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2340x1080 wallpapers
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Thank you, skilled poster.
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You're very welcome, me dude.
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is there something in this style that isn't AI generated?
AI slop garbage
homossexual detected
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i want more of this style what its called?
Dunno, son. I think I've got it from the DALL-E thread on /g/. Or maybe it was the Stable/Local Diffusion thread.
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1.43 MB JPG
This thread sucks
don’t bump it then, retard
nice. smw overworld looked nice and that cave area was comfy. I think there's a secret pipe on the right top corner that let's you peek at the final section where Bowser's castle is located. great first location.
Anymore smw stuff?
I saw this image of the came and thought: "this area will be good for a wallpaper". I'll see what else I can find.
File: 1707640576466905.png (1.34 MB, 1080x2340)
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Yeah, that map was the best.
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1.3 MB PNG
I can't post WebM wallpapers with this resolution.
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Hard to believe I found the fucking faggot who didn't like those wallpapers.
Make that two, fuck this AI generated slop
File: 1699405803626958.png (803 KB, 1080x2340)
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803 KB PNG
Are you fucking retarded? There are many non-AI wallpapers here.
This thread sucks, your wallpapers are ass shit, and you're gay.

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