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i miss my BellBell
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'Tis a nice pic of Radeo, but the Suicide Girls thread is over at >>8066939
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i appreciate your input, frien. but kindly fuck off
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i know this isnt /w/ but its my thread damn it
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I wasn't telling you not to post SG's in this thread, I was simply pointing out that there was a thread for SG's elsewhere on /wg/ that might be of interest; so well done, way to overreact by telling me to fuck off...

baka you try and do some little bit of random friendly good in the world and people just throw it back in your face... the world's just fucked, it really is
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first, this isnt a suicide girls thread so you werent being helpful
second, i said "kindly". not sure how i could be more polite when telling you to fuck off
I'm very well aware that THIS thread isn't a suicide girls thread, I mean it's fairly fucking obvious it isn't that given all of the non suicide girls pics being posted herein and all; but you posted a fairly well known/popular suicide girl as a pic in THIS thread and I figured that maybe you might just possibly be interested in the actual suicide girls thread that I linked to that is a DIFFERENT THREAD posted elsewhere on /wg/.

Now obviously if that suicide girls thread isn't of interest to you then that's completely fine and I totally understand, but to tell someone who was just trying to be helpful to "fuck off" for no good reason was just a thoughtless overreaction on your part.

But you know what, having read your idiotic replies that demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt that you obviously have a big problem with reading comprehension, I can see that I was just wasting my fucking time trying to be helpful to a fellow Anon, so fuck it, go look at that other thread, or don't, I really don't give a shit anymore, and I guess I'll just give up trying to be helpful to anyone on here any more.
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this thread started good and now it has gone to shit, good job faggots.
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>Tis a nice pic of Radeo, but the Suicide Girls thread is over at
reread what you said. then read it again
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