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need some dark themed wallpapers for the eyes
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Within each of us lurks a devil.
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I made this set a few years ago and am about to delete them so I figured I'd upload them somewhere
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thats all of them
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Fun fact: this was made by someone here in /WG/
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glad someone liked my edit :)
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is this a loading screen? what's the blue bar on top
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need some dark themed wallpapers for my dark soul
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Where's Earth?
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>Where's Earth?

“Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam." : Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot (1994)
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It's a shame we only have one planet in our solar system filled with life. Even if we eventually discover Europa or Mars has something living there it won't have the huge variety Earth does. Imagine if Venus or Mars tried harder at school and we had 3 Earthlike planets filled with oceans, forests and other biomes with all kinds of strange creatures living in them. There would be a lot more interest in space exploration.
Thanks for these buddy they go well with my theme
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over there
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Me on the left.
Here you go.
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How can you possibly tolerate having any background other than a dark one? Everything else strains my eyes immediately.
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Thanks for not forgetting pluto
this is what i currently use
with this on my side monitors
my bad i uploaded the wrong one, THIS is my current one
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'lo anons :) I'm looking for a walloaper (plain black) with the Best Buy "Don't forget to turn off your computer" bumper sticker, can someone help?
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>shut [it] down
File: wallhaven-mpm1lk.jpg (2.56 MB, 1833x985)
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2.56 MB JPG
I got this online some where forever ago.
>I got this online some where
The filename literally says wallhaven.
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thank you VERY much anon! sory for the late reply, I hope you have an awesome saturday!

Angel's Egg, nice.
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taken and enjoyed
Darker alternative. Very keen on high saturation monitor
tripfags get the rope
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current pape
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you're very welcome Anon
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things are good, though.
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i was about to ask whether you've heard about pluto, because shit's messed up. thanks for the papes.
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holy shit this is gay
also do you retards know what dark means? half the papes ITT are bright as fuck. this entire board is shit . everytime I come here for a new pape there is 1 MAYBE 2 decent ones in the entire fucking catalog
>things are good, though.

If you believe that then you've clearly either not been paying attention or you're actually part of the problem.
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>when all you have to contribute is a spew of negative bullshit and complain about lack of quality content

cringe post anon
you have no room to talk about contribution posting slop like that
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i mean, i did debate posting this one with the meme quote, but calm down
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This might not be as dark as OP requested, but when I'm (inevitably) the last one awake at night, it doesn't blind me. Been using it for years.
that is blaring red
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oh wow yeah the one you posted is so much better good point. Stfu faggot ass weirdo
he says as he posts one of the shittiest papes imaginable
Do you just lurk here 24/7 to be an asshole? Did you post anything in this thread? Who hurt you?
>Who hurt you?
post tits. will be a better pape then 99% of the shit in here right now
>post tits.

Someone already did though at >>8062257 - It's a nude model posing on a bed in the middle of the night with the lights off and the curtains and bedroom door closed... it's top quality stuff.
so that's why this place sucks so hard. it's just a reddit adjunct
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Please leave and don't come back, you won't be missed.
queers don't have souls so if you necked yourself right now your bf would be sticking it inside another guy's ass within a week. probably forget your name within a couple months
Can someone AI edit out the logos
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why would you need AI to edit out anything on a plain black background when you could just hit the image with the pencil tool in MS Paint in about 5 seconds ffs...
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Dotted looks awesome imho
Wrong pic, my bad
still dark tho
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hmm, there is something about this. decided to give it a chance and i am intrigued. but what is with the juice box? i happen to love a nice cold juice box but i'm unsure if i want it. maybe i want nothing at all or maybe i want something else instead. and what is with this grey dot next to it?
none the less, surprisingly good post. subtle.
Post it.
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Just werks!™
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1.5 MB PNG
Gold standard of dark/night wallpapers.
Basically this was made in samsung notes. I just made a new note and set the dotted template in the black theme and voila. I added the juicebox (just typed out the emoji in the note) because the orange popped out and created interest. Also I don't know how i missed it but the grey dot is a (.) period that was auto typed in by my keyboard after added two spaces.
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This one's neat. Made it black
This is good.
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Now that's aesthetic.
u forgot to say plox
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Yey, thanks much!
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what's this icon pack anon? fucking love it
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>Also I don't know how i missed it but the grey dot is a (.) period that was auto typed in by my keyboard after added two spaces.
it's funny how things that are mysterious and tend to spur theories and meaning usually come out of pure whimsey, carelessness, or even sheer incompetence.
Its called Outline with no fill and elegant thickness. Comes with the Niagra launcher.
The author is dead the moment he has penned his words. From that moment on his work is to be interpreted over and over by everyone who reads it in their own unique ways.
That's my crude understanding of the concept of the death of the author which I'd like to put in here (perhaps incorrectly) to shield my folly.
Does anyone have the pape with a baboon holding flames in its hands? Kinda graffiti style on a black background. I had it for my phone lock screen but lost the cunt when I had to get a new phone, been looking for it for ages. Thanks
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Go ahead and say the thing.
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ok leave the board then retard bye bye o7 o/
dunno what the blue line at the top is about but the screenshot is from the intro to neon genesis evangelion
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Been using this for years.
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no idea where you found this but thanks
love that MK Mythologies
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This is some great Ligottian shit
Is that a Fourier transform?
thank you this is nice
damn, I need to replay this
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No it's 2b2t
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this has been the set on my PC since I built in back in 2016 or whenever I can't remember. thanks anon. nice papes; all saved now
love this one
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here's a few I was using for my IDE background.
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but now I just use this solid color
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and my desktop
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少年よ 神話になれ...
they shall live on in my hard drive
I'm so confused. This is in the style of the English titlecards that display halfway through the episode, but it shows a mistranslation of the Japanese title of episode 9 (Moment, Heart, Together) instead of the English title (Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win!). It also has the apostrophe after the episode number, which is only used in the director's cut edits of episodes 21-24 and EoE, not in episode 9. Is this fanmade? Is there some obscure cut of episode 9 that my autistic ass didn't know about?
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Hey, I think this one is based on a wallpaper I made. Very nice :)
I remember posting it here on /wg/ on a thread about small file size wallpapers, I was on a dithering phase back then, unfortunately it was archived.
Might as well post the original here, since it also fits with the black/dark theme.
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How are those kind of dotted font signs called? Looking for similar papes
pretty sure it's dot matrix
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612 KB JPG
File: ShinZilla.png (1.14 MB, 3840x2160)
1.14 MB
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651 KB PNG
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225 KB PNG
File: Make-like-a-Tree.png (2.4 MB, 2400x1350)
2.4 MB
2.4 MB PNG
File: NeonHalo.png (879 KB, 2560x1440)
879 KB
879 KB PNG

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