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Islam is just judaism 2.0 it's a perverted antichristian cult that got spun into a control system by arab warlords.

South Korea really hates muslims, which is understandable given their history.
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I can tell this is a male by it's face structure just from the slit that's visible. Absolute troon.
>Anti Muslim agenda
No, it's the pro-israel agenda.
Do not lose sight of the root cause of this manufactured hate.
Israel can only exist in a divided world.
South Korean history has nothing to do with Muslims. The angry boomers in this webm are americanized crosscucks who grew up during war on terror hysteria. The avg korean doesnt know anything about Islam or Muslims.
>source: schizo loser

why do mudslimes always insist on going places they are not welcome?
shabat shalom moshe
Islam is evil.
>>5523106 >>5523099

>invades a country like korea
>expects no resistance to colonialism by muslims

muslims that stray outside of MENA and indochina are just doing the bidding of the jews. stay out of non-muslim lands amd stop obeying jewish orders.
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Not him, but why don't you take a break from spewing shit and actually tell us about South Korea's long and hard history with Islam?
>manufactured hate
kys, there are good reasons to hate muslims that have nothing to do with jews.
Leftists finding out firsthand whats it's like to protest the Wrongthing.
Its muslim students from neighboring asian countries. The government gave them student visas so by definition theyre welcome there.
>implying its not manufactured by Jews
msm only talks about Islam/Muslims when they attack Israel or when theyre involved in a war for Israel like in Iraq. No one irl gives a shit about pol talking points.
>south korea
>resistance to colonialism
Kek what a dumb fuck
You disingenuous sand nigger. he specifically said Korea as a whole. the country was torn in half because of colonialism.
Except there is no colonialism by muslims you braindead kike, and the webm is based in South Korea, which isnt exactly known for resisting actual colonialism aka amerisharts.
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before: somewhat pretty, normal
after: very ugly
It seems like hair really is half of the beauty as the saying goes
Islam is peak brain rot
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The influx of browns on 4chan has been a disaster
I blame russia and indonesian branch of hololive
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>why wont she dress like a whore like our women!!!11
relax chud its called class.
If there was really an ‘anti-Muslim agenda’ there would never have been any Muslim immigration to the West.
However, there is an anti-religious agenda generally. Muslims kept their faith much longer than Christians because they were more backwards, living outside of industrial modernity until recently.
However the left in the West is actually kinder to Muslims than any other religious group; totally willing to ignore illiberal parts of the religion because Muslim=brown=oppressed=saint.
She is ugly, goatfucker
Al Jazeera comes from Qatar, where there is no freedom of speech. They abuse the freedom of speech in liberal democracies to complain relentlessly about every other country; while they have a slave workforce, are a leading polluter worldwide and are the chief supporters of terrorism internationally. None of this they’d ever report on because Al Jazeera has no journalistic integrity whatsoever.
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>yeah well y-you're jewish!
riveting argument
do you think morrocans and iraqis were speaking arabic before 600? lmao
Do muslims lack the same self-restraint as jeets and this is why they can't control themselves around women that don't wear ugly rags over their entire body?
What kind of fucking degree is "resistance to genocide"? These "colleges" are as much to blame for this shit.
>anti jew agenda
>anti muslim agenda
What's fucking next?
Anti-pedo and faggot agenda?
Anti gangsta nig agenda?

The only "anti" agenda in place is the anti-white agenda, anything aimed at vermins that shouldn't be in a white country is based pest control that is not enforced hard enough.
We're talking about south korea you low IQ retard. Immigration is not colonialism, military force is. And southern Iraqis did speak Arabic before 600. Arab tribes like the Ghassanids and Lakhmids existed there.
Free press doesnt exist anywhere dumbass. Jews are just mad that Aljazeera isnt kissing their ass like westoid media
t.porn addicted subhuman
Why are there muslim schools in the UK? What the fuck?
Same reason there are Catholic schools, its a secular country retard.
>shoots palestinians
>they shoot back for once
>oy vey how can the goyim do this
The Jew cries in pain as he strikes you
>shoots palestinians
Most of the time they do something that makes it so shooting them is deserved tbqh. No I'm not jewish btw, i denounce the talmud and all that.
>be palestinian
>given subhuman treatment by Jews in your own country because their God and the British 'gave' it to them
>some anon on a hasidic tunnel digging forum
>they deserved it why are they mean to hecking Jews
50 shekels were deposited in your acc mr.shabos goy
There shouldn't be anything other than Christian in a Christian country, dumbass
>Christian country
what a fucking retard
so should only be atheist schools in Britain then.
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>kike thread
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this story ends with goat fuckers crying for a ceasefire XD absolute prims
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>this story ends with goat fuckers crying for a ce-ACK
Imagine if Europeans were half as based as this. Yet they just suck muzzrat dick as they get killed. Being European in the modern age is so embarrassing.
Arabs: Goes to another country to kill people because some paedophile written in a book told him to do so for no reason.... wonders why big steel bird of freedom comes to blow up his straw hut in big land of stinking pile of shit
>he missed out on the other threads
>The Anti Women Agenda
>The Anti Asian Agenda
>The Anti Christ Agenda (Protestant lgbtqa+)
>The Anti Bridge Agenda (Indian and collapsing bridges)
>The Anti Toilet Agenda (Indian shitting on the street)
>The Anti Pibble Agenda (Pitbull Gore)
>The Anti Mage Agenda
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>One doesn't need to be a Jew to despise your ki-ACK
Americans/Euros are far worse than even the most deranged MENA terrorists.
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Stick Muslims and Jews in a room
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>>kike thread
>OP's webms are sympathetic to Muslims
Brother, no more infighting between fellow Muslims brothers, we must unite against our enemies.
>god willing, i'll gift her better than what she missed
Uhm, is he gonna fuck her or something?
You know what he means
In my ears, the roosters seems to be saying "aldea" which is Spanish for village.
shes not ugly. What shes wearing is ugly lol (the rags that cover the hair. Talk about frizz and breakage too like ugh
top kek. Based koreans. Btw to the goatfuckers, using 4chan is haram


