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You will never be a real nazi. You have no gas chambers, you have no mass assisination pits, you have no political power. You are a 14-year old boy warped by internet lunatics and attempting to be unique and edgy into a crude mockery of a non-existent regime.

All the “political support” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish beliefs behind closed doors.

People are utterly repulsed by you. Decades of political evolution have allowed people to realize your actual intentions. Even white nationalists that couch their language in enough plausible deniability Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to win one election, you’ll lose the second people inevitably find a videotape of you ranting about racist nonsense.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a self-hating minority is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably non-white.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

tldr you can fucking try larper
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Best thing about mocking fascists: they have extremely fragile egos. Show even the slightest sign that you don't respect them and they crack
k do the jews now
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sounds like jews
Nazi party was a very funny party. A party whose top leadership all had IQ over 130, but their leader below 90
>Even white nationalists that couch their language in enough plausible deniability Your bone structure is a dead giveaway.
what happened here, did you forget to edit that part of the copypasta?
No way. He was at least average, but he was gay and that's where his drive came from because he didn't like women.
No, he wasn't gay. Himmler and Rohm were gay. Hitler was never proven gay. But yeah, with his strategy post 1941 I can't say he had a very high IQ
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hey anon i don't mind these threads, heck I even enjoy them. I see one pop up once a year in comparison to the natsoc threads that you can find daily.

They are an enjoyment because I know for sure that there is some butthurt lefty anon like OP scrolling past Nazi threads everyday until he has had enough and makes a pathetic little thread with the same old webms.

Your thread is an absolute joy, here is my 2 cents for your little pathetic thread.
lol you sound mad
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He had, at most, an IQ of 120-ish. Quite average in relation to peers. An IQ below 100 is simply extremely unlikely considering his historical significance. There is also his artistic talent, he was 16 or 17 when he painted this, for example. He wasn't phenomenal, of course, but he certainly had some potential. He was self-trained, so he wouldn't have had the privilege of knowing that his expertise wasn't in style at the moment. His war against "degenerate art" was likely born out of deep resentment. His verbal IQ was likely very high, but in relation to other sub-sets, he was of middling intelligence. His memory was quite good, allegedly, even fantastic. A highly charismatic political mastermind. I wouldn't take his early educational failures as representative of his ability, as they were, as he said, due to his own rebellion against his authoritarian father. His own tutors claimed that he was talented but apathetic towards his education, all he wanted was to be an artist. He was an extremely angry, vindictive man, even in his formative years it seems. Oh, I can't post the painting that I'm referring to, nevermind. It's the painting of a castle on a mountain.
the only thing more pathetic than neonazis are neomarxists
neoliberals/neoconservatives are more pathetic
There is no such thing. Marxists are still marxists. Nazis however don't exist anymore and those who claim to like them are also very far from what their beliefs are, hence NEO nazis
That's not even what happened, what stupid faggot made this?
I thought we didn't care about xitter now since chief chud bought it?
what's wrong with being mad? what other human emotions do you suppress?
The wrong part is getting mad at petty frivolous things like a child with no control over their emotions; i.e. the average neo.
no offence but you sound like you're coping and seething
just because you are emotionally dead and think everything is frivolous does not mean it is to others. go outside, smell the air, try to regain a sense of belonging in your world.
Nazi's what?
Explain to me how going out of your way to seethe over an irrelevant anonymous bait post is anything but frivolous.
>needs to make a thread dedicated to mocking it
Couldn't have said it better. It's all the more fun when OP comes out to actually make his retarded posts instead of recycling content from the thread that just got archived. He is most likely some sort of zoomer refugee, wonder how he ended up here? Reddit to Leftypol to 4chan troll pipeline?
Don't tell me about who is more 'pathetic', the whole premise of this thread is ludicrous. The USSR was an ally with nazis and was created as a bold strategic maneuver by the Germans during WW1. If you want a righteous side, that is the NATO.
They believe this by the way.
>he doesn't understand the quite obvious Nietzschan position being displayed
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you sound upset
Why should I be upset? It's funny. I like it.
Stopping by to say:
Jews did 9/11 https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it
USS Liberty
Lavon Affair
Lucky Larry Silverstein
Larry Fink ESG
Unit 8200
Jewish "refugee" boats
Modern jews are the Pharisees, the same that killed their God Jesus
95% of the first Bolshevik regime were jews
Bolsheviks murdered millions of white Christians, Solzhenitsyn
200 Years Together
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thread went quiet after this was posted
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Zap them all
laughing at nazi's what, anon?
>there's no way weimerica will ever fall! no one will ever do anything about rampant inflation communism and trannies grooming kids!

Whatever helps you sleep at night OP
Lol. Historical fiction the USSR would have been defeated without capitalist lend-lease.
>I-I'm not coping! YOU'RE coping!
Well. "Weimerica" is stills standing and you're still seething. Have fun with your little fanfiction.
You are a communist, a utopian by definition. You are the embodiment of the people engulfed in fiction.
And as expected, no meaningful reply. You don't even try.
That's a sick cover / remix. Any help with the source?

