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File: g1.jpg (3.18 MB, 4080x3060)
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Gondola thread (OC Edition)
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that's it
bump it. very based op
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I have 53 additional Gondola wallpapers.
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Might post a few individual papes, also mass upload for me being a lazy faggot as the captcha makes me not want to deal with it.
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/wg/ OC from eons ago. Maybe someone saved the line drawing versions that were shared?
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an oldie
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fuck hiro moot for the duplicate reply
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and last one. Everything else is in the post img on >>8060037
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Does anyone have the phone version of this with planets and stuff at the top?
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where do I get a gondola plushie?
which is a sub site of kommandostore.com
Bumping this thread since a good majority of the other threads on /wg/ are nothing more than coom fag-a-tronics and other low quality shit.
Good threads like this should live.
Isn't there a version of this with some text to it? something like "nobody told me it was gonna be like this.".
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here u go
Thank you!
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Happy to see my pic was popular enough to keep circulating in gondola threads. Need to take more shots.
I see what you did there Anon. well played
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I need to learn how to color grade my photography, this feels super washed out but I lost the RAW file and can't reasonably edit it anymore
nothing ever happens
nothing happens at all
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I gotchu anon, hope you end up seeing this.
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holy shit i've been looking for this for years now, lost my all my gondola papes a while ago. thank you anon
anon would you also happen to have that one gondola pape where gondola is running away from a house with bed sheets and a naked woman after sleeping with her?
I love this. Is there a higher res version?
Thread bump as a gondola thread must always exist on /wg/ and /wsg/
LOL I never thought I would see one of the photos I took on here. I posted that once maybe a year ago or so after my last trip to japan. I actually ended up moving there and brought gondola along. Good to see people liked that pick enough to download it. Will look into taking more over time since I live here now. <3.

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