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skinholes are fuckin terrifying to me
Honestly a less bad wreck than I was expecting
If you want to sae a file in its original form without cloudflare recompressing it, open the vid in a new tab and typ "?" and then some random text on the end.
Based, fuck Cloudflare
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>makes its own ramp for jumps
dang. those stunt guys. they got guts to land like that.
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I read somewhere that both Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee had backgrounds in chinese opera and the skills transferred over quite well from that
How is that even possible without getting hurt
Jackie chan has talked about how many films he made where half the time he was recovering from broken bones so they just got hurt and took the paycheck
obviously not in china
Jackie Chan is a dancer. The 'martial arts' that he learnt would be all but useless in a fight. I still wouldn't like to fight him though.
what a fatass.
Now that's what I call a wheelie
imagine if he biked out of there while it collapsed to a complete hole
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Delete that one and replace it with this one.
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>Large Hadron Collider, first attempts
Motorcycle was clearly in the wrong here
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I'll never forget this one just because of the name
silent webms on /wsg/ should be a bannable offense
>complaining about lack of sound
>on a board with gif in the name
You can make the motorcycle sounds with your mouth if you want.
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If it's got no sound then just make a gif. Why make a webm if it has no sound?
heh, yeah. and they're always bitchin about stupid shit
The three body problem: three bodies trying to occupy the same space, at the same time
smacks moped into someone, stands there with his hands in his pockets looking at him
Stay classy, China
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>Don't stop for stop signs
>Don't stop for red lights
>Don't stop for cars
>Don't stop for pedestrians
>Don't stop for treest
>Don't stop for giant metal bars across the road
Is there anything that can make a cyclist stop?
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fucking nightmare
How the actual fuck do you not see a big fucking gate directly in front of you?
This is genuinely baffling.
you have to be a psycho to see this happening on your camera and you don't do anything to warn people or put up a sign
Webms are usually much higher quality.
and then he landed it perfectly off camera
Why does it make them a psycho to expect people to see a fucking metal gate at chest height?
Imagine being this much of a coping vehicle-let. Get a license or get a clue.
Out of all the possible outcomes. NEVER would i have guessed that
That's a road configuration I'm not familiar with. Anyone care to clarify who was being reckless?
Like what was that car pulling into? Kinda looks like a dead-end.
I also say a 'bike end' symbol, was that the end of biking allowed on that road?
It looks like the car was pulling into a road to me. In any case, the cyclist passed three cars which had come to a stop—whatever the rules happen to be, common sense dictates that he should have slowed down in that situation until he knew why the cars around him weren't moving.
>common sense
choose one
Fucking hell, the dumbass couldn't even figure out how to brake or turn to avoid the car.
He was drinking while cycling and thus didn't have his hands on the breaks.
Because that's what you want to do heading into a turn/intersection. Let go of the breaks.
Why have I never seen footage of this happening in a Western country?
a wall
This one always gets me. They're on a fucking freeway, doing maybe 20mph in a 60. The cunt lazily holds his hand out to indicate his lane change and then turns not even a second later. Doesn't even look back. I wish all of them had gotten squelched
>oh no my friend has been hit
>he is lying injured on a fast moving road
>let me just gently set my bike aside
>nope that's not right
>let me try again
>ok my bike is safe
>I can now go help my friend get out of multiple lanes of 60mph traffic
Cyclists are barely even human. This video demonstrates perfectly their lack of logical reasoning and lack of compassion.
Holy shit I havent laughed that hard in a long time, thanks anon
What kind of sign do you think those people would pay attention to if they don't see a giant metal gate?
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The car was turning onto the road on the left. Cyclist was not paying attention and caused the collision. Also the bike lane ended before the intersection, so the cyclist was illegally passing on the right shoulder. Bike is definitely the dumbass here.
>all these careless cyclists
I really don't understand why the fuck you'd risk putting yourself in harms way like that. It's like people on motorbikes without any protective shit on, like holy fuck you fall and you could lose skin. Fuck that.

