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File: sneed.webm (2.21 MB, 1280x720)
2.21 MB
2.21 MB WEBM
Another udio/suno dumping ground

this stuff is fun
bumping with 2 shitty ai covers
File: output.webm (3.61 MB, 485x480)
3.61 MB
3.61 MB WEBM
Dear David Hogg (I Wish You Were There)
Previous Thread >>5515011
Can you read? They're 2 different threads.
File: 1711503390286397.webm (2.08 MB, 512x768)
2.08 MB
2.08 MB WEBM
he's functionally illiterate, be nice. he doesn't know :'(

(also not mine)
File: 1711748451860737.webm (4.9 MB, 600x636)
4.9 MB
another i didn't make, but i liek it
File: Hampsterdance.webm (3.17 MB, 266x240)
3.17 MB
3.17 MB WEBM

File: fuck this shit.webm (3.99 MB, 480x360)
3.99 MB
3.99 MB WEBM
File: StartWithYou.webm (4.57 MB, 160x120)
4.57 MB
4.57 MB WEBM
Pretty proud of this one!
Softer and more poppy version:
Based and blessed with dubs and trips
Huge get incoming
File: 1691454755837391.webm (1.32 MB, 900x646)
1.32 MB
1.32 MB WEBM
To me, this is the coolest AI tech by far, yet most people don't seem to give a shit.
Kind of surprised, actually.
File: 1714856111051076.webm (3.78 MB, 720x1280)
3.78 MB
3.78 MB WEBM
Should add something like this as a music video
damn, that hits
og is better
Thanks, anon!

>og is better
Yeah, I agree. It sounds more human and punchy.
How do you get a different vocal style into a different genre? Like a blues vocal that feels sampled into another song.
Have any of you tried to make music you'd actually listen to? Rather than just meme songs?
i'd argue this could be recycled into an /aig/ thread
File: IT AINT OVER!.webm (875 KB, 320x574)
875 KB
File: nigchud.webm (636 KB, 680x790)
636 KB
Ever considered that Ukraine is a country under martial law right now?
Why is that so, by the way?
You shit out these clips with no proofs whatsoever, pidor.
For all we know it could also be a case of picrelated : https://i.not4pcdn.org/pol/1696597992819552.png
[picture content: russian immigrant vatnik is arrested after contacting FSB to organize missile strikes in Sumy, Ukraine]
Substantiate your claims and be called a whatabooting zigger thereafter.


I shall raise the proofs
The scale of zigger death
Today I WILL REMIND them
Mediazona=group of journos/researchers working together in a telegram group
They compile open info on dead ziggers (social media posts, obituaries, etc.)
>not every dead zigger gets an obituary
>many russians are not even told if their zigger is dead
>there is intentional concealment of truth
>dead ziggers are just marked as „missing“
>kremlin takes steps at different levels to keep No. of known dead ziggers lower/obfuscated
My gut feeling (which many ziggers dont have as the responsible organs are dispersed on ukrainian fields) is that
Mediazona managed to confirm 20% of total zigger death with open sources of the actual figure in reality
I'd wager this still being optimistic of their capabilities given the circumstances and their capabilities as an organization
Lets stick with that 20% rate of identification anyways

2024-05-20|20:11:57 ----- 54600. Хaвaкчык Aян Aлeкcaндpoвич (https://VeeKay.com/wall-60699103_622055)

>54600 * 5 = 273000 rekt ziggers
Keep in mind that that’s quite possibly a low-end estimatge given the above circumstances