"He has already revealed to you in the Book that when you hear Allah’s revelations being denied or ridiculed, then do not sit in that company unless they engage in a different topic, or else you will be like them.1 Surely Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers all together in Hell."
gooks wont do shit the mosque is still open. Im not sitting with you, im sitting thousands of miles away calling you a faggot. keep sneeding kafir
same thing
Read it before you cite it retard. Its talking about websites whos purpose is to insult Islam and Muslims. That would be like going on an Islam hate thread and seething about it. Not a thread about westoid media being anti Islam.
you're obviously twisting the definition for your own convenience. Keep defying allah you inbred
and btw even by your own definition this thread would still be haram because people are talking shit about islam in here
On the contrary, you're the obtuse retard whos ignoring the specific wording on the question. Its talking about websites and more specifically ones meant for anti-islam dialog where the mods can censor muslims or attack them unfairly. Thus its unwise to give that website traffic or pay it attention.
If we were to go by your retarded extrapolation every website with an option for dialog would be haram
because someone *may* say something insulting there. Why stop there, even public squares would also be haram. Except theyre not, and you're dumb.
>noooo you cant go on the cooking board because theres people on pol saying mean things about Islam!!11
This is your brain on second grade reading comprehension
You are actually inbred or just trying to win this argument because you're butthurt
I accept your concession
true. We all know they wouldn't allow christian schools in their countries
>her minor was resistance to genocide.
this. this place is a dump now.
Extremely based gooks.
Also, heaven
The other Muslim that was in this thread did not do something sinful or forbidden by engaging you in a conversation to defend his religion, that's actually mandatory for us to wage jihad against kafirs in a verbal manner (hopefully to convert them/defend our religion/protect our own people against disbelief). There is even a saying in our tradition by a scholar of ours saying that jihad with the tongue takes precedence over jihad with the sword. That's why we even engage you low-lives in debates and what not. A positive side note of us Muslims being on sites like this would be to rid it of it's ocean of filth and confusion you kafirs produce daily, so be a little thankful towards us next time. We are literally doing you a favor.
And just so that you know, you're proving our point by being completely oblivious towards what the Qur'an verse was talking about, because you're a kafir and you're therefore not able to even understand a single sentence of God's revelation.
The plural of kafir is kuffar btw, not kafirs.
Korea for the Koreans.
that is quite possibly the ugliest woman I have ever seen. How is that even possible?
Korea is jap clay
According to allah you are a kaffir
"The websites that speak ill of the religion of Allah and of His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) are no different from the gatherings where people say similar things that constitute kufr. In both cases it is haraam to stay in such gatherings and it is haraam to visit such websites, except for one who will object to what they do and is able to put a stop to these offences. "

Are you able to put a stop to me when I say Muhammad was an illiterate pedophile slave master ?
>an illiterate pedophile slave master founded the largest and most enduring empire of all time
wtf am i doing with my life
Based Koreans. There is a reason why the entire planet views muslims as subhuman filth, whether actively or subconsciously; they've been the greatest LARPers of civilization from the 7th to 21st century with an unimpressive and repellent history/culture throughout.
The Islamic civilization is far more impressive than anything the Koreans built. Theyre just seething their dying feminist shithole nation is slowly dying and want to scape goat 10 international students.
he wrote from a western country
>most enduring
He's right though, Islam is a 1400 year old empire with a billion people that's still growing. The only other empire that even came close was the eastern Roman empire and guess who conquered them.
I live on the middle east and I did my degree in the west. I was not impressed by your decadant culture, its riding on the coattails of great achievers that died centuries ago.
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Nah, you aren't right and you're coping like a typical muslim. Every islamic empire collapsed in a traumatically violent event, and guess how the islamic world got its borders that you look at everyday on the map. You can't call muslims an empire when it's the most disunited and civil-warring tribe on the planet and for hundreds of years now have been used as geopolitical pawns by greater powers of the West and East.

>Byzantines were Romans
in name only, really. Every muslim likes to call them the Romans because they need to take any win they can get in what is a history that's essentially led to a universal and collective inferiority-complex against Europe after trailing behind in every civilizational aspect and consequently dominated. Europe could've genocided islam from existence in the 1800-1900s if the continental powers decided to launch a Crusade against the undead muslim world. 1453 Byzantines were Romans like how secular nationalist Turkey is the ottoman empire or Western puppet Saudi Arabia (the homeland of islam, by the way) is the rashidun caliphate.
You did your degree in the West because the Muslim world has no functioning education system and never did ("madrasas" don't count).

