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Real Communist/Socialist thread.
>no libtard shit.
>no gay crap.
Just papes of the working class FOR the working class.
Lets make the fascists on this board so mad they start seeing red.
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I’m a National Socialist but I will say, despite Communism being jewish, the aesthetics are pretty solid
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Nothing theoretical about Communism is Jewish or implicitly supports Jews more than any other religion.
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Look kids, kikes!
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I got you some commie flags right here... picrel

>I’m a National Socialist...

Are you by any chance also German and a worker?

>Nothing theoretical about Communism...

Apart from the belief that it's EVER achieved anything good in the world, anywhere, at any time, for anyone who wasn't in the 1% at the top of the communist party in any given commie nation - because that belief's totally theoretical, because everywhere communism has EVER reared its ugly head in the world, the misery and suffering and abuse of the kind of ordinary working people the ideology claims to represent has followed very shortly thereafter, every... single... time... without fail; and that's not even mentioning the multitude of horrors that have also been inflicted over the years by communists upon the educated/educators, the middle class, the upper class, religious groups, ideological dissenters and opponents, the lgbtqaeiou+69 community, foreign nationals, royalty, etc. and so on...


You just know Schwab moans when he wipes...
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>blah blah blah propagandistic capitalism reflection
Yes, how horrible were these nations that Capitalist countries for some reason always decided to start destabilizing their governments as soon as they became self-sustaining and independent or were choosen democratically by the people. What an awful ideology to want to deprivatize the means of production instead of daddy bezos monopolizing even the soil you live on, such an awful barbaric JEW belief.
>also implying the lgbqtrst+ was caused by communism instead of the over-individualization of mentally ill people in capitalist countries.
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didn't notice but that pape was shit, ignore it, post a higher quality of it if possible though, thanks
Learn to read more carefully.

I didn't say communism 'caused' the lgbt+ community, I said the lgbt community tends to be one of the groups that usually gets targetted by communism for 're-education' or 'removal' once communism takes control of a nation.

The ironic thing with that fact is that a sizeable portion of the lgbt+ community are actually left-wing voters who would in fact vote for the commie 'utopia' and would then be all surprised pikachu face when the commies start rounding them up. Because when communism says it wants 'everyone' to be 'equal', it really really means it, and that means the only special treatment you get as an lgbt+ if you start acting out and demanding shit like they do now is a one-way trip to a 're-education' camp.

As for capitalists attempting to 'destabilise' the economy of commie-run countries, there may indeed be some truth to that in some cases in the past, but more often than not communism, as with any socialist ideology, will invariably eventually self-destruct all by itself anyway, because socialists are generally pretty fucking terrible at handling their own money, never mind the economy of a whole country.

That's why the default position for ALL socialist ideologies is to endlessly raise taxes to pay for everything, which sounds good until all the businesses and all the super rich people, who pay the overwhelming majority of the taxes, get pissed off and leave the country so that suddenly everyone else, who maybe can't afford it, has to foot the bill. At this point the socialist ideology usually goes fully authoritarian and forbids people from leaving the country with threats of jail or worse, and then they steal the business and/or personal wealth of the rich person anyway, except that money quickly runs out and so they print more and more money until you need a wheelbarrow of cash just for the chance to buy a ticket for a loaf of stale bread that you might have to queue for 3+ hours for.
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You're getting completely confused and that's not Socialism at all, which is what i assume is what you're trying to describe.
What you're describing is Democrat-Socialism, which just takes some aspects of actual Socialism and applies it to a still Privately Owned capitalist economy which will always fail. We both agree on that.
However, true Socialism aims for a controlled economy with public means of production, which means the workers are paid the full worth of what they produce and they are free to invest in it however it is fit for the betterment of it, of course through discourse and worker democracy. So that means no TAXES.
So your last paragraph pretty much doesn't apply to this case.

>inb4 wow such utopia so scary weeh weeh
Get the fuck off my thread you capitalist pussy

>lgbt people would be sent to reeducation camps/exterminated because commies are bad
Also, no, lgbtq+ people would not be sent to any re-education camps and would be completely free to keep spreading their beliefs and ideas as we commies do also believe in free-speech, freedom and justice. However such a minority would not be backed by huge rich corporations or by the "government" and wouldn't be propagandized on the streets as much, so the impact they'd make would be way less than what they do now.
>the old leftist deflection tactic that it's not this or that form of socialism being described, it's some other ideology instead
Grow up. Those tired old leftist deflections might work in your school/college/uni with your idiot leftist friends and professors, but here in the real world they don't. Fact is you have no idea what you're actually talking about other than the half-baked bullshit your commie professors spoonfed you, and so now you just repeat their bullshit in some failed attempt to sound vaguely intelligent... you don't, it just makes you sound like a clueless fool as you get yourself all twisted in knots contradicting yourself about shit you actually don't understand

>true Socialism aims for a controlled economy
That's actually true, however because socialism is all about the government increasingly controlling everything about the country and its citizens lives to the tiniest degree, this means the government end up having to pay for EVERYTHING no matter how small or stupid, and where does the socialist government get all its money from?

