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File: jack omellet.webm (1.32 MB, 1280x720)
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Time for another one. Post as many Jack videos as you can, but other shitty cooks are welcome.
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jesus this is fucking painful to watch
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I'm glad you like it
>ZipLoc bag
>"I don't know how to get these out"
this dude cant be real.
Jack is how I imagine most people than don't properly cook their food look like
I like to eat my chicken medium rare not gonna lie.
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I prefer air dried.
i can't believe this man is still alive but why is his right arm limp like it's fucking paralyzed is he finally going to keel over in his sleep
He's had 3 strokes. The second stroke ruined his arm, and his third just recently has essentially put him in a wheelchair and he slurs his speech.

He still continues to cook badly, but with the help of his wife now.
its gonna be a jack thread
So what's the recipe for the lazy man's omelette? Asking for a lazy friend.
Scramble an egg, grate some cheese, dump it in a ziploc bag and boil the bag in a pot of hot water.
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>and boil the bag in a pot of hot water.
But wouldn't that melt the bag into the omelette and give you super AIDS?
I am Jacks complete lack of cooking ability
Anyone that isn't using one of those wireless food thermometers is retarded. Swallow your pride and cook your food perfectly each time.
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>Bad Cooking
it's just gonna be jack, isn't it?
>Post as many Jack videos as you can
op is indeed a faggot.

jack doesn't even reach cringe.
jack is like one of those other internet things where it's so middle of the road pointless, yet somehow there's anons that have latched onto it, thinking this is somehow what the internet is supposed to be for.
it's a very odd thing.

webm related is what the internet is for.
I can't believe his half-assed keto diet didn't fix it.
I ate a charred rib that was in the fridge too long and it tasted like dish soap.
Let's address the elephant in the room: Did he recover from his latest hospitalization or is he dead?
If you, unlike Jack, have any braincells left you'll get some food grade sous vide bags to do that with.
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What's wrong with this? Her knife skills are weird and a bit scary, but she gets the job done.

You can't beat this level of cringe, don't even try
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Jack can tie it
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Please somebody post the ftm tranny smashing potatoes with a glass
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If anybody has more of this guy, particular airplane bathroom cooking, i appreciate it
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There's one tiktok of a hot girl making french toast, and at the end she says get out and the guy reacts to that.

Anyway, this lemon cake isn't going to be that good cause it doesn't have a syrup drizzle
i'm so fucking lonely that i wouldn't mind having this thing around just for background noise
for fucks sake im not even italian and these threads are the worst gore ive seen on 4chan
>rincing garlic
Watching videos where people make her salad is the cherry on the top. The people who straight up vomit as soon as they chew it for three seconds are the best. I particularly love Should I Series' disdain for her.
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>What's wrong with this
jesus anon, get a pet
Ja/ck/ had another stroke? Shit
Henry's Kitchen is goat.
She's obviously 'aving a giggle. Who is this btw?
How has this man gone through his entire life, and setup a "cooking" channel on youtube, but doesnt understand anything about cooking?
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Is that Krazam with the phone?
It depends on what you mean by "recover" I guess. He did rehabilitation for a little while but gave up on it, so he can sort of hobble walk but mostly needs the Wal-Mart scooter to get around.