Very nice, impressive.
Not bad, what's the track?
[Melodic Saxophone]
Di-de-di-da-di-de-do-do Di-ba-di-de-do Di-de-de-di-de-de-de-do-do-day-bi-di-do Di-de-di-da-di-de-do-do Di-ba-di-de-do Di-de-de-di-de-de-de-do-do-day-bi-di-do (Yeehaw, haha!) Here we go! [Chorus] Di-de-di-da-di-de-do-do Di-ba-di-de-do Di-de-de-di-de-de-de-do-do-day-bi-di-do Di-de-di-da-di-de-do-do Di-ba-di-de-do Di-de-de-di-de-de-de-do-do-day-bi-di-do That's it! Di-de-di-da-di-de-do-do Di-ba-di-de-do Di-de-de-di-de-de-de-do-do-day-bi-di-do Di-de-di-da-di-de-do-do Di-ba-di-de-do Di-de-de-di-de-de-de-do-do-day-bi-di-do That's all there is to it! [fade to end]
math rock,catchy melodies
The saxophone hook is so good., trying to extend this one.
Noice. AI is really mastering human creativity, good for us.
I guess Monika is a vtuber?
What's the best way to shrink down udio files? They're like 25mb fs
File: wizard-of-30-winters.webm (4.96 MB, 480x480)
4.96 MB
4.96 MB WEBM
Run it through ffmpeg command line or a GUI like Handbrake or Boram.
It's cool tech, and the things you guys make is cute, but man, AI music fucking sucks. It's the thing where AI is lacking the most behind, by far. Even the best tracks sound horribly unpolished.

I assume it's because it's a lot harder to train an AI with sounds rather than images or text.
File: Calm Lagoon.webm (4.52 MB, 1024x1024)
4.52 MB
4.52 MB WEBM
Another one.

Genre: math rock, chiptune, jazz fusion
Yeah the text to song stuff sounds kinda like stable diffusion and dall-e looked 1.5 years ago. Like it's on the cusp but not there yet.
Anybody know how to get robotic/machine voices on Udio? Doing a Warhammer 40k themed album, I'm trying to do Mechanicus and it gives me normal voices.
File: 1000009518.webm (2.62 MB, 1280x720)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB WEBM
File: a ufo just flew over.webm (4.65 MB, 512x768)
4.65 MB
4.65 MB WEBM
File: Brew Another.webm (4.84 MB, 1024x1024)
4.84 MB
4.84 MB WEBM

Genre: chip-tune, math rock
File: Spookybeat.webm (4.42 MB, 512x768)
4.42 MB
4.42 MB WEBM
good job, I feel like there is something missing, but I tried to make my own version to see if I could do better and was not very successful.

for some reason I find these songs just... overwhelming?

Anyway, one of the applications that I imagine ai music could have right now, is making videogame music, or background music for videos.
It's intentional.
i can't bear to listen half of it
>videogame music, or background music for videos.
If I could run something locally that gens good instrumental stuff, like a score or bgm, I'd be all over that shit in a heartbeat.
>Anybody know how to get robotic/machine voices on Udio
File: In search of Tendies.webm (5.72 MB, 512x512)
5.72 MB
5.72 MB WEBM
don't even get what she's singing about, something something cream soup
That seems unlikely, maybe if the developers add an option to separate vocals from instruments you could use distortion effects.
I got it a few times by mentioning "vocoder" and "talkbox" in the prompt. I think the song being synthwave helped it.
Thank you.
I don't know shit about udio or distortion effects, but I remember looking in to some tools to create ai audio stuff long ago and seeing tools to separate vocals from instruments for songs in general.

If udio allows you to download the songs, you could try to use these other tools, outside of udio, for the separation, if you want to try the route >>5557564
He'll probably have to if he's trying to use vocoder in a genre that doesn't typically have it. Udio's vocals are heavily influenced by the genre you request.
This already exists my man, Blowfly did it first.
File: bumbLimit.webm (3.08 MB, 512x768)
3.08 MB
3.08 MB WEBM
>/pol retard exploded

not mine but love it
>made 3 songs that are actually really good (at least for my taste)
>actually caught myself singing my own AI songs throughout the week without realising
When this shit gets bitter, music is going to die as a communal experience.
man there's so little schlop worth saving in these threads, at least >>5557083 got a save from me.
kinda lucky that we at least have a webm-creation barrier, all the links to vocaroo.com can be ignored since not even the creator thinks its worth the effort of converting it to a webm
I do this all the time.
I have at keast five songs catchy enough that I end up humming them on and off throughout my day.
>tfw I want to share my AI tunes, but all my artsy friends get angry if I even mention AI
They think AI is the big Satan, and that it will magically go away if they just boycott it.
I think they're in for a rude awakening...
That's what this thread is for.