Simple, they either increase taxes, and/or the government start printing more and more money, both of which actions fairly quickly tank the nations economy, thereby making the citizens increasingly dependant upon the government, and because nobody outside of the 1% at the top of the party has any money or wealth of any value left to pay the government the government then try to tax people more and print more money, and so the vicious circle goes round and around. That's your ACTUAL socialist 'controlled economy'

>which means the workers are paid the full worth of what they produce
Which is a literal definition of the capitalist system. Capitalism is a fair trade system, whereby you agree to work for your employer in exchange for your employer agreeing to pay you a commensurate wage for your efforts, meaning you both come out ahead, which helps drive the economy, and your lives, forward in a positive way
>they are free to invest in it however it is fit for the betterment of it, of course through discourse and worker democracy.

This is also true, capitalism does allows people to invest their hard-earned money however they see fit. It also allows people the freedom to become entrepreneurs and business owners in their own right so they can hire their own employees that get paid a fair wage commensurate to their efforts.

> So that means no TAXES.

Aside from a small number of exceptions, taxes in some form or other are ubiquitous globally; but history has repeatedly demonstrated that, compared to nations run by a true conservative/old-school liberal/capitalist system, nations under any form of socialism generally have (significantly) higher taxes, and more kinds of taxes, that target almost all levels of society except for the socialist party elites and their friends to maintain the vicious circle previously described.

This doesn't mean non-socialist nations can't be corrupt or overbearing on the public when it comes to taxes and economic issues, they very definitely can and sometimes are, but the stock socialist answers to any national economic problem are ALWAYS more taxes and more money printing, even when either or both of those things caused the very economic problems in the first place. So to suggest that 'true socialism = no taxes at all' is naive to say the least.
>lgbtq+ people would not be sent to any re-education camps and would be completely free to keep spreading their beliefs and ideas

That's literally the opposite of how actual communism works.

Actual communism means equity for all workers in all things, meaning you don't get to be a special snowflake and be all different and stand out from the crowd. The hard reality is that anyone who stands out in an actual communist crowd will immediately be seen as a threat to the ideology and will be removed until the problem is considered resolved, that's literally how communism is designed to protect itself and how it's always worked, because communism is all about government/bureaucratic control of the country and people 'for the greater good' which can't be achieved when you have a bunch of blue-haired people running around demanding special treatment for themselves and their equally 'special' friends

Under true socialism/communism, nobody who isn't at the top of the tree is 'special' or beyond the rules, indeed there are times when even being at the top of the tree doesn't guarantee safety, and so if the ideology deems you to be 'different' and/or a threat it absolutely will deal with you

What you fail to grasp is that this is precisely how communism works; you don't see it because you're so wrapped up in it, but just like you repeat the tired old leftist deflections taught to you by your professors so that you can try to defend the ideology, the ideology itself deflects and promises weak-minded people all of these lofty ideals and dreams of socialist freedom and utopia, and then once people have voted the ideology into power, the veil gets lifted and reality vary quickly sets in, and it's never pretty or utopian, especially if you personally stand out and are in any way, shape, or form, different from the required social norm, or you're part of a group deemed to be a threat to security, and stability, of the ideology and its grip on control
You are an actual brainlet, brother.
Three consecutive posts to say nothing and further humilliate yourself.
This is all you say and will continue to say if i continue to feed the fire, because you're incredibly predictable:
>no, your description of Socialism is wrong because its a meme that commies say real communism has never been done XD so here's my spoonfed propaganda of what Socialism / Communism really is.
>taxes is the only way a Government can sustain itself, also, i dont know economics
>I can't quote anything in the Manifesto, i only read Animal Farm and thought Communism bad!
>you have been taught Communism by your professor / Social Media / TV!! What do you mean i'm proyecting??
>communism means there is no personal freedom or personal individuality and there is no Democracy XDDD
>Capitalism is good because i have a 0.00001% chance of becoming a cagillinionaire
>If you deny anything i'm saying you're deflecting!!! lmoa

also tl;dr, as soon as i read your retardness seeping through your post i stopped reading.
Capitalist countries try to destabilize commie countries because capitalist companies trade and interface more easily with other capitalist countries. Communist countries do the same, Soviet Union funded and supported left wing movements overseas all the same.
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There's no communism without freedom comrades
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>so here's my spoonfed propaganda of what Socialism / Communism really is

Have you actually lived under a communist ideology? I suspect not.

