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File: ylylcandle.webm (1.25 MB, 640x640)
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You love you lose
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801 KB GIF
Where's the funny?
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3.82 MB WEBM
File: cute girl.webm (5.96 MB, 576x1024)
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File: cute_ohana_petite.webm (3.11 MB, 856x480)
3.11 MB
3.11 MB WEBM
What is that jar?
Fuck the bitches I want the magic lamp.
probably an artificial firefly jar that has a light sensor on the lid.
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5.94 MB WEBM
Lost hard
back in my day they used LDRs on solar lights...now they use the solar cell itself
File: the look.webm (5.9 MB, 368x506)
5.9 MB
shed rather kiss a bird than something that would care for her
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5.82 MB WEBM
I know she's American, but I can practically hear an Irish accent through the screen.
@gilticus. he's is a zigger tranny
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File: Ukraine.webm (2.9 MB, 1280x720)
2.9 MB
I'll kill Putin for her
would my kids look like little niglets if I breeded her as a huwite man
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2.66 MB WEBM
>wears make up
pick 1
File: niggaaaaa.webm (3.91 MB, 1472x1080)
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3.91 MB WEBM
I don't care what this is, i want my penis inside it
*future FtM
Eww gross
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I won
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I like that jar more than women
File: out of legue weeb miku.webm (5.96 MB, 1100x800)
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allie a cute
still sad she deleted her tumblr
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No Ennio Morricone = downvoted
only fuckable one in the thread
based. love when niggas give up the @ so i can coom

She's using a filter, check how below her eyes flickers in the first 2 seconds
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It's nice to see she's still posting lol
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wow.. that waist to hip ratio is otherworldly
LOL the fuck is that lol hahahah

man, Im the only one who thinks self recorded vids give some creepy vibe?

Its all artificial man, love from AI has more authenticity then these thots.

Seeing a cute girl when she doesnt know you are looking or capturing a moment special, and private, thats nice.

These are fake as fuck...

where is this tho hahaha
lost x5
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This is what the girl looks like without makeup
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File: output(1) weeb miku.webm (5.72 MB, 1080x1920)
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I don't know why but I started to like legally underage girls like 15-20 year old
Classic. I love the Migu
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1.28 MB WEBM
Hebes are top tier
You're not a thing, anon. she is.
>15-20 is underage to him
Buckbroken by jews.
she looks like that alien from the 5th element.
i want to cum on her 5head
File: IMG_7869.gif (1.99 MB, 414x244)
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1.99 MB GIF
she looks like bran stak
Can anyone identify the song?
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I had no idea it was Clairo. Thanks, anon.
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cute, but i would never want a female that posts anything like this
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>random whores
File: love.webm (631 KB, 405x720)
631 KB
What happened to the 17 year old brunette tik tok thot wsg used to be obsessed with?
Quit being a creep, perv.
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1.59 MB WEBM
you mean when she moved her facial muscles, you retard?
she could fix me
too old.
Painfully mid. Zero rizz. I'm glad the magic is still there for you guys I guess.
song sauce ?
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3.49 MB WEBM
Make me
She turned 18
thanks anon
name or you are lame
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5.93 MB WEBM
straight out of a comic, le boyish girl who's MC's best friend and knows how to crack jokes archetype
whats her OF?
Did you create the whole thread just for this shitty bait?
Felt that
Damn, she actually had a ball pen
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3.33 MB WEBM
Im started to loved it here....
I can fix her
I almost mistook her for Mystique
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the middest bitch ive ever seen posted
nice tits
You think she is middle? Is this what mid means? A 6 out of 10? My western brother, yoh must go outside. My brother, leave your house. I laughed, it was good, thank you.
lmao you need to touch grass
File: 1649355440471.webm (1.93 MB, 640x800)
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1.93 MB WEBM
Disgusting combat jaw.
theres something deeply disturbing about sarcasm on the type of makeup and style used while being intimately familiar with all the products and their exact usages
omg cute cute cute
oh man...
I genuinely think this is my litanalysis lecturer
I feel all kinds of strange now
what the fuck
>t. literal 3/10 homosexual
When I see a girl this beautiful, I get a little sad knowing I could only make her genepool more ugly.
Imagine being the older brother of one those girls when you have to go to the kitchen to grab a tissue and they all stare at you...
File: jumpsuitedmonster.webm (5.83 MB, 360x640)
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5.83 MB WEBM

Nigga this was way before filters
Gentlemen, I'm sorry. This content was made for me. She's self aware while still being quite attractive, both excited and disgusted to be portraying the "gamer girl" caricature, and she's comes off as somewhat sternly articulate - all while still glimpses of that vibrancy of her childhood.
I've never actually been to a YLYL thread in which I wasn't mostly just curious, and liked watching beautiful things move. While she may not be the image of beauty, she made me lose for the first time in the years I've been lurking here.
I don't want her name, but I hope that her personality reflects a little of all the traits she showed me there. I hope she isn't already co-opted by the more debasing parts of the Internet, and that she leads a life she enjoys.
you sound like a fedora-wearing creep
>Damn, she actually had a ball pen
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1.41 MB WEBM
posting one of the few that actually made me lose
>Liceo Thezia
>Female exclusive Catholic private school in Sonora, México
Well, that explains why they all look white. They're high class northerns.
She's the kind of cute where you wish she was your sister or daughter.