>riding on the coattails of great achievers that died centuries ago
Said the Muslim, lol. You probably couldn't detect the irony and hypocrisy in that statement not because you're simply another Muslim who is genetically incapable of self-awareness (and probably dysgenic), but because you know Islamic civilization has failed to contribute anything. Irregular reminder btw that the "Islamic Golden Age" was a myth created by the West during the Cold War to incite Arab nationalism against the communist menace. Research beyond the surface level will quickly tell you that it was just the accumulation of translated Greek texts and the work of apostate scholars (most of whom were Persian) in danger of the religious authority (which eventually won, as you know). Ottomans couldn't even make a single innovation in literally their entire lifespan.
It's really telling that Koreans have more disdain for muzzies than they do the Japs that conquered them. There is a reason for that. Islamic history/culture/peoples is just unimpressive and ugly to the world; it invokes disgust and repulsion as opposed awe like other militarist societies throughout history such as the Romans, Nazis or Imperial Japanese do. Muslims are pretty much the orcs of history (Tolkien even based his Orc race off of them).
was for
>Nah, you aren't right and you're coping
>proceeds to type a wall of cope
>i-in name only, really
>Europe could've genocided islam from existence in the 1800-1900s if the continental powers decided to launch a Crusade against the undead muslim world
Kek I guess they were just too disunited to do it, weren't they?
Koreans absolutely loath Japs you low IQ poltard. 10 christcuck boomers outside a mosque do not compare to that.
>Tolkien even based his Orc race off of them
Tolkein himself said none of the races represented anyone in the real world. You really are an illiterate poltard.
No I did my degree in the west because I got a scholarship dumbass. Both my parents are engineers and they studied in the middle east, I could've easily done the same thing.
>Irregular reminder btw that the "Islamic Golden Age" was a myth to incite Arab nationalism
>umm akshually they were all persians apostates
Imagine contradicting your dumb narrative in two sentences. This is a common narrative on /pol/ because the avg retard there doesn't read anything beyond inforgraphs about how le based the nazis were. The Muslims went far beyond anything the greeks ever wrote. They spent much of their works debunking greek works on alchemy, philosphy, and astrology. The Muslims were world authorities on medicine, astronomy, geometry, optometry, algebra, and Chemistry. European polymaths like Fibbonacci and Francis bacon traveled to the Muslim world to acquire knowledge, not the other way around. Muslims werent going to Europe to learn from plague infested Christians.
See for references
Byzantines were the ones who called themselves Romans, Byzantine is a term created by historians. And they were the strongest European civilization at the time, so stop coping about semantics. The Muslims ruled greece, spain, and balkans for 800 years. They could've easily genocided greece -- the birth place of western civilization and made it Muslim. Too bad they didnt do that. You desperately want to minimize their achievements because they subjugated Europe as a whole for centuries and that threatens your superiority complex.
>noooo i cant believe the muds made us pay jizya for 800 years while germanics were flinging shit at each other in the forest
Your double digit subhuman inbred IQ is showing, you disgusting muzzloid mutt. Of course Koreans hate the Japanese and no one said otherwise, but you and I both know they aren't repulsed by them like they are you and your culture. Muslims are the most despised ilk on the planet. Koreans hate the Japanese for being their conquerers, not for their culture. Why are you trying so hard to pretend East Asians don't think Islam is subhuman?

>Tolkein himself said none of the races represented anyone in the real world. You really are an illiterate poltard.
Of course he'd say that. Do you honestly think anyone would admit to it and face backlash in the politically correct climate of today, you autistic illiterate poltard? The subtext regardless is very telling. Your lack of media literacy is showing, and it checks out considering you base your entire worldview on a bastardized fanfiction of Christianity plagiarized by an illiterate child-raping pedophile.
NTA but you just outed yourself as cope-fueled and historically illiterate by claiming 15th century Byzantines were the strongest European civilization at the time lmfao. They were a shell of their former self after the Crusader siege of 1203. Ottomans just finished them off. Islam legitimately has no impressive military victories when you think about it; it's all a result of meatwaves filling in power vacuums against weakened European states, like the Rashidun/Umayyad conquests you base all your pride in despite only being allowed to happen because the Greeks and Persians just got done slaughtering each other in a devastating war. Muslims would eventually face total destruction as a peoples and culture anyway because all their societies fell into a state of decadent ineptitude (see the Mongol rape of the Abbassids or the collective European rape of the Ottomans for example).

Absolutely seething.
Muslims really do live in their own isolated world as a coping mechanism for their soul-crushing and existential defeats ever since the end of the Medieval age. Muslim revisionist history might just be the most retarded of them all. Literally no one buys what you're peddling and 4chan muslims (which makes you a sinner, by the way) can't wage an information war for shit.

Actually, while you're at it reading the linked anon deconstructing your entire religion, just read that entire thread because it's funny.
>They could've easily genocided greece -- the birth place of western civilization and made it Muslim. Too bad they didnt do that.
The Ottomans literally attempted that during the Greek Revolution and proceeded to get gangraped by Britain, France and Russia kek.
>And they were the strongest European civilization at the time, so stop coping about semantics
Are you retarded? After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the strongest force on the continent were the Franks, and they were the ones who slaughtered the Arabs in the Battle of Tours as well as being the main Crusading force the Byzantines were dependent on.
Muslims throughout history struggled greatly against the Byzantines and ripped off a lot of their iconography like the dome and crescent, which is probably why they regard them more highly than anyone else. But yes, in their final years the Byzantines were practically sitting ducks and that anon has never looked at a map of 1453 Europe to claim it was still the strongest European state.
>Of course he would say that
Yeah he was REAL afraid of getting canceled in the 50s you absolute brainlet
>koreans and japs
The avg Korean and Jap doesnt know a single thing about Islam, you're desperately trying to shoe horn this narrative because christcuck boomers were seething about their empty churches in SK and were taking it out on the Muslim students.
You're the retard actually, the Arabs started fighting the Byzantines in the 7th century, not 1453 when Constinapole was irrelevant. The Arabs destroyed the Byzantines in almost every major battle and took all their middle eastern and African territories. Just because Constantinople remained isolated for a few hundreds after doesn't mean much. The Arabs effectively ended Christendom in the middle east and North Africa for good.
>noo they were fighting the persians before
And the Arabs btfo'd both of them at the same time, with much fewer numbers and inferior equipment. There is literally no excuse to losing to nomads who were a bunch of disunited tribes until Islam came along. How do you consistently lose battles to such people with 3 to 1 and 2 to 1 odds in your favor? The Arabs had no advantage, they were just better.
See the post above retard. Also the Franks never fought the main Umayyad army. The majority of the Umayyad forces were still fighting in the middle east against the Byzantines and the Persians. The Franks wouldnt be a threat to the Muslims until centuries later. The Umayyads fought the Persians, Berbers, Visgoths, Persians, and Byzantines at the same time. And all those parties lost.
Nothing says struggle like taking 70% of their territory in 10 years. The crescent is an Ottoman symbol, it has no special meaning in Islam.
They had 800 years to do it if they really wanted to it. They Greeks just paid their Jizya like good cucks instead.
>Literally makes up Quotes
Al-Razi never called the Quran a book of fables, this quote has no real source and is not mentioned in his writings. He had views that he was criticized for, but was not punished or executed contrary to what the retard implies. In fact the reason we know of many of his views is because the Islamic scholars challenged him on intellectual grounds and wrote refutations of his philosophical stances, instead of executing him or silencing him.
Did not get exiled for "apostasy" but rather political fall out with the Sultan that used to give him patronage. Him and Al-Razi both considered themselves Muslims and never claimed otherwise.
>Ibn Al-Haytham
>empirical data and hypothesis
Yeah he was an empiricist when it came to material knowledge, this is not a heretical view in Islam and does not carry a charge of apostasy. In fact that was the standard view when it came to every major Muslim polymath that worked in the natural sciences, it was the philosophers that disagreed.
Was a hanafi jurist, not a philosopher. He also did not get executed.
Lazy ahistorical shitpost with no references, idk why I event wasted time correcting this brainlet.
Here I can namedrop too
>Omar Khayyam
>Ibn Tufail
Why didnt Orthodox Islam stop all these guys from creating intellectual works?
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>800 years
Mohammedan education moment.

