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Natsoc, white identity, generalized nationalism, patriotism.

not allowed: Internationalism, multiculturalism, communism.
wait, weren't nazis supposed to be left wing?
Yes, yes they were. Everything about the original natsocs was entirely socialist - from their politics to their words and their actions - with their party sitting somewhere between center-left and (increasingly closer to) far-left on the traditional political spectrum.

However, you can thank the soviets leader (and the various allied governments of the day) for everyone now believing the natsocs back then were right wing - the soviets leader started the lie that the natsocs were right wing at the end of the war to try and paint communism in a more positive light to help it spread around the world by distancing communism's own extreme authoritarian anti-human tendencies from the extreme authoritarian anti-human atrocities perpetrated by the austrian painter and his pals before and during the war; the various allied governments at that time all simply chose to push that communist lie onto their own citizens rather than risk starting WWIII with the soviets, mostly because the various European allies were all on the bones of their ass economically while the U.S. politicians wanted no part in another war so soon after the last one had just ended.

As to why modern natsocs believe they're far-right or they frequently get painted as such, some of it is obviously borne out of a belief in that postwar lie, and some it comes from the totally predictable reaction against the spread of socialist ideologies that increasingly target traditional liberal/conservative values over time, while in a lot of cases folks are now being painted as "far-right" when they're simply being either old-school liberals or traditional conservatives, but with how far to the left the modern political spectrum has now swung it makes most of those liberals and conservatives seem like they're moving further and further to the right by comparison when they're not actually moving at all.

The actual far-right-wing equivilent of the natsocs would be groups like The National Front.
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>not allowed: communism.

Let's not forget that WWII effectively started with a non-aggression pact (the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact) between the natsocs and the soviets, that included them agreeing to separately invade Poland and then split it (more or less) down the middle.

That the natsocs then subsequently broke that pact and invaded the USSR simply boils down to the fact that the austrian painter and his buddies got greedy based on both the early successes of the german military in western europe and north africa, and their increasing need for the kinds of key resources and raw materials that the soviets had available in abundance - fortunately Mother Nature herself played a key part in fucking up the natsocs grand plans for the eastern front.

The fact remains though that for the first couple of years of the war the natsocs and soviets were very much together in an alliance of sorts. Let's also not forget that for slightly more than a decade up until just before the austrian painter finally took power in 1934 the german military had been quietly rebuilding and training it forces at factories and facilities within the USSR with the help of the communists.

So despite the best efforts of the various allied powers to lie about the politics of the natsocs after the war, it seems there really wasn't that much ideologically separating the natsocs and the communists after all seeing as how they were apparently quite comfortable quietly working together for the better part of almost TWO DECADES.
>disregarding hitler in his own book mentions communism as one of the greatest enemies of germany

>disregarding socialists/communists were among the first in his camps

You really don't have to take anyone's word for it but the man himself.
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>Mmm I love yummy yummy cocks and Communism!
>Adolf Hitler in a speech to the Reichstag, 1937
He only turned against Communism after he attacked Russia
He never lost his love for cock though, he spent his final days in a fortress under Berlin that he dubbed "Der Fuckerbunker" where he and his longtime lover Steva Braun sucked each other dry all day until Hitler's death from AIDS on April 30, 1945
The next day, Berlin was liberated by the Russians, who immediately repealed all of Hitler's laws forbidding heterosexuality, and that's why Europeans celebrate May 1 as "May Day", because it used to be called "Gay Day" and everyone except Hitler hated it
>>disregarding socialists/communists were among the first in his camps

The first rule of any socialist ideology taking power (whether the ideology is from centre-left to far-left on the traditional political spectrum) is to remove from society ANYONE who has even a shred of the intelligence needed to not only see what a shitshow that ideology really is, but who then openly turns against the ideology; this not only includes folks from opposing centrist and right-wing political ideologies, but very much also ANY left-wing folks who may initially have even openly supported that very same socialist ideology that took power.