Joe Rogan talking about the AI Hitler speeches in english
> Laugh at this silly goyim, for coming to the wrong conclusion, by thinking that the USA portrayed hitler incorrectly.
> That he's way less evil than USA made him look

Laugh at Hitler's voice in this english AI Hitler speech video, part 1 of 4

Laugh that he said nothing about killing the jews. That he simply wanted them to leave due to jews ruining Germany's economy, crime, mass influx of illegals, world's first transexual surgery center where the term was coined, child prostitutes by prescription from the pharmacy with an MD order, child prostitutes on the streets, LGBT pornographic books in school libraries, etc.
> Laugh at Hitler for being screwed over by jews after his death, by making normies think that he always talked about killing jews. When in reality, he simply wanted them to leave and they refused.
> Laugh at Hitler for being unable to get a single country to take the jews from him, as USA, all of Europe, Australia, Canada, etc all refused to take the jewish people from Germany, and forced him to keep the people that he wanted to leave Germany
> Laugh at Hitler for the entire West believing that Hitler wanted to kill the jews, so that everyone believed he was more evil than he actually was. To the point that his name is now
a synonym for evil.
Laugh at Hitler for the jews screwing him over via the MSM, after his death. Making the world think that he was an evil man that simply wanted to kill jews, when in reality he just wanted to get rid of the jews whom were destroying Germany.

Laugh at Hitler that multiple USSR jewish dictators each killed more goyim, than died under Hitler. And yet, you never hear of any of them, only Hitler. Since jews own the media, and suppress anything bad about jews.
> You NEVER hear about the 60M-90M goyim killed in the USSR by jew dictators, between 1917-1957
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Chucker Sneeder Feeder Seeder xir bullet punishes all without disctinction
Nah, post your references, this is bs. (I am a National Socialist and have heard nothing of this.)
Laugh at Hitler's manly voice in this english AI Hitler speech video, part 2 of 4
> He doesn't sound angry at all, but more concerned. He doesn't even talk about killing jews or anything, simply the compassion for loving his country and his people, and wanting to protect them from foreigners that were intentionally destroying Germany.
>You will never be a real nazi.
Oh wait, this isn't a feels thread.

Laugh at Hitler's manly voice in this english AI Hitler speech video, part 3 of 4
> He doesn't sound angry at all, but more concerned. He doesn't even talk about killing jews or anything, simply the compassion for loving his country and his people, and wanting to protect them from foreigners that were intentionally destroying Germany.
>You have no gas chambers, you have no mass assisination pits
Kek, neither did they
It's funny how these retards that know nothing keep projecting their hollywood fantasies on others without bothering to read anything into the subject they condemn
Wow. Sounds like he could be speaking about today.
>>5541124 Part 1
>>5542617 Part 2
>>5543400 Part 3

Laugh at Hitler's voice in this english AI Hitler speech video, part 4 of 4
> No talk of killing jews, just wants them to leave since they're intentionally destroying Germany and attacking ethnic Germans
> Doesn't sound angry in english, just very concerned and compassionate. A man that truly loves his country and his people
> Netanyahu in a 2016 speech >>5538831 , confirmed that Hitler never wanted to kill the jews, but just have them leave due to them destroying Germany
Does anyone know of an edit of scenes of the Dirlewagner brigade featured in Come and See edited with an industrial band which sounds like KMFDM?
massive cope when history shows that defeating Russia is IMPOSSIBLE
America is a fascist state and yes it will fall
todays marxists replaced class war with race war. They will gladly suck big corporation cock when they have a high enough brown people quota

Laugh at the nazi's goyim. Laugh at hitler as you hear what he was truly saying, with his words of love for his German people and country
> All warm and mushy inside with his love for Germany and the German people. Not hate filled and angry, like they portrayed him to be. Who would ever respect a love filled man like that. Laugh at hitler for loving his country and people so much
horrible bait

Based. We should all definitely laugh at this man for loving about his country and his people, since that goes against our woke immigration policies
He seems so caring and compassionate in english. Maybe german just makes people sound angry?
Hamas will win.
Israel will fall.
You are very scared.
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God the aussies got cucked. They have less freedoms than europe, and it was meant to be a free spirit country meant for criminals. Now they criminalize free speech
Holy crap. Joe rogan was 100% correct about:
Joe Rogan was correct that he doesn't sound crazy and angry in english, but instead seems concerened and worried about Germany and the German People. That not once does hitler say to kill the jews, but instead just want them to leave. Which netanyahu confirmed in 2016, saying that hitler never wanted to kill the jews, he just wanted them to leave
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>You will never be a real nazi
>You have no gas chambers, you have no mass assisination [sic] pits
that would put me on par with the real nazi's lol
even though I agree there are no more real nazis, typing posts like these are just going to be met with more nonsense.
Hitler was right. It's based that someone finally translated it to english via AI, so that we can finally hear the heartfelt pleas of this compassionate and caring Prophet, known as Adolf Hitler. Media controlled by them, has tried to portray him as maniacal and hellbent on killing the jews. When it was anything but that, he simply wanted to help save his country from those destroying it
God your vidrel is annoying. That chick is a pure narcissist that can't sing for shit. 3 cats in a box with razors fighting each other, with razors taped to their claws, would sound better than that garbage vidrel that you posted
OP post this thread will not turn you a real woman

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