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File: Wallpaper01_wide_b (1).jpg (1.64 MB, 3840x2160)
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1.64 MB JPG
Not general Star Wars, but lightsabers. Specifically hilts, their designs, and the mechanical aspects therein. Kyber crystals also okay.
File: 317057.jpg (959 KB, 1920x1080)
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959 KB JPG
File: ilelghmilhmdaarzndbg.jpg (49 KB, 1366x768)
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File: maxresdefault.jpg (142 KB, 1280x720)
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i got really into those with the beginning of the latest trilogy
Didn't last long, since it didn't take long for it all to turn sour, but the sabers replicas still really tickled my tism

I still think they look really cool, even removed from star wars a bit
Cool toys
File: DarthVaderLightsaber.jpg (189 KB, 2048x2048)
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189 KB JPG
>Specifically hilts
So no people wielding them? Only hilt art?

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