Also, you've been slowly eaten from the inside out for almost a century now by a small and surrounded Jewish state of less than 10 million inside a continent composed of multiple hundred-million Muslims; right after Europeans through the right of conquest caused irreversible damage to the Islamic world by literally terra-forming and restructuring its composition via nation states comprised of artificial borders. How do you even recover from this? Every time you look at a map, it's an omnipresent reminder of the subjugation and effective destruction of your civilization. The entire Arab-Israeli fiasco was the most humiliating geopolitical event of the 20th century if not in human history. It's no wonder you feel the need to cope so hard about your shitty religion by going a millennium back in history to its short-lived hayday in a desperate attempt to feign superiority when in actuality you probably have an inferiority-complex (which I honestly can't blame you for; you'd need to be a special type of ignorant retard to act smug as a contemporary Muslim). Take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and don't forget that in the end all of it led to a point where you now in a pitiable state create threads on 4chan garnering sympathy from Westerners for muh Muslim persecution in the rest of the world.
>s-stop creating threads on 4chan garnering sympathy from Westerners for muh Muslim persecution in the rest of the world
Lmao you're obviously a seething Jew
>How do you even recover from this
The Muslim world kept its people and its culture, can Europe say the same? Theyre the ones being eaten inside by a bunch of Jews that control their currencies, media, and education. The middle east is far from its peak but so Europe. Greece, Italy, Spain, UK, are all increasingly irrelevant shitholes that cannot be compare to their empires, with the added bonus of being aging cucked societies that are replaced by immigrants. Arab-Israeli fiasco is what put the nail in the coffin for the secular nation state model in the middle east for good, now Islamism is the main ideology in the middle east. You tried to cuck them like you cucked yourselves but it didnt work. Now the Israelis feel more threatened than ever with the whole world siding with Islamists against them, hilarious to see. I wouldnt brag about colonialism if I were a westoid, not only did the Muslims rule Europe for far longer, 80% of the territory they took from westerners remains Muslim to this day. Wheres the European colonilization was fruitless, if anything their stupidity in trying to divide the middle east only caused the voilence to spill out on European soil and bring in many migrants that are now naturalized as citizens. The demographics in Europe are permanent unless you somehow change the constitutions and dissolve the EU, good luck with that. God only knows how many euros will die before they manage to unite the continent again.
precisely, instead of condemning men who rape it is the woman's fault for inviting such behavior. So they have to be relegated to second class citizens under the guise of "protection"
Rape rates in the middle east are far lower than the west. And the penalties for rape are much higher as well. Saudi Arabia and Iran have the death penalty for rape, in Jordan/Egypt/Iraq up to life imprisonment. Hijab is about a culture of modesty, not protection from rape.
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rapes are unreported in your shitholes
Most rape is unreported in the west as well, whats your excuse? The UK has a rape rate of 52.29 per 100k, US 41.77 per 100k. Egypt's reported rate is 0.1 per 100k. Lets say its 10 times that due to underreporting, thats still 1 per 100k. Most rapes happen in concerts, clubs, frat parties and under the influence of drugs/alcohol, these things hardly exist in the Muslim world. That alone explains the low rape and std rates. Learn how 2 stats poltard.
>nooo stop telling women not to dress like whores
Always funny how polcucks turn into feminists when Muslims are involved. Keep at it kek
Grew up being raised as a muslim in america. Forced to read the koran, pray, never eat haraam food or pork, all that crap. Hated all of it from day 1. Going to mosque made me not believe in any god.
If there is any race i cannot stand it's pakistani's.
They all, universally, think of me as being one of them, being cool with them and friendly. I cant stand them.
I walked into a sandwich shop all the staff were one muslim family speaking urdu to eachother and i just immediately left.
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>out of context TV clips of literal whos
It doesn't change the reality on the ground, anon. Whites still rape at a far greater rate in their own countries than Muslims do.
he is apparently one of the most famous preachers in egypt, skeikh yacoub
Post the full clip, I've never heard of him. It doesn't change my point though, why are the rape rates there far lower than the west? Even when you exclude immigrants the white rape rate is still too high. You're in no position to point fingers at middle easterners.
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Meanwhile, in another thread...
happened just a couple of years ago in germany and austria you weeb fag
Head of state is king who is also head of christian church. Only other country with this status is Vatican.
>missing the point of the thread entirely
>They abuse the freedom of speech in liberal democracies
How can you abuse freedom of speech?
The actual term is 'Supreme Governer', its a meme job to do the ceremonial stuff with the church. The constitution and parliament are what actually rule the country and there's nothing Christian about either of them.
Mudslimes are a scourge on humanity
Same, except in the UK. Notice how Muslims are more insecure about ex-Muslims than anyone else. It's because they've experienced their ugly third-world culture firsthand and are typically more repulsed by it than anyone else as a consequence; unlike White Westerners who typically just have a surface level understanding of the rot in Islamic culture and history that's foreign to them. By rejecting the faith instinctively and/or via outsider (kafir) truths because you weren't convinced by its isolated brainwashing, it undermines the supposed "purity" of Islam, which is more important to them than anything else.

