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File: kobo telephone.webm (5.79 MB, 1280x720)
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Women only, stay on topic.
Continuing from the previous thread: >>5509213

>Virtual Youtubers rankings


>Webm making guide

>Webm Software
XMedia Recode: https://www.xmedia-recode.de/en/
MPV Player & Scripts: https://mpv.io/
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borrowing this
this shit is why society is falling apart.
this is how ugly bitches get followers.
Your wish is my demand
good girl
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kill yourself, fucking sick of you fag posters
File: The retired.webm (4.26 MB, 480x480)
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That jump-scare
Basado, keep farming those ENcel tears.
There's definitely at least one woman in there. Two possibly.
File: Lets go.webm (4.65 MB, 1280x720)
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This shit is one of the many results of society falling apart.
We're not allowed to talk about why it is falling apart though. No. Only bullshit memes and scapegoating are allowed.
why are they fat?
You want to sit on a hungry skeleton?
how does he sound like a woman
The only female itt. The rest are dudes with voice changers.
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I think of vtubing as the opposite of society falling apart. It's the only outlet for female attention-seeking behavior that isn't slutty, feminist, queer, or politically correct. They literally cover up their bodies. Granted there are exceptions, but the bulk of it is women who draw and cook and make jewelery and so on. Dichotomic opposite of most twitch thots.
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you should touch grass more
File: irl gaming.webm (5.66 MB, 1920x1080)
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Anny is a Ukrop you silly goose.
File: It's Time To Stop.webm (5.93 MB, 1920x1080)
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What's the difference?
sorry, new to clipping
filian is a male
your mother is a male
fillian s'cute
it sounds dirty but i guess it isn't https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scute
True, her cock is pretty cute.
It's all Japanese
The joke wouldn't work if they were all Japanese.
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>Is a whore
whoa who would have thought?
Scut means "It's Cute"
Do you think Vedal is watching while she fucks black dudes?
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>Stop being stupid without me
This passes for humor among children
>It's the only outlet for female
That's how you know it's societal failings. Seems like a cute hobby, but the performers and the audience both are in desperate need to human contact and more normal healthy relationships.
>sacrificing audio bitrate for video bitrate
Are we going full circle and go back to the silent movie era?
nvm my post.
My audio setup made it sound more flat and hollow than it actually it is.
The market provides. Is it healthy? No. Is it better than killing myself? Probably. Debatable, but probably. There isn't really an alternative. "Normal healthy relationships" are like the "American dream", I'm not convinced they were ever real to begin with, but certainly in my life nobody (much less women) ever wanted to be friends.

>"Stop filling your needs with this fake thing!"
>take fake thing away
>there is nothing to fill your needs now

Good job, aren't you proud of yourself? Now go find a homeless person eating a McDonald's hamburger and take that away from him too, it's not healthy to eat those things.
there's much better ways for someone in poverty to get fed than mcdonalds so please work on your food analogies
Watching vtubers is gay
Millions must die
This was one hell of a sendoff.
File: scared Ai noises.webm (3.9 MB, 426x240)
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It was glorious. I watched it live.
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lilyhops collab with shondo was funny
Can someone get:
Did they turn into a dog?
the fuck is going on here
give me more context
why the tranny started to make baby sounds
Its super gay. I can't even stomach anime anymore.
I'd bet its mostly men that think of their "fans" repulsive pay pigs.
I'm in one of those relationships. Have two beautiful kids. What your type struggles with is not doing gay shit no one likes. I weird too but i bottle that shit up around most people. You can blame everyone for not getting it but it is what it is. Homeless can find love, I once saw a guy bring his woman back to his home he made from old pallets. Its not impossible.
File: Clara'sRAAAWR.webm (1.34 MB, 1280x720)
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Anyone has more Clara begin shizo? That or that clip of her 3D model that was posted on her tweeter.
I saw it live. I stopped watching her then and there. Did not reup.
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yeah, that happens sometimes, i try not to be too incel but sometimes they just end up being disgusting in some way
>Do not like the content
>Do not watch the content
It is the sane way, anon. You did good.
Mind you I don't know shit about that vtuber other than she's with Neuro sometimes and Neuro is great due to being a robot.
i don't get why you add "without me"
as in, she leaves if you do?
is that how english works in 2024?
Bro, it just seems like you have never known how english works
Stop posting this disgusting freak tranny already. You've not a single reply sir. Give up.
I'm basically the only anon keeping this thread alive with content.
I appreciate the seething content you provide.
How does anyone like this mental illness?
they aren't all Japanese? they might speak Japanese, but red is clearly English as a primary language, and blue sounds like she's from west of japan, but speaks Japanese.
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I don't really get chuuba culture, but it's baffling to me that some of them don't get it.
>non virgin
File: Rene what.webm (662 KB, 1280x720)
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i'm glad some of them don't get it, i don't want all of them to be incels
I hate women so much. Except for shondo though, she's cool
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2.7 MB GIF
What the...
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3.37 MB GIF
We need Clara doing this dance to her cover
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It has come to my attention that this is the axewound thread, so here you go
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anybody have the filian clip where she accidentally goes live and is talking to some kind of team in her smoker voice
File: hayama.webm (1.6 MB, 1398x782)
1.6 MB
Whatever this game is reminded me of that Winnie the Pooh baseball game. It looks impossible.
File: kissykiss.webm (5.98 MB, 1920x1080)
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you mean the same voice she normally has, except slightly slower and with less forced cheer?
do you have her doing rrrr sound?
File: veibae brother.webm (3.54 MB, 854x480)
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3.54 MB WEBM
Little sisters do be like that sometimes
Shut up, faggot.
Not my fault your younger sister isn't like that wincest-kun
File: PippaMakesLisaCRY.webm (2.5 MB, 640x480)
2.5 MB
off topic
it's not
the title specifies female, but what was posted was not female.
>posts male in female thread
>how is this offtopic hur dur
the voice actor is male but the vtuber is female, the thread topic says nothing about voice actors, only about vtubers
voice actor = vtuber
if you don't like it just make a new thread where only female voice actors are allowed
this is the thread
nope, it doesn't say anything about male voice actors
it says female vtubers only
then there's no problem since no male vtubers were posted
this is a male vtuber
no, the voice actor is male, the vtuber is female
vtuber refers to the person behind the model, how can a model alone be a virtual youtuber? the definition is equivalent to the act... but models by themselves can't act, so models by themselves can't be virtual youtubers. your posts in this thread, ontop of being intentionally deceitful, are technically off-topic, and you should go to the other thread if you wish to post men larping as women.
yes, a male vtuber
wrong, the vtuber is the character the actor is playing