I'll stick to my slow poke quiet roads and bike/shared paths.
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...What was that lady's thought process?
This jacked dude just stabbed a fucking car. So she gets out of her car where she was safe to... try to stop him?
>Cao Rin Furzi
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Presumably that gate is usually open and they've stopped paying proper attention when passing through that area

Still pretty dumb though
Crazy how it keeps happening too.
Holy shit, impressive
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A bicycle is more than a cylists life
thanks Anon
This is insanely well-choreographed
Jackie Chan was one of the biggest movie stars of all time for a reason. Rush Hour is the ass end of his career, they sent him over to us basically after he was all used up. Good news is he made like a dozen movies at the level of quality you're looking at there first.
That guys' a bike courier. That's all he owns after 15 years of work.
If I had to guess, the property owner got tired of people riding through his property and put up that gate. The riders probably aren't used to it being there.
You're a dumb cunt, they were merging into a new lane. The truck illegally merged from the turning lane.
This webm proves 4chan is full of fuckwits cause it keeps getting posted and people will still say the bikers are in the wrong somehow.

They "lazily" put their hand out cause they don't even need to, they're in front, no car would ever even indicate in this situation. Why would he need to look back, nobody should be in that lane.
It looks like a fucking freeway
Why are bicycles on it to begin with
kek did not expect that ending.
of course it's in Russia.
it's in the UK, sides are reversed.
the cyclist is coming straight out of the end of a bike lane (hence the sign). there's no yield sign for bikes, they just continue on the road. the unfortunate thing is that the cyclist chose this moment to drink which delayed his braking.
anyway the car is crossing the road to turn so whatever the situation it's always that car's responsibility to yield for any incoming traffic, including bikes. so the car is reckless.
The guy in the grey car can't properly see the cyclist coming from behind the cars that had stopped to let the guy in the grey car pull in, I don't know the legal circumstances in this situation but why wasn't the cyclist paying attention to other road users at a junction?
the cyclist wasn't paying attention since he was drinking. BUT the car crossing the road is always expected to take the time to check for incoming traffic, or even just crossing pedestrians. just imagine if that was a toddler crossing the left road instead of a cyclist. the grey car could definitely see the cyclist (which is higher than incoming cars) but he couldn't have seen a toddler simply because he was turning too fast. in particular in a urban area.
Do you want to crash on my couch?
No i brought my own
driver really wasn't turning that fast. cyclists should be aware that when passing by stationary traffic vehicles may be crossing over between gaps. the cyclist slowing down a bit and staying vigilant would prevent it all
Quite the opposite. Stopped cars give cyclists an irrational sense of superiority because they get an opportunity to pass a bunch of stopped plebs. They must accelerate, it is an obligatory physiological reaction.
fucking kek
maybe they don't want retards riding through there too fast. you can see the main path goes off to the right anyway
more like rest of the production being too busy respecting each others pronouns
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what the fuck happened. did she die?
the car crossing still has the responsibility to yield.
Bikes have 2 sets of brakes that operate independently of each other; one for the back tire and one for the front tire. If you hit the front brake too hard, your bike will kick you off like in the webm. That's why experienced bikers always hit the back brake harder than the front, but she probably forgot to do that because of the sudden need to stop. Stupid bitch wasn't wearing a helmet and probably got a severe brain injury, but she was still moving a little bit in the video.
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complex physics

angling into the corner because of speed
cornering too fast so brakes for the car
tyre catches the hex flag groove which causes a bigger twist
then it slides, twisting more and buckles sideways
the tyre reaches about a 45-60 degree angle
bike guy flips
The more I watch it the more I notice
I think there's also a spasm of panic in his shoulders as he reacts to seeing the car
road bike handles don't like sharp turns
dude i have never in my fucking life saw anyone do this and i grew up playing outside, it would be a big fucking deal to know this is doable, what do you even call this like a bmx manual? it's so sick
>but why wasn't the cyclist paying attention to other road users at a junction?
LMAO. You haven't met many cyclists, have you?
Looks like an ambushed predator jumping on its prey after it lowered its guard.
Few months ago on /gif/ I saw a video where some guy crashes into a building and his head completely explodes.
Now its time to delete yours.
why does it flash green so many times ?
best one so far
Too big to post on most boards.
either watch or play halflife

