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Girls rejecting non whites/preferring whites. There's already a thread on the latter so let's focus on the former
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I think you misunderstood the assignment
The guy is ethnic so I'll allow it
Op here I appreciate the posts already since I only had the first 4 but I eould prefer white women rejecting non whites, not that you can't post ethnic women but there's already enough of that in the white male appreciation threads. Thank you.
since when is /wsg/ /polgif/?
/pol/ loser needs a remoralisation thread to convince himself women will choose something as superficial as skin colour, which allegedly gives him an advantage, over personality and compatability
Very terminally online behaviour
What does it feel like to be a non-white male and have all women in your own race ignore you and refuse to interact with you? Where do you go from there if all the women in your country have zero interest in you? Serious questions.
What are they saying? Doesn't seem like a rejection since the "victim" wasn't even talking to him nor viceversa.
>>5553211 I think he would look better if he combed his hair back instead of trying to hide the fact that he's going bald.
Asian "men" are prone to random bursts of impotent incel rage which they usually take out on the nearest woman or small child.
Jap > Azn > Aryan > Brown > Black > Jew

Anyone who doesn't like jap or azn is faggot
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>Asian "men" are prone to random bursts of impotent incel rage which they usually take out on the nearest woman or small child.
That explains nothing when we don't have the context. Maybe the "victim" said something that explained why he stood up and started slapping her.
She said "sorry I have a white boyfriend" and he lost his mind. Many such cases
t. seething chinkcel
If you don't know, just say so. I hate chinksectoids too, but that's not a good excuse to just pretend things to justify your narrative.
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here with sound
russians are asians and not even close to white, anon.
get well soon.
russians are not european in appearance.
why are they like this?
Yes they are. Many are. The idea that we are radically different is pushed to further geopolitical agendas.
that's clearly a polish surname btw
some of them are, some not. have you ever noticed how large russia is? of course not everyone is going to look exactly the same. and you could say the same about europe
Of course the insecure shitskin has to invent a fantasy scenario to cope with too, where supposedly "usually" French girls prefer shitskins, lmao
He wouldn't be out here on the streets pretending to do interviews trying to get a white wimminz if it was that easy for him
>literally two visibly Aryan women in clip
Bet youre one of those retards who says the same about Finns, the most blonde and blue eyed people in the world
It would be interesting to see what people who say this stuff looks like, I imagine mestizo goblino
is there a name for the mongol blooded types?
>literally two visibly Aryan women in clip
you're blind or retarded and dont knwo what aryan means
>It would be interesting to see what people who say this stuff looks like

post video of your face and write a note with today's date and time, now
Which video is this? I want to know the full context. Also, this guy's channel is utter cancer, I've been scrolling for five minutes and still seeing videos less than six weeks old.
it goes all the way to 15 years but holy shit
you are right, his channel is utter cancer
but here I found it :
wow, you're right

the full video on /gif >>>/gif/27246845
are those two guys italian or something
whitu cockru ory
Do you guys have those tiktok ones where white girls rank the races, whites always come out on top with the other groups mixed up in different orders. Thanks
It happened in china, don't remember most of the details but the gist of it was the girl (who's an influencer)was filming herself and was using both the guy and his girlfriend as her own personal props to get a reaction out of them so should could boost her ratings, the guy told her to stop multiple times until he finally lost it.
it sounds more like they're speaking malaysian, and there's a jilbooba in the background. i can make out some malay words.
>>5553650 After that, I bet she is.
>I'm Chuck
I don't know why but this cracked me up.
based women beaters
to beat women is a sign of a real man
blacks have been convinced that women desire them and when they encounter women in the real world they can't cope with the fact that very few non black women are interested
she's a racist and called him the N word
Jewish Steve Urkel.
>all ugly women
Makes sense. Their only experience with men is seeing disgust.
It would have been funnier if the jew was named sneed
That guys not black
>women gets molested and attacked
>bystander men all join in
Chinks are not humans.
Poland is Russia a little bit to the west.
He has some interesting logic.
>it's a status symbol to be hit on by black guys because there are fewer of them than white guys
Also interesting that she said flat-out that blacks are not better in bed but refused to answer the penis size question.
The one on the left looks Finnic (looks like anyone on the street here in Finland), the one on the right is just straight-up gook lol. If they're still "Aryan" despite that, that word has no fucking meaning (it doesn't).
>There's already a thread on the latter so let's focus on the former
Those coping racists
I could change her