His speech and arm are still in very bad shape. He could get better if he wanted, but he won't change his ways and is too lazy to continue the therapy.
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It's the dude from the Should I Series channel on youtube.
He runs a Pizza place, and uses the kitchen after hours to make Cobra Recopies.
I am 99% sure he's a /ck/ shitposter.
he did nothing wrong.
I am disturbed and impressed
holy fucking shit lmao
Vegan "food" is absolutely fucking disgusting
He makes Youtuber recipes in general. He's done Townsends, Ja/ck/, Kay, Cobra, and I know a few others.
>I am 99% sure he's a /ck/ shitposter.
There is zero chance he doesn't browse here in some respect, I'm pretty sure he himself was advertising his channel years ago which is why I found out about his cooking videos.
Learn english
Homeboy fresh outta the can with that one
wtf man
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DESU this probably tastes pretty awesome for the first 3 bites, but it's barely food.
Any food that has sat near this creature automatically becomes a health hazard via both cringe exposure and tranny germination, let alone food made by it.
jack keeps amazing me
but not in a good way
I wish people would stop posting this one. Jack made that video in response to an article in the New Yorker claiming that using a hair dryer before putting the chicken in the oven makes the skin crispier.
Jack was not impressed with the results, but the woman who wrote the article used a $600 hair dryer while Jack used a $20 one.
There's strong evidence suggesting it's his fifth stroke actually, there were two times he described mini stroke symptoms but didn't seek medical attention
He cooked food in a plastic bag???
Geez poor jack :(
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seems like more work than just making a regular omelet
Jesus fucking christ
vegan "cheese" is honestly the worst thing I've ever put in my mouth, and I'm a gay prostitute.
Jack once strangled his son, almost to death. He is a terrible person and a retard, he deserves to suffer.
His son is probably a shitty person too, so...
Damn, you're retarded.
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It's funny because it's absurd and classic Jack. It was a dumbass idea in a dumbass article, but of course Jack tried it.
Incredible loop
It's not retarded. Shitty people are likely to have shitty children, because genes exist.
> don't eat that don't eat that don't eat that don't eat that don't eat that
He fucking ate it...
> "Egg" Porridge
I'm legitimately going to vomit
> Yu vill eat ze bugs
Jack was just ahead of the curve there.
That's not the part that makes you retarded.
What's the part that makes me retarded?
Nothing wrong with meat or cheese.
Very true
Your brain
Do it. Find out if the suicide attempt rate is contagious.
In moderation.
Fucking smoggies, why are they like this?
That's not a response. That applies to literally everything.
true, everything else in that webm is wrong though
ok jack
The only thing stopping me from beating Jack to death with my own hands, is the disgust I feel when thinking about touching or smelling him.
imagine the powerful cumshots
I put you on my list for this comment.
a lot of places eat rare or even raw chicken. you're just socialized into thinking it's weird but there's really nothing wrong with it
That is absolutely not true.
There is no such thing as food safe plastic.
>a lot of places serve completely raw chicken
search rare chicken or chicken sushi
Not so fast nigga, you said rare AND raw.
No I didn’t, dumb fuck. Kill your self
Is he wearing those transition lenses? What a fucking dork.
>a lot of places eat rare or even raw chicken

I always give my chopped meat a zip and a half of seasoning! Thanks Marie!
The chicken sushi is raw. also that other guy ain't me
dumb retard
Would. Her, not the "sauce"
kid raised by disney
They're just a person having fun doing an activity they enjoy. Try to be less of a miserable jaded cunt and you could enjoy life too.
I completely agree
Where's part 2? Legitimately curious now
This man just wants to enjoy his meal the way he likes it without being bothered. It's the cameraman that's cringe for making a big deal out of the situation.
I load mine up with fresh grated Parm, but plain tomato sauce is just drowning out the flavors. Italians will cringe at this, but then do the exact same thing in a soup pot, call it a stew in their faggot language, then act like it's a completely different thing.
>a lot of places eat rare or even raw chicken
>raw chicken
He's the MacGyver of shitty food. Their is a non-zero chance he could assemble a bomb using all the supplies he smuggled onto that plane. I fear this man.
Britbong meth addict detected.
>he eats raw chicken
The consequences of Cooking with Jack. RIP.
> Chicken Sushi
You know that Sushi is RAW Fish, don't you?
No, it is NOT fucking NORMAL to eat Chicken RAW! Cats & Dogs can eat RAW meat but not 'normal' Humans!
Is that clam chowder that he's sweetening?
Rice pudding
That makes too much sense!
respect for trying to reach a retard.
rice pudding does need some sugar but what jack did is way beyond what you should add
if it wasn't obvious by the way that this despicable hairless pig licks the dishware: you're wrong
he has no taste or class, only autism, and if his feelings could be hurt by ridicule he wouldn't act the way he does
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>how to make homemade tomato sauce
>step 1: start with tomato sauce
What a fuckhead
needs more cheese, desu
fuck off fag go rope yourself
you do know "they're" is just a normal English word, right?
meaning they are
it is common to use when talking about anyone in the 3rd person.
I used "they" because I honestly can't tell if it's a fag dressed as a woman or not. It's common English, paki.
I microwave my scrambled eggs and they used to explode like this. I learned to mix a little butter in and they cook normally.
Does anyone have that clip from a British TV show with the two women opening a coconut with a chefs knife? It still gives me nightmares.
It'd be funnier if it was real. Don't you find it odd that they are adding mass at each stage yet the motor bowl doesn't fill up more than the first time? Also the hot dog stays relatively the same size.
>I microwave my scrambled eggs
You fit right in haha
I always like people who overreact to such things. You need to try really hard to get poisoned with undercooked checken in first world countries.
Jack has had salmonella 4 times, so that should already tell you something.
this troon has a fetish for disgusting dirty feet, hence the name. She posts pics of her feet after walking around the city barefoot.
im gonna be sick
The meatball video is also funny
definitely has a palestine flag in her x profile
Found the jew
I could care less for jews, you trannystinian
looks like a he heated up a bunch of soiled diapers what in godfuck
welcome back to Tim's Kitchen Tips

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