I have though, so I speak from actual life experience. All you have are the inane lie-filled ramblings of your commie professors to go on - most of whom have also NEVER lived under an actual communist ideology in their lives.

>taxes is the only way a Government can sustain itself, also, i dont know economics

See how the US currently has comrade kamalala in charge as VP, see also how in the last 4 years the US economy has increasingly become an over-inflated disaster causing the cost of living to grow to a point now that it's negatively affecting THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.

This happened precisely because the current socialist government of the US started printing billions and trillions of extra dollars it couldn't afford for projects it claimed were for the greater good and/or to fund conflicts it secretly had a hand in starting in other parts of the world, instead most of that extra money almost immediately went into the wallets and bank accounts of wealthy friends and allies of the democrat party. It also happened because the democrats are deliberately trying to crash the US economy and trigger another Great Depression.

Notice also how biden/kamalala keep talking about taxing the ultra rich more, but never ever actually follow through with it because they don't want to piss off those same wealthy friends and allies of the party.

And no, taxes are definitely not the only way a government can sustain itself. If you believe that you're sadly very very misinformed.

>thought Communism bad!

I don't 'think' it, i KNOW it; I refer to my first answer above.
>What do you mean i'm proyecting

You openly repeat the obvious lies spoonfed to you by your clueless professors, ergo you are projecting their lies because you have no first-hand idea what you're actually talking about.

This makes you one of Uncle Yuri's 'useful idiots' who will eventually find themselves among the first groups removed from society if the communists ever take control in your nation.

>there is no Democracy

Notice how communist/authoritarian socialist states tend to use terms like 'Peoples' and 'Democratic' in their country names, as if they're suggesting that the country is run by and for 'ordinary people' and/or is in any way 'democratic' and 'free' where ordinary people can openly express themselves and be their authentic selves in public without fear of any governmental repurcussions, except in every single case that's patently NOT true because once again, anyone who stands out in the communist crowd is quickly going to feel the full force of the regime and the rest of the crowd come down upon them in one way or another - guaranteed.

In fact go ask the people of Hong Kong if they feel safe and free to publicly protest against the CCP who are effectively in control of that region, despite the CCP's original claim it would mostly stay hands-off and allow Hong Kong to effectively rule itself.

Go ask the people of any former soviet-controlled nation in Europe if they ever felt safe and free to publicly protest against the Soviet occupiers in their country.

Go to any socialist/communist-run rally in a town or city in some western nation and start openly speaking out against leftist ideologies. See how safe and free you continue to feel in that situation while surrounded by inclusive democratic leftist folks.

And so it goes on. The fact is 'democracy' as a word when spoken by leftists is yet another classic deflection term used to disguise the true intention and purpose of their chosen leftist ideology - control of everything
>Capitalism is good because i have a 0.00001% chance of becoming a cagillinionaire

Capitalism simply says that if you work hard enough and apply yourself and actively contribute to society and the economy and you don't simply sit on your fat lazy ass 24/7/365 entirely relying on the government to spoonfeed you and give you everything for free (at everyone elses expense) that you could eventually become successful and wealthy in your own right, things that you will be free to then pass down to your successive generations to improve their lives.

I don't kow about you but that sounds a considerably better thing than being stuck in a perma-failing leftist death-spiral where the economy has been intentionally fucked into the ground, where money has little or no value, and your only chance at any kind of meaningful life/social advancement is to somehow offer some extra value to the ideology while treading the very fine line between simply being yet another passive sheep and spending a lifetime in the gulag for stepping out of your lane and being too 'different'.

Unfortunately too many people in the west are lazy bums nowadays who want everything handed to them for 'free' by government rather than them having to get off their fat asses and actually work for the things they desire - that's part of what makes communism so attractive to so many clueless people, at least until communism takes control and reality hits home hard.

>you have been taught Communism by your professor / Social Media / TV!!

Why do you think so many leftists get stupid pointless degrees in media studies? It's so they can get into the media industry that will allow them free access to try and push their ideology onto masses of people all at once. It's the same reason so many leftists become teachers and/or professors - free mass access on a daily basis to impressionable young minds that can be quietly filled with radical leftist propaganda to further the ideology.

