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I fucking love this book. Are there any wallpapers that are cross section cutouts that are informative? It could be in any art style, or subject matter.
aye that was a good one
that and the ship one
Oh and how about a cure rather than making me sick every time I think about my childhood and then have jackasses walk by uncomfortably close to me while I'm sitting on the ground with canes (oh look it's citizen Kane).

Don't come to San Francisco they're all sociopathic monsters that destroy people's lives. They're complete and utter bastards that fuck.with people's minds with drugs and sociopathic stalking and abuse.

The fuck is wrong with you?
And every time I find out I'll write it down. And suppose I don't find out about it for a period of years and then I find out I've been manipulated and fucked with? I'll quit my job, divorce my wife, and sit here doing nothing except telling everyone on the planet I'm being fucked with again. I don't like it..leave me the fuck alone.
And no I don't have a job or a wife literally metaphorically eceumentically or any type of "way". I wouldn't want to fuck or work with any of you. Kill yourselves. I liked it more when you organized school shootings. Pick someone else. I'm not that fucking retarded. I'll just repeatedly call you idiots and then bitch to the CIA.
Here's the information I have on this - it's caused by causing headaches on the left side of the brain which does something to decision making functions. And you can induce this with a chemical that someone touches. One of the bitches in the shelter that fed me food that poisoned me the other day was going around with rubber gloves. And you can turn it on and off after the poisoning through radio waves (I overhear people on the shelter doing things that signal when my head hurts and when it doesn't based on sound that is non-pshosomatic on my end). So it's Havana syndrome, which means the headaches mean the diplomats are compromised in decision making and it can be triggered by chemical touch and then radiation (most likely by cell phone). So that's fucking awful.
Good job. It's a "fourteenth century castle". Poisoning someone based on disrespecting their childhood to prove a point. How fucking wonderful for you. I don't know what point there is other than fuck you.
You suck and you aren't funny
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This was a very entertaining attempt at LARPing as a schizo who thinks the NWO is after him. But you're still missing that certain "je ne sais quoi."

Here are some tips you can use in the future:

>Don't claim to have family members and then admit they only exist in your head.
Schizos never admit this. They may claim that their fictional spouse or children exist on a different plane of consciousness (like Chris Chandler), or they will claim to have married a celebrity or fictional character in a secret wedding. But the relationship is always real in their minds, and they become violently offended if someone rational or sane questions the existence of said partner.

>Don't reference debunked conspiracy theories
Claiming to have secret insider information on a government conspiracy or secret atrocity campaign is zesty and fun. And it may be tempting to ride on the popularity of conspiracies that are trending in the news and general public. But these theories are almost always benign or routine operations being deliberately misconstrued for internet clout and attention. 4chan is regularly visited by PMCs, active-duty/retired military, federal contractors, and other specialists. Many of these have the security clearances and personal experience to know that Popular Tinfoil Theory #37 isn't actually an NWO/Lizard People/Illuminati black op, making you look like an idiot in the process.

>Don't claim the CIA is the agency monitoring you
CIA goons wiretapping your phone and black helicopters flying over your house used to be the bread and butter of 1970's to mid 1990's paranoid lunatics. But as the older generation of tinfoils die out, new replacement bogeymen have become the hip new culprits for your paranoid delusions. Consider using more updated and relevant bogeymen such as Google, Microsoft, the IRS, the ATF, or other corporation.


>Use relevant visual materials
Claiming that someone posting on 4chan is actually a federal agitator trying to provoke you, reprogram your brain with subliminal messaging, or mock your attempts to unmask them makes you look mysterious and cool, but only if you attack users posting material or images that hold conceivable value as subliminal messaging tools. These images/memes should reference the current political climate in some way, such as a political party, controversial action or policy, agency, business, or individual. Attacking someone posting educational cutaways of castles and sailing ships, for a random non-specific example is a de facto non sequitr that makes your logic too hard to follow, which highlights it's artificial and forced nature.

>Pick a grammatical style and stick with it.
Trash literature like Catcher in the Rye featuring atrocious grammar, inane run-on sentences, and incomplete thoughts designed (badly) to emulate verbal speech has long influenced the writing patterns of schizos. However, plenty of others use eloquent and coherent sentence structure. Do not use both. it makes it obvious you're writing scripted responses and not expressing your genuine thoughts.

>Don't create a thread for the sole purpose of putting on a performance
Instead, post in pre-existing threads so you can use the images and responses of other people to organically generate the desired reactions.
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Love crossections but I don't have them in wp format.
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Imagine you're being harassed by some evil fucks for a period of several years. They have some kind of backdoor into all of your electronics and watch you all the time. Then one day you buy an awesome book on cross-sections and you read that fucker every day. You LOVE this cross-sections book. You close the book. Turn on your laptop. Fire up 4chan, go to your favorite board /wg/ and some asshat just made a cross-sections book thread right as the page loads. It might just freak you out enough to write a few crazy posts.

I'd rather not discuss that this exact sort of thing has been happening to me for years now... I've just noticed it happening to others more now too.
I happen to own this book and a couple others by the same author/artist. I fucking love cross-sections.
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Imagine you're a total gaylord who desperately wants people to think he's edgy and mysterious and crazy and dangerous, but unfortunately he's a boring, stupid, unimaginative, kinda autistic teenager. The kinda guy whose favorite band is Metallica. Posting pictures of Jared Leto Joker on Facebook didn't get any reaction (except 1 like from Meemaw), so he decides to spam a wall of the lamest fake-crazy gibberish text that his dull, atrophied mind could think of. It doesn't come across as scary, evil, demonic, or schizophrenic at all; it just looks like something a boring person thinks a crazy person would write. It's like a serial killer from a bad episode of an off-brand cop show.
You're lame as shit, Anon.
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root system drawings
I think he's genuinely schizo; i asked what book one of the cross-sections was from in another thread because it looked familiar. He answered me (thanks for that by the way), but also accused me of gaslighting him by pretending not to know what it was. I hope he gets the help he needs.
I don't
I hope he kills himself
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something about these tickle my 'tism...
>giving yourself dubs on a slow board to imply that KEK approves of your faggotry
I've been researching some super niche subjects about tech, programming, philosophy, etc. and like clockwork when I open /g/ I find threads about those super niche subjects posted, and they don't even get replies because of how niche and boring (to most people) they are.

and inb4 schizo, I can confirm the same pattern you've noticed. Every time this happens I go to a 4chan archive, I search the information in that post, and it's never more than 1-100 posts in the history of that board. So out of many millions of posts there are only a handful of people who've ever mentioned it, and right when I click on the catalog on that board I see it. Creepy and weird. I've started keeping track of these "coincidences" and it's eerie to say the least.
>your behavior doesn't conform to schizo memes therefore I don't believe you
You NPCs are so cute. How about no?
I had another one by the same guy just called "Incredible Cross Sections". Loved it. Wonder if my folks still have it there.

>Not realizing I'm calling you a colossal nigger faggot

Me too

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