t. black
>>5554339 Richard's, formerly Chuck's.
>Richard pushes the curtains apart.
>"Well, well," says one of the girls, her feet resting on the small table in front of her, then she takes the smoking pipe from her lips.
>Another girl watches quietly, taking a sip from the beer can on her hand.
You go to copeland
Youtube has alot of what race wouldn't you date videos, girls pretty much unanimously answer Asian and Indian. I think alot would sat black and hispanic too but alot of times the guys asking them are those races kek
Damn. He really took that personally.
That last woman seemed nice.
He should have shit on the street in front of her to establish dominance
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without even blinking what a master
so fucking based i would simp over her
>he just sat there taking it
lmao niggers really are the biggest simps for white women. COMPLETELY buck-broken people kek
lol no wonder they all prefer White men.

kek like WTF LMAO
>Richard has never kissed a Girl
Come on, the second guy's last name is Rubin, he's obviously 100% Jewish.
i actually followed her on insta a while back
she deleted a post but she actually married that black dude and had a baby
she is caucasian georgian and has a fetish. weird girl. only followed cause she showed ass at one point
Ok, but he's clearly not Russian and it's not herself hitting on....herself. So your point is Moot but even more faggy.
>So you'd fuck Michael Jackson AFTER he improved his credit score?
based thread
Thanks I was thinking about making it on /gif but I know they would just flood it with porn
why'd it take her so long to react like that
when and where is this happening, friend
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sauce? What happened to the two dudes
she could rip my fucking hand off
>well y'all fuckin' stopped...
It's over for chinkcels
>caucasian Georgian
>married a black guy

the easiest ticket to the USA citizenship

I know a Filipina girl "extremely hot/ cute Twitch streamer " who hooked up with a nerd fat black man just to get the USA citizenship
I see way too many loser/beta midlife white guys with basic bitch pinoy wives in NZ. They always walk like 8-10ft behind them too.
She's drunk. And probably thought it was a friend at first cause that guy tried being very friendly very quick.
2005 Beauty and the Geek TV show

> This first dude actually won

here is a fun fact
no girl willing to choose Richard "has never kissed a Girl" but one did because "the producers"
Jesus what kinda men do these ladies hangout with. I'm sure the guy who made the video cut out all the girls who had normal healthy relationships with men.
Non-white dude here. Everybody has their preferences but I know one woman who's always praising white men and talking shit about non-white guys.
She's ugly, over 30, and in poverty so I just laugh at her delusion that some white dude is gonna save her from her pathetic life.
he looks like a white Trae Young
>>5553646 >>5554078 >>5554327 >>5555745>>5556410

>you can feal it kek
why do they make this type of shit
is it the fantasy of the jewish producer?
all the time you see the movie where the nerdy Urkel Jew gets the girl
but IRL that rarely even happens, and if it does its just because of money
honestly can't tell what race this girl is but i want more of whatever she is
some kind of asian? amerindian? latina? filipina? pacific islander?
clearly latina
French women voted for this.
Kek, reap what you sow
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Dnw post whte girls or hot ethnics wtf is this
Yes, American Pie, Meet the Parents, etc.
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A comfy-gondola thread died for this...
No idea, I'm not white and have a white girlfriend
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Ok nigger
How much does she weigh
The UK may be the biggest shithole on Earth.
who is this mudshark ?
I have been trying to find her since that day

she was short with long black hair and her black boyfriend was fat and was on his laptop
> They looked so unmatched

I would say that she looked like:
but not %100 sure

Richard is Mike Wazowski lmfao
haha white are so insecure that's it's too funny this thread proofs it
What did grammar ever do to you?
Sure, whites are insecure, but goddamn, man. Have some self-respect (unlike whites).
Is she trying to say he's black? idk what's going on anymore
>French women voted for this.
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This was a reality show from the 2000s called Beauty and the Geek. Premise was that a hot bimbo and some smarty pants nerd would form into two person teams and have to compete in challanges to stay on the show. The hot girls would have to do intelligent based stuff and the nerds would have to do social skill based stuff.