no, a male voice actor
If you ask one of these people what they are they will tell you they are a vtuber. That is the term they refer to themselves as. They don't call themselves voice actors. They don't say they are portraying a vtuber. You're twisting yourself into a pretzel to weakly justify your belligerent shitposting. You clearly hate that some people don't want to listen to some loser pretend to be a woman so you continue your petty little crusade of posting shit where it doesn't belong.
>You clearly hate that some people don't want to listen to some loser pretend to be a woman so you continue your petty little crusade of posting shit where it doesn't belong.
That faggot is literally only doing it to fuck with you. No way is he coping so hard that he thinks that shit is worth watching.
he comes up with new clips every thread
I think he is just that pathetic
they will tell you they are a vtuber in character, they aren't a vtuber in real life
You don't even like chuubas. If you did you would post content instead of bitching
>I am a character
lmao you fucking retard
>I am a character
yes, that's what someone playing a character says
Sophistry will not suffice. Not a single vtuber refuses to refer to themselves as a vtuber while explicitly stating that the character they're playing is the vtuber that they simply voice act. Vtuber is a profession or hobby just like a normal youtuber is because vtuber just means virtual youtuber. If you ask someone who makes their living uploading videos on youtube what they are they might say they are a youtuber. They will definitely not say they are adopting the fictional role of a youtuber.

Stop digging this retarded hole. You're trolling and shitposting. There's no confusion. You're not accidentally posting your pro-gay propaganda in here because you're mistakenly conflating the definition of vtuber.
It's a troll, anon. And you're feeding it.
show me one person who says they're a vtuber in real life while not online
You were already called out for being full of shit. I'm not playing your stupid games.
so there isn't a single example you could use to confirm your claims?
thats me
Males are not females. Going around in circles with people in these threads isn't going to change that fact.
that's not the issue as i've explained several times by now, the vtuber and voice actor are not the same thing
It's been explained to you several times now that it doesn't matter. Neither male models nor male "voice actors" belong here because this is the thread for females exclusively. A male using a female model does not magically become female. Like I said before, you're not confused as to what belong here. You know webms of those creatures don't belong in this thread but you're posting them anyway because of your crippling insecurity over your deviant lifestyle not being welcomed in every single corner of the Internet. Either get a life or take your own.
>Sister lives with me
>Is basically my child
I feel that on a spiritual level
Do you do lewd stuff and does she call you daddy?
>Do you do lewd stuff
Nothing beyond prank-tier.
>and does she call you daddy?
No, she elbows me.
Wincest never happens

