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i checked and couldn't find a painting thread, so gimmie your favourite paintings! let's keep it to traditional media, so no digital works

name of the artist/work would be appreciated, either in file name or post
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That's about it for now. will post more later.
The artist is Julian Russell Story, and is dated 1888. dunno what went wrong with the filename.
thanks for the contributions anon!
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the quality on this one is criminal, but i'm uploading it anyway cause i really like it. i added a bit of noise to mask the artifacts, but you can only do so much. might be decent for a tablet wallpaper though
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James Ensor - The Intrigue

Not the biggest fan of his work overall but this one has always moved me.
this reminded me a bit of gregory jacobsen's work! esp the faces
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great thread, lemme add a couple
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Milagro de Empel - Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau
A Moonlit Night at Sea - Ivan Aivazovsky
Not sure but I think this is Vladimir Davydenko
Aftenstemning - Amaldus Nielsen
Francis Coate Jones
This is oddly cropped and dark
Fidelity - Briton Riviere
Sorrow For The Whales - Artem Chebokha
oo love this one!
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how much would you be wiling to pay to learn how to paint like this in a moment?
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The Roses of Heliogabalus - Alma-Tadema
The Battle With Torches - Theodor Aman
No clue, Subject looks like montague dawson but the style is different.
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It is possible that I have never hated a piece of art more than this.
It represents everything I hate about this stupid fucking society and the people in it.
I was born 200 years too late and it gnaws at my fucking soul.
sucks to suck i guess lol
That's quite the reaction. Do you dislike the painting because it presents themes you find objectionable, such as consumerism, hedonism, and debauchery? Or is your aversion directed towards the manner in which these themes are portrayed?
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this one makes me sad
It is by Dawson. The title is "Land Ho! The Clipper Ship North America."
It is grotesque for the sake of grotesqueness, and it hides behind a hint of symbolism, uses it as an excuse to expose itself to the rest of us.
Like a faggot in an open dress with the nipples cut out on a parade float. Pretending his exhibitionism fetish has anything to do with pride or identity.
I resent the ruse, the lack of talent, and the people who lend it legitimacy by pretending it has value aesthetically or thematically.
No, it sucks to be anyone who gave this lecherous Jew money under the guise of purchasing art.
I’d argue Jacobsen's use of grotesque imagery is a deliberate artistic choice that serves to challenge traditional aesthetic norms and provoke deeper contemplation.

The comparison made to exhibitionism is, I think, a misinterpretation of Jacobsen's intent. His art does not hide behind symbolism but employs it to evoke a visceral response and encourage viewers to engage with the underlying themes.
Art is not solely about beauty or pleasing the eye; it is also about evoking emotion, provoking thought, and challenging perceptions.

Artistic legitimacy is not granted by consensus but by the ability to stir dialogue and reflection. Jacobsen's work has undeniably achieved this, as evidenced by the strong reactions it elicits. To deride his art as valueless is to miss the opportunity to engage with it on a deeper level and to recognize the broader spectrum of what art can represent.

You can take solace in knowing that you are not alone in your opinion. From what I've read, many people, including myself, dislike his work.
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>I’d argue Jacobsen's use of grotesque imagery is a deliberate artistic choice that serves to challenge traditional aesthetic norms and provoke deeper contemplation.
It's like a conversation in reverse. I literally addressed this and dismissed it in the comment you're replying to.
Almost like I knew the bullshit you were going to spew before you spewed it, because American "education in art" is actually just an act of memorizing a script of apologetics.
>The comparison made to exhibitionism is, I think, a misinterpretation of Jacobsen's intent.
See >>8070139 where he LITERALLY says it's about "self exploration of his body." He's waving his cock on the parade float and you lack the spine to admit what it is.
>Artistic legitimacy is not granted by consensus but by the ability to stir dialogue and reflection.
No, it's granted by a small group of gatekeepers that investors take their cues from. Everyone downstream from that are useful idiots.
>Jacobsen's work has undeniably achieved this, as evidenced by the strong reactions it elicits.
You're arguing for a piece of human shit on a coffee table being art, as it elicits a "strong reaction."
>To deride his art as valueless is to miss the opportunity to engage with it on a deeper level
The "deeper level" of his public exploration of his body? There is no deeper level. He's a pervert.
>and to recognize the broader spectrum of what art can represent.
It represents nothing but the artist's mental illness and the degree to which people with money have no taste and/or use pop culture garbage like this as a tax-free investment. And apparently the degree to which indie bands will supplement their mediocre albums by putting this disgusting kike's "art" on the covers.
I could give a shit about consensus. My opinion on the matter of American consumerist pop art is correct.
AI has killed this pathetic industry, and it is an industry, and I'm thrilled about it. May he starve.
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tldr, kindly take your edgy and boring opinions elsewhere
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Yeah no the opinion that the degenerate faggot's painting is trash, that's edgy.
Not the painting itself. Bruh, that's, like, totally, like, art, bruh.
OMG the middle-school tier tranny art is so exciting, ugh actual negative criticism of it is soooo boring. It tooootally warrants thoughtful criticism of it's suuuuper deep themes.
You fucking midwit.

