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Asian webms
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what a professional
who is she? i want one
gets me every time
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She does, indeed, possess a vagina, anon.
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>POV you're asian
An appropriate name because I want to dong her so bad
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why you had to ruin this thread too moshe
absolutely what a fuckin gangster
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Haha girls are so quirky and special and different from boys they like to eat haha
just kill yourself faggot
Last on is so cute
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funniest post in this thread. does she have down syndrome?
Hot as fuck.
Does someone have the full version of this? You know for research purposes.
its the lean and click that takes my heart.
You would be calling them sluts and cringe if a white woman did this
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Its amazing how consistently people are wrong when they announce they imagined the opposite situation and concluded people would react differently based on the fact they just fucking made it up. Its not even sexual, you weirdo. I mean, I did get a little hard. But that's on me, not them.
Shouldn't the music be bts instead?
fucking kek

please shut the fuck up virgin
Way to expose yourself as never having been in a relationship kek
white women don't do this, thats the thing. you barely see them do anything one could consider wholesome or funny. Feel free to prove me wrong and post.
You thirsty children are so easily manipulated. The corn wasn't hot.
Dude is such a loser he has to remember login info for fucking 4chan
Kill yourselves newfags
You think it's the corn we find hot in this webm anon?
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Is this the girl that did the same thing to some dorky looking guy? What is this her attempt at sympathy points?
>dude everything is cringe and annoys me
>no fun allowed, ever
What country is this creature from
I don't understand what's going on. What is the significance of standing near each other and taking out their phones?
I find myself weirdly attracted to chubby bald asian man.
Nah that's just your average east asian chick right there, actually slightly above average in terms of looks
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>you don't want to get raped by indians
they really are the africans of the east
I need her
>poos are rapists
fucking based slant granny
Fuck that got me
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not usually a fan of sound fuckery but that's great, ty
>konichiwa dude
Why it's should be interesting?
It's nice to see women looking out for eachother. Too bad the young'un has too much hubris to listen to her elders.
Dark Crystal cosplay. nice
He wanted to take a picture with her and she took out her phone to ignore him because he's a manlet not worth her time
Hilarious. Mixed race people always do the best comedic accents, they always have one or more family members that have a heavy accent and they know what it's actually supposed to sound like
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In the words of Marie Kondo, this video sparks joy. I truly hope these two continue to live life to the fullest. God bless.
Yeah, it looks like joy.

But under the surface is a man (I use this word reluctuntly) who memorized a girly dance to impress a girl who will never fuck him.

Or he did it with no such intention - which would be even more weird desu.

I hate mixed race people
what a cunt
> No. Tee my in Jane.
even after she gets raped, she won't blame the indians or even her lack of discrimination to prevent the rape.
the globohomo brainwashing is too deep. but at least she wasn't racist.
so han and mongols we wuzing? lol
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kek this is a good one
Guy knows what many guys want, color me unsurprised i figured this out....idk when but ive vaguely been aware of it for some time

t. my favorite gacha game waifu's movements are the result of a mocap by the ceo kek
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time to take the ladyboys pill anon
>rightoid brainrot produced this headcanon of how the world works
please peg me, chink mommy
i'm not into mukbang but i was way to much into this one for some reason...who is she?
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China-made e-bike
He has a massive set of teeth. I wonder if his wisdom teeth are still intact?
He is her dance instructor you absolute retard. I don't know which is cringier, that vid or your post. Fagit.
Madam, you've earned my semen.
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based department?
was posted to /g/ a few days ago
name is 美音咲月
(satsuki mine for pig disgusting gaijin)
scroll down about 3/4 for proofs
when he takes his mask of he see its a guy
why did they get inside the cardboard elevator?
theres countless articles of white people trekking to third world countries to "prove" that non-whites are the same as us. they all get raped and decapitated. of course a fucking kike like you would try to hide this.
women with zero self-esteem irritate me for some reason. The fact that she's willing to publicly humiliate herself like this makes me want to slap her. Same thing with men too, but they don't seem to do this type of shit as often
>Chankoros latching onto grorious Nippon's achievements in order to hide their own failings as a people
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lol the Japs see chinks as subhuman. You know you're seeing a brainlet chink (who without a doubt lives in the west) when they assume China and Japan are somehow united.
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To add to this, it's so hilariously transparent when a chink talks about some kind of a unified Asian identity. No Japanese would ever put themselves in the same category as the Chinese, it's always the chinks who are trying to ride the coattails of their neighbors.
I've seen a few of these schizo pan Asian edits recently. Maybe the Han-Borg government learned about hyperborea edits.

It'll fail to launch because there is no "Asian civilisation" in the same way there's a European, or in Venners words a "Borean", civilisation.
>>5507679 >>5507695 >>5507699
lol the Han are basically the brits of SE Asia
bad teeth, shit music, doomed empire, weird tea obsession
>there is no "Asian civilisation"
True. There is however a "Chinese civilization", or at least was, as it is culturally dead for the most part, and you can see this from the way the Chinese constantly try to piggy back on to the Japanese, and sometimes even the Koreans. On some level they themselves understand this, as they can see that China itself has nothing to offer, and instead continuously absorbs outside influence.
are the decapitated white trekkers in the room with us right now?
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Also, it's even funnier when they bring up Genghis Khan as some great Asian historical figure, completely disregarding the fact that he also saw the Chinese as subhumans and genocided them by the millions. Not to mention the fact that in the end he was just a barbarian who's only lasting legacy was the demographic fluctuations his destructive invasions brought. These people know nothing of their own heritage.
stop using that retarded terminology
Just look for the adam's apple. Simple as.
That guy is so cool mifao
Nah self-hate is cringe
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>a chink talks about some kind of a unified Asian identity
American asians do this for diveristy crumbs
Tourists were recently banned from the "geisha districts" in Kyoto because of poor behavior from tourists and a Japanese person assured me "don't worry, we're not mad at Americans. Its always Chinese people."

Foreign racism and prejudice is always funny to me and I don't know why.
Where is this from? I'm seen it posted before but never the sauce.
That wasn't a trip you absolute fucking retard
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Is this a dystopian future ruled by a vtuber?
>Kizuna Ai quit anyway.
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Don't forget that the pill is taken in reverse.
>Actresses are 18
>But they look young
Reminds me of that time that Australia wanted to ban flat women from doing porn. It's a weird overreach to ban certain women's bodies from being sexualized. Are you gonna forbid her from marrying if she's 23 and looks 15 because you find it creepy? If she's an adult, she's an adult.
kek it's been some time
calm down chang your women are built for white men
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>people like him actually exist

How? I thought that was just mere fantasy, the fuck?
Asian girls do this shit a lot and it's fucking annoying, they also like to touch your nose if you're white. They all have flat faces so seeing white facial features leaves them in awe.
Great control. Strong hands and forearms from all her massage work.
I wish that was my dick.
Based mom.
>men want women that aren't ruined by the world, freshly fertile and ready to reproduce
Wow it's like thousands and thousands and thousands of years of civilizations everywhere has had some sort of effect, i can't wrap my head around why they won't change though and go for old used up women instead.
She should bottle it and sell it.
>hotter than most women itt
how does thailand do it?
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>fake AI
post the full stacked version
Damn I need the source
Omg I've seen some of those
The Ai meant "love" and Kizuna means "bond"
It was Kizuna AI and being an artificial intelligence was her shtick. It's also an intentional word-play on Ai/love, but that's secondary.
"I'm Korean" do you have a fucking hearing problem retard?
It'd be funny if it was thrown into the woodchipper.
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Bitch is desperately trying to sound like a 3 year old. Could do better. But this is a big thing with females in China, the fucked up part is they do disgusting or overly manly shit at the same time while pretending to act cute so it throws your head for a loop.
>elder, can you or not?
>genuinely give you one watermelon to eat
>genuinely offer you watermelon
She's too official and proper, she needs to drop the "gei ni" as in "give you" and just say "gei" or "give" for instance if she wants to really sound like a child.
thats hot
Hooo we ara wan pepurrr. Don't remember when Japan raper my wermen

I've been watching a series called "Creampie in Asia" where a Japanese guy fucks SEA girls. Like Japs do, he's more sensual with them, and they seem happier to film with him than the white mongers who they starfish with. Pretty hot, actually
wow I can't wait to hear more about the weird porn you're watching, totally relevant to the conversation.

No problem, glad I can tell you about it :) A man has his needs, after all
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I have the strangest boner right now.
1. sometimes they don't develop one if they start early or were low T or something
2. there's a removal surgery for it
3. females can have them too it's just not as common
The king
I'll actually take that over the western (((neolib))) ruler.
What is this meme? Japanese men are autistic as fuck, they're not sensual at all. Though this guy might be an exception if he's out and about fucking all kinds of SEA pussy.
Anyway I for one want to hear more, give me the codes of your top 3 JAVs for starters.
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hebeipangzai on X for those curious.
>missing the melancholic drinking song about the depressed 39yr old
Why doesn't that Karen get those tits out so we'll look at them instead of those poor 18 year olds who look young. Because that's really why she's angry
manliest chink around
>*uncanny valley siren*

Oh, of course they are, I'm just saying that JAVs focus on a lot more sensual stuff than Western stuff focuses on. I am more of a hag casting connoisseur, you still want he codes?

No fucking way this is Tokyo and I'd be surprsied if even Osaka is taht cheap.

Both of you stupid nigger faggots are retarded, he's just a fan and he married her later so you're both a couple of dumbfuck doubleniggers.

why do hapas have this self-hatred? this girl wouldn't be nearly as fuckable if she were white
I dunno. Its weird how much race matters to people who aren't white. And how when you prove those categories are arbitrary instead, instead of just identifying as yourself instead of some bullshit racial category or your actual racial category (half-Asian, half-white), you have some sort of weird fucking identity crisis.

I guess I can't really judge it because as a white person in America, my racial identity is water.
I haven't seen this one for years. Thanks
i have been looking for the sound version of this webm, i wanted to figure out the song in the sound version. any help figuring it out is welcome
It's just your instincts telling you to terminate the mentally defective failure so it doesn't spread its genes.
Yeah, check behind the stroller and the soiled mattresses.
Nag nag nag. can you stop bitching like a domineering kike and just enjoy a thing for what it is? in the end we both know the kind of vile garbage that you enjoy. you have no standards nor class so drop the act.
Lol wut? china has (quite famously) been conquered by steppe tribes with indo-european ancestry multiple times throughout its history.
>hurrrrrrr i don't care if the retard can't speak basic language
Uhhh, no. I'll continute to bea the ever fucking loving shit out of retards.
holy fuck i look just like this balding stringy-haired guy there's still hope
actually she's a stacy
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>b- backu streeto boys????
wtf he's actually living the fucking dream
my shogun...
Could be watered down to shit to get people in the door and then if they want something stronger, they upcharge.
>why do hapas have this self-hatred?
Because Japan is a fucked up country. I grew up with a half jap/half white girl in a small redneck town and no one gave a fuck about her or anyone else's race unless they were dindus; we all hated dindus. And before you ask; no she wasn't cute. Her Japanese mom and White dad were both ugly. She turned out better looking than them, but she definitely wasn't the stereotypical hapa cutie. Her aunt was a hot jap milf though and always nice to me.
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How many times did you breed with her and her aunt though?

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