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File: 1656660380783.webm (5.83 MB, 506x480)
5.83 MB
5.83 MB WEBM
File: 1625262890377.webm (3.94 MB, 300x300)
3.94 MB
3.94 MB WEBM
File: 1627964436086.webm (5.69 MB, 420x320)
5.69 MB
5.69 MB WEBM
File: Meditation Musicc.webm (5.51 MB, 346x480)
5.51 MB
5.51 MB WEBM
File: Nyuss.webm (1.79 MB, 1000x560)
1.79 MB
1.79 MB WEBM
File: 1620496853857.webm (3.62 MB, 540x304)
3.62 MB
3.62 MB WEBM
File: 1688893672071701.webm (3.47 MB, 1280x720)
3.47 MB
3.47 MB WEBM
File: lightning song.webm (5.82 MB, 720x720)
5.82 MB
5.82 MB WEBM
File: 1578606452809.webm (3.25 MB, 480x360)
3.25 MB
3.25 MB WEBM
File: Chocanic.webm (5.24 MB, 1920x1080)
5.24 MB
5.24 MB WEBM
File: hey sokoΕ‚y.webm (4.88 MB, 1280x720)
4.88 MB
4.88 MB WEBM
File: tumman virran taa.webm (1.28 MB, 854x480)
1.28 MB
1.28 MB WEBM
She's neighing sadly because her foal is dead
File: 1646981175227.webm (1.12 MB, 406x526)
1.12 MB
1.12 MB WEBM
Last I checked, this painting is on display at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.
File: 1685888410407590.webm (2.4 MB, 818x1164)
2.4 MB
File: 1685888477098264.webm (2.78 MB, 742x1162)
2.78 MB
2.78 MB WEBM
This painting always makes me cry
File: Sippi Irukkudu.webm (5.94 MB, 280x190)
5.94 MB
5.94 MB WEBM
here's a romantic musical face-off that may uplift your mood
Thanks for these songs guys. I don't have this in webm format but this one is definitely for the soul:

where is this from?

Its Usnisa Vijaya Dharani
Heard the bells and immediately recognized the song. Should've expect to see the Elfen Lied OP in here. It's a good song from a bad show.
These have got to be AI posts.
Well how would you describe it?
How would you describe it?
Do you even need to describe it?
Do you even need to breathe air?
I just made a word!
not pictured: the idiot farmer letting the lamb get born in the winter
I love this
It snows in april sometimes. You can't just cork up the ewe if the weather turns.
File: conquista.webm (4.5 MB, 1030x780)
4.5 MB
It's called Salve Regina and was performed by the Riga Choir, from the same album as the music in the OP. One of the greatest pieces of music ever.
thanks for the info!
File: 1713632300483722.webm (2.91 MB, 720x820)
2.91 MB
2.91 MB WEBM
bump epic thread
File: Gregson 4.3 Courante.webm (3.37 MB, 1080x1080)
3.37 MB
3.37 MB WEBM
File: artemis05.gif (2.69 MB, 480x263)
2.69 MB
2.69 MB GIF
Moonlight Serenade