Tbf, some of the songs I've got are like 5 minutes long. It's hard to get them small enough to post here.
lulz, 5 min with only audio quality to focus on and 6 mb at your disposal should be no problem at all. and if it's over just over 5 min you just need to accelerate the track by a few percentage points to get it to fit (5 min is the hidden duration limit on 4chan)
The song I just downloaded from udio is 60MB and it's 5:27 long. It's just hassle to bother going through the compression and then risking ruining the song by either cutting bits off or speeding it up. All for a thread that gets 3 posts a day and nobody even comments on the songs posted lol. AI-generation is an insular activity, by design, and it shows in threads like these and the Dall-E threads on /g/ and /tg/. The only posts people even engage with are people avatarfagging or ERPing.
>It's just hassle
that's what i meant with we're "kinda lucky that we at least have a webm-creation barrier". if not even the creator thinks its worth the time it takes to make a webm then it's not really that good.

>nobody even comments on the songs posted lol
that's why it's schlop, when everybody can just generate something you'd hear on the radio you need to do something special to stick out. a music video or social-commentary-humor.

there's something about knowing that an AI made art, it immediately takes away the beauty and appreciation that you'd have for the exact same thing if you knew that a human brain created it. the effort of webm creation, especially if there's some kind of music video like with >>5557083, returns some of the "soul" into the art. i don't know how to describe that feeling but there's something about knowing that dead circuits created art/music that takes away from the creation. it even works retroactively if you later find out that an AI created something you liked, weird huh?
>if not even the creator thinks its worth the time it takes to make a webm then it's not really that good.
This is you being autistic and disabled. By your own admission, nothing in here is good and yet there's been what? 25 webms posted? Clearly making a song into a webm or not isn't decided by the quality of the song.

>it turns out he was just one of those weirdos obsessed with "I AM A TRUE CREATOR AND AI IS EVIL" shit
cringe lol
oh btw, that music video is entirely AI generated images with anime girls mspainted into it lol
>it turns out he was just
no... like i said i can't explain why art's value depends on human input. it's just how it is. ai art becomes throwaway, i can still think it's pretty but i wouldnt waste wall space in my hope for something ai generated if i knew ai made it.

so? the assembly of matching those with the music involved human effort, ascending the art. seems like you don't even understand what i'm talking about when i said it returned some soul into the webm.
>in my hope
in my home
nobody likes your shit art. people prefer AI slop over anything you've ever made lol
i'm not an artist... why do you get offended on behalf of ai, wtf is this? you don't like me calling it schlop, is that what set you off? put some effort into presentation and it won't be schlop.
why do you come into ai threads to cry about ai? you have a mental illness, is why.
You're quite hostile.
I accept your concession.
File: crypto of the free.webm (3.16 MB, 1280x902)
3.16 MB
3.16 MB WEBM
Does anyone have the Consent music video that was advertised here a while ago? The one with the cute slime monsters and lyrics "My pussy is deep as the abyss"
File: Formerly Chucks.webm (2.07 MB, 638x358)
2.07 MB
2.07 MB WEBM
>ou'd have for the exact same thing if you knew that a human brain created it

this is bullshit, most people don't really care about that at all, especially on this thread, the reason why most songs turn out mediocre is because we don't have more control and the AI was no sense of beauty and is still rough around the edges, its mediocre because the AI itself sucks, it often fucks up the timing and rhythm of the songs, gives shit vocals and things like that.
Anyone have the Poopoo Master song from this video?
Rufus Malone's "The One for Me" was met with harsh criticism for its controversial lyrics and was immediately banned. Continuing to release music in the underground, he became the father of what is now known as "Devilish Blues".
File: Hampsterdance.webm (4.35 MB, 1024x1024)
4.35 MB
4.35 MB WEBM
File: 1697524143002441.webm (1.05 MB, 1280x720)
1.05 MB
1.05 MB WEBM
It's notorious glide, your favorite nigger korean rapper back again with another hit song
File: nigger.webm (700 KB, 256x256)
700 KB
File: nigger.webm (1 MB, 256x256)
1 MB
File: smell.webm (1.52 MB, 256x256)
1.52 MB
1.52 MB WEBM
File: Tamaski.webm (4.57 MB, 1024x1024)
4.57 MB
4.57 MB WEBM
Genre: powerful electronic disco, math rock, female vocals, melancholic
File: Whats-up-Choom-Becka.webm (4.77 MB, 800x800)
4.77 MB
4.77 MB WEBM
File: You-Will-Never.webm (4.82 MB, 720x576)
4.82 MB
4.82 MB WEBM
File: Cheesed to Meet Ya.webm (5.56 MB, 552x552)
5.56 MB
5.56 MB WEBM
File: poo poo in the loo.webm (5.47 MB, 512x768)
5.47 MB
5.47 MB WEBM
Here's a song about safe driving standards.