One of the contestant nerds was this guy who formed a semi popular youtube channel called Joe Goes, and then he went quite and came back as a tranny lol
why are they fucking staring them down like that?
american tv is so obnoxioulsy loud

shit skinS literally buy our JIZZ
bump. this thread really brought out the D&Q shill chinks, kikes and pajeets.
Good job!
Who would you rather reveal your emotions to a tree or a woman?
bumping this thread because shlomo got so upset by it he had to make an extra racemixing thread
a tree, by a fucking mile. opening up to women almost never works out well
>the dude laughing towards the camera
I'm not sure if that's a wetback or paki/hindu rape ape.
The "you're not white enough" nonsense is so tiresome. Yes, there are some Russians with some ethnic ties to the steppe and northern Asia. Some girl having 10-15% admixture from one of her grandparents being Kazakh or something isn't the same as being actually ethnically Asiatic.
poles are human, russians are niggers.
>Some girl having 10-15% admixture from one of her grandparents being Kazakh or something isn't the same as being actually ethnically Asiatic.
kazakh is asia, dipshit.
nothing unusual about that. the original aryans always were the most admixed with east eurasian out of the broad ancestral groupings of modern europeans. blondism in europe was also inherited from them. and these people have the most ancestry from that group.
Am I crazy or has she started picking up some of Tucker Carlson's mannerisms and style of presentation?
Those are ghetto as fuck and unwatchable if you have an iq above room temperature
Not really a difference desu
why are you seething about Russians through the whole thread? go be a retard on /int/
I made the same thread on gif if you guys want to check it out, maybe there'll be some cool stuff posted
are you retarded or blind, they are clearly european
coping toilet cleaner kek
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Why is she smiling? Why is she laughing? Bitch.
Because indian men are delusional 80iq manchildren
Tiny white pecker cope thread
You go to 4chan and bitch in thread that remind you of this.
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literally looks just like Ada Wong and Leon Kennedy lmao
she was infected
This question is shit because women don't want to hear about your feelings anyway kek
Just sounds pathetic.
She's being quite clear about what she means.
Niggers are stinky fr doe
Anyone have that WebM where the sheboons say "That's discord talk" when referring to attraction to white policemen beating niggers?
Ugly wog.
I had a feeling this was not right also no audio

Good one anon
It's still.kinda the same desu
>One of the contestant nerds was this guy who formed a semi popular youtube channel called Joe Goes
no freaking way, that would be perfect
No shit that is why you rather talk to a tree retard. Also they use any chance to stick it where it hurts the most and since most women are practically retarded children you never open up to them.
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No, the altered ops non audio webm switches the question and answer text from the original, very deceiving
kinda the same desu
eh, phonefag
I feel like these girls are just trying to piss off the interviewer, because he's pissing her off first with his obnoxious street interview
I mean asking a woman to choose between a white or a black man is like asking a man to choose between dating a thicc, shapely young goddess or a 30 year old roastie
Yeah, under complete Jewish control over the entire information flow. Sure technically we are a democracy but without honest, fair press there can be no honest, fair elections
How much does a load of my tall, white European sperm go for?
I wonder what my high-IQ, tall European genetics could go for on the market, however I don't want to create a bunch of criminal hapas raised by single mothers
cope like the pope

there is no upgrade only mutts that will hate white people

formerly confident
Well hitler was half jew and african, so we all know how that went
>half jew and african

lol ok ok we got it
what, you didn't know? also his actual surname was Shicklgruber. i don't know how he became the standard aryan, but i suppose you stand out with that mustache style
im pajeet, severely autistic, no charisma, but i only ever date/ fuck white girls
Why? They will never those losers again. You're coping hard dude stop it it's not healthy.
You mean mudslime control. Jews wouldn't want europe to become less productive and thus making them less money. Jews maybe had control over europe once but they lost it when mudlsimes got into government positions.
Her friend is a race traitor but it's understandable. Indian men look weird but not as bad as black or arab men if you can even call them men because of how non stoic they behave.
Based saar
>Jews wouldn't want europe to become less productive and thus making them less money
You think Jews think ahead that far? A jew would sell their grandchild if they could to make a quick buck
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does anyone know who this is?
they better hope they never need an organ or bone marrow transplant
funny enough
of all interracial couples, BFWM have the lowest divorce rate
lower than even WFWM
on par with AFAM
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i'm in love with her asian friend
hahahaha faggot that's what you get for trying to goad her into saying yes by proposing in a public place with tons of people around.
i would fucking hate to be in her position. i would say no on principle.

