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File: 1.png (30 KB, 1920x1080)
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Wallpapers featuring text / quotes
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File: The Game.jpg (75 KB, 1440x900)
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The Game
Does anybody have the one where the text say something along the lines of "the world doesn't care how strong or weak you are -- man up or die"?
I did calligraphy in the alternative english alphabet called shavian for the cover of my book.
The plain text is:
𐑚𐑰𐑕𐑑𐑕 𐑐𐑼 𐑮𐑪𐑚𐑼𐑑 𐑒𐑵𐑯𐑴 𐑪𐑛𐑩𐑥𐑧𐑯𐑑
Beasts per robert kuno adamant
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Here you go anon
File: marx quote.jpg (963 KB, 3840x2160)
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..fuck you
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of course everything is falling apart, your new life will cost you your old one
no thanks mate, I don't smoke
File: grammar.jpg (1.87 MB, 1920x1080)
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>my sides
this is what reddit is good for
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9:16 for phones
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File: Tea.jpg (456 KB, 1920x1080)
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God. Damn. It.
However, I will suffer this burden alone. I will not transmit this plague.
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thanks I initially scrolled past it because
but that was worth the read.
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