Cool to see someone liked a couple of my tunes.

I haven't played with Suno for a couple months. I'm finding 3.5 a bit bland in it's outputs so far.
File: Don't Rubberneck.webm (2.88 MB, 512x768)
2.88 MB
2.88 MB WEBM
I may have been driving a lot.
File: 1713144323085989.webm (5.7 MB, 512x768)
5.7 MB
Good shit anon.
A new classic.
Love it, thanks for sharing.
File: Homeless Chic.webm (2.23 MB, 512x768)
2.23 MB
2.23 MB WEBM
Inspired me to make this.

I wondered if there's a market for whiter sounding Indian music then remembered Indian beats have been used in rap music for a couple of decades at this point.
this is so good
File: 1713044978700899.webm (3.98 MB, 960x540)
3.98 MB
3.98 MB WEBM
In hope for someone to complete this song with AI.
Not today but maybe some day...
Ooh I really like this one, it sounds like an actual song and I can't notice any AI shenanigans in it.
there is nothing especial in that song, is the most generic shit
what do you guys use to make webms? I'm using ffmpeg but the file size ends up way bigger than what I see here, what settings are you using?
File: Spaghetti.webm (2.04 MB, 512x768)
2.04 MB
2.04 MB WEBM
I'm just using this site when I want to make a straight conversion


If you want to get fancier there's Openshot or Kdenlive. I'd like to make more elaborate music videos but I'd never be able to stay within the filesize restrictions here. I've done this spaghetti song with an early ai video but it was a nightmare trying to fit it within that filesize constraints.
I don't think that site allows me to make a webm out of a mp3 file and a cover png.
File: Davis Fears.webm (1.19 MB, 512x768)
1.19 MB
1.19 MB WEBM
I am using Shotcut, its a video editor.

Unless you are making a music video, graphics don't matter, just drop your bitrate waaayyyy down, like 128k or 256k, same for framerate, you can probably get away with 5 fps, these numbers are somewhat of an exaggeration, its not always needed to go so low, but just to give the idea. I don't how to do these things on ffmpeg, but I suppose it should be possible.
Then maybe jewgle will spoonfeed you.
I love her sound.
well this was a hell of a rabbit hole
File: Summer Days.webm (5.84 MB, 1024x1024)
5.84 MB
5.84 MB WEBM
I watch anime
File: Chew-The-Fat.webm (3.71 MB, 636x562)
3.71 MB
3.71 MB WEBM
File: 1703304428765048.webm (1.79 MB, 509x720)
1.79 MB
1.79 MB WEBM
File: 1713279455253540.webm (5.83 MB, 1024x576)
5.83 MB
5.83 MB WEBM
File: Kool-Aid.webm (2.27 MB, 512x768)
2.27 MB
2.27 MB WEBM
Oh yeah!
File: 1705637654879463.webm (1.38 MB, 500x500)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB WEBM
Is there a way to get around the credit system for Udio? Im a poorfag.
File: MAKINA.webm (3.36 MB, 512x768)
3.36 MB
3.36 MB WEBM
File: Phantom Tide.webm (3.59 MB, 512x768)
3.59 MB
3.59 MB WEBM
File: announcement.webm (1.76 MB, 1280x720)
1.76 MB
1.76 MB WEBM
Have the anons looked at the brief suno wiki and help pages?

Besides tags about song structure, there is a bunch of tags that can be inserted, such as [instrumental interlude], [guitar solo], I have seem some people do things such as [saxophone instrumental intro].

