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File: DSC00626-Edit-2.jpg (4.82 MB, 6000x4000)
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Some photos that I took that I think make good wallpapers.
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Last photo
Most photos were taken on either a Lumix LX3 or LX5 and a few with a Sony A7IV, this last one is from a Pixel 8.
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Some film scans I got back recently.
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keep up the good work, these are all comfy.
You know how I know you're gay?

6000x4000 pixels, and you waste your shot on a picture of a light at the Stop 'n Sack.
This thread is great, thanks OP.
At least OP contributed actual original content, what did you do aside from whining and complaining?
I really like them OP, thanks
Really nice.
Great pics anon!
thanks very much. i've saved a lot of them.
Very gekoloniseerd of you, OP. These are all great. :)
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Thanks very much Anons. I'll share more here when I have more
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Are you the same anon that posted some night shots of Amsterdam (or another Dutch city) a few months ago?

I remember there was a picture of a bridge with a blue mist. Do you still have it?
if you dont mind me asking, which of the lx3/lx5 did you prefer more? and which gives the more widely applicable shot? I was looking at both unsure of which to go with, and love your pictures. Very similar to how I take mine, both in framing and subject matter. thanks for posting man.
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not the op but is it this?
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Damn Anon, yeah that was probably me. I started photography because I wanted to make nice wallpapers, so feels right to post here now and again.
If this is the photo (or similar) that the other Anon is referencing then it's definitely me. I took this photo in December 2022, it was a really beautiful night in Amsterdam with the combination of the fog and the light festival going on. Also turned out to be the first set of photos I was really proud of. Here's another one from that same set.
Thanks Anon, I appreciate the kindness.
Overall I prefer the LX3, largely because it has a sharper lens and is slightly easier to use when shooting one handed.
The LX5 benefits from a bit more zoom and better stabilization. However I feel the noise on the LX5 is a bit worse, but I don't really have anything to back that up. One thing to keep in mind is that the LX5 only accepts licensed batteries, so they're 30 bucks more expensive or so.
Can't go wrong with either one though honestly, but if I only could choose one it would be the LX3.
If you end up getting either one I'd advise against getting one of those auto lens caps as they let in a lot of dust when the camera is in your pocket, this is solved if you use a pouch though.
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Another bridge photo from this set, the lighting makes it feel like this people are conspiring.
Very nice. What camera were you using?
At the time I was using a Nikon D3500 and a 50mm f1.8 prime lens. It's decent for a beginner DSLR, but there are far better options.
For example you could get a used Nikon D800 for about the same price, a camera which still be used professionally for a long time.
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dude, your pictures are all comfy in my comfy folder!
nice seeing you out there capturing new legendary pictures
>from your set
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give yourself a nick so we can track your stuff you uploading mate, i really like your style.
Wow Anon, I'm truly honoured that you saved all these.
I'll definitely consider using a nick in the future.
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Got another roll of film shots.
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Wish I had these scanned at a higher resolution, but holy shit it's expensive.
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I love foggy nights.
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That's it for now until I take more photos.
Hope these are comfy for you Anons.
appreciated! add a name to your post bro
>I'll definitely consider using a nick in the future.
You should also consider posting them on reddit so you can get your cock stroked

>appreciated! add a name to your post bro
Go fuck yourself bro

800 seconds until i can post this shit
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A shot from this weekend at the Dutch-Belgian border.
Thanks Anon. I don't think I'll use a name as I prefer the photos to stand on their own.
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Northeastern Maastricht.
well done OP. i dig your style. very good indeed. i've had my full frame camera for 2 years, had fun for months, but now it sits over a shelf wrapped in plastic.

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