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Expect some downtime in the next few minutes for upgrades!

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File: 1722196895889564.jpg (3.64 MB, 2560x1440)
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Summer is ending and seasonal depression is already hitting me. Post anything that matches this vibe I guess
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>seasonal depression because summer is ending
fuck summer
i hate the heat
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Move to Scandinavia. Our summers are 2 month long and mostly just filled with rainy days. Followed by 10 months of total darkness
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For me always hits a little in September but the halloween festivities and fall foliage sort of make up for it, then a bit harder in late November but then Christmas and New Years sort of counters it but it really hits hard in mid to late January and lasts until Spring. The difference is really nothing to counter it at this time, it just feels like a truly dead time period. There really should be one more holiday in early February.

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