This is the wiki: https://www.suno.wiki/faq/metatags/voice-tags/
Then there is this other page I found through google: https://suno-ai.notion.site/Using-Metatags-34944efe09ec41d693e314f13af44695

I just can't, no matter what, make any sort of instrumental intro, to prevent the song from jumping instantly to the lyrics, I tried multiple things (with different songs), such as [intro], [instrumental intro], [instrumental intro] followed by other instrumental tags, AI just skips through it all, sometimes even skips the first lines of the lyrics.
File: B²TSM.webm (3.86 MB, 640x360)
3.86 MB
3.86 MB WEBM
ultra kek saved
this remains the superior version

File: 0-.webm (3.98 MB, 720x720)
3.98 MB
3.98 MB WEBM
Genre: math rock, chip-tune, jazz fusion
I've used [instrumental intro] and it works most of the time. Are you using the new 3.5 version or 3.0?

Handbrake works well. It's more or less a gui frontend for ffmpeg. However If you're already comfortable with ffmpeg I'd recommend you stick with it.

You want to aim for a lower resolution and a lower video bitrate. Try something between 360-720p and a bitrate between 100 - 1000, depending on if the WebM is longer or shorter than 1 min.
File: glowsoul.webm (3.33 MB, 600x620)
3.33 MB
3.33 MB WEBM
Rate this GEM bros

wtf it actually sounds good...prompt?

My sides are in orbit top fucking kek. Best ITT
I've been listening to this webm for 30 minutes straight. I think I need mental help.
I was using 3.0, I don't even remember 3.5 showing in the options. Just cheched and its available now.
File: Do the Needful.webm (4.01 MB, 512x768)
4.01 MB
4.01 MB WEBM
I never realized Indian and Celtic music sound so similar before.Maybe the music draws British invasions.

I'd be happy to participate in thread themes in the future if these threads continue. Just keep the subject generic.
File: Kool-Aid_soul.webm (2.83 MB, 512x768)
2.83 MB
2.83 MB WEBM
Alternate 70s soul version. The wife and I are divided on which one is better. I think this one fits the subject better.
File: 1711063132128647.webm (5.97 MB, 512x288)
5.97 MB
5.97 MB WEBM
>Totally repulsive
A song about Indian men
File: 1686440548458080.webm (3.79 MB, 518x288)
3.79 MB
3.79 MB WEBM
>The Redeeming
File: 1701235818815599.webm (3.94 MB, 512x288)
3.94 MB
3.94 MB WEBM
>Poo Poo is my favorite food
File: 1710090807940058.webm (2.19 MB, 512x288)
2.19 MB
2.19 MB WEBM
>Pajeet doctors
File: 1706944668440097.webm (1.23 MB, 512x288)
1.23 MB
1.23 MB WEBM
File: 1709465287376952.webm (3.7 MB, 512x288)
3.7 MB
>Uber drivers
File: funkytown.webm (4.76 MB, 720x720)
4.76 MB
4.76 MB WEBM
Genre: math rock, chip-tune, jazz fusion, funky, smooth, jazz, catchy
File: meandmichael.webm (4.34 MB, 720x720)
4.34 MB
4.34 MB WEBM
Me and Michael
Genre: math rock, chip-tune, bounce drop, drum, bass
File: coomer life.webm (4.08 MB, 512x768)
4.08 MB
4.08 MB WEBM
ok, so far 3.5 is feeling so much better
Bra(m)pton 2024 summer anthem!
3.5 is insane!
This is the future we deserve.
We will not coom,
We will not goon.
Freedom to the people's tunes.
File: Foxgloves_W1.webm (2.8 MB, 176x144)
2.8 MB
This sounds entirely human to me. We're getting there.
I find it kind of insane that no one else seems excited about this tech. This is basically my main hobby now.
File: Foxgloves_W2.webm (2.66 MB, 176x144)
2.66 MB
2.66 MB WEBM
Metal version
Udio 3.5
File: 1693816960146852.webm (4.35 MB, 512x768)
4.35 MB
4.35 MB WEBM
Made a PEI protestor one.
File: PoorOldDonnie.webm (1.11 MB, 256x256)
1.11 MB
1.11 MB WEBM
fuck yea
File: Small Lund BenChod.webm (4.16 MB, 512x768)
4.16 MB
4.16 MB WEBM
I failed and got a pop country song while running out of credits but its still not that bad.
webm for lazys
File: Chud!.webm (2.97 MB, 512x768)
2.97 MB
2.97 MB WEBM
Tried something different.
Idk how to fast edit the pic so imagine chud picrel.
File: 654767.webm (3.8 MB, 720x720)
3.8 MB
Genre: math rock, catchy, anthemic, guitar, melodic
nah, just the DDLC "character"
File: RDT_20240602_102926.webm (1.52 MB, 328x640)
1.52 MB
1.52 MB WEBM
Requesting "Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson, but change the lyrics to




