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Fascist/National Socialist Wallpapers and Banners
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More like Turd Positionist, on account of you're a fudgepacker
>t. Kike
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based Ironmarch/SIEGE kino

Got anything worksafe yet kino like this? Like something more esoteric that normies wouldn't get.
Why? Are you ashamed of your political beliefs or something?
>Why don't you publicly announce [socially unacceptable thing], are you ashamed or something?
Very nice, saved
Okay, coward
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>feels bad bros
>I miss him so much...
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>third positionist
Imagine willingly sipping the marxist's kool-aid they made for you.
"Third position" is literally a rejection of marxist "political spectrum" kool-aid that groups you in with libertarians and capitalists.
I believe you're on the wrong board, this is where you belong. Go back to your containment board: >>>/lgbt/
>t. ass pirate, plundering booty
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Manually resized so it might be bit pixelated.
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we better be the based libertarians huh
were true nationalists here globohomo
You can join him rn, if you want.
Nazis and Communist wont accept, but they really like and admire each other.
nah commies are trash
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>jews found the thread
Tick tock rabbi.
That is only what you guys do, sitting behind your computers in basements living your miserable lives and blaming all the evils of the society on the Jews, lacking any actual strength or motive and real drive to act upon it and take back control. Keep jerking off to anime and playing video games. What a pitiable bunch of fucking loosers & retards.
lol ad hom
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Shalom rabbi.
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You are only proving my point, chuddie.
The common thing between both is that their regimes lead mostly to white people dying. Hitler was a race traitor.
your jewish whats more pitiful than that.
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António de Oliveira Salazar
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Americans celebrating the surrender of the Nazi's :)
would be even better without the text

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