In fact it's often been the most outspoken former supporters turned opponents of a socialist/communist ideology who get rounded up and removed first, well ahead of more obvious opponents from elsewhere on the political spectrum; this is done precisely to set an example to other supporters who may have been quietly sitting on the fence that you should just shut up, get in line with the ideology, and don't turn on your masters or else you too will be randomly disappeared.

This is why wherever an extreme socialist regime has taken over control of a nation in the past one of the first groups to be taken out just about every time has been the teachers, professors, and local intelligentsia, because those folks are all not only most likely to initially be avid supporters, but are also most likely to have the brains to realise exactly how bad the regime actually is and start speaking out against it.

Weirdly though in the modern day, the centre and right-wing are being openly targetted first, but whichever way these modern socialist governments do things, those on the left, including active supporters, are very much NOT exempt from their ideology's attention, so if all centre/right-wing opposition eventually does goes away anyone on the left who then dares show any kind of wrong-think WILL be next on the chopping block - this is guaranteed.
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>half the thread is arguing and not posting wallpapers
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Got em
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authoritative and economically left (trade/labor protectionism, social services, complete control over corporations eg. they were shut down if they didn't benefit the people). Basically capitalist except they had to do whatever the fuck the gov said or else.

For example Hitler personally commissioned the volkswagen. He made them design it to meet the specs he wanted:
>must get 35mpg while going 60mph with a family of 5 inside
>engine must be air cooled since rural people didn't have garages
>forced them to make the price affordable to all german citizens
Volkswagen literally means "The People's Car"

economically: auth left
culturally/socially: as right wing as you can get
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Does anyone have these wallpapers? I only have a cropped screenshot but they have the black sun on them and come in different colors.
>5 people inside a Volkswagen Bug
Nazis are literal clowns lol
This is a great picture. Who is the original artist?
2 in the front.
Three in the back.

I HAVE been in an actual genuine one,
There is the room.

However the joke used to go:

HOW do you fit the Jackson 5 into a Volkswagon ?

Two in the front, two in the back and Michael in the ashtray.

( after the pepsi-max pyrotechnics incident ) :)
mein bludhund gang
That's because only an extremist retard would have nazi shit as their wallpaper, and extremist retards are fucking terrible at graphic design. That's why pride flags look like fucking shit and why wehraboos' hero is a failed art student.
Nobody's posting nazi shit because nobody has nazi shit because nazi shit looks like ass.
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>economically: auth left
>culturally/socially: as right wing as you can get


If your government is actively dictating to you, a native citizen of your country, the tenets of your own cultural identity and/or how you're allowed to act socially, those are definitely NOT the hallmarks of a traditional right-wing old-school liberal or conservative political party, they are however the definitively classic hallmarks of a traditional authoritarian socialist political party.

On the other hand actually old-school liberal and conservative parties are generally operated on the basis of the party trying to keep the amount of government interference in peoples daily lives to a bare minimum wherever possible, while they focus on key things like making sure the national education system and the educators within it are actually fit for purpose, that the nations military is properly funded and equipped and trained to be as effective as possible, making sure that individuals and businesses are free to be as prosperous as they can be, while also making sure that businesses not breaking the law and that any employees are protected from wannabe-scumbag employers, and so on, hopefully you get the idea.

In this case the natsocs, as a political party, were entirely socialist across the board, culturally, socially, economically, and by prety much any other measure too, nothing about their politics had much of anything to do with even old-school liberalism much less traditional conservatism.

>Basically capitalist except they had to do whatever the fuck the gov said or else.

I think you misunderstand what capitalism actually is. None of the things on that short list you wrote there, things that you correctly identified as all being "authoritative (I presume you meant authoritarian) and economically left" by the way so kudos to you for that, actually have anything whatsoever to do with traditional capitalist principles.
>culturally and socially left
oh yeah i forgot leftists are known for burning books on transexuality and pornography and banning immigration for non-whites.
wtf are you talking about anon
>getting hung up on the fact that those other guys censor slightly different wrongthink than you
lol shut the fuck up
i support the nazi book burning and their anti-degenerate disposition
learn to read
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How do you find your way on to 4chan while stilling being this much of a church lady?
The only reason the Nazis lost the battle against this satanic banking cartel is because they weren't Christian. The jews won't be defeated until the biblical apocalypse. That's how they've survived ass whooping after ass whooping for like 3,000 years.

