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So what are your top 5 safe for work wallpapers? The ones you've gone back to over and over through the years.
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File: Mountain Stream - Night.png (538 KB, 3840x2160)
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I've been hoarding a shit ton of Minecraft wallpapers lately, here are some of the nice ones. They're not on the most pristine state but they work for me.
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I avoid showing the ones using heavy shaders cause that's too easy, i like the ones able to stand on their own.
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BTA has some good things despiste the bloat.
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Sometimes i'm not the #1 fan of the way they handle biome/season colors but for some builds it works nice.
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I ramped the blur up to 1000 with this one because it was a restoration from a completely fucked source. Isn't my favorite but i did want to add some dark mode friendly options.
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And that's pretty much all for my top 5
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OK, #1.
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My desktop rotates through a folder of my favorites, bout 80 or so. Here's my top 5

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i am looking for the flag of kekistan shredded in hd.

this is not a request thread, try /r/
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>safe for work wallpapers
whaddya mean? do you actually set porn/nude shite as wallpapers?
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not very thematic but those are the 5
File: Crufts 2015 [1920x1200].png (2.8 MB, 1920x1200)
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don't ask
File: Purple Rain [1920x1200].png (2.69 MB, 1920x1200)
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full version:
File: Crash Launch [1920x1200].png (1.82 MB, 1920x1200)
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1.82 MB PNG
I meant to include this in my top 5 but it had to be re-edited.

full version:
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Holy shit whatever happened to Gregory Hines. Or Billy Crystal for that matter
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I think Gregory passed away in the early 2000's. I've been meaning to check out his other films. Billy's still around, I think.
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this isn't in my rotation but I felt you should have this
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Those are cranberries you dumb fuck fix your image name.
if you use this at work i would laugh my head off
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File: Pepe & Apple Harvest.jpg (2.88 MB, 4096x2707)
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are you sure they're not apples, anon?
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I like tiled wallpapers
This is my choice at night
This is the Windows 3.1 "thatches" tile that I modified with my own colors for an almost black wallpaper. Flat black does not work, a background needs some simple detail. I actually use an 8x8 tile, this is pretty much a screenshot of my desktop
File: Coffee Bean FHD.jpg (2.04 MB, 1920x1080)
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This is the wallpaper for the Coffee Bean theme on old Windows PC's. It was a small image tiled, this is the result.
This reminds me of that 2001 Space Odyssey scene but works as a wallpaper better than still images of the movie
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This is an old OpenSUSE wallpaper, pure class
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AI slop but it ended up beautiful
One of the wallpapers offered by the BigLinux distribution
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here goes.


always been my go-to.
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