>as soon as i read your retardness seeping through your post i stopped reading.

And yet you somehow came up with a list of deflective misinterpretations of the various points and context I put forward... which suggests you did in fact read all of it, likely found it all hit a bit too close to home, and so like a good little leftist you felt compelled to try and denegrate or attack all of it to protect your mistaken beliefs... except you only dug yourself even deeper into the hole you started because your lies, and the gaps in your real world knowledge, are far too obvious, and you exposed them for all to see.
There needs to be a thread dedicated to this kind of overlaid imagery - historical scenes perfectly inset over a view of the same location in modern times

That's the kind of high quality thread /wg/ actually needs and deserves. instead of this endlessly crappy low quality low effort trolling political bullshit
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>Be kosmonaut,
>go to moon,
>go to the american landing place where buzz aldrin planted the american flag,
>remove the american flag and put up your own flag on the american flagpole,
>leave the moon with the american flag,
>soviet flag now only flag on the moon.
That would have been an epic troll.
Can you post more like this and if possible without a watermark? Thanks
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> It's1941.
> Be Ivan Pavlovich Sereda, 22yo cook in a tank regiment of the Red Army.
> While cooking up a storm in a field kitchen one day, hears a German tank passing nearby heading in the general direction of the local Red Army headquarters.
> Immediately grabs his rifle and an axe and chases down the tank on foot.
> Actually catches the tank, runs out in front of it to stop it.
> Climbs on the tank and quickly disables the tanks machine gun with the axe.
> Grabs tanks coversheet and throws it over the turret and hull, obscuring all of the tanks vision blocks.
> Proceeds to randomly bang on the turret and hull with the axe while shouting for someone to pass him some grenades.
> Plot twist - Sereda is still on his own at this point.
> Sereda's comrades finally turn up some minutes later, only to find the tank crew already out of tank and fully surrendered at gun point to the one-man army that was I.P. Sereda.

> Some time later in the war, now in a scout squad on a recon mission observing German lines.
> Squad spotted and almost captured by random German patrol.
> While escaping the patrol on foot, Sereda solo attacks a German tank with grenades, killing the tanks crew.
> Instead of continuing to run away, Sereda climbs INTO the tank and shoots at the advancing German soldiers with the tanks machine gun, killing some, scattering the rest.
> Entire scout squad, including Sereda, then escapes back to friendly lines.

> Ends WWII as a Senior Lieutenant awarded with:
> * The Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
> * The Order of Lenin.
> * The Order of the Patriotic War (Second Class).

> Dies some 5 years later at the age of just 31.
> Memorial erected to Sereda in his home town in Ukraine (picrel).
The dude also made a mean stew.
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Nazis and Communists wont accept, but they really like and admire each other.
nazis lost sooner
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>this is communism
This is peak Western liberal degeneracy.
These people do not represent the working class, they are a minority with loud mouth syndrome fed by corporations and the American senate.
Their only purpose is to keep in-fighting to keep the real workers confused as to where they should point fingers.
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>These people do not represent the working class, they are a minority with loud mouth syndrome fed by corporations and the American senate.

And yet the trans, and to a slightly lesser extent, the lesbian and bi, communities in particular are generally among the people most likely to vote for your beloved communist ideology.

Interestingly the (male) gay community is probably more evenly split in their voting habits; so while they're generally expected by the rest of the LGBT+ community to vote 'leftist', a significant (and quietly increasing) portion of the gay community have either always quietly voted or now choose to vote libertarian/old-school liberal/true republican/true conservative rather than follow the rest of the herd because they're increasingly fed up with being lumped in with the more radical insane elements that now seem to make up a big part of the rest of the LGBT+ community.

The fact these leftist-leaning groups, that are stereotypically noted for their non-conformity and individualistic ways - things not acceptable in a true communist state, are also among the people most likely to be at the front of the queue for 're-education' by a communist ideology should such a thing ever take control of their nation is both hugely ironic and a direct result of the way the communist ideology preys upon impressionable and/or weak-minded folks by continually offering them visions and false promises of the stereotypical, but wholly unattainable, dream of the equitable socialist utopia.