Jesus prophesied the destruction of the 2nd Temple which was fulfilled in 73 AD. Once (((they))) topple the Dome of the Rock and erect the 3rd temple it will bring about their messiah (the Antichrist) and the book of Revelation will unfold.

There's something prophetically significant about jews being forced out of the Holy Land into the Diaspora after the deicide of Christ and now they're back 2,000 years later on the dot. They've purchased red heifers of "sacrificial quality", a prerequisite for building the 3rd temple. Next is destroying the dome of the rock (because it's on top of where the 2nd temple was) and defeating the Arabs. Only God knows when this will happen. Likely not in our lifetime.
>The jews won't be defeated until the biblical apocalypse.
If you truly believe that then why do anything at all? This deterministic view of the world creates passivity and is poisonous to our people.

Hitler's Germany was neither Christian or pagan. It combined the best aspects of both traditions and was in the process of building the closest thing to Plato's republic that had been achieved.

If you want the Christian side in WW2 you can find it on the other side of the Atlantic.
nazis were dripping swag. their uniforms fit perfect and their aesthetic was top tier. that's why villains became cool in movies; they make them look nazi-esque
hugo boss baby
not at all dude. i fully support removing jews from positions of power & influence, shipping them all back to israel, and creating a state bank with a labor-backed currency like the nazis did.
btw read "a history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind" if you haven't; it's absolutely essential. it was written by the former head of the south african central bank who died under (((mysterious circumstances))).

i'm simply stating the jew can't be truly defeated until the end times, doesn't mean we can't improve our situation currently
>i'm simply stating the jew can't be truly defeated until the end times
I reject that idea. Jews aren't magical or special. They don't hold some special status.
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You learn to read, you stupid nigger, the whole point is that nazi retards are essentially authoritarian socialists
Far left retards censor shit constantly, and you saying "We censor DIFFERENT shit constantly!" does not disprove that
>mysterious circumstances
Mystery solved: he was old as shit
>This user is underage.
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>and banning immigration for non-whites.

Apart from at the very far-right end of the political spectrum (e.g. The National Front) most traditional right-wing parties actually don't have a problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION that is conducted through proper lawful channels by folks who are legitimately interested in entering a nation to become decent actually productive law-abiding members of society.

Where most right-wing parties DO have a problem though is with rampant ILLEGAL MIGRATION, otherwise more fully known as ILLEGAL ECONOMIC MIGRATION, by which the migrators categorically do not use proper lawful channels of entry into a nation, and absolutely do not have any intention of becoming decent productive law-abiding members of society because their primary interest is in abusing/taking advantage of the social welfare system of the nation they've illegally entered - often with the direct assistance of the nations own government/civil service.

And that's the key difference between the two very different groups, the majority of left-wing parties (and their supporters) around the world are now almost 100% in favor of open borders and ILLEGAL MIGRATION regardless of the obvious economic, social, and legal problems such an insane policy would (and does) result in, whereas just about all traditional old-school liberal and actually conservative parties would rather their nations borders be properly secured and only LEGAL IMMIGRATION be permitted.

Also, the interesting thing about non-white communities supporting ILLEGAL MIGRATION because they've been told by their socialist masters that it's being done to replace/remove 'the white man' fail to see the larger issue with (and dirty little secret about) such an idiotic policy, namely that it's NOT just the white man that's being replaced, and not only that but the groups that will likely be negatively affected first, and probably the hardest, are those very same non-white communities.
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harald damsleth
men will be nazi but still refuse to help bring up white birthrates. it's as if the only thing men care about is appearing based instead of actually living a dignified life. men are literal masturbation whores addicted to porn in current day
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niggas be breedin your wives and daughters and there’s nothin y’all crackas can do bout it
>men... still refuse to help bring up white birthrates

To be fair women in general, and feminism specifically, is directly responsible for all of that because a lot of women decided (starting some 60 years ago) that they needed men like a fish needs a bicycle and that all they instead needed in their life for fulfillment and satisfaction was to be over-bearing self-empowered girl bosses or perhaps onlyfans models.