Russianons, is it true they call cyclists "хpycт" over there, after the sound their bones make when they get crunched? That's one of the funniest things I've ever heard if that's true

I hate those zoomer escooters more than you can imagine
You can see him poised by the water beforehand thinking about it. Fast or slow? Slow might flood the engine. Fast could be dangerous. Slow I might fall over and get wet, can't have that. Better go fast. So he turns around, backs up 100m to get up speed, and flies at the water expecting to hydrofoil over it or some shit. Now he's wet AND hurt AND the bike is hydrolocked.
those are mountain bike handles with the extra bolt on horns
worse, he could have safely walked the bike across the foot bridge
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>Stupid bitch wasn't wearing a helmet and probably got a severe brain injury
We never wore helmets as kids and had plenty of incidents going over the handlebars like this. She'll be fine.
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Yes but now that things are made in china it's extra worrying
>fag on a hipster bike with no brakes
>blaming china for your non athleticism and not knowing how to fall
its all so tiresome
The cyclists shouldn't be there to begin with.
Those have brakes, you just push the pedals backwards, like on old kids' bikes.
Kids are smarter than women.
why didn't he just turn to the right
Because in many places it is legal to do that because they have no other alternatives. Cars have laws to follow too dumbass.
Just because you hate cyclists doesn't make it legal to ilegally cross an unbroken line and attempt to murder someone, this doesn't even have anything to do with what the bikes did but rather the truck not even following the laws motor vehicles have.
Alright genius, what state are they in and what is the law there. Because it is legal in many places. Your irrational hate is not above the law.
Braking and turning on a bike that fast would make him lose grip, he's probably better off flying into the bush than risking sliding on the road.
are you retarded? American bikes the wheel doesn't just fucking fall off for no reason fuck yourself
Pop quiz, hotshot: you're standing on a freeway. Think Interstate I guess, if you're American. There's an exit up ahead, on your right. One mile. There's a 16-wheeler on your right, and a Corvette on your left, both are going at about 100.
A 6-year-old tries to cross the entire freeway, in the middle of traffic. Dumb-fuck thinks its a crosswalk. Who has the right-of-way?
Answer: the child, because pedestrians always have the right-of-way when dealing with cars.
That doesn't make the scenario I outlined above "a good idea to go and try".

