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Time for a winter/christmas theme

Post any comfy photos that fit the theme. No anime or digital images or whatever. Real photos only please.
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god this new captcha is just awful
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Best in the thread so far.
Second best.
Third best.
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why do people light their homes with different colour temp bulbs? wth?
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3000K above bathroom sinks and in any room that has lots of dark wood (floors, paneling, furniture, built-in shelves/cabinets.) 4000K everywhere else indoors. 5000K in the garage and outdoors. Anything below 3000K is disgusting.
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OC in Sapporo 2 years ago. Froze my ass off but it was comfy
very cool
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pretty sure that's Gdansk, so yeah.
This is my favorite. Always glad to see a TOO thread.
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funny since that's a picture of my apartment that I took this year
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Then your apartment is hella cozy. Unsurprising, given who it belongs to.
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