Except now these women have taken their strident feminism to such extremes that most men no longer want to have anything to do with all these toxic females, and as a result some women are finally waking up and starting to realise that to actually have a chance of being happy and life-satisfied (rather than miserable and forever alone) they actually needed a male partner like fish needs chips all along; hence all the videos starting to appear online with women in their late 20's and older all loadly bemoaning to their social media followers the fact that they're now completely alone and no man wants to date them.

>men are literal masturbation whores addicted to porn

Which is ironic because at the same time women are literally whoring themselves out on sites like pornhub and onlyfans for bulk cash to the kinds of men they almost certainly wouldn't want to date and/or have as a life partner to make a family with because almost none of those men would match up to the womens utterly unrealistic concept of what their ideal partner would actually be, because that 'ideal partner' either doesn't actually exist or wouldn't want to be with a woman longterm who'd whored herself online to hundreds/thousands of men for cash.

It's almost as if social media in ALL it's forms is a really really bad fucking idea, but if you dared suggest to these men and women that they all put their phones down and turn their computers off and instead go out and casually meet and just talk to each other, they'd all look at you like you were bat shit fucking crazy.
You can try to troll all you want, but fact is it doesn't actually matter what combination of race and gender you look at because the same problem exists across almost the entire board; because, other than stereotypical simps who'll degrade themselves just to be near any woman, most ordinary men now appear to want absolutely nothing to do with some kind of aggressively masculine modern feminist female. Plus if a man did take a chance on a woman and it all went wrong and he dared to dump her the man now stands a better then average chance of being falsely accused out of spite/revenge by the woman of some sex crime or other.

So it doesn't actually matter if it's some lunatic white liberal woman, or some obnoxious ratchet black woman, or whatever the case may be, the inescapable truth is that most men with more than a couple of braincells to rub together now want no part of that hyper-feminist bullshit in their lives because it's simply not worth the aggravation.

The other thing is though that there actually are a lot of perfectly good safe fairly well-adjusted men out there who'd be more than happy to partner up with some equally fairly well-adjusted woman and make a family, but the odds of finding a traditional woman like that nowadays (particularly in the western hemisphere) is pretty fucking slim because they sadly seem to be the exception rather than the rule.
yakub thread
itt everyone forgot their meds
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What kind of faggot chud thread is this?
>unconditionally surrenders
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Not that anon, FPITT, but this in my opinion is the most powerful truth about life there is.

Sad, but absolutely true.
Why is the Nazi/Nat-Soc culture so inherently racist and intolerant of other races and cultures? A culture can reach the pinnacle of advancement in all areas without having to demean or look down upon other cultures, etc. Why not improve one's own self, community, et al. without interfering with the others?
That's not a problem exclusive to natsocs though.

ALL ideologies, towards BOTH ends of the political spectrum by the way, generally show at least some kind of racial/cultural/social intolerance towards anybody who doesn't perfectly fit into that ideology, which often leads to the ideology also either moving to try and force those outsiders to 'fit in', whether through legislation and/or by physical/mental coercion, or to permanently and entirely remove the outsiders in some way or other from the society that particular ideology has control over.

This is why all classical and modern leftist ideologies tend to try and divide their society up into smaller and smaller groups with distinct labels that are then placed in a heirarchy of victimhood/power (i.e. friend or foe to the ideology), so that they can then more quickly identify and then attack/cancel/remove any group that they deem unworthy of support from the ideology.

Note too how old-school liberal and traditional conservative groups tend not use this same tactic, with them instead generally being more open and accepting of, and less devisive to, others; while true actually far-right ideologies quickly fall into the same leftist pattern of labelling groups in society for the purpose of identifying 'friend or foe'.

In reality the mistake most people make when trying to imagine the political spectrum is that it's represented by a straight line from left to right.

