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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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I need new couple ones, I only have these three.
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295 KB JPG
look in torrent, there is a huge file available with lots of 40k wallpapers inside.
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3.39 MB PNG
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Anyone has the images ArchWarhammer uses in his videos?
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what can i say i love da nuns with guns
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1.35 MB PNG
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1.88 MB PNG
cringe af
File: Inquisitor (2).jpg (1.35 MB, 963x1191)
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1.35 MB JPG
That's why your 40K thread is getting zero traffic, fagmo.
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99 KB
>cringe af
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Fuck having Space Marine 2 release on a monday
and the iiinfluencers got it even earlier
i just love watching others play the game four days before i can even download it
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poor issue
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5.42 MB PNG
Shit like this is, and will always be, 40K thread poison.
cry more pussy bitch its literally 40k
take your faggoty weebshit to /a/.
File: Emperor in the Webway.jpg (1.21 MB, 2560x1440)
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1.21 MB JPG
>Fan-drawn anime-style kawaii-chan headcanon horse shit is literally 40K
Sure, buddy. Gotta wonder why your thread has been stagnating for 2 months.
not even my thread retard
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324 KB JPG
>doesn't deny that it's fan-drawn anime-style kawaii-chan headcanon horse shit
then stop poisoning someone elses thread
File: wallhaven-2yezqy.png (3.25 MB, 1920x1126)
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3.25 MB PNG
cry more lmao
enjoy your ride on the hindenburg
Throne of Terra, that picture is terrible. No wonder your pissing into the wind has been the most attention this thread's had for weeks.
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3.9 MB PNG
>proceeds to post sfm
>talks shit on another post with that 'contribution'
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1.92 MB PNG
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Best Emperor from the best book starring him
Can you imagine what the Drukhari will do with them?
what the fuck?
Dirty xenos
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2.21 MB PNG
Do you have any 4K desktop wallpapers? Darktide needs a photo mode.
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413 KB JPG
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5.81 MB
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2.51 MB JPG

The Emperor of Mankind is a cultured one, and in his walk through the world, through the aeons, he remembered once upon a time, a long, long time ago, he used to live amongst the people, and lived in a dingy apartment, as it was called back then, and used to listen to all manners of cultured music, and played with all manners of cultured video games, and interacted with all manners of cultured image boards and livestreams.

Those were the times, back in the 21st century in the Age of Terra.
And as a gift to Humanity, as important as the Webway itself, was another secret project of The Emperor of Mankind. The Lamasu Legion, named after the guardian spirit of humanity, the Lamassu.

This Legion is unique amongst the other Legions such that The Emperor of Mankind not only gave them his own gene code, he also seeded them with the gene code of the cultural icons of the past aeons, in and with the vision to bring Culture back to Humandkind and the rest of the galaxy. Humanity is not just the physical body and the mind, it's also the spirit and soul, that is why as Humanity must and will step into it's next evolution, it must and will cultivate and grow it's spirit and soul alongside.

Of the many gene codes of cultural icons, one was his favored one, his oshi, his bias. And she is Boss Hiisama, and The Emperor of Mankind has chosen her gene code as the Primarch of the Lamasu Legion.

Alas, Boss Hiisama and The Lamasu Legion was lost and trapped in the Maelstrom for the final battle against the Abyss, the deepest, darkest part of that damned place.

But fret not, the Secret Archives of The Emperor of Mankind has been uncovered. In the location where he used to live as a commoner long ago, where he used to play "vidya gaems" while he worked an 8 Terran hour job in the morning during a time when the Sun was still visible in the Terran sky. Unlike the lost secrets in the creation of the other Primarchs, the Galaxy has been blessed with the found secret to imbue The Living with the gene code and spirit of cultural icons.

Register now and be part of the newly reincarnated Lamasu Legion.

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3.38 MB PNG
Take your own joyless tizmy retard ass to the nearest dumpster and throw yourself in it.
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1.88 MB
1.88 MB PNG
Objectively correct
Coomers ruin everything
And they’ll deny that its sexual at the same time as they commission/ai generate a billion pics of their 40k waifu
cry more you contributed nothing to the thread

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