File: 1541881199121.webm (2.57 MB, 1600x1000)
2.57 MB
2.57 MB WEBM
Once again I have to rescue this thread from the final page. This whole board is nothing but unfunny ylyl threads, mountains of gook shit, talentless hyperborean videos, incel threads, and innumerate other garbage, but a thread with genuinely good music just sinks to the bottom. You are all tasteless and cultureless swine. If you want to know why this board sucks, look in a fucking mirror.
this is from yoko taro's games right?
ah ok, thats where i heard it from
File: 1716902393726.webm (5.39 MB, 1280x720)
5.39 MB
5.39 MB WEBM
The music box addition to anime really was good. Too bad the show was just tragedy wrapped in torture porn.
Thank you Anon for gatekeeping musical taste, you've truly
>Saved the thread
Listen to this you fuckin pussy. Prepare yourself little sheepling or you will drown in the discord.
I like
This is the most music ever
damm, that is pretty good anon. Didn't really expect something this based here.
File: 1717086486079.webm (5.98 MB, 715x475)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
discovered Tchaikovsky on a cassette tape I got from a thrift store the other day and so far he's my favorite classical composer. though admittedly I only started recently appreciating classical.
That's pretty good
He is pretty much the undisputed king. Hipsters will find someone else but deep down they know that Tchaikovsky mogs every other composer.
does he mog bach and the beetoven tho
File: allegri miserere.webm (5.89 MB, 720x480)
5.89 MB
5.89 MB WEBM
whole thing's over 12 minutes so i just went for a good balance of duration and audio bitrate... 128k from a flac source.
File: 03-A Spotless Rose.webm (5.61 MB, 720x715)
5.61 MB
5.61 MB WEBM
one of the better 20th century choral composers, herbert howells
File: midori.webm (5.74 MB, 540x360)
5.74 MB
5.74 MB WEBM
File: blumenstock.webm (5.59 MB, 640x360)
5.59 MB
5.59 MB WEBM
File: tilidie.webm (2.49 MB, 620x413)
2.49 MB
2.49 MB WEBM
good thread
File: Testv3.webm (2.15 MB, 500x350)
2.15 MB
2.15 MB WEBM
can't get this fucking thing to post. It's my first webm
It only took me all night and all night yesterday. ffmpeg is a headache
File: 1717404466136.webm (2.71 MB, 1272x640)
2.71 MB
2.71 MB WEBM
Nice job dude, you also made the video track super small at 34kB so there's no wasted space.
I still haven't figured out how to do that, for me using -loop either breaks the seeking or duplicates the frame instead of repeating the single frame for the entire webm.
I used yt-dlp -F {video link}
That way you can see the best one to download. I picked the best audio only one and then I had to convert it from mp4 to wav, and then merge it with that picture and changed it to webm. It's the only way I could get it to work. For some reason it wouldn't post when I changed it from mp4 to webm. I have no idea why. I fucked about with codecs and all sorts just to get it 4chan compatible. At least I learned a lot in the process
Hitman 2 Playstation2, Ave Maria sung by choir boy was best rendition ever.
File: 1717495247064706.gif (3.41 MB, 600x448)
3.41 MB
3.41 MB GIF
flaming faggots shut the fuck up
song name?
File: Shake It Out.webm (5.15 MB, 1024x576)
5.15 MB
5.15 MB WEBM
don't tag me, nigger
What part of "every other composer" did you not understand?
kind curious how that came from a video game of all things
File: 1717670455036.webm (3.9 MB, 650x488)
3.9 MB
that's a bold claim
File: Teufelslied.webm (2.14 MB, 640x356)
2.14 MB
2.14 MB WEBM
any chance for the source? Shazam guided me to Akira... but this seems wronge... pls...
Akira (1988) OST - Requiem.
Last part of the track.
File: 1.webm (2.84 MB, 500x360)
2.84 MB
2.84 MB WEBM
i like this
Ozean - scenic
it's called an ewe retard. you think that fluffy thing is a horse? these fuckin city slickers need the sneed
what the fuck is ewe faggot is this some fucking furry uwu owo shit
File: Z1.webm (4.28 MB, 540x304)
4.28 MB
4.28 MB WEBM
File: Z2.webm (4.37 MB, 540x304)
4.37 MB
4.37 MB WEBM
File: 1718196674266.webm (5.99 MB, 600x600)
5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
Are those being piloted or have broken mooring lines? Doesn't appear too dire.
>gif files
It's a remix of Runes and Men (Death in June). Dont know which band though.
Frankish Empire song
sieg heil
But why is it in Danish or Finnish or whatever?
File: Rockefeller Street.webm (3.25 MB, 480x360)
3.25 MB
3.25 MB WEBM
File: 1693938470395.webm (3.43 MB, 594x476)
3.43 MB
3.43 MB WEBM
That's pretty neat, do you have a source?
File: Cabaret.webm (5.98 MB, 426x240)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
The Bulgarian Voices Angelite feat. Huun-Huur-Tu - Legend
Most af
File: Elend - Apocalypse.webm (6 MB, 720x720)
6 MB
>The Bulgarian Voices Angelite feat. Huun-Huur-Tu - Legend
File: no sauce.webm (2.06 MB, 1920x1080)
2.06 MB
2.06 MB WEBM
Somebody post the extended version
File: Miscmusic.webm (2.16 MB, 540x540)
2.16 MB
2.16 MB WEBM
Legend. Was looking for this
File: Super Gondola Galaxy.webm (3.03 MB, 640x360)
3.03 MB
3.03 MB WEBM
File: Gondola 1.webm (3.84 MB, 704x480)
3.84 MB
3.84 MB WEBM
File: Gondola 2.webm (2.18 MB, 704x480)
2.18 MB
2.18 MB WEBM
File: Gondola Road.webm (2.49 MB, 854x480)
2.49 MB
2.49 MB WEBM
File: We have to go back.webm (3.8 MB, 400x224)
3.8 MB
File: j^p^n - Bloom.webm (3.89 MB, 400x300)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
File: Mountains.webm (4.42 MB, 480x360)
4.42 MB
4.42 MB WEBM
was also posted here https://www.watzatsong.com/en/name-that-tune/773251.html
File: lift.webm (1.17 MB, 640x634)
1.17 MB
1.17 MB WEBM
What is this song fellas?
Exodia - 825 HP
File: infraborea_Q.webm (5.92 MB, 622x350)
5.92 MB
5.92 MB WEBM
Cheers lad!
A ewe
File: Tramontane - Boxplot.webm (4.28 MB, 1000x563)
4.28 MB
4.28 MB WEBM
File: 1683875031836869.webm (5.46 MB, 640x360)
5.46 MB
5.46 MB WEBM
Chaotic thread.
Probably a menacing picture to kick it off with.
File: Evergreen Hell Song.webm (5.76 MB, 400x225)
5.76 MB
5.76 MB WEBM
File: 120 BPM.webm (5.54 MB, 360x203)
5.54 MB
5.54 MB WEBM

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