In truth though, once you get to the far ends of the political spectrum in most cases the distinctions between the very far left and very far right are so slim as to be almost indistinguishable, meaning the best representation of the spectrum isn't actually a line, instead it's a circle, where the two far ends nearly meet at a point almost directly opposite classical old-school liberalism (not to be confused with so-called 'modern liberalism' which is just a leftist deflection for 'socialism').
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The SS was literally one of the most multicultural fighting forces in history you fucking idiot. We aren't intolerant of other cultures or races but we wish to preserve our own cultures and races.

>We aren't intolerant of other cultures or races

true, at least to some extent, apart from when it comes to:

* Jews
* Gypsies
* Black people in general
* Far-East Asians for the most part
* Middle-Easterners with maybe a few exceptions
* Hispanics with maybe a few exceptions
* Latinos with maybe a few exceptions
* ALL Communists especially AFTER the natsocs took a massive dump on the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
* Just about any white folks from anywhere in the world who dared to defend or generally help any of the above groups against the natsocs
* und so weiter

I mean that's only about 2/3's to 3/4's of the entire world the natsocs were/are intolerant of, but apart from that what a bunch of nice folks the natsocs must have been because they totally didn't use their intolerance of the racial, ethnic, religious, and cultural 'impurities' of others as a reason to put millions of people from all of those various groups to death...

Oh wait... yes, yes they totally fucking did, because the natsocs, as with any other extreme ideology over time, were literally the dictionary definition of 'intolerant'.
>ALL Communists
I take it you are a Communist? Yeah all of them should hang from trees.
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>Communist means person I don’t like
Your IQ is below room temperature. At least call them vermin you fucking mouth breather.

This is a half-truth at best, but wrong.

They were center.
Socialism = Far Leftwing ideology
Nationalism = Far Rightwing ideology
Thus, center.

Also North.
South = Anarchy
North = Dictator/Monarchy

Political compasses have 4 directions. Not 2.
The common exclusion of North and South is intentionally done by most politicans and parties. Why? Because while you are distracted, agruing and fighting about Left vs Right, they are ALL slowly climbing the ladders North.
This is intentional. And is part of the Communist Directive of 1919 :

Nazis's were North Center.

Look at any political compass designed by anybody politically inclined. You will find Nazi's and NatSoc at North Center every time.

Why people dont know this after 100 years always amazes me.
>They were center.

And yet most/all of the natsocs political policies and activities back in the day were (very) socialist in nature and intention

So no, the natsocs were not 'center' at all, that's absolute bollocks, and is yet another attempt to deflect and confuse the conversation, most especially because the clue is literally right there in the full party name ffs, but also because like all good left-wing ideologies the natsocs were all about 'big government' controlling everything about their citizens everyday lives at the end of a very sharp pointy stick.

Additionally, the 'center' of the political spectrum, as well as the space to the near-right of center, traditionally encompassed the group known as classical, or old-school, liberals, who back then, and still to this day, are very much against the socialist concept of 'big government' and government/official bureaucracy generally sticking its nose into citizens daily lives beyond making and enforcing only the minimum of the most absolutely necessary and common sense laws that will protect the citizens and society from harm whether from within or from elsewhere.

And as was pointed out in a post above, the political spectrum is NOT a line, and no it's NOT a cross or compass either, it's a circle, with both extreme ends almost meeting at a point opposite the space occupied by the old-school liberals, thus 'Nationalism' is not an exclusively 'far-right-wing' trait, it can in fact equally be found, by variation, on the far-left-wing too; but leftists don't like to talk about that because it reveals an uncomfortable historical truth and gives them nowhere to hide from reality.
>I take it you are a Communist?

No, I'm not a communist at all, very much far from it in fact, in actual fact I was simply pointing out the obvious hypocrisy in the idiotic rhetoric of a statement that I replied to - that you took the wrong impression from my reply above is entirely on you though - read more carefully and do better Anon.

And yes, I certainly do agree that communism is generally very bad/evil, just as the natsocs were/is very bad/evil, just as so many other authoritarian dictatorships, both today AND all throughout history, are/have been very bad/evil.

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