probably fake publicity stunt anyways for energy drinks or whatever that is
Feels good man. I don't care about any of it. Not my job to police people's choices.
t. european.
i know some worst korean plain looking guy who has a k-pop obsessed fiance who he has been together for a decade or longer. basically if your origin country has some worthwhile cultural exports there's a good chance you can score some obsessed fans, of course being not a disgusting looking pile of shit also helps i guess, so this doesn't count for indians even though their bollywood shitflicks can be popular in the western hemisphere
Maybe the white pill is that when technology gets advanced enough to normalise designer babies, all the non-whites replacing us will want white children anyway.
i guess that is why jewlywood tries its hardest in reforming beauty standards, pushing dysgenic brownoids and mystery meat landwhales as the new norm
Spot on
Are Italians white?
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>>>5563190 >>5571992 >>5571994 >>5575838
i remember hearing about how many central/southern american countries used to or still prefer their inhabitants to be light skinned as much as possible. everybody knows the jokes about germans and former nazis settling in argentina prior to and after WW2 but at the same time they took in hundreds of thousands of jews and all kinds of other white european immigrants, no matter the heritage or ideology. all in order to be like their european and north american contemporaries
guys please i'm looking for a video where the girl is asian it's a tiktok and her white boyfriend showing her his music ? on on his electric piano or something ? it was on twitter
It only barely works arguably for blacks, white women are grossed out by the other races and generally aren't scared to admit it.
>I'm French
BFWM bond over their shared hatred of retarded white girls and nigger males.
shared hatred is why they don't divorce,- not love.
it feels so comfy to think about sitting by a tree and asking it questions.
It's actually just looks that matter when it comes to attraction, you delusional retard. Personality is just your looks in motion.
Yeah, sure you do, visajeet.
what a waste of white genes
lmao even
no you dont
he almost seem offended
He's probably jewish
god speed my nigga
how can i find a gigastacy french gf as a 6'3 german guy
Is that Dasha Taran
have you tried going to France?
negresses like having a man that actually treats them well and they worship White guys like every other race of women
it's their meal ticket out of the ghetto and there's no way they'll fuck that up
if he wanted to fuck her hard in the ass while her a filthy nigger, they'd let him do it
negresses are dumb but they aren't stupid
Just tell her your grandfather fucked hers
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Never seen this with audio, dude's reaction is nuts. If you're going to do man on the street videos, you need to be prepared for a certain amount of rejection and pissy comments
Huh he only ruffled his hair not defending the pajeet but he didn't chimp out or anything
Who the hell would leave their children in India?? Wtf
She's not rejecting him because he's not white, you fucking retard American.

She said European. Not all Europeans are white. They never have been, look at a fucking map.

We don't even call ourselves "white" in most of Europe. She's slavic. Slavs generally do not call themselves white, in Europe either.

White & Black is your anglo/american bullshit because of your slave trade and your obsession with "race".

News flash. There's no such thing as race. It didn't exist until you made it up. Before the 17th century, people did not think of themselves as belonging to something called the white race. There was no such thing as a white or black race.

Open literally any book. Even a racist one, because you're not even good at being a racist. Holy shit.
it's an english speaking thing. all english speakers are retarded like the americans but americans are even more
kek these retards fell for the fake webm

this one is the real one (AUDIO), >>5568539
stupid foreign bastards, double kek
kinda the same desu
retard, fake one is 19 seconds, the real one is 51 seconds, k retard
LMAO schizo
still kinda the same desu
Women are retarded animals. The sooner men relearn this the better off we'll be.
White man here. Why do Indian women in clubs and stores insist on touching my hair and squeezing my arms when I go to India? Please tell them to stop touching me. I don't want to get a weird Indian disease.
tsk, tsk, phonefag