The reason apostasy is punishable by death in their religion is because Abd Allah ibn Sa'd--the main scribe of Muhammad as well as administrator of Arabs and military commander who contributed to victories against the Byzantines--abandoned the religion after noticing linguistic errors in the revelations and watching them being tampered with. He realized Muhammad was a fraud inventing a political system for the sole purpose of accumulating power and fled from Medina to Mecca exposing the Koran as a fabrication. This particularly infuriated the illiterate child-raping faggot because one of his close agents whom was also an educated and accomplished leadership figure just abandoned him and was threatening his legitimacy. Thus he was put on the kill-list and sought after by his fellow uneducated barbarians. Most Muslims are wholly ignorant of this inconvenient truth and the ones that aren't are told some copiously retarded version of it just like how they're never told how exactly Muhammad died beyond "falling ill"--after being poisoned by one of his Jewish slaves (which he himself suspected) and dying a painful death.
Most Muslims don't learn anything about their religion beyond reading a book in a foreign language they can't understand and being fed random pieces of lore from secondary sources and unprofessional word of mouth. In the West, Muslims are the most degenerate and consumerist people and Islam is effectively a cultural identity they'll just bring forth and withdraw whenever convenient. And it's obvious a sizeable population of MENA is closeted atheist. In Turkey, the population is 99% Muslim according to the government because its citizens are initially registered as such, but anyone with an inkling of knowledge of the country knows how laughable this statistic is.

Islam bases its moral compass, way of life, legal system and worldview on an illiterate and autistic bedouin sex pest who had pretend-schizoid episodes and "revelations" out of immediate convenience that constantly gave him special degenerate privileges and even referred to the particular political circumstances of that time. The Koran or "Word of Allah" is truly a timeless piece of text which can't be understood unless you know the context in which every verse was "revealed".

>Hijab is about a le culture of modesty, not protection from rape.
No it isn't. The hijab is about Muhammad's close friend Umar and later caliph who had a scat fetish and couldn't control himself:

Sahih Bukhari (the most authentic Hadith collections) 1:4:148
Narrated Aisha:
>The wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqi` at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. `Umar used to say to the Prophet (ﷺ) "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's Apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam`a the wife of the Prophet (ﷺ) went out at `Isha' time and she was a tall lady. `Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes).

Allah the all-knowing was corrected by a scat-loving freak who once tried to kill Allah's apostle. Here's your timeless divine purity of Islam bro. So much more sophisticated and rigid in foundation than Christianity, right?

>Uhhrrmmm ahckshully, Umar's incident with Sawda happened AFTER the first revelation about the hijab!!
The hijab has nothing to do with modesty, it is the exact opposite. Muhammad's first out-of-convenience pretend-schizoid episode in regards to the hijab happened as a means of differentiating the free Muslim women from the slave women who were prohibited from covering themselves. They weren't even allowed to cover their naked breasts in public. Here's your beautiful debaucherous culture of modesty bro. So much more clean and disciplined than the degenerate kafirs, right?

You're another taqiyyah-practicing sex pest.

The origins of the hijab is just one of many instances of revisionist cope by Muslims as a means of making their religion more palatable to both themselves and others. Some other major ones include claiming that the betrothment of a 6 year old and consummation of her marriage at 9 years old later was normal for the time when it wasn't, and that Islam believes in nuclear family values.

It's funny how Muslims call the modern West decadent when their sex-obsessed societies were already even more repugnant over a thousand years ago. Their culture didn't even have to be subverted by outside forces for it to collapse. They were always historical allies of the Jews anyway and Jews would always face massacres along with the Muslims whenever Christian forces reclaimed territory from them. Their two major empires--the Abbasid's whom inherited the Umayyad territory and the Ottomans--were both destroyed because they were unsustainably decadent. It's also very telling that the slaves--Blacks and Whites alike--in the Islamic slave trade were at least 2:1 women (part of why so many Muslims are dysgenic mutts). Muslims historically couldn't create anything by themselves and all their societies were slave-based. In the Ottoman Empire, it was also the Christians who became increasingly prosperous much to the envy and fear of the Muslims, before they were lashed out at. Someone called Muslims the greatest larpers of civilization and the orcs of history and this couldn't be more true; only Muslims look at themselves and think they're some disciplined collective of dynamic militants with high culture. In actuality they're just beastial tribes"""people""" who lagged behind and were outperformed by every other coexisting major civilization in the world, be it Western, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, etc.
Also, the hijab doesn't originate from Islam just like everything else it's ripped off and appropriated like a true fanfic religion concocted as the mutted spawn of Judaism x Christianity x Other Superior Local Cultures. It was first recorded in old Sumer, to differentiate between peasant girls and noble women. After getting invaded by semitic nomads, prostitution became a dirty business (it wasn't before) and used to pay ones debt after a bad harvest. The practice became so widespread that the veil became compulsory for everyone who was not a prostitute after first being introduced by the Greeks.

It says a lot more about muzzies and their subhuman lack of physical and emotional agency as well as islam's lack of any aesthetics than it does the rest of the planet anyway when the sight of a woman's hair is whoring themselves out. At least the hijab gets the job done; Muslim women look retarded and ugly when they put them on and it makes them stink. Aren't hijabs getting zogged up anyway with the whole "hijabi fashion" retardation in the West anyway? Kek.
Not him but where's the scat fetish in that quote?
In 1880, 37 states had an age of consent of 10 years, 10 states had an age of consent at 12 years, and Delaware had an age of consent of 7 years.
Just saying.
"Answer the call of nature" in that quote means defecating. Umar used to constantly beg Muhammad to veil his wives but Muhammad refused. Then one day, one of his wives Sawda went out to take a shit and Umar saw her while being a creep. She told Muhammad what happened, he dropped his food and started having another one of his schizo epiphanies in which Allah revealed to him that Muslim women must cover themselves.

Like many things in Islam, the origins of the hijab are absolutely embarrassing.
>Whites still rape at a far greater rate in their own countries than Muslims do.

>"Answer the call of nature" in that quote means defecating
No shit, bro. I'm asking how do you know he had a scat fetish just because he saw her shitting outside.
lol Who are you fooling with this retarded talking point? You could've vied for anything and you chose the rape epidemic amongst muslims kek. Afghanis, Pakis and historical Turkestan have a custom literally known as "bacha bazi".