Technically you could just make a bunch of throwaway emails and keep signing up for the free trial.
concerts will live on, performed by those who genuinely enjoy it. jewish profiteering and cultural subversion via the music "industry" will die. music itself as a communal experience will be infinitely enriched. like many things that were "automated" before it, it will simply be pursued as a hobby or by people with real passion rather than as an attempt at profit, and there will always be those willing to pay a premium for "real" music made by real people.

take these threads for example. when was the last time you actually browsed /mu/ or cared about their recommendations or wanted to share things on there? for me it's been nearly a decade, because that place is a hyperkiked shit hole full of extreme faggots promoting awful low IQ corposlop. yet these threads are popular and organic and generate dozens of new and clever songs, many of them genuinely catchy and enjoyed by anons from all over the world.
Nigger you Gaye..
File: six_million.webm (2.2 MB, 512x768)
2.2 MB
Do it yourself.
had to let you know this dope shit has been stuck in my head for days
was this for a friend or partner or something, or am I just getting wooshed on the reference?
also, which genner? After Suno went 3.5, I can't look back
File: 3ex1tl.webm (2.38 MB, 512x768)
2.38 MB
2.38 MB WEBM
pretty cool, is this just suno?
Nah lad just took the lyrics from "Me and Michael" and add some [events], here the structure.

All this music i''m uploading at webmshare from preservation.
File: Chasing-Hell.webm (4.25 MB, 634x678)
4.25 MB
4.25 MB WEBM
My lyrics in Udio.
now I feel like a tard
totally searched for a song with that name, but without quotes, it seemed like a dead end
For /sfg/
Actually came out real good.
File: 1714773392919019.webm (3.92 MB, 512x768)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
Noone asked, kill yourself
File: listening-to-music.gif (53 KB, 354x286)
53 KB
File: lofi stable audio.webm (536 KB, 220x139)
536 KB
Best one ITT
That one is good, I love it. Well done Anon.
File: LSD.webm (5.96 MB, 1024x1024)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
Genre: acoustic, chip-tune, math-rock

Eu tava aqui pensando a gente junto é bom demais
Que horas você chega pra me derreter?
Juntar nossos planetas nesse tom azul lilás
Na sua boca feito L-S-D

Ei, que hora que cê chega nessa casa?
Tempo não passa, desgraça
Ah, quando você chegar vai ser tão lindo
Isso não nego, não minto

E aqui, deixei tudo ok, vinho já comprei
Te espero com aquele chá
Achei que a gente dá bom, pique Elis e Tom
Mas já chega desse blá, blá, blá

Deita aqui do lado e só dorme amanhã
Desde a primeira vez virei teu fã

Eu tava aqui pensando a gente junto é bom demais
Que horas você chega pra me derreter?
Juntar nossos planetas nesse tom azul lilás
Na sua boca feito L-S-D
[Saxophone lick]
Ei, que hora que cê chega nessa casa?
Tempo não passa, desgraça
Ah, quando você chegar vai ser tão lindo
Isso não nego, não minto

Não sei que que você tem, o que você fez
Minha onda quer te devorar
Me tem logo de uma vez, já faz mais de mês
Então chega desse blá, blá, blá

Deita aqui do lado e só dorme amanhã
Desde a primeira vez virei teu fã

Eu tava aqui pensando a gente junto é bom demais
Que horas você chega pra me derreter?
Juntar nossos planetas nesse tom azul lilás
Na sua boca feito LSD
[Saxophone lