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No non-Asian or non-female vtubers allowed.

>Virtual Youtubers rankings


>Webm making guide

>Webm Software
XMedia Recode: https://www.xmedia-recode.de/en/
MPV Player & Scripts: https://mpv.io/
Do you mean Japanese language?
Because most vtubers, even English language ones, are ethnically Asian.
Wrong. Vtubers are the characters. Tenma is a canadian vtuber for example.
Canon crossdresser, neither female nor trans both character-wise or actor wise. Guarantee this is the femboy tranny poster trying to troll.
By that definition, hololive characters that come from another unearthly realm don't belong in this thread.
that faggot isn't funny enough to post chaika
Correct. The OP is an idiot.
Female vtubers from East Asian companies.

no u
Write that in your OP next time then.
The OP of a vtuber thread is retarded? No way.
The only good one is that Peko girl's mom.
It wouldn't need to be specified if faggots weren't actively trying to troll.
I vote that for next thread we name it the following to make sure we really get rid of that faggot
>asian female model female irl heterosexual only no english allowed virtual youtubers
or /afmfihoneavy/ for short. This way there's no ambiguity at all and the rules can't be misinterpreted.
make sure it's irl heterosexual female only, you only made the asian model female
>female asian female model female irl female heterosexual female only female no female english female allowed female virtual female youtubers female
Based Chaichai poster. Not a female though, just a crossdressing hentai ojisan.
Why is she pretending to be retarded?
She's Korean.
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Make sure there's mods and jannies who care enough to get rid of trolls...
Oh right. There aren't any mods in /wsg/
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Holy hell look at em go
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Man I don't usually look too much into male vtubers, but this song is actually a banger
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Maybe one day this thread will have content
I'll take slow and peaceful over fast and full of shitposts.
Wrong thread.
Not female, not asian
I love when the chat is saying exactly what I'm thinking.
it's clearly female and i don't see any evidence it's not asian
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You said in the other thread that he wasn't asian and he literally says he's a boy on his social media pages. There is absolutely no ambiguity here. Not that there was any doubt that you were purposefully ruining the threads, but this time you have zero wiggle room.

Ur a fag. He's a fag. Kill yourself.
You seem obsessed
Beyond based.
Mega based
i-i kneel
that's not me
I'm late to the party. Can i still call op based?
We should get back to posting actual female vtubers
I didn't play the game, but the Senator seems to be the best character from the franchise as a whole. Best lines and best attitude.
only if you call him a based retard
You seem a bit mad.
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That's just a schtick used to attract viewers. She even says in this webm that the female model used is a version of her, but there's edits of it that you can buy. Streaming is ADC's job after all. It's basically the same pretend stuff other streamers do. Like Cali pretending to be a rapper or Tenma being from Canada.
Shut up faggot. He's still not East Asian and is off-topic. Kill yourself.
>asian female thread
>posts a gay man
i just really like that expression, based retard should be used more often
A western gay man at that. Not even an asian gay man.
Isn't she asian? You didn't specify what type of asian in the OP
The eyes are anime shaped, that's asian enough.
Why are you searching for a million ways to subvert the OP and shill your gay men when you could just post it in the other vtuber thread?
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fuck u and never come back
>why is a troll doing the thing i'm asking him not to
>why is he doing it even harder when i become upset about it
it is a mystery
You need to fuck off. You're no longer trolling anymore you're just being a nigger
>gets tons of angry replies
>y-your trolling doesn't work a-anymore
He's not even trying anymore. Before he tried to come up with new gay shit to get around the rules, now he's just lazy and is straight up ignoring the rules. 2/10 trolling commitment. Not mad but disappointed for not applying himself.
see >>5550407