Islam unlike other religions is a religion of lust and materialism; it's why alongside being accessible caught on so fast with barbaric desert nomads. Even their comprehension of a Heaven was having an orgy with near-hundred virgin children.
>One night Sauda bint Zam`a the wife of the Prophet (ﷺ) went out at `Isha' time and she was a tall lady. `Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda."
So he recognized her because of her height while she was walking at night when its dark, and you make up a fan fiction about how he has a scat fetish and he saw her shitting. And then he accuses me of lying when hes the retard contradicted by his own quote. Desperate christcuck larping as exmuslim, no one who grew up a muslim even spells it as "Koran" lmao.
>So much more clean and disciplined than the degenerate kafirs, right?
The plural of kafir is kuffar, Mr.larper
>slaves arent allowed to cover themselves
Only if they are non-muslim. The Hijab is about the modesty of muslim women, free or not. It is why they also wear it when they pray dumbass.
>veiling existed in other cultures
And? No one said Islam invented it, It commanded it. Islam didnt invent fasting or charity either, yet it commands those as well. Low iq strawman
> Abd Allah ibn Sa'd
You are too retarded to write his chronology correctly. He apostated before the battle of Makkah and joined the pagans, after the defeat of the pagans he was pardoned by the Prophet pbuh(like most of the pagans) and then went on to lead battles against the Byzantines alongside other companions. How stupid do you have to be to think the Muslims fought the byzantines *before* the defeating the Meccan Pagans? Maybe proof read before you copy and paste from /pol/ you seething kafir lmao
>bacha bazi
You mean the same perverts the Taliban used to execute when they got into power, and made a comeback *after* the americans took over? If bacha bazi was about religion, it would be in every muslim country, yet its no where to be found. Where is Bacha Bazi in Saudi Arabia, the birth place of Islam? Oh dang its not there unlike the Vatican kek.
>the Abbasid's whom inherited the Umayyad territory and the Ottomans--were both destroyed because they were unsustainably decadent
Neither of those caliphates collapsed due to decadence, and they both lasted 500 and 600 years respectively. Longer than the British, French, Russian, and Japanese empires. Imagine getting btfo'd by your own counter examples. I am arguing with a literal retard here.
The concept of taqqiya (lying to non-muslisms to advance the cause of islam) means that none of your words can be taken at face value.

Nobody cares about your guys' religion other than yourselves. You have no wisdom or insight to offer the world. Nobody wants a child rapist as a neighbor.
>I have no rebuttal so I will call you a liar instead
Taqqiya is shia doctrine fyi. The only references in Sunni literate for Taqqiya is a license to hide your religion for fear of your life. Thats what the word Taqqiya means, to fear something. Muslims arent allowed to lie so exceptions have to be made in life or death situations, even the wikipedia page will tell you this much but youre just a retard from pol regurgitating buzzwords without researching them. If you dont care about Islam please fuck off and stop derailing the thread with your low IQ seethe.
>Nobody wants a child rapist as a neighbor
But enough about rabbis
Assuming your headcanon about an Islamic golden age is true, can you tell me what lasting and widespread benefits for Muslims came out of this? This is a genuine question. Why did the Renaissance and Enlightenment elevate the European continent on all levels of society to the point of dominion over the globe yet its supposed progenitor the Islamic golden age didn't for the Muslim world before Europe shifted the power dynamic so hard in its favor? Why didn't Muslims take the course of history Whites did instead? Why did their golden age cease and who was responsible for it? Themselves? Foreign conquerors? It can't be eternal imperialist Euros like many of you claim because they only colonized you 600-700 years after the period's end, even if you still haven't recovered from it. It can't be eternal Jews either because you were friends with them against Christians until recently in history. Did Hulagu Khan just curse Arabs with ignorance for the rest of time because he sacked one particular city lol? If so, do you still believe in the right of conquest and might makes right? How come "Dark Ages" Europe managed to recover but not the Muslims? Why is the Islamic world a backwards third-world shithole to this day despite being more enlightened at one point than Europeans ever were? If it's all just luck, why would Allah be so unfair to Muslims after giving them the divine right of conquest in their early expansions? Are you just another historically illiterate coping muzzie trying to compensate for the dysfunctional state of his civilization today?
The scat fetish claim is moreso a spite than an actual statement but is still true because Umar was creeping on Sawda while she was shitting herself after his many protests to Muhammad to veil his wives (put 2 and 2 together). The actual point is that the hijab has its origins in muzzies behaving like degenerate sex fiends. This was the second revelation after Moham (Piss Be Upon Him) and his low IQ orcs needed a way to differentiate muzzie women from sex slaves because they are still filthy sex pests OK with women walking the streets naked so long as she's a sex slave and not a "free Muslim". They project much of their decadence onto others.
Where does it say he saw her shitting? She was walking at night in Medina, before reaching Al-Manasi which is outside the city and he recognized her due to her height. Youre really deseprate to shoe horn this narrative but its not in the text youre quoting. There is also nothing sexual or degenrate in the quote. Youre clutching at straws.
The Muslim world didn't suddenly collapse because of Baghdad, it just makes a transition in the centers of culture/science/economy away from the Arabs to the Turkic regions. Namely Anatolia and Samarkand. A golden age just refers to a period of outlier prosperity and success. Every European nature is past its golden age too, especially southern Europe.
After this transition, The Ottomans remained neck and neck with the Europeans until the 1700s. The Ottomans, like the Chinese, were slow to industrialize and adopt free markets that allowed for massive economic expansion. The Chinese and the Turks have only caught up recently. Its just a case of being late to a paradigm shift. Arab countries are on a case by case basis, some were plagued by foreign invasions, foreign backed coups, or colonialism but the ones that weren't like the Arabian gulf states are doing well. The peninsula at large(except yemen) is pretty much industrialized due to being free from conflict and rich from oil. Countries like UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc all have life metrics that are on par with first world countries like life satisfaction, suicide rates, income, health care etc. Stable muslim countries are only 'backward shitholes' according to arbitrary liberal standards not objective life metrics. South Korea is far more technological advanced than Muslim countries yet their suicide rate and life satisfaction are far worse than poor Muslim countries like Egypt or Jordan. Is that high culture?
If you're asking me why the Arabs aren't a super power like they used to be, then I have to ask you why the Greeks, Italians, and Spanish are also super far from their golden ages, its just how the world works.
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>may Allah awaken the people
He's like 76 years fucking late maybe the middle east wouldn't be such a shithole if He prevented israel from existing, 76 years ago
Clearly AI. You really think trump would say that?
Not AI but pretty sure hes quoting someone here. Probably Illhan Omar or Rashida Talib.
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this shit ain't halal
Based Trump.
I don't get why everyone dislikes Muslims, especially the right. I mean Russia is a right wing traditionalist heaven and they like Muslims
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>russia is a right wing traditionalist heaven and they like Muslims
>why do people dislike muslims on the right
War on terror propaganda for 20 years and then migrant crisis. Actual terrorism is negligible in the grand scheme of things and race is a better predictor for crime than religion. In fact most muslim criminals are hardly religious, they just have muslim sounding names. They drink, do/deal drugs, premarital sex, gamble, engage in usury etc. Theyre called muslim criminals first due to agenda, whereas all those hispanics and africans with even higher crimerates arent called christian criminals.
is this some ukrainian propaganda channel
>Russia is a right wing traditionalist heaven
Russia is literally the Antifa HQ where their dear leader cannot shut the fuck up how russians are defeating entire NAFO because Russia is multikulti paradise.
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>Russia is a right wing traditionalist heaven and they like Muslims
cherry picking + most of those are dead now
>cherry picking
Russia has toughest anti-semitism laws on the planet.
Where's the Intifada, mohamedd? It was just here a while ago.
Islam IS Christianity with minor differences and unreformed
if you stayed in Poland you wouldnt have to worry about the intifada shlomo kikestonski
I don't worry about intifada, I am wondering where did it disappear after all that posturing.
their children aren't
the ZOGbots did not kill nearly enough, though it was super kino how many of them decided to just slaughter themselves the second the US left
whats kino is zogbots roping like pussies back home.
150k+ crackers and counting
even doe the number is only like 30k
keep crying about the 6 gorillion iraqistanyrians or whatever btw, LOL!
114k mutts
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saars and heebs are too retarded to open a book
otherwise they would know about Nassim Taleb's concept of antifragility

