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File: 61KDBhzCLNL._AC_SL1169_.jpg (98 KB, 827x1169)
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Any posters related to diagrams, information, science, fun stuff.

Mainly Computer wallpaper, but anything can go.

I have a couple.
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Some of these are posters.
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What is this from? I swear i saw this when i was a kid
I posted this in another thread! Stephen biestleys castle cross section. Also capitalize your I's that's super annoying. Also also, if some idiot is giving me COVID to a brain let and then fucking with me so I look up the same shit they do by screwing with my Internet please just fucking stop. I'm not mating with someone based on a virus.
Yep - manipulated into finding something nostalgic from my childhood through either flashing lights on my cell phone or some sort of induced hypnotic output based on keywords and output from the rest of the board (like the section on castles and the section that looked like "where's Waldo" - yep that was it).

So you can induce someone on an image board to produce something you know about ahead of time while they're eating poorly in a homeless shelter and they have constant headaches.

Good job you're massive assholes.

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Whoever made this poster doesn't really know all that much about mushrooms and probably just googled some names. Fly agaric is the same thing as amanita muscaria, so it's on there twice. That's not what a deathcap looks like; they don't have warts. And several of these are spelled incorrectly.
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This is a good thread that doesn't deserve to die

Fairy tale bullshit.
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448 KB PNG

Not you again.
Your faggoty, cum-guzzling, retarded LARP as some schizo that thinks the government is stalking you through your phone wasn't funny the last time either.

I genuinely hope you suffer enough in life that you have something real and tangible in your life to deal with, instead of posting fake and gay shit on 4chan for attention.

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