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File: Kierkegaard Wallpaper.jpg (353 KB, 2560x1440)
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Can also be a /christian/ general wallpaper thread. But specifically looking for nice depictions of people like Kierkegaard, Luther, Augustine, Aquinas, etc.
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I used to be Christian
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so before anyone starts bitching and whining, George was born, raised, and educated, as a Catholic (i.e. Christian), so this is very much on-topic...
Why did you turn away?
>Why did you turn away?

Not the Anon you replied to, but I'm here so I'll give you an answer anyway because you deserve one.

It's because most normal well adjusted logically-minded people stop seeing their imaginary friend once they hit double digits.

Also, religion in general just sucks because it mostly boils down to a dick measuring contest where each religion claims that their imaginary friend is the best and most perfect and anyone who disagrees with their claim should take along walk off a short pier into the fires of the hereafter.

Fact is humanity has enough problems of its own creation as it is, adding religion into the mix just makes everything 100% worse, every single time without fail.

And as for George, he WAS a Christian, at least until he grew up enough to realise what a hypocritical and dangerous crock of shit all religion really is; he was also something of a modern day philosopher who freely offered his observations on society and the world at large to anyone willing to listen; so if his take on religion makes you uncomfortable, that's ultimately a YOU problem and so maybe you should analyse why you're so weak-willed that you need a man-made mental crutch to get you through your day-to-day life.

And no, reddit isn't the solution either.
I wish for you my friend to come to the Lord and I am sorry for you and your soul. Keep well.
It's not, because he said this whilst an atheist and died an atheist. Good try on posting content irrelevant to the thread though!
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>Keep well.
Thank you Anon, may you have peace and long life.

Regardless of when he said the thing in his later years, he was still talking based upon his whole life experience to that point, including his early Catholic/Christian upbringing, which makes the whole point relevant to this thread whether you like it or not.

Also, whether he lived and died an athiest is irrelevant here because if you're a true Christian you should have tolerance and forgiveness in your heart not judgement, because only your god can stand in true judgement of any soul.
It's not on topic, because I titled the thread "Christian Philosophers and Theologians." George Carlin was no such thing, hence you are still off-topic. You have, finally, posted an on-topic pape so I will give you that at least.

It's also God, not god.
>It's also God, not god.

instead of being a pedantic ass, you should forgive my spellchecker for autocorrecting to all lowercase like the good christian you supposedly are
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Does anyone have any good 1920x1080 Catholic wallpapers?
You sound like a redditor. Go back to r/atheism
never used reddit, likely won't ever use it either because it's mostly just a leftist liberal shitshow masquerading as a low quality social media platform
You did not have to insult anon
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>It's also God, not god.
ok so is he suggesting that we should murder and steal and commit adultery? because those are one the list
Well you idolize a jester so... but anyway, you are absolutley insane not to believe in God. The teleological workings of the universe are so complex and percise that for someone to say that it came from nothing is a fool. Suppose you believe everything came from nothing by chance, how come nothing creates only universes? Why is it that nothing created everything only once billions of years ago and never again? It's a very odd thing to believe because we literally never see that happen. We never see things just emerge into existence from nothing, yet, I am sure you are an empiricist who only believes what his eyes tell him (this is the NPC bourgeoisie american default for worldview) yet you believe in the big bang wherein nothing created everything. Reevaluate your worldview. It is inconsistent because any atheist is automatically half retarded. "I am scared because I feel bad that I do evil things so let me just pretend God is fake" be a man and confront the situation with intellectual integrity.

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>ok so is he suggesting that we should murder and steal and commit adultery? because those are one the list

Of course he wasn't suggesting that, but if someone needs the main character of a man-made book to tell/guide them not to murder, steal, or commit adultery (or any of the other things on 'the list') then perhaps they have bigger personal issues, in which case they should probably listen to Michael...

>Well you idolize a jester

I never said I idolised anyone, I simply posted his comments that are relevant to this thread, however you (and/or other Anons) who are so triggered by this conversation that y'all chose to respond clearly do idolise... others, so I can only presume you're deflecting.