Islam has systematically thrived under oppression and pressure, and only collapsed when too comfortable (Andalusia, Ottomans)

Koreans bros will soon realize that Islam is the only path out of their soulless, matersialistic society
Korean women will find no liberation from capitalism's unrelenting attempt to objectify their bodies and appearances, and leave them childless after a life of slaving away and consooming makeup to feel feminine instead of sharing the life of a masculine man

yids will kvetch
saars will redeem
troons will 42
zogmutt veterans will keep an heroing
100k ? What do you mean 30k casualties, there are only 2 reported casualties goyim!!!!
I just hate brown people. Arabs jews indians atc.
are you joking?
wow u changed my mind i feel so sorry for those niggers now!!!
>Subhuman treatment
Israel built their towns and cities, provides water, drainage, electricity, jobs also employment in israel, medical and food aid.

>Just don't vote for hamASS into power.

No, Israel nukes their cities and then allows some water and aid after they do it. They dont help the Palestinians, dont allow tjem to vote, put military checkpoints all over west bank, dont allow them to export or import. Stop lying jew.
Anyone with half a brain cell will see that islam is just as degenerate as judaism. And the amount of massacres they did on Christians Buddhists and Hindus should be more than enough reason to kill every last one of them, they are only crying now because they are too weak to drive out the jews. Jews are evil but at least they are stomping out the Cockroaches of the world. Pisslam follower and their pedophile pig fucking prophet MoMo piss be upon him should be erased from history.
Anyone with half a brain cell will see that islam is just as degenerate as judaism. And the amount of massacres they did on Christians Buddhists and Hindus should be more than enough reason to kill every last one of them, they are only crying now because they are too weak to drive out the jews. Jews are evil but at least they are stomping out the Cockroaches of the world. Pisslam follower and their pedophile pig fucking prophet MoMo piss be upon him should be erased from history.
>massacres against christians buddhists hindus
didnt happen but you deserved it
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>Jews are evil but at least
Shabbat Shalom Shlomo
Professor is that you? If you are I'm a big fan.
Reminder to all anons reading this thread and all the lies of the mudslimes: Denying Taqqiya (ik sunni Islam) IS PART OF TAQIYYA. Look at any muslim-Christian debate on Youtube, muslims are probably the most dishonest debaters i have seen in my entire life
>Imaging thinking people have better lives in overpopulous and corrupt shithole like Egypt instead of South Korea just because some asspulled statistic
Muslims are either very insistent with taqqiya or simply inclined to delusions due to inbreeding... i dont know which is sadder
Why are south koreane 10 times more likely to kill themselves then dumbass christcuck?
no rebuttal, seethe
The world would be a better place if these parasites were to be razed to the ground.
what's with the retard who keeps stealth bumping this shit thread
>start war
Its the arabic way of war. That and hiding behind their women and children.
Man these chink psyop threads are sure something. I know a couple of useful idiots will fall for the bait but I know better and you fags can't fool me.
israels meme campaign is going strong
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Kindly kill yourself tranny.
they obviously dont want you there so why dont they just leave?
all land belongs to Allah, kafir
Built for savage, unprotected, outside of wedding, bareback nonstop primal sex with WHITE MEN
whites absolutekt buck broken by the bbcposters keked
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Give me your fertile brown sister or we're bombing iraq again
your words would hold more weight if you werent on a website full of white incels jerking off to bbc porn kek
I don't care I want brown women now
NTA but there are many, many good reasons to not want a bunch of nasty mudslimes multiplying in one's neighborhood. As far as the Jew crap, it's true but only with respect to Israel. Don't forget that they are also behind all of those non-profit, independent "humanitarian" missions that use boats to transfer hordes of mudscums across the Mediterranean and into Europe. They know that Islam is an excellent tool for undermining and destroying countries from within, which is why they holler and kvetch about the muzzies trying to get into Israel, while orchestrating mass migration of muslims (usually military ages men with no families) into the West.
Those are students on student visas, not muh refugees. If they were to cause trouble or commit crimes their visas would be cancled and they would be expelled and subsequently deported. Just because a few crosscuck boomers were seething about them praying doesnt mean that SK or its people have an issue with them. Clutching at straws for a narrative.
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Agenda? No one with a brain likes them.
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Sometimes you lose faith in people then ya see a post like this. Both are the same.
No sound fs
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>No one with a brain likes them.
Even brainless boomer rednecks hate them.
They are like gypsies. Everyone hates them
>nobody likes them
>meanwhile millions across the world shutdown roads, universities, and transportation for them for weeks on end
>Major cities like paris, London, new york see hundreds of thousands each, up to a million.
>this has never happened in the last 20 years for a single crackkker in the western world
>Jews impeach their guy and steal an election from him and the best they can do is 2k retards on capitol hill.
When will poltards realize THEY are the ones nobody likes. Not even other whit*ids care about you.
sympathy from city liberals is an ultimate insult if anything. They did also did this for a black guy who ODed while being arrested.
>the best and most elite universities on earth
Oh yeah theyre the real dummies, fat blue collar dipshits on capitol hill and asocial incels on pol are the real enlightened ones. KEK
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imagine supporting a society that wouldn't even allow you to get an education in the first place
>do women even
Dumb bitch not even wearing hijab correctly
Lol this thread is still hanging on to life support? Why bother? You aren't convincing anyone to forfeit their hatred of muzzies. Your blood spilt is the literally cheapest on earth.
That's funny.

