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sample-free edition

prev >>5437156
Nice, was meaning to create a new one but forgot
File: 接合.webm (3.25 MB, 640x480)
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love me some /sfvw/
File: アギア.webm (4.43 MB, 640x480)
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File: 水生キス.webm (3.67 MB, 640x480)
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File: 愛のビーム.webm (3.01 MB, 640x480)
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90s edutainment vibes
I never knew a vaporwave album cover of all things could make me horny

are my favourites, gime more like those
>longing for the 90s
>by people born in the 2000s
here you go :3
I've always wanted to collab with this guy
He's still around, try your luck.
chill af
File: Based.webm (5.87 MB, 720x1080)
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How popular is Night Tempo in Korea?
yung unlean
File: heaterventkot.webm (1.9 MB, 1280x720)
1.9 MB
ugh, ruined with that whatever anime voices.
Solar storm tonight... look to the North
But he wanted a corp track
People still listen to vaporwave? Hasn't it been dead for a whole decade already?
Well, mainstream-wise, or people making shitty memes-wise I suppose. But the artists are still here, still putting out new tunes. And we're here enjoying them, just a smaller contingent these days. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it, personally
File: FUJII - Desolation.webm (5.99 MB, 1280x720)
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File: AVION - 奇妙thoughts.webm (2.89 MB, 1500x1500)
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2.89 MB WEBM
this is just shitty synthwave
It was pretty fucking cool. Especially over a lake/pond
thank you for everyone posting on the thread, i love the music/videos
not bad
Yeah I like the ones with videos, adds a certain something
WTF this is literally just shenmue
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File: Windows 96 - 240p.webm (5.8 MB, 480x480)
5.8 MB
not vaporwave thoughbeit
Where did you learn this word
Corp is the GOAT
vaporwave for ants
Sorry i forgot to raise the file size limit
>pastel colors
>ocean seaside pool scene
Does anyone know the name of this art style that was common in the 80s? It is similar to Hiroshi Nagai's artwork.
80s summer stuff?
I feel as if there is a name for this art style. You see it a lot in wall art from the 80s. Just pastel colors and ocean/pool scenes.
Hmm yeah
2000s kids all grew up with 90s tech and media no matter how many times you post this
Vaporwave is great because you find all these obscure artists like Dancing Fantasy
A classic. I don't know the original sample though
was the sample for this ever found
File: part fish part girl.webm (5.32 MB, 1280x720)
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5.32 MB WEBM
I never knew mermaid vaporwave was a thing
very, very niche subgenre.
File: Equip - Equip Menu.webm (4.75 MB, 480x480)
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File: star printer - Waves.webm (4.45 MB, 1400x1400)
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Am I in 2014?
of course...
New FM Skyline track dropped recently.
he put out a whole new album
Amazing. Love videos like that too
new 'soft
Encarta was kino
Should live vaporwave be a thing?
Future funk and upbeat stuff maybe.

Classic style vaporwave though... it feels antithetical to the idea of gathering in a group and enjoying music. Vaporwave is like, alone at home in the dark stuff. Or driving alone in the dark during a thunderstorm stuff.
most live vaporwave has been sample-free stuff that can actually be played with instruments by a band, i guess that makes more sense than pressing spacebar on a laptop and standing there
fuck no
File: mermaid vtumor.webm (5.73 MB, 854x480)
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From today, felt the vaporvibes a little
i wish AMVs were still a thing
I like the name *because* it's not true
Do you prefer his sample-based or sample-free work?
I don't know which is which
>I don't know which is which
Which should be the goal of any sample-free vaporwave
They're considered cringe today
zoomers love ironic cringe, itll make a comeback
I suppose so, but they'll be brainrot adhd clips instead of amvs
kino album art
That's true. Though dsfwan has a lot, and not all of it is good...
Yeah his recent albums suck, too "experimental" and try-hard. Nothing will top his early sample-free work, back when it was just soulful little ballads
is that a man or woman
File: SAINT PEPSI - Miss You.webm (5.76 MB, 1280x720)
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File: SYLLABUS - Give It Up.webm (2 MB, 1000x1000)
2 MB
File: VANTAGE - 休み.webm (4.12 MB, 540x540)
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4.12 MB WEBM
Is there anywhere that states which albums are sample-free and which aren't?
I love this video (and the track) so much. I wish New Century would make more stuff
In the album descriptions on his Bandcamp page, pretty much all of his recent work has been sample-free but not really vaporwave
Does anyone have direct links to these?
what do you mean by direct link
classic 'ware!
never heard them before, what other good stuff they got?
It's actually some German band from the 80s, I don't know if they released much else but they did get a physical release on 100% Electronica
I know the source is in the file name, but I can't find them on YouTube for some reason
A lot of these tracks aren't on Youtube. Sometimes you can find the full album uploaded though
File: Windows 96 - Mist.webm (5.74 MB, 426x240)
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5.74 MB WEBM
Windows96 isn't vaporwave.
lol if it's not vaporwave what is it
Clearly synthwave/chillsynth.
Hmm, sounds vapor enough to me
It sounds painfully modern and inauthentic. Nothing actually released in the 80s sounds even remotely like that.
lol. lmao even
Liking the new stuff Secret
Why do normalfag tourists like you keep confusing synthwave and chillwave with vaporwave? You base genre classification on "vibes" rather than actual characteristics.
>talking about yourself in third person
lol. lmao even
Stop shitting up the thread with algorithmcore synthwave slop, faggot
lmao i didn't even post it, fucking loser
top kek
File: 1704195426600800.webm (5.03 MB, 240x240)
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What are some obscure sample free vaporwave hidden gems? I've already heard
Plus all the slop that's labelled "vaporwave" like Windows96 or George Clanton. Specifically looking for sample free vaporwave with original instrumentation but synthesizer based stuff is fine too.
File: agora road.webm (4.64 MB, 1464x952)
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I usually can't even tell what is sample-free or not. If it sounds good, it sounds good, who cares?