Same thing with riding a bike on a busy street. If someone kills you, it's manslaughter... but the CONSENSUS (among normal, non-legal people) will be that you were asking for it. You WANTED to die.
you didn't see the collision you fucking idiot and its not the wheel that fell off
>you're standing on a freeway
I guess you were actually driving in this example, but you get the point.
Don't jump in-front of traffic, kids.
things falling off in general is peak China
china is not making you face plant on concrete
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White people discovered this thing called "foundations".
Jackie Chan slept with almost all of his lead actresses in his movies. Much like Epstein but none of the cooming on potted plants.
the most impressive part is how he's still controlling it while balancing
>lady's thought process
how doe that work? it's a crossing which gives the bike the right of way but then there is a stop sign telling bikes to stop, wtf?
Right, no brakes.
In the odd chance that bike did have a coaster brake, the chances are equal that it would have been a fixie, because faggot.
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doesn't say anywhere it gives them right of way tho?
They might need to dismount and walk across or something
>chances are equal that it would have been a fixie
It is. No controls on the handlebars or the frame for shifters.
>We never wore helmets as kids and had plenty of incidents going over the handlebars like this. She'll be fine.
You sure you're not brain damaged, fellow anon?
Anon. She's on the ground, not moving, and in decorticate position. I highly doubt you hit your head in such a way to knock you out longer than a few seconds.
This one always gets me. They're on a fucking freeway, doing maybe 20mph in a 60. The cunt lazily drives his tanker truck while not even paying attention, and then hits a few innocent bicyclers not even a second later. Doesn't even check his blind spots. I wish all vehicles were off the road.
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rest of the video, happened in 2019 wembley, she scraped her forehead and temple, and ambulance was called, but the wait time was 2 hours, she did say she felt ok, and accepted a ride home instead of waiting for ambulance
>mbulance was called, but the wait time was 2 hours
That's odd. This doesn't look like an isolated ghost town out in the boonies with only dirt roads into the area.
25 X 1
It's ran by the state and central planning doesn't work.
Cyclists are often retarded. I can be reckless on my motorcycle but i know i'm the one who dies in case of trouble, they seem to not know that.
Nah it's a fixie, the singular gear in the back rarely has a brake (you aren't a "real one" if you have brakes), you stop by adding resistance to the peddles, but they keep turning til the wheel stops. Absolutely fucking retarded. Used to work at a shop and these cunts are by far the most insufferable and often riding into shit because they can't stop quickly, or missed that the downhill ends in a T/red light
They can still have "peddle backward to wheel lock" brakes, but they rarely do cause that's gay "in the fixie world"
be cuz him a dmun retard who canot be on the drive
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Damn, I wanted to see him remount
when I was a kid bikes had a brake on each handle bar. one for the front wheel, one for the back. why in all of these videos are the cyclists flipping over their front tire from braking? do new bikes only have front wheel brakes or someshit these days?
Where crash?
Modern bikes don't have 2 handle bars.
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Better kino then in the spidey movies
ich lieb biker_no reprise
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>Answer: the child, because pedestrians always have the right-of-way when dealing with cars.
The answer is the car, because pedestrians do not have the right of way in all conceivable circumstances.
Pedestrians have the right of way at intersections and marked or unmarked crosswalks. They typically do not have right of way when there is no crosswalk and no intersection. And they sure as fuck never have right of way on a freeway.
>anyway the car is crossing the road to turn so whatever the situation it's always that car's responsibility to yield for any incoming traffic, including bikes. so the car is reckless.
Not quite. When they bike lane ended they merged into a single lane with the cars. The bikes were effectively passing on the shoulder, or otherwise passing illegally.
Worst case scenario for the car should be joint responsibility. Most likely it would be the bike's full responsibility.
>just imagine if that was a toddler crossing the left road instead of a cyclist.
>he couldn't have seen a toddler simply because he was turning too fast.
Your hypothetical is apples to oranges. The car did not hit the bike. The bike hit the car. This is not analogous to the car hitting a toddler. It would be analogous to someone tossing a toddler into the side of the car while it was making the turn.
Crossings give pedestrians the right of way, not bikes. By the letter of the law, you're supposed to stop, dismount, and walk the bike across as a pedestrian. But realistically, you'd very likely still be fine as long as you make a full stop before the start of the crosswalk and then proceeded to pedal across.
There's even a chance that you could get away with slowing down significantly and rolling through the stop. It's unlikely, especially if there's video.
The one thing you should never do that will definitely fuck you over is blowing through the stop sign without slowing down like that. And that retard made it even worse somehow by acknowledging the traffic with his gesture, showing his intent.
Chinks don't understand the principle of maintaining things
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Ethnostate pass pending a criminal background check.
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Not that anon, but you can clearly see her consciously move her hand to her nose at :18. She was indeed out for only a few seconds
Once you apply too much force to the front brakes and lift the rear tire off the ground, it literally doesn't make any difference whether you have rear brakes or not. They can do nothing for you in that situation
oy vey why are white supremacists like this??
Cause if you post footage of an accident you'll either get sued by insurance companies or for breach of privacy. Like, Florida being mandated to post criminal records online spawned the Dlorida man meme, but in this set of cases in reverse.
However in this particular case it's cause the ground beneath your feet doesn't hate you for being Chinese.
yeah, ice try vatnigger.
Trying to gaslight me into thinking there's asphalt and streetlights in puccia
That is the abnormal positioning. It takes a few seconds after imact and it's at a moderate speed and very consistent.
It doesn't look identical to the images everyone was taught mostly because she's upside down.
You obviously won't get sued for posting footage of a sinkhole in the US. Not sure how you get that idea, is it something they try to use as an excuse when Chinese people ask about it?
Not even the US, you don't see videos of it in any Western country.
release the front brake?
I broke my collar bone and ripped 2 fingers off my hand in a dirt bike wreck and didnt feel the need to groan like that. i hate bikebois so damn much. i wouldnt be surprised if he was a kike.
Liberal brain
Shouldn't be riding your bike on the Horseway.
I have absolutely 0 sympathy for motorcyclists who get cleaned up doing this.
>Go around
Kek'd Hardway too fast
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Did he ride into them deliberately? Either way, what a fucking retard.
This almost happened to me one time when I was about to drop my mother off and an Asian lady appeared out of nowhere and we almost got into an altercation. It ended with me driving her to the train station because she had overslept and was late for her train. My mom kept trying to be social with her, asking "so are you from China?" and the Asian lady spoke with an extremely heavy accent but I think she told us she wasn't Chinese. After I dropped her off my mom said "she was cute, you should've asked for her phone number." And I'm like "mom, please not this again..."
Bike racing is cool, it doesn't need schadenfreude
it honestly sounds involuntary, like when that reporter smashing grapes in a bucket fell off the platform and sounded like a seal
Looks like the retard was grabbing his water bottle but veered to the side, you see him reach down to where a water bottle could be kept.
Hope he got raped in a courtroom for that.
Yeah, I turned my attention to the signs the moment I saw people going to help the guy in the bike. The bug doesn't care for others.
Because the West fortunately has a lot of shit built over a century ago when people actually cared about infrastructure. All the shit going up today/last couple of decades are about as well built as the typical chink death-trap.
i tried something similar and ate shit so fucking hard. I wasn't even trying to show off, i was riding my bike and my shorts were loose and were starting to fall down so i stood up while riding the bike to pull them back up. It was that kind of pain where you can't even make any sounds.
I like how his heart rate goes from a steady 140bpm up to 172bpm after the crash.
Which is weird cause it's not like it doesn't happen on public property.
Like this one for example: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna692231
if only there were a way to anonymously upload short videos to a website
Well, that just proves that it does appear on the US news when it happens, but isn't very common.
Anyone have the MotoGP webm with the bird callout? Austrian or Australian something?
would you risk looking like a fucking retard flapping your arms around like a idiot to be able to do that manual? I, myself, would rather not look like an idiot flapping my arms around
That's really cute. You should have taken your mom's advice and colonized her
sinkhole chink aside, what the fuck is that ugly ass truck
Hoof, that must have hurt
Is he dead. I hope he isnt dead. :(
No, it was 100% the womens fault for not being in the kitchen. Greetings from Kazakhstan.
that's literally the best part, you pseudo-intellectual midwit
what a god
hyper low IQ poster
now post the full crash
fucking lmao I can hear it
>it sounds involuntary
it sounds like they're huge pussies
Hell yeah! I love WASP!
>that second part

no good deed goes unpunished
I once did this to a homo overtaking some leisure cyclists when he came opposite me into a lane, like what the fuck are you doing in my lane.
As I'm 80kg and on a 17kg hardtail, the puny 60kg city slicker on his carbon shit doesn't stand a chance in a frontal handle contact.
My handles barely flinched while he flipped over, I just continued my ride and didn't even stop.
Also advice for starting cyclists, never ride near the edge of your lane, retards will try to overtake you through your lane instead of having to think it through and go in the opposite lane like cars have to do.
Socialised health care levels the playing field - everybody receives the same shit level of care.
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Poor lycra bikers. They have no options but to bike on roads with heavy traffic because nowhere else can handle their (lack of) speed!
Is their a tier-list of bikers?
Like on top you'd have driver-bikers, who respect the rules of the road. Then you'd have kids who are careful because they're scared, then you go down a few tiers to urban teens swerving infront of cars, down another tier is vegan bikers, and then below them is lycra bikers.
>Indiana, let it go.
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no, you're right, you can tell he gets control of his voice box and then keeps using it to make owie noises. The reporter was trying to stop vocalizing, she even says 'stop' a couple times before getting control.

lmao at :29 someone either has a kazoo or their brakes sound like one
Thai people are human. I saw a motorcycle go down in the rain in Bangkok last time I was there and multiple pedestrians immediately ran out in the road to try to help. With how low-trust America is getting I'm honestly not sure if I would expect that response here anymore.
I'd also be angry tho

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