anyone knows her @ ?
need sauce
File: AI body editing app.webm (5.64 MB, 720x1280)
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5.64 MB WEBM
>With so much make-up, filters, and editing, you can never know who's actually pretty.
it's over
File: Kool & The Gang.webm (3.89 MB, 480x480)
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2.93 MB WEBM
Does that mean these type of simp threads are going to die?
Dibs on the blonde
This is one of the few chicks itt that would actually be a sweet girlfriend
I wnna be her fren
got me ngl
Thread to recycle after this thread hits file limit.... >>5516040
They're women
How old are you
But she won't. Too much work
File: 1704400614489045.webm (3.92 MB, 404x720)
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3.92 MB WEBM
Is this shit AI generated? Something uncanny valley about their expressions.
I have won at YLYL, but at what cost?
I actually did this to a colleague of mine, and she was all over me for a while. Ofc I was too autistic to shoot my shot, but there might actually be something to it.
unfortunate music, chic in the middle though, wow
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lost. only ones that matter.
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File: cute.webm (3.93 MB, 480x1059)
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3.93 MB WEBM
You're incapable of actually expressing the emotions you describe.
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2.51 MB WEBM
Fuck off with these whores whom you only post for their tits. Women posting their tits online are never cute and are incapable of love
Gee I wonder why men go into teaching
You know NOTHING about any of the girls here. The only thing you know for sure is they post videos online for attention, none of them are girlfriend material
>this was way before filters
How old do you think Snapchat is? They launched in 2011 as Picaboo
It would be cuter if she were defending her children instead of pets
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3.16 MB WEBM
File: pepe-mouth-laugh-drawn.gif (1.96 MB, 286x400)
1.96 MB
1.96 MB GIF
Sorry wrong thread
File: cookie-fits.webm (453 KB, 300x300)
453 KB
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File: loeo-cutie-huge-tits.webm (2.37 MB, 1280x1280)
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She's a pro Super Smash gamer
Apparently she uploaded this one video, got scared from the thousands of reactions and deleted her entire account
This woman is unreal
When will it be my turn for a brown submissive cutie to make black men seethe?
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File: Nadya Yeremin.webm (1.83 MB, 720x1280)
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File: ChloeVillero.webm (2.1 MB, 608x1080)
2.1 MB
I simply understand
File: Vladislava-Galagan.webm (3.82 MB, 640x800)
3.82 MB
3.82 MB WEBM
File: SweetAnita-buff-tits.webm (659 KB, 640x724)
659 KB
She can submit me any day if you catch my drift
File: Giulia Valeriani.webm (1.54 MB, 576x1024)
1.54 MB
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File: butterface-bikini.webm (3.67 MB, 500x764)
3.67 MB
3.67 MB WEBM
Do NOT Look up what she looks like today. She hit the wall fullspeed at age 22
Probably the hottest woman in existence
Last one from me, I'm going to bed
File: kissing on some guy.webm (2.03 MB, 720x480)
2.03 MB
2.03 MB WEBM
no homo but fr i would
we had it so good, Bonbros. What happened...
Tranny thing is news to me lmao
wait til you hear his voice
adorable jawfu
>The only thing you know for sure is they post videos online for attention
Holy shit women are acting like women!

Like 2013
You googled that shit
She's still pre-snapchat
idk bros didn't laugh at any of these
it was an eye twitch, not a filter.
more of her plz
why did she have to be crazy
her dick is bigger than mine
This pleases Dr Mike Mew.
This is just how women looked like in upper Paleolithic Europe before grain-based diet melted the facial development. Good forward growth of the maxilla. Short mid-face. Wide dental arch. No malocclusion.
face filter goes brrrr
I wasn't gonna. But now I really want to.
What's her name?
who is she? that TikTok name belongs to some Asian girl's account
it's right there in the filename but she also goes by "smashedely"
File: final solution.webm (2.98 MB, 478x850)
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1.24 MB WEBM
she seems like fun
this video is very fascist
Good thread. Laughed way too much at these cunts.
File: Gogogogogo.webm (5.98 MB, 720x480)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
Who is this qt?
That doesn't look like Nadya. That looks like spanish model Blanca.
Holly Earl
she hit the wall
this just became a booba thread lmao
love anon not lust
Go back to /r/eddit
Sorry to be the one to break it to you
And another year later she's showing tits and pussy on OF
My step cousin was built like this. She used to sit on my face. Now she's married with a kid and built like a complete fucking pig chain smoking all day.
>got in there before before my dream girl went full britney spears
Do what you must, clown world, i've already won.
>all these musical instruments, decides to finally record herself visually and audily, still managers to fuck up her fingering
Because you didn't save her, anon...
The only winner in the thread. Only shitty thing is her mouth. Her mouth naturally frowns at a rest and her lips are awful. Once she hits 26-30 the wall is going to literally rape her.
She's kind of cute where i wish she wasn't british or retarded.
>man literally creates skynet
>she uses it to adjust her appearance in online videos
>still ugly somehow
Imagine the greatest technology man as derived still can't your ugly.
Nobody wants to hear your pickinging or strumming you fucking retard. All those guitars and still can't manage picking.
Women always ruin everything with so much fucking vibrato. This is why there are no female Bach's or Vivaldi's or Tchaikovsky's
You weren't happy with all the shithole country monkeys poster, you just had to fully jew the thread up.
>nigger is horrifyingly ugly
>nigger is surprisingly stupid
Yeah men throughout thousands of years of history have always saw themselves in older men. Literal conquerers of the globe have always commented on wishing they were old or dead men.
>5 million female vibratos later
Transvestites can't be tomboys anon. You are a faggot.
This bitch is cute as long as she doesn't open her mouth. (And I'm not talking about her deep masculine voice, but the fact that she's too annoying.)
post link to her speaking?

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