How could one possibly know, if they've never heard the original thing being sampled? Which is quite common actually, especially for obscure new age tracks or whatever. Unless you are DEEP into the new age scene, I doubt most people would recognize this as a sample upon listening to it for the first time.

Sure, if it's clearly a slowed down track of some Japanese city pop or soul/r&b with singing, then yeah...
>Sure, if it's clearly a slowed down track of some Japanese city pop or soul/r&b with singing, then yeah
maybe it's just a really talented band from japan who also happens to slow their own songs down
Tourist In Paradise by The Rippingtons
ironically the vaporwave version actually has more views than the original
That's not surprising at all to me.
That's what I'm saying... this track is great... but literally who has ever heard of this band before? You'd have to already be a hardcore contemporary jazz fanatic, or just spend endless hours scouring through albums until you found the right tune. That's why I have respect for plunderphonics.
>but literally who has ever heard of this band before
anyone born before 2000, they used to play this kind of stuff in malls, dentist offices, hold music, etc.
theyre up there in popularity with kenny g
>up there in popularity with kenny g
My brother in Christ, no.
shut the fuck up zoomer
File: pacifico corp vapor.webm (5.69 MB, 320x240)
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i like filling my greeen viaporwave themed scholastic utopian diaper with my donkey kong banana poo. macaca. ooo aaa chimi changa
File: k o n g w a v e.webm (5.66 MB, 320x240)
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File: cityscape .webm (5.32 MB, 1280x720)
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George Clanton is good though?
not vaporwave though
Kek, based Shenmue appreciator. That game had a banging soundtrack.
Who knew /mu/ was based
I really don't fucking care. As long as it sounds good

This whole gay "samplefree" fixation that faggot has, I guess, comes out of some moral grandstanding or whatever? Seriously, who fucking cares about that shit
Slowing down other people's music doesn't make you an "artist" it makes you a hack
Vaporwave was never about being an artist. That's literally the point.
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The only reason I prefer sample-free vaporwave is because its just generally just better music. Televape, desert sands, virtua.zip, all some of the best vaporwave of all time.
its just pretentious elitists who have the compulsive desire for their music to be "music" which means it all has to be originally composed even if the music itself is total dogshit
Fucking poser...
File: 故障 - 怖い.webm (3.26 MB, 480x480)
3.26 MB
3.26 MB WEBM
making a sample-free vaporwave mix, any songs i should add?
Merzbow - Woodpecker No. 1
>making SF look warm
File: burn-this-tape.webm (5.06 MB, 480x480)
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File: dont-worry-about-it.webm (5.52 MB, 480x480)
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File: read-your-mind.webm (4.24 MB, 360x360)
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4.24 MB WEBM
File: honey.webm (5.37 MB, 360x360)
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5.37 MB WEBM
>dont suffer in silence
I knew I recognized that shit. I grew up in the 90s/early 2000s in the kansas city metro and it just hit me https://youtu.be/OM1uadk3OVc?si=J05hQiiWeTXZsGWb&t=5
I remember hearing this shit every morning on the TV while i was getting ready for school
more barber beats?
absurdly deep cut. god i love plunderphonics
same bro. I cant believe i finally had the obscure regional knowledge to recognize a sample for a vaporwave piece.
And to think dds also had that same obscure regional knowledge...... small world.
I'll post some of the ones I've webm'd through the years, haven't listened to vaporwave lately.
File: All that we Perceive.webm (4.16 MB, 400x400)
4.16 MB
4.16 MB WEBM
Final one for now, love this one.
not vaporwave
barber beats are cool by me.
I made a playlist of Vaporwave songs, hope it helps!
Plz song
You Look so Good - Moe Shop

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