I apologize if my previous message was upsetting. I recognize that images depicting our feelings about body dysmorphia can be very triggering.

Dismissing the artist as a pervert is, at best, puritanical. Many would argue that his art delves into themes of vulnerability, identity, and the human condition, encouraging deeper reflection on the boundaries between the grotesque and the beautiful. It is understandable that such exploration can be challenging.

If we are to argue that the art represents the artist's mental illness, should we dismiss other paintings of the insane.jpg?
The Parthenon - Frederic Edwin Church
Bonaparte Before the Sphinx - Jean-Léon Gérôme
may he rest - briton rivière
Pretty sure this is AI
Cotopaxi - Frederic Edwin Church
One of my favorite paintings ever.
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don't worry anon, i'll be sure to include a trigger warning next time i post his work
>edgy and boring
lol do you know where you are, retarded faggot?
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I'm not the anon you've been baiting, I had to remind you that your soul is tarnished and you are lost.

I assure you, that is not a state to inspire envy or respect.
>>8070152 is definitely AI.
Last sentence of the post:
>AI has killed this pathetic industry, and it is an industry, and I'm thrilled about it. May he starve.
Take it easy it's just a drawing
Goddamn, this fucking thing is hideous and it lacks truth. It's defined without immersion It's grotesque without Horror or Beuty. It's fucking flat like a stale beer.
you're giving it more meaning than it actually has, like >>8070137 put it, it's grotesque, degenerate and disgusting for the sake of it, but the artist himself and mid-wit trannies like (you) attribute some sort of non-existent deeper meaning to justify calling this horrendous perverted piece of shit "art".
You think you're cutting through pretentiousness, but all you're doing is flaunting your own ignorance and lack of cultural sensitivity.

You accuse it of being grotesque and degenerate “for the sake of it” without even trying to understand the intentionality behind it. Instead, you dismiss it because you find its content and themes objectionable.

It demonstrates a narrow-minded view that can't comprehend the purpose of grotesque art, which is to challenge and provoke, not to fit neatly into your preconceived notions of horror or beauty.

No one expects you to like it. Indeed, I don't. But it’s unreasonable to let prudish views prevent you from considering that the work may possess deeper meaning than you are willing to acknowledge.
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>cultural sensitivity
As the other anon predicted, you've proven yourself to be a faggot reciting a Lib Sharts script.
>It demonstrates a narrow-minded view that can't comprehend the purpose of grotesque art
The tranny "artist" literally says in his bio that he's just showing his ass to everyone. Fuck off there's no deeper meaning in this garbage.
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I don't give a shit about your up-your-own-ass standards, You can call me ignorant all you want I can see the emperor has no clothes. That art fundamentally lacks truth and if you had good taste you'd see that for yourself. it dosen't illuminate shit about the human condition its flat and boring. Besides, the result, on its own merits cannot be discredited as a piece must be able to speak for itself, as the day might come where it *will* have to. If we're so unfortunate as a species that those trash paintings where to be preserved 1000 years into the future what will they mean? jack and shit besides their historical relevance.
Thread topic is paintings, not prolonged neurotic rambling about degeneracy

post paintings and save commentary for your blog
Between the holes of memory - Dominique Appia
The Souls of Acheron - Adol Hiermy Hirschl
Dwarkapuri - Gaganendranath Tagore
Saint Michael the Archangel - Claudio Coello
The Oath of Omladina Under the Slavic Linden Tree - Alphonse Mucha
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exactly, and more specifically, post paintings of a size and quality suited for wallpapers, not trash like >>8070911
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Let's enjoy some Samori's.
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>even in black utopia everyone is hideously ugly, there's a pit bull and multiple stereos blasting music over the sounds of nature
Beyond parody
Cool article about the work and the artist.
>A masterpiece of unparalleled formal rigor and graphic grandeur, Past Times is the definitive embodiment of Kerry James Marshall’s revolutionary painterly practice.
Lmfao. No author named. This is a paid piece.
>Executed in 1997, the magnificent panorama of Past Times thunderously declares the arrival of Marshall’s mature artistic project: the utter and indisputable mastery of traditional art historical modes to counter the glaring absence of the black figure within the canon of Western painting.
Wow cool article anon. I'm totally going to read the rest of this native advertising from someone trying to sell this piece of shit painting.
Last quote from this dumpster fire:
>When questioned about the uncompromising blackness of his figures, the artist himself remarked, “Extreme blackness plus grace equals power. I see the figures as emblematic; I’m reducing complex variations of tone to rhetorical dimension: blackness.”
Mmm. Yeah. Good stuff, my nigger.
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