the new rules are 100% as effective as the ones in the previous thread, therefore see >>5550899
Even if you tried to apply the "vtubers is the characters" logic here, it wouldn't work because the gay dude isn't Asian.
see >>5562333
there will always be some excuse, you literally can't win by doing this, the actual way to win is to ignore and not feed the troll, however the entire reason this thread exists is someone got trolled, so of course this place is filled by trolls like bloody water is filled by sharks
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He doesn't even need to try because you seem to get sand in your vagina no matter what he does. If you learned how to ignore obvious trolls this wouldn't have happened. You're literally ruining your own thread by acknowledging him.
shame how he jobs
NTA but that faggot has been spamming threads for fucking months, ignoring does nothing.
based orca telling simps how it is
it does more than encouraging, lmao
File: okayu.webm (2.4 MB, 480x360)
2.4 MB
not really, fag poster.
He wasn't ignored. What OP should've done is hide the posts he didn't like and move on, but instead he started throwing tantrums and ended up making a thread just to exclude one faggot. And now he's throwing tantrums in his own thread which is exactly what the tranny poster wants.
OP is actively ruining his own thread.
>He wasn't ignored.
He was, for literal months (6+ months) he was ignored and he became more and more active. You cant gaslight on this.
you mean the months before the op of these threads split them? because that's when he'd constantly get fed angry replies, including this ritualpost here >>5562496 which is still being spammed at him
Way before that, nice to see pekora saying "fags arent welcomed here" bugs you that much, though.
bro if i was the troll i would be delighted about always getting a response
And the issue is that he isnt just a troll, he was spamming his garbage for fucking months, even far before he started getting a bunch of replies. Its obvious that ignoring him wont get rid of him. If you dont see how these kinds of threads help then i cant help you.
yes, clearly if ignoring him didn't work, feeding and encouraging him will work better
It is working, you're just too low IQ to notice.
Stop fucking complaining and post asian female vtubers. Is this actually a thread for vtubers or just somewhere that OP can bitch and seethe about the fag?
where original
>Is this actually a thread for vtubers or just somewhere that OP can bitch and seethe about the fag?
hes from malaysia based on their twitter status. a seamonkey
>Is this actually a thread for vtubers or just somewhere that OP can bitch and seethe about the fag?
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I wish I knew bruv
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It feels me with joy whenever I come back to these threads and I see the replies to webms ratio. It makes me happy seeing these thrash threads burning. It's so funny to see how you are trying to go back to the original Japanese vtuber threads WHEN YOU WERE THE ONES WHO DESTROYED THEM WITH YOUR ENGLISH VTUBER GARBAGE. You deserve all of this.
File: Chihiro Thank You.webm (981 KB, 720x486)
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>ESL SEAschizo doing his thing
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>103 posts
>35 files
pack it up faggots, its time to find a new hobby.
this is why we need to gatekeep things.
OP gatekept himself. Besides, the real vtuber thread is going strong
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>diamond block drops itself instead of diamonds
what the fuck kind of mc was she playing
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>silk touch
nvm disregard this post
this IS the (attempted) gatekeeping general, the other one is open
not me, i refuse to watch jp garbage
Can you please stop posting this ugly nigger woman in every thread? You and that femboy fag are disgusting and ruin my viewing experience. Just make your own threads that will 404 after 10 min because no one else wants to see it.
File: Air Drum Daily Watame.webm (2.91 MB, 720x1280)
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But she has such a nice voice
why are you so thin-skinned? just ignore it instead of encouraging your own trolling
Low IQ retard.
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unironically, that's a dude.
and the posters are not your typical trolls, but either trannies with an agenda or unironic jewish demoralization shills. they are (or in case it's one single, persistant tranny, IT IS) this persistant because of either mental illness and/or getting paid for this. Same pot which spams BBC and girlcock threads on /gif/. Globohomo wants you not to have children.
What to do? Ignore it. Whatever motivates that poster, it's here to stay. There's a reason the OP makes this thread THIS specific and not just VTubers, but since the jannies overlook it, you know it HAS to be paid. Or severely mentally ill OR it's a janny. Probably posting your very post proudly on discord for the other jannies.
Just don't react. If you're on mobile, skip the video when you see the brown faggot or that tiger boy faggot.
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All vtubers are based on Kizuna Ai who is Japanese. Therefore all vtubers are Asian.
You're a pathetic pussy.
>that post
>in defense of this thread
>You and that femboy fag
They're the same person.
File: Max laugh.gif (973 KB, 500x333)
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973 KB GIF
All vtubing is based on max Headroom.
So then therefore all vtubers are valid in this thread
Where are her(?) pants?
She doesn't wear pants, she wears jorts
More like Janties
Whatever happened to flame-head?
Magnet-head and pika were fired, right, so is tomoshika the only one left at that outfit?
They hired a bunch of new talent so she's not alone, she's just the last of the first gen.
That character is a guy, though.
Thanks for the info, legitimately did not know.
You are such a faggot if you think that. Obvious troon voice detected
im getting godzilla vibes here
>when voice changer is about to give up
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>from East Asian companies.
that's the opposite of OP, by your logic a western vtuber can be posted here just because of the company

and who gives a shit about companies anyway, all the even halfway good vtubers are independent
>all the even halfway good vtubers are independent
Post webms of them if they're so great
NTA but I think they're right. Depends if you want your chuuba to be more idol-like or more of a uninhibited goofy degenerate. If you prefer the latter then indies are better, but it's a matter of taste.
What's even the appeal of idols? They feel about as interesting as a still 2d image.
Looks female enough to me, sauce bro?
100% female. Just because loli body type =/= male. Anon probably thinks Shondo is a dude too.
you think that this obviously male voice is female??
wtf did you in your encoding to fuck up your keyframes this bad?
What? He doesn't even use a voice changer, it's a dude and the character is canonically an otokonoko male.
You just gay my son.
Holy fucking sexo
New model when
loops nicely
This is cool.
WTF I didn't know Watame could sing this well. Is there anything she CAN'T do???
I miss the old okayu...
Now shes just a thirst trap for loners, like the rest of mediocre vtubers who only know how to moan, be bad a vidya, andshow their fictional tits.
actually so true
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>>5577193 >>5577297 >>5577573
She's a pretty good performer.
File: Kaguya Luna Shots.webm (3.5 MB, 1280x720)
3.5 MB
What ever happened to her?
She died in a car accident
Her management were being assholes and not paying her so she's PMaru-sama now.
File: Holy cake.webm (6 MB, 1920x1080)
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>caviar, egg yolk and bogger (wasabi)
Not sure if want.
I love her voice
File: Rene sleepy.webm (1.59 MB, 1024x576)
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1.59 MB WEBM
Not just her sleepy voice, but just her voice in general
I like the mature sultriness to it
It's got the "ara ara~" energy
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Okay, maybe not that clip specifically
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Thanks for helping me greatly improve my reaction speed. I can pretty much frame perfect close the webm the instant that model appears.
Anything to trigger you buddy
She has a nice singing voice too.
Not female nor Asian
Looks female to me. Is this another "man with a voice changer" argument?
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I bet it's just a roleplay to get simps on board
Oh, now you fags are saying the character doesn't matter? That was your whole flimsy justification to post troons to begin with. Also he's English and not Asian, so doesn't count regardless.
>not female
Yes it is
>he is crossdressing
No, she's a girl pretending to be a crossdressing boy
So you're just making shit up now?
She don't sound like a boy
He does sound like a boy.

Putting that aside, the character is a male and therefore does not qualify for this thread by the same reasoning you use to post trannies in here.
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3.31 MB WEBM
>5.55 MB, 1080x1920)
>5.24 MB, 720x1280
We're not on phones, and they don't need that much resolution when all you have is a cellphone screen. Fix the damn size.
My bad. Is this better?
I always knew you were a redditor
I only linked r*ddit because no way was I gonna make a webm for it. Clearly you don't have an argument because you're completely in the wrong and would have to admit fault on at least one front.
They're from youtube shorts autismo. They were made in vertical format to begin with.
I see this nigger stil lcan't get the message
looks at those melons go
File: Wow this ASMR......webm (5.61 MB, 1920x1080)
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5.61 MB WEBM
fucking faggots
By that definition, no indies and it excludes for example Phase Connect JP.
So Gawr Gura and Finana Ryugu count but not Shigure Ui.

What you really mean is Japanese language vtubers. It's not even a difficult definition and /jvy/ used to be a thing.
Ui is honorary holo.
I kinda expected the Pekora to be protecting Peko-mom.
File: cake.webm (5.98 MB, 1920x1080)
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NijiCN at its finest.
Can someone clip and subtitle Watame reacting to the Marine doll in RE8?
It starts around 45:02, and while I don't speak Japanese, she seems to say "Senchou" around 47:08
Thank you!
Do you speak Japanese or know how to do Eng subs?
>Do you speak Japanese

>know how to do Eng subs
File: YUY_drunk.webm (2.4 MB, 1080x1920)
2.4 MB
YUY is an asian female vtuber
File: WHAT THE F WAS THAT.webm (5.97 MB, 1920x1080)
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5.97 MB WEBM
not asian
File: MEGA NO.webm (5.97 MB, 1920x1080)
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5.97 MB WEBM
Looks asian to me
Ass too fat to be asian. I can see where you would get confused with the u want pray game ching chong bok choy chopstick teeth though.
damn she kinda funny looking but that's a fat ass. who is she?
not a vtuber
Looks like a vtuber to me
Get your eyes checked. Bitch looks like she'd be huffing petrol at a random station in Canberra.
Ass and tiddies are ok, this is a blue board
well, on the bright side the next thread can only get better
too bad all i see are stupid furry illustrations from her. no thirst trap posts???
>stupid furry illustrations
Where'd you find those? I didn't find any art of her
File: choco subscribe.webm (5.79 MB, 960x540)
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Is she doing okay subscriber-wise?
Like was this a bit or is she about to be graduated for low sub-count?
from her website ziphora.com and some other connected sites and ko-fi. she even has a furaffinity account, but i didn't click on that shit.
i just want to see more of her booty.
She used to be one of the weaker holos in terms of subs
Don't know what happened but she sits at around 1m now, so she is doing fine these days
That's good... mostly because I like her in Holocure. Fun skillset.
why are you posting a man
File: GET HIM!.webm (5.98 MB, 1920x1080)
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Well if I ever find some of the booty I'll let you know.
Could you do these subs for this webm? >>5598436

>I'm seeing double for some reason.
>Oh, a cutscene.
>I'm dead.
>Huh? What the heck?
>Tic tac!
>...look for her?
>Her voice sounds exactly like Senchou.
>Could you

>will I
What's happened to this girl m
Based gatekeeper
100% a woman

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