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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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File: 5.jpg (4.36 MB, 3840x2160)
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Thread for wallpapers that combine porn, lewds, suggestives or erotica with a popular or weird aesthetic (i.e. vaporwave, synthwave, outrun, neon lighting, retro/nostalgia inspired, japanese text, glitch effects, etc.)

Edits and requests Welcome :)

Previous Thread: >>8049850
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Wow. Loved how this one turned out.
translation pls?
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Not him but you can use this site to translate text from images: https://translate.yandex.com/en/ocr

it says
"Accept that you are a woman and please the dominant partner accordingly!"
"i write japanese in the wrong order.
on the internet at random."
The top line is some sissy hypno shit
>Accept you are a woman and please your man accordingly

The bottom line of text is a bit hard for my translator to read. Something about reading in the wrong order and pissing people off online.
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You guys watch so much porn that in-between watching porn, you need to watch porn.
You people are mentally ill. Get help
do you an archive or anything with the goon related ones?
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i try to save some of the ones that i think look cooler anon. last thread is still up, but won't be for long. so save the ones you like NOW
ITT: Future school shooters.
literally what
this is the shittiest /wg/ trend I have ever seen
Clearly you weren’t here for the scatpapers debate.
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i always feel better when i see these threads because it reminds me that no matter how bad things might be, at least i'm not some mentally ill porn addicted cumbrain so lacking in self awareness that somehow surrounding myself with family dollar tier designs of porn is something i consider normal
unironically sort yourselves out, holy shit
File: Total Recall.jpg (1.16 MB, 1920x1080)
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Cropped and resized this one to 16:9 proportions. I might have done a shitty job I dunno lol.

I kinda love this one for some reason.
Quite the opposite. It's possibly the only truly new aesthetic that 4chan has ever created. Truly this board's crowning achievement.
This is particularly excellent. Nice job.
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I'm still looking for this movie
i usually save the flour for the fat chicks but for this one i can make an exception.
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nah this is ancient and it came from reddit more specifically r/GOONED
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Who's this semen demon?
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Does this work?
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Anyone wanna try fixing the fold in the page on this?
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This is surprisingly aesthetic lol.

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