>for someone to say that it came from nothing is a fool
>you believe in the big bang wherein nothing created everything

Who said 'it' came from nothing? The most likely explanation is that the universe has simply always existed, but it has probably existed and restarted and existed again in a cycle, where the eventual collapse and explosion of everything gradually expanded to create everything... and so on over and over and over again, thus we're simply in the middle of one of those periods of... existence.

>this is the NPC bourgeoisie american default for worldview

And that comment right there tells me all I need to know about you; just know that your politics and your religion are ultimately hugely incompatible and depending on what happens in the very near future you may well have to make a choice between the two.

>be a man and confront the situation with intellectual integrity

I have, but the question is, what's stopping you from doing the same?
not a christian, not a theologian. off topic
except he WAS a christian, and he was speaking from personal experience on the subject, ergo it's very much on topic... maybe you need to listen to Michael too...

he was never a Christian. he was not a theologian. nor was he a philosopher. he was a degenerate "comedian"

and he had zero idea of what he was talking about.
* born and raised a catholic (christian) in an American Irish household in New York

*educated at a catholic school

* theologian (noun) - a person versed in theology, the study of matters relating to religious beliefs, practices, and doctrine.

George's early upbringing and education gave him at least some insight into catholicism and christianity, ergo he was speaking from a point of knowledge on the subject, thus he was as much a theologian as anyone else who has practised a religion for any amount of time.

* philosopher (noun) - a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields.

This is precisely what a true observational comedian does to some extent, ergo George was (as are so many other similar comedians) a philosopher of sorts.

* As a supposed christian you should know full well that it's not your place to judge anyone else. Equally, the only one here who apparently doesn't know what they're talking about appears to be yourself, so maybe take Michaels advice and get you some help before you embarrass yourself further...
You never were a Christian.
John 2:19
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us. But they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
> a person versed in theology, the study of matters relating to religious beliefs, practices, and doctrine.

this does not describe Carlin. if it did, he wouldn't have gotten literally everything wrong

> George's early upbringing and education gave him at least some insight into catholicism and christianity

maybe if he had payed attention. but he obviously didn't, ergo he was speaking from a place of ignorance, thus he was not a theologian in any sense.

> As a supposed christian you should know full well that it's not your place to judge anyone else.

also wrong. you should actually read the Bible and try to understand it. otherwise you'll continue to speak from a place of profound ignorance like your idiot hero Carlin.
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Diet of Worms
>this does not describe Carlin. if it did, he wouldn't have gotten literally everything wrong

wrong how exactly?

or are you seriously suggesting, as a christian, that god doesn't watch over his creations, that he didn't create and give his believers the ten commandments to follow, and that there is no heaven and hell

because those are the very things George was talking about... so you're either trolling or you're just full of shit and don't know what you're talking about
when i say he gets everything wrong. what i mean is that all his conclusions are wrong. the same way Terrance Howard is wrong when he says 1x1=2.

Carlin is a theologian and philosopher in the same way that Terrance Howard is a mathematician/physicist.

He's not
George only offers two conclusions in that particular observation, so by saying:

>what i mean is that all his conclusions are wrong

you're actually suggesting that not only does god NOT love people, but also that christian churches do not... request... 'donations' from their churchgoers in the name of god?

Or was George actually correct in both of those conclusions and you're just full of shit and now well and truly painted into a fucking corner.

Remember it's okay to admit you're wrong, just as it's okay to get some help with your issues before they consume you.
i can tell you're more of a 1x1=2 kinda guy.
so you actually do believe there's no heaven and hell, that god not only doesn't love people but he also doesn't watch over them along with the rest of his creations, that the church doesn't beg for money in gods name, and that god didn't create the ten commandments...

not much of a christian are you... in which case why are you in this thread decrying George and defending christianity exactly?

seems to me you're the one with the cognitive problems and you're just projecting onto others through the cloud of your own denial... get some help.

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