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File: 1694556774954721.jpg (4.78 MB, 3840x2160)
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I don't know how to describe it. Pastel, drawn, cozy, cartoonish, fantasy, ghibli-like
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anyone have something like OP but less gay and less star wars?
Skinny comfy
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There Is Only One God Allah And Muhammad Is His Messenger
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So why am i supposed to believe you over the other guy? There are so many competing religions, it's hard for an outsider to understand what makes any of you more right than the other.
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anything from Kiki's delivery service that is not a cheap copy like this?
what monster hunter should have become today instead of mhwilds
not if you're gonna be rude about it
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muhammad is false profit and allah is pagan god.
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So is the Jewish/Christian one, it's descended from Yahweh/El, which was a bunch of Bronze Age gods combined into one
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It's a lil low res but you can waifu2x it if you want.. just didn't wanna post a non-original version
oh fuck yea

anyone remember the game "worlds adrift"?
it was almost something quite special, but the servers shut down after a year or so.
it was the same studio that did "surgeon simulator 2013", funnily enough.
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>anyone remember the game "worlds adrift"?

The company that made that game are currently working on new one called "Lost Skies"

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are you boys fucking retarded? why post these square bullshit images. nobody uses 4:3 anymore. post widescreen or get bent suckers
NTA, I use 4:3. I am not from this board and clicked on a banner at at a whim. I have been on this board for 5 minutes tops. 4:3 is fine.
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