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Haven't seen a good mobile pape thread in a while. Post what you like. Nature, space, fractals. Anything.
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I use this painting for my lockscreen but center it differently.
For those that want the original
Very nice, thanks
Thats the scariest shit ive ever seen
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There's no beef.
The floppy disk is the beef.
are you retarded? who would even try to eat a floppy disk?
Symbolism dude, symbolism
I don't care what religion you follow. It's still retarded.
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it's art you soppy troll, and very good art at that given the whole story that goes with its creation; but if you don't have the imagination to understand art like this maybe just close this thread and quietly move along instead of repeatedly displaying your ignorance for all to see
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>who would even try to eat a floppy disk?
someone who wants to finish in 4 bytes.
ok, i genuinely laughed at this one
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I thought that was a cat :/
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Hell yeah four years strong!
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Anyone have a Mononoke Hime wallpaper for a phone? I know this isn't a request thread, but I can't find a cool wallpaper with that theme. Thx in advance.
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Is there a way to make the leaves have a dark purple colour on this, but keeping the red-ish sheen that it has?
you need to ask the people in the image modification thread.
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Appreciate it, thanks.
File: Dark Blue Purple Gradient.jpg (699 KB, 1700x3500)
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Not what you want but I have a purple leaf pape.
Save it, it's all yours my friend.
File: bread.png (546 KB, 1080x2400)
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post bread
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