kys incel
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Sad whoever made this tiktok fake edit, they even zoomed in the video to make the asian guy seem taller, meanwhile cutting off the view of the woman's head several frames, wtf?! lol
She said European, which is such a broad categorization you can't claim she was prioritizing a specific culture or people within Europe. She prefers any type of person as long as they're born inside the continent of Europe. Because there's something ethereal about arbitrarily being born in Europe. What could that be?
stop pretending to be asian you schizo mutt
pretending to be asian? said no one ever. eh, go to sleep esl-ape
wow, you know what, you're completely right
race is nothing but a social construct
like species
social constructs are so stupid, we should all just judge people as individuals and never have pattern recognition at all
>Before the 17th century, people did not think of themselves as belonging to something called the white race. There was no such thing as a white or black race.
Yep. Instead we murdered each other while having different names for those things. And seriously? You're trying to argue the social construct angle? While it can he hard to separate similar groups of ethnicities, there's obvious differences between plenty of races. No one isfalling for this just because drawing lines can be difficult.
Sorry, but indians look worse than Arabs and Blacks.
At least arabs and blacks have good physical traits that can make them attractive.
The vast majority of indian men are 5'5, fat, gyno, balding hairs with creepy smiles.
not sure what this is meant to imply. no shit the situation is different between a man approaching women and a man approaching men.
Ehm asckhually sweetie it's forbidden to post still images disguised as webms, as per rule board #2:
How old is the daughter?
>tfw no big slavic bear mommy
"European" == white
She likes white guys but she can't say it out loud
>go back to Africa
Fucking obstinate nerd, you know what she means. She definitely does not mean "New Europeans" who shout Allahu Ackbar
I've been to japan and this is the minimum looks required to get a 2/10 japanese girl nowadays, it's over
>Jews wouldn't want europe to become less productive and thus making them less money.

You really don't understand the concept of blood libel do you? This is exactly what they want, they want the destruction of Europe, they literally still get mad if you bring up Caesar Nero, they hold thousand year old grudges and want nothing more than a completely deracinated mud race to rule over. Money is a tool to the Jew, a means to an end, not the end itself.
the ones who hate nonwhites are the few smart ones
Holy shit I don't know how you can observe the natural world and say this shit with any degree of seriousness. You think because people made up the concept of race that it's not applicable? People made up the concept of species and breeds, too you fucking idiot, and I could care less if an animal doesn't call itself what we call it.

>There was no such thing as a white or black race

Yeah, just like we didn't have a name for you until we came up with "retard". BTW you don't call yourselves white because you're all white and subtler differences come to bear like nationality and specific ethnicity (alpinoid, dinaric, ect.), it's not rocket science faggot, the more homogenous a population is the more subtle the differences and likelihood people will coalesce around them.
>animated Pepe the Frog
I love this webm, just good to see bros being bros. Women hate my bros, and that's a problem.
Nah bro.. the real question is. Who would you rather be lost in the woods with. White man, black man, indian man, etc. let’s finally end this white womenz like minorities bullshit.
Lol. Chinks are so pathetic.
Spent all that money yet he’s still an incel. I on the other hand am an old money richfag who often gets approached by women. I’ve no interest in relationships due to depression. Life was never fair. Kek
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to think. Shitland = shit culture; if your people are this braindead then they deserve the cultural enrichment. Old/pol/ was parroting this issue back when these women held banners saying ‘let them in’. Now old/pol/ is dead. YOU REAP WHAT YOU FUCKING SOW.
Bruh the mudslime said he was a frenchman and she said ‘no’. To europeans, ‘european’ means white.
>full mexican
do americans really don't know who mexicans are?
shut up manlet
Europeans and Asians are in a close contact since their very existence. There's literally several ethnic groups which are a mix of Whites and Asians. If you will go to central Russia every "white" person there will look like hapa. The more east in Europe you will go, the more "Asian" things you will notice in their culture and cuisine. This whole WMAF hysteria is a nonsense. It was always like that. The only difference is that now Asian males cannot get White girlfriends because White females are all emancipated while Asian males are all retards. See >>5553625

Whites and Asians create natural alliances, if not for nazi retardism and jewish "divide and conquer" tactics, we would already combine into an asian-white super-empire and dominate the whole world. We would probably have mars colonization already going in 2024
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Whatever they are they don't belong in america
i mean, dating apps shared the data
most chicks prefer white guys

of course when interviewed most wont admit it because of the pressure, but data doesnt care, and it's clear
what the fuck is wrong with these people
he's way out of her league
Its scripted, boomer.

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