You should love them with the same love that God gives to all men, the same common grace that God gives to all men, as he makes the sun to rise on the just and the unjust, and makes the rain to fall on the righteous and the wicked.

They're wrong and Islam isn't a valid religion since it promotes murder in the Quran, but neither is modern Judaism a valid religion because it too promotes murder in their Talmud. They both are in great error and they have no peace in their lands because they've rejected Christ.

I think Jesus Christ being depicted as white is a good thing solely because of racists like you and your utter lack of shame for your racial hatred and the systemic racism people like you put in place. Obviously, you don't bow to or worship images or statues as the Catholics or "Orthodox" do, but depictions can be used to teach a story so long as people are aware it's a depiction made by men's hands and not something to be worshipped or bowed to or prayed to; but all of this goes over the head of a fool like you. "It's above your pay grade" as they say.
stop bumping this thread op, nobody cares

I thought it was an open-air prison
Well the IDF is almost done mopping up Rafah, you'll have to dig up some more of your water pipes once they withdraw
Nah, haji bitches just be mad ugly.
>jeets inbreed
>sand people inbreed
It was inevitable.
>greasy brown man
>"I was giving candy to random children"
Yeah that doesn't look exceptionally creepy.
>only 8000
How can we inflate this number?
>Sir, a coffee
>a website full of white incels jerking off to bbc porn kek
Hey, /wsg/ and /gif/ are two completely different boards.
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>secular country
>parliament has dedicated seats for bishops of the church of england
think before you speak ignorant fools
Good, Christianity based, Muslim and Hindus are evil.

Sunak needs to go.
imagine a self-governed open-air prison at the every whim of their overseers and totally dependent on supplies by them (water, fuel, medcine etc).

also random bombing, razzias and so on, police and military checkpoint a few and as palestinian you have to carry the right papers all time to even have a chance to go to work outside of it.

that was all before 7th octobre and the beginng of the genocide, of course.
this is what the west will get one day... when they let in even more of these shitlamists and keep voting for diversity. the west already has enough colonies of shitlamists who demand SHARIA for their host country.
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>Mussies are unparalleled academics
el oh el
kill yourself retard
blah blah blah some fucking heeb in some sand hut made up some shit and wrote it down and called himself a prohet, so so many of those back then. funny huh?
anyways balh blah blah some jesish tricks scam wow artist wrote some shit down a long time ago, called it a prophecy. you know, for the scam ;)
cool story faggot
should have shot that cunt way earlier
finally, an agenda i can support.
whats the story? sauce me up please and thank you.
Hamas fighters get got by IDF during or immediately after October 7th, can't remember exactly when
And just a few months ago they had a mass shooting in Moscow by a muslim
>msm only talks about Islam/Muslims when they attack Israel or when theyre involved in a war for Israel like in Iraq. No one irl gives a shit about pol talking points.
I just want to say this is the dumbest and gayest post I've seen on 4chan yet, like you unironically think /pol/ is some neocon board when every other post there is screaming that muslims are frens and jews are setting whites and arbas against each other. Lurk 50 years before you post something so egregiously dumb again.
Hey guys, just dropping in to say all Muslims are vermin and need to be exterminated <3
Actually a good reminder that Egypt was Christian when Muslims conquered it. Their aggression towards Christendom didn't start in Hispania as is often thought.
Nothing says benevolent deity like one that demands you execute old women in the streets.
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hell yeah i love max richter
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what's materialistic about Islam? also that's funny you mention Bacha bazi, the cultural tradition that only goes away when a radical Islamist group takes control, and that comes back when an occupier with western values™ removes said Islamic group.
The goddamn Jewish agenda thread has been deleted but this anti-Muslim rhetoric thread stays? Fuck you.
that was her minor dumbass, major was biomedical engineering
MODS do you fucking "job"
That was the Cold War, not colonialism.
Why. The fuck. Do they even come here then? Like seriously, FUCK. OFF. you have your own shit hole country with backwards as fuck stupid ass rules where you won't see any western degeneracy? SERIOUSLY WHY DO YOU COME HERE YOU SUBHUMAN DESERT DWELLING SAND PEOPLE FUCKING SCUM BAGS?!!
I hate muzzies.
>the anti muslim agenda
i see nothing wrong here
verification not required
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women should only be pretty to their husbands, cuck
>women only have two options
>dress like a street prostitute or wear a garbage bag and a face mask
>dressing like a street prostitute is bad
>therefore all women must wear garbage bags and face masks
islam is demonic and should be wiped of the earth together with judaism christ is king
Shitskins shall know true fear before they meet their demise
why are you bringing up cocks? are you a faggot?

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