>she elbows me
Sounds about right. Does she pout too if she doesn't get you to do certain things her way?
>Wincest never happens
I prefer to believe the stories I've read in /a/ imouto threads
>Does she pout too if she doesn't get you to do certain things her way?
No, she's perfectly cool with me saying no. The only thing she does that I would consider immature is that sometimes she'll pester me when it's obvious she wants attention, which is a little off-putting for a grown woman.
>which is a little off-putting for a grown woman
Women are just adult children so treat her as such
>Mint Fantôme
you can't just randomly decide that it doesn't matter because people are going to to behave otherwise, if you want your thread idea to work you need to use the correct terminology
>obey my demands and I will do what you want
No you won't. It doesn't matter what terminology is being used. Female is already clear and you're ignoring it. You're not posting your gay bullshit because you can deliberately misinterpret something to consider it allowed. You're posting it because you know people don't want to see it. The words in the OP don't mean anything to you.
That's the idea dumbass.
His metaphor was that for a homeless man (incel) even a hamburger (vtuber) is better than starvation even if you want to be a moral crusader about how objectively unhealthy it is.
i'm not doing anything other than talking to you, i've never posted, saved, or even watched any of the webms you're whining about while being unwilling to actually do anything about them, so don't use me as your excuse, own up to your actions
the problem is it isn't "even a hamburger", the hamburger is several tiers more expensive and elaborate than necessary
You're just conveniently defending it tooth and nail. Sure. Why exactly would you think I'm unwilling to do anything about it? I'm not in control of it, am I? Willingness is irrelevant. Under no circumstances will anyone believe you're just some innocent bystander. No, nobody is going to alter the OP to make it look extremely seething just to clarify something that doesn't need to be clarified. Nobody is confused as to what female means no matter how much bleating you perform. The line isn't going to be drawn further back just to satisfy your sophist autism.

Stop posting your degenerate shit here.
no, i'm telling you how to properly get rid of it, retard, how are you this retarded
Once more, since you're being a stupid prick, no amount of clarification in the OP is going to stop a deliberate shitposter from shitposting. You are fucking retarded if you're acting like these webms are being posted on accident. Nobody in the world would believe such a blatant lie. Your supposed solution that would properly get rid of the problem wouldn't work because this isn't being caused by ignorance. It's being caused by malice. Stop pretending like you don't understand. You can speak English.
if that's the case why is only the female vtuber with a male voice actor being posted, when the male vtuber with a male voice actor is also spammed in the other thread?
Because the shitposter knows he's more likely to avoid mass reporting and moderation action if he posts a male that looks female. Is this sincerely an enigma that you can't unravel? No. You understand it fully, you're just talking out of your ass like there's some sort of plausible deniability when this mongrel has explicitly stated over the course of months that he spams his shit where he knows it's not wanted. It's time for you to stop sucking this troll's dick if you're going to continue pretending like you're not his most feverish ally.
yeah, the shitposter is posting on-topic things instead of off-topic ones, what a fucking conundrum
>the shitposter is posting on-topic things
No, you're playing the "I'm not touching you" game by resorting to the lowest level of pedantry possible. The tranny isn't a female v-tuber and a solid half of the reason why the two threads split in the first place.
The webms featuring a male vtuber are not on-topic. They are explicitly off-topic. You yourself admitted that he's male several times. Males should not be posted in the female thread. Going around in circles and attempting to hide behind the most tenuously fabricated technicality does not change anybody's mind about anything. Repeating "but he looks like a girl" is insufficient. It doesn't matter what he looks like. He's a male. He's off-topic.
yes, but the shit posted here has a female vtuber played by a male voice actor
Do everyone in your life the greatest favor you can by sliding the biggest knife you can find into your own neck.
>Global Female-voice-acted Virtual Youtubers
The next time you fags post a virtual twitch streamer in my virtual youtuber thread, I'm gonna lose my sheet. Can't you read the title? It's against the rules to post twitch streamers!
>I'm being a pedantic faggot, and nobody can stop me!
I honestly have to wonder if the dudeposter just got a friend to fake argue with him here.
The thread was doing it's own thing and ignoring him, then someone decided to feed the troll.
Yes. On all boards
>The thread was doing it's own thing
The thread was busy being a ghost town even without me, but no, I'm not the one who does the endless arguing and complaining.
You're not uninvolved. You're the cause of all this shit. You're responsible for all of it. If you want to sit there and act like what's happening is a bad thing why don't you fix the problem?
>why don't you fix the problem?
I can't fix you, desu. You're far too broken.
Predictably avoiding my question. The reason you don't stop your antagonistic shitposting is because you want these threads to be worse. Don't act like you're above the arguments taking place. You're the cause.
>gets the actual real answer
>thinks it's fake
what a surprise
Cute anime girls is why society is falling apart? Funny, I always thought there were other (((reasons))).

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