......DURRRRRRRRRRRRRR
cope harder Fed!

remember, Trump's coming for you too
Who's coping you MAGA Dipshit? Tell that FatAss Orange Rapist "Us Fed's got drones bitch!"
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Shit tier state. Good luck underwater, Flortards.

Cope harder, cultist.
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you reek of mental illness so if anyone is going to kill themselves it's probably going to be you lmao
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I have arrive-d.

It's vexillo-jizzin' time.
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love and respect you anon
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