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webm's giving motivation, hope, advice or redpilling about the porn industry

>porn and degen content was bought to europe by jews and is one of the contributing factors to their exile from europe
>the current porn industry is ran almost exclusively by jews, and some have stated their clear anti-christian and anti-white agenda
>high ups at mindgeek (porn conglomerate who owns pornhub) have candidly admitted to luring minors to their sites to get addicted, and they intentionally push faggot/trans porn on minors
Everytime you click on a porn video, a poor family house gets bombed in Gaza with white phosphorus.

And if you masturbate and cum, an innocent child gets shot in the balls by IDF conscripts, for fun.
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damn yall, cant get pussy, or jerk off. just got be a femboy
Finally new materials, good job guys.
just fapped to this thread. at least it wasn't porn.
i make my own hentai with AI basically im "creating" my own porn, is that safe then cus is not related to the jews and their porn
it still has the drug-like effects of pornography produced by artists or companies
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I'd like to share with you all a method I've been using that has helped me immensely. I'm too savvy for filters, so essentially it involves completely and absolutely removing access to the internet for a set amount of time. The caveat is you obviously can't work or study while using this method, but I can guarantee no access whatsoever. If that sounds good to you, read on.

First, it involves buying the kSafe lockbox. This box can be set to a timer of anywhere between 1 minute and 10 days, after which it will lock tight and will NOT open under any circumstances until the timer runs out. The gist is to put both your phone and computer mouse inside to sever your access to the internet.

Why the computer mouse? Because we can set up a configuration for your PC that will effectively render it temporarily unusable so long as you do not possess a mouse. The first step of this configuration is, of course, to disable your touchpad if your PC has one. Ideally it should always be off. Next, you need a third party app that can reconfigure your keyboard in order to disable it. The reason being that it is very easy to cheese your way into opening and navigating browsers or enabling the touchpad with just your keyboard alone. I personally recommend Microsoft PowerToys. Once you have an app, just reconfigure all the major keys to "Disabled". These include the Windows key, spacebar, enter, arrow keys, etc.

When you want to shut down all access, simply turn on your keyboard reconfiguration in the app and make sure the touchpad is off. Then take the mouse, your phone, maybe your TV remote for good measure, and into the box it goes. I lock it all away for 12 hours when I get home from work and they are a very nice porn-free 12 hours. The only 2 ways for you to bypass this method are:

1) break it free with a hammer
2) buy a new mouse at your local pharmacy

If you find yourself taking either option, be honest and admit you don't really want to quit.
But wait! We're not done yet. There are hidden dangers. If you're like me and live with family or roommates, there is the problem of other computer mice lying around that aren't yours. They present the possibility of access during a moment of temptation. You obviously can't put them all in the box each night. There is a simple, albeit unethical solution. You will need to swipe any extra mouse when no one is looking and plug it in. Then go to Device Manager -> "Mouse and other pointing devices", and find the mouse in the list. Make sure you know exactly which mouse in this list is the one you have plugged in. To double-check, unplug the mouse and see which entry is removed from the list. Right click and hit "Disable device". If you did it right, the mouse should now be non-functional on your PC. It doesn't matter if you unplug it now and plug it back, it is now a dud as far as you are concerned (only on YOUR computer of course, so don't worry). Now just return the mouse to where you found it and repeat for any others.

Besides this, there is also the danger of access using unconventional devices like gaming consoles. In my experience, almost any device will have a small, but crucial component like a power cable or even the controller which can fit snugly in the box with the other items.

Hope this helps at all. Good luck, and hope you make it.
This shit is so fucking dumb but it makes me feel better. I like this even if it's dumb. I like thinking it's Batman sitting me down and talking to me.
No. It's the same as using your imagination. You're not made for a virtual on screen harem, you're not made for an AI generated harem and you're not made for an imaginary harem you're a real man made for real women.
and where are the real woman these days all i see is biological walking vaginas acting like dudes
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Does anyone have the 'Guess the Jew' game show webm?
the only thing (You) need to do to reduce porn consumption is to do literally anything else. Get a hobby, preferably something physical. Dancing, martial arts, gymnastics, sports, etc. Exert yourself and if possible be social while you're at it. Meet and talk to real people while doing real things. And at the end of the day you should feel tired. That's it. It's not rocket science, you don't need le redpillz or muh sigma grindset or whatever you youngsters nowadays meme about nowadays. As the Yes song goes: "Move yourself -- you are the move you make"
only webm I have of some relevance

I love this meme in every single format, it never fails to crack me up
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You guys are gonna fall for it again
My mom's already dead, so what you gonna do faggot
anons i need help. i have quit porn, but haven't quit fapping, with which i'm having a hard time, and i'm fapping way too much, around 10 times per week.

whenever i don't fap for a couple of days, i get really horny and then my impulses to watch porn return. to avoid that, i have stuck with fapping. at times, i manage to decrease my frequency to about 3 times per week, but it doesn't last long. also i still do regularly look up erotica, like nude women, but nothing more than that, nothing extreme. i do so to rid my brain of bad images coming from my former porn use, which seems to be working because my involuntary sexual fantasies start to default to that erotica. end game is ofc to quit both looking at erotica and fapping. i fap to fantasy.

does anyone have good advice on how to proceed from here?
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>"I need virtual Batman to lie to me about how I'm a good person for not touching my pee pee"
holy fuck the absolute state of you
Longer version of the first clip
I like the Device Manager part.

How long have you been doing this?
For around a year or so now. Obviously there is much more to the equation of solving porn addiction than this, but I've found that it has never failed me in securing my streak when I use it in a moment of temptation. My insant reaction is to lock it all away when I feel it getting too strong.
man, that shit is like 20 yo. i was young teenager when i first saw this. back then, it felt like there were only a handful of such videos on the web that you could theoretically just all watch and then you'd be done with them.

i remember that time when my sister dragged us into that avenue q show in london where that song is from (which i didnt know at the time). i had my first first porn-free streak and hadn't watched any porn for two months. when that song came up, i felt utter disgust, immense shame and great relief relating porn: disgusted by the song's endorsement of it, ashamed of my former engagement in it, but relieved to at last be exempt from it, to be above it.

sadly, i had a relapse about a month later. it's good that there are web resources for quitting porn nowadays, some of them actually helpful.
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Don't be a weak person and succumb to pleasure of the flesh. Nourish your soul and the flesh will gain strength.
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Be my angel
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>fapping addiction
>fap every day, sometimes 2-3 times for 15+ years
>get into VR porn
>immediately gets way worse
>5+ hour fapping sessions
>I have two girlfriends over a few years
>vr porn is literally better than real sex so I stop initiating
>single now, figured I'd cut back
>struggle for a year to get my fapping down to once a month
>vr headset whispering at me in the corner
>never bring myself to get rid of it because I keep telling myself I'll use it for other games and VR stuff and that I'm strong enough to resist the temptation
>just fapped before posting this
>in a fit of desperation and post-nut clarity I cut the cables on my headset and power cables, rendering the headset useless garbage
Burn the boats.
>struggle for a year to get my fapping down to once a month
Doesn't really make sense to try to bring fapping down to a particular level, because every time you do it, your urge to do it again will return. When you stop, you have to try to stop permanently. There isn't much use in quitting if you intend to relapse, you have to quit for good.

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