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KINO screenshots from the 4K upscale.
they're 2.39:1 which is roughly Ultrawide 21:9, bust most of them center-crop nicely to 16:9
Awesome work.
Such a painful story.
Thanks Anon.
moments before disaster
that's all for Arc 1. I'll dump the rest another day.
File: wef243e9b0281.png (3.27 MB, 3840x1609)
3.27 MB
3.27 MB PNG
No idea if this is a déjà vu or some shit, but I'm pretty sure I've seen a post like this before, and it always ends with Arc 1. Am I insane? Is this a fucking PSYOP?
starting Arc 2 just to prevent anon from going insane.
even basic location shots are KINO in this show
who could tell this is a still from a TV show?
that's all for Arc 2. I'll be back for the rest some other time.
>8080117 >8080119 >8080131 >8080149 >8080156 >8080160 >8080162 >8080185 >8081052 >8081053 >8081064 >>8081102
Saved (had to remove the actual links because the system thought it was spam). Good thread. Looking forward to the rest of it.

Also where is this 4k upscale? Watching that in preparation for Season 2 sounds like a good use of an evening.

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