They're also NOT a result of "corporations and the American senate", because those left-leaning corporations, and a big part of the American political structure, are simply also believers in the same false promises and lies they've been spoonfed about the equitable socialist utopian dream.

tl;dr: If you don't want certain kinds of folks in your socialist utopia, stop actively encouraging them with endless false promises and lies to believe in it/vote for it.
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nobody would be reeducated for anything, dipshit, stop claiming such unsustained points, also, you keep cartoonizing the concept of communism to "nobody has any individuality whatsoever" then proceded to make a fool of yourself claiming that corporations support socialism / communism despite giving no proof and literally being antithesis to it's core.

left and right are outdated terms and you clearly have no idea to diferenciate them because to you the left are democrats and the right are republicans, but politics as you should know is more complex than that.
This said, as i mentioned before, some goals of the lgbt people align with communism and socialist movements, which doesn't mean it benefits them more than any other person, in fact it doesn't and it shouldn't. Truth is the lgbt movement is spearheaded by american democrats and american corporations, supported on cheap democrat policies with no real goal of developing any real socialism

You really cant be argued with in the end because you make shit up, you're uselessly hammering the point of "Uncle Yuri" despite some of his claims being incredibly overblown as you're sure the fact that people lean towards Communism is a result of indoctrination instead of economic and societal circumstances.
nah, you're a bootlicker.
how can government control everything if there isn't a government to begin with?

And how can a worker be paid full worth if they are being exploited by their boss who earns considerably more?

Before you talk about communism why dont you read about it a bit first, because none of what you say makes any sense at all
It's against the law to support the communist party of US since 1954.

What you think is "left and right" in US is both the exact same fascist neo-liberal political ideology .
Okay jew
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>how can government control everything if there isn't a government to begin with?

You clearly missed the part where, pretty much without exception, every single communist-controlled nation/geographic region throughout history has ultimately been run by some kind of governmental or bureaucratic regime; regardless of whether that regime was initially made up of a bunch of semingly legit politicians voted in by 'the people' which then quickly turned into a perpetual one-party authoritarian dictatorship, or whether 'the people' themselves attempted to remove all traces of capitalism and conservatism in a bid to organise their regional version of the socialist dream into something vaguely functional and financially productive rather than being a stereotypically socialist chaotic/anarchic wholly unproductive mess of many incompatible individual ideas/needs/wants.

So regardless of what bullshit propaganda you've been spoonfed by your commie-loving teachers about the communist utopia, communism ALWAYS ends up with a power-hungry all-controlling ruling elite lording it over 'the people', because the old adage is true that 'in communism all people are equal, but some people are more equal than others.'
>And how can a worker be paid full worth if they are being exploited by their boss who earns considerably more?

So you want to walk into some random business and you expect to immediately be paid a similar wage as the person who invested all of their time, energy, knowledge, experience, and money, into creating and maintaining that business on a day-to-day basis? Tell me you're actually not that naive or deluded?

The capitalist system works because it is essentially a fair trade contract between an employer and employee, where the employee agrees to perform a certain role within the business to the best of their abilities in exchange for which the employer agrees to pay a reasonable and fair wage for the employees time and efforts.

This system also allows for the employer to reward an employee who goes above and beyond in their role with additional money (e.g. paid overtime, and bonuses) as well as other 'perks' and/or promotions (that usually come with a pay raise and more responsibilities within the business). It obviously also allows for the employer to warn/demote/punish/fire an underperforming employee.

All of this is then usually well regulated by established employment laws put in place to protect both employers and employees, and often includes arbitration and other legal options in cases of dispute. And beyond all of that, in extreme cases of actual employment exploitation (e.g. modern-day slavery, or the use of undocumented illegal economic migrants) the full weight of the legal system can then come into play against the exploiter.

The nice thing about the capitalist system though is that it effectively allows any person to start their own legit business; so if you feel like your time and efforts are worth more than you're being paid by an employer, depending on where in the world you are you're generally more than free to quit your job and go create your own business and pay yourself whatever wage you want.
>Before you talk about communism why dont you read about it a bit first, because none of what you say makes any sense at all

Presumably none of it makes sense to you because the factual reality of what I said doesn't tally up with the bullshit commie propaganda your head's been filled with previously.

In which case your attempts to defend your 'knowledge' are completely to be expected as a result of having your worldview challenged. Maybe free your mind and expand your worldview a little bit, and stop taking obvious commie propaganda and talking points at face value; remember the first rule about communism spreading itself is that it lies and deflects about EVERYTHING in order to disguise its true reality and intentions, learn to see past those lies and deflections and think for yourself - you'll be better off for it.

And remember, I don't need to read up on communism, I lived through it; whereas your knowledge appears to come second- or even third-hand from your teachers and professors, wherein it's worth keeping in mind that they very likely only regurgitated to you the exact same crappy commie propaganda they themselves were spoonfed with as impressionable kids/young adults at college/university back in the day.
nothing about that rant indicates the jewishness of communism
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