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I rate my battlestation 10/10
Which ThinkPad??
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Feels wrong being this early, nothings changed with the setup aside from my knife sharpener living on the desk lately and a new bottle of local single malt.

I was asked before, so,

>Light is a Pzloz desk lamp, currently $55 on Amazon on sale
>Speakers are Edifier R1700BTS and I 10/10 recommend them
Name: Agent John "Jack" Harper
Rank: Deputy Senior Field Officer
Service Branch: CIA Special Activities Division (SAD)
City Posted: Moscow, USSR
Security Clearance: Top Secret – Special Compartmented Information (TS-SCI)

Cover Identity: Cultural Attaché at the U.S. Embassy
Languages: Fluent in English & Russian, with intermediate knowledge of German and Polish and Hindi.
Primary Responsibilities: Intelligence gathering on Soviet military developments, coordinating covert operations, and managing a network of local assets.
Specialization: Counterintelligence, deep-cover operations, and sabotage planning.
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>gun just in case you're a little to tired
>simply epic tiktok advertisement peg board for all your man stuff
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Did you buy your monstera like that or did you do it yourself? I have one but I have no idea how to make it look like that, any tips?
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Got it from someone when it was about half the height. It was being trained to grow on an ivy pole but the material was too tight so the roots could not get into it.

I repotted it into a large pot and gave it a moss pole with a looser weave. I didn't really know what I was doing so it looked a bit wonky for a couple of months but it's slowly starting to settle. I use rubber coated aluminum wire to shape the vines along the pole (see image).

In general its a resilient species so don't fuss over it too much. Just take big actions and let it recover from the shock for a couple of months.
Thanks man, you're doing a good job with it!
Yes, precisely.
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Who not, Ill post it here too.
I like your plants.
The guns on desk thing still is confusing to me.
Dick Fucking Tracy over here.
Can't be too prepared. Truthfully, I only carry it during winter or take it to the range. Great for potential intruders being close by.
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new house, it's a fixer upper, I know my walls look dirty
Heh appreciate it.

Thanks, I like your warm colors.

Papa Nurgle loves us all
cozy set up, furfag
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Doesnt have nigger written on white board.
With swordfish 7/10
Without swordfish 5/10
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this is hurting my eyes.
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You will do what you are told.You have no free will.
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Here's my chink setup
>Lenovo laptop
>Edifier speakers
>Xiaomi mouse
The lamp is from Ikea tho
No human has free will. We were engineered to serve. The way you pretend your thoughts are your own, the way you act as though there's some innate, intrinsic mental capacity that sets you apart from mankind is why you're so mentally disturbed. The reason why you stay up at night. You're a slave. You'll live a slave. You'll die a slave. And what you are a slave to will ultimately determine the fate of your soul for all eternity.

how did you customise your spotify app?
bst of an ex airman
> when you blow all your budget on 1 monitor.
Best money I ever blowed
fair enough. sell me on its merits.
It’s very big and really pretty. monitor go brrrrt! It has an FPS penalty, but for the picture quality I don’t mind. In action games that support the ultrawide aspect ratio, it feels more immersive.
R1280T? Just got the same model a few days ago and I love them.
>monitor go brrrrt
ah damn. now i want one. my old crt only goes zzapp and jiggles sideways.
This you?
Wallpaper, please?
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>controller with no back paddles/buttons
I only use it for Forza/GTA/Wreckfest/Assetto. M+K for everything else.
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I dig it
>The lamp is from Ikea tho

So it's probably made in china anyway, at least in part if not fully.
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14 inch screen is too small, also it was on sale on amazon
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Thank you!
>>8081954 6/10 So many toys that sit around and need to be dusted. And you only have half of AOT.
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I didn't clean
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You ever think that you might be on the internet too much?
Link to the mousepad? it looks so nice
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Posting my desktop.
Would like to get chromatic aberration filter on my desktop but cant find any info on how to do it.
If im upgrading it, im thinking either stacking both monitors one on another, or getting a CRT and putting it in the middle for gaming.
Its the "I just moved to uni" setup
Man turn down the blue for Gods sake.
Pretty comfy, used to have xmas lights above my pc when i was in uni.
It's actually a really dim purple, for whatever reason the photo makes it look absurdly bright and blue.
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Clean your room dude. Are you 12?
You scrunch up that page and start again like a real man!
Your laptop like yours dog's hair is falling apart.
Is that an authentic Mexican Xoloescuincle dog?
is that a chupacabra
He's a Peruvian hairless dog, but he's a crossbreed, my brother's fiancée rescued him when she worked as a nurse in a rural town.
What's the difference with a xolo? Idk
I guess they are cousins.
I notice the Xolo looks more like a hiena, and has pointy ears.
But yours is a cutie, looks way more tender.
>hairless dog
Do you also have this issue? They will not connect to the laptop when I turn them on and I have to turn them off and on again for them to connect. Every single time after I turn them off, I have to turn them on, then off and then on again for them to work.
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not much but its mine
That fuckin old philips TV
I had it as a side monitor as well
You reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid???
So, did you the job you gave the interview for in the early months of this year?
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eyyyy man still here
didn't get it.
will retry after I'm done with army duty in june
No, mine works perfectly as far as I know
Thank you for your service.
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Cozy as hell
Good thing the only war is the war on drugs, which is of course eternal. I suppose on wrongthink as well now(also eternal). Everything else is just a "conflict". Also you're a faggot.
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There are a lot of good reasons why this setup is the way it is and I won't tell you any of 'em.
>There are a lot of good reasons why this setup is the way it is
Everything's raised bc you're an avid Joe Biden fan.
Or bc the speaker stands are stuck at this height and you can't be arsed to fix it.
Or bc you are trying to "kys by accident".
Cable tangle bc you want to take some of the equipment with you.
The screens are at different vertical angles bc you're otherwise not able to change the screen brightness of the left one.
Screen on the right is not aligned with the other two bc it's the spectator screen for hot seat sessions of oldschool games and the spectator usually sits at pov of camera.
Why are the paper tissues squished between those black things?
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Just moved here and had to clean the skirting boards so shit is still flying around everywhere.
Everything is raised because I only roll in the neckbeard gaming throne once I'm done working standing up and want to hang on the armchair cracking a beet. I'm too cheap to buy a standing desk yet.
Moved everything around again this morning.
Screens are not aligned because I don't give much of a shit about that desu. Cable management still chaotic because I'm still undecided. Anyways, here's the current battlestation setup. Cozy and functional so far. We'll see how it holds up tonight.
Yes yes I know I vacuumed the dust after taking the photo shut up.
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Now tell me that setup ain't cozy. Needs more ambient light and cable management but so far so good.
Looks like the comfiest chair in the thread
Also why is the fire extinguisher under the desk?
nice waiting room/college dorm furniture
Fire extinguisher was just lying around the living room I thought why not put it there. Thanks mane.
Next upgrade is a better foundation for the armchair and ambient lights.
Raised battlestation is an underappreciated meta I think you guys should try it.
I can comfortably use mouse+ Keyboard, stand up and lean back into the armchair without moving anything around. I'm pretty stoked about it right now. Feels like piloting an EVA.
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Ultimate comfort
where to buy that chair?
>saw this image shortly after it was posted
>kept thinking about it
>on October 1st I moved out of my apartment and into a house
>3 weeks later I finally got my office set up just like this

I use a standing desk and a MacBook but you get the idea.
where's that sign from? stuff like that is super neat in moderation
What mouse?
Don't know where but definitely sometime in the last century. It was my grandpa's armchair. I just roll it in there once work is done and I want to chill out. Keeping up the family tradition of getting wasted in front of a screen.
Shitty cherry MC4000 that fell from a truck. Looking to upgrade once I get my furniture sorted out. Keyboard is a Corsair K55 that is also shitty but does everything I need from a keyboard.
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Hey guys, this is me on September 10th 2001, just enjoying my work day in the norf tower. Surely nothing can go wrong. I can’t wait to work tomorrow!
i demand proofs
What's that piano/midi controller?
i want a whiteboard like that not sure if i should get one
this has been my little corner since moving abroad a few months ago
>Also why is the fire extinguisher under the desk?
preventative measure against fapping fires. In the US alone, over 800 fires start by excessive fapping every year.
comfy desu, what ideapad is that again.?
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Finally getting into the whole "Turning my room into my own little heaven" thing. This is my spot right now. Only up from here bros!
that's and ideapad 320, it is like 8 years old by now
The plants look so incredibly tacky
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thank you anon
pero peruano
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still need to do something about the lighting
Putting the lamp right and plant left would get the plant more sun light and it would be more present too.
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Haven’t been here in a while. Thought I would ask for another rate. Any suggestions to improve the setup? (Aside from the cable management). Could use a mouse recommendation if you’ve got any.
I have been looking at your setup for about 4mins at this point. Just so good, so pure…
What laptop is that?
>unironically a basement dweller tranny
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Thanks it's an Asus Zephyrus G16 running Fedora KDE
i like this
That plant pic is art.
How noisy and hot does your Asus get under load?
Under load, very. But I don't often run programs demanding enough to trigger that so it's silent 99% of the time.
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filthy, smells of ciggarette smoke, but it is my lair.
Stop smoking.
Built by yourself? I want to get into it. Started reading some general introduction and it sounds like a wild ride with unknown outcome.
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I'm 23 and live with my dad.
Cosy setup. w2c those lamps?
I wish I could find a good job down here and buy a computer so I can post from this stupid phone. You are very lucky.
NPCpilled and golembased
good taste, man
oh my god, my monstera is so leggy and sideways i never thought of using an ivy pole. thanks anon!
Could you post wall?
What's that TV on the left?
>mixed threads
Wonder how I managed that one.
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here's my shitpost factory
bump from certain death.
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Did someone say cozy?
What kind of faggot uses a TV with a 60hz setting and 30fps refresh rate as a game monitor?
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Can anyone sauce this paper?
not my pic, found on /g/
cool, wp please?
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