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Previous thread: >>8057725
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where are the futas?
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Why is there 2 of these threads?
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so, this is a relatively old series of threads here on /wg/. so whenever one of these hits bump limit some anon makes a continuation of it to keep the ball rolling. there’s a bitch ass pussy anon who insists on making the same thread but with “no futas” on the title. which is for all intents and purposes retarded because anons post few (if ever) futa or trans content. tldr: anon is a pussy snowflake that insists on making redundant threads just out of spite, to feel like a main character, or whatever petty bitch ass reason
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Or maybe, you’re a faggot who likes dicks and was the bitch ass pussy posting futa.
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anon… there’s literally not a single futa wallpaper on this thread. are you literally delusional? are all those futa posters in the room with you right now? you may have forgotten to take your risperidone today
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I don’t hear any denial, dick lover. Hmmmm…
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I could start posting futa if you want
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fags arguing over posting fag content. wow.
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not needed, but i personally don't lose sleep over it
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i'm conflicted: which one is better?
or this
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First one, with the plain background
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made for bbc
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Can I get the sauce? I've been looking for this doujin for ages
google Suketto Sanjou
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thanks mate
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Does anyone have any adult/true Midna?
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imp is better but sure.
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i've seen some good quality ones posted ocasionally in >>8058243
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>artifacts everywhere
>trash crop
anon, pls... step up your game
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I paid $20 for the set of this with the 4k gifs and I only now am finding out there's a nude version? I got robbed.
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you got robbed anyway lol
it's like when you buy something and then a week after it goes on sale, or when you buy a laundry machine and then the brand launches a new model. it's just the way the market works anon. I don't like it at all, but it's the way the cookie crumbles
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is this AI? because it looks so trash tier, and so removed from the original character that’s difficult to imagine an artist doing this deliberately.
difficult to imagine an artist adding massive tits to an easily sexualized character? are you retarded?
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Anon explicitly stated that’s not about the lewd, it’s about the quality of the art and the blatant disregard for the original character’s look and feel. I can agree though, some artist DO distance themselves from the source material on purpose. But in those cases the results are more often than not hideous and low quality.
>Anon explicitly stated that’s not about the lewd

Fucking where?

>But in those cases the results are more often than not hideous and low quality.

Tits are tits, people want to fuck the catgirl get over it.
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oh no, shit edit anon is back... ffs
cry harder then?
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Die in a fire, then?
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98% of this crap belongs on >>>/w/
don't be retarded anon, >>>/w/ is a strictly sfw board.
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this girl kinda looks familiar. any anon know where she’s from?
Isn't that just Ganyu from Genshin Impact?
wouldn't know, i'm not familiar with gensihn impact
Yes, it's Ganyu. It doesn't really capture her design much, but she has the same horns and the bell collar is a dead giveaway.
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Wow. Shit-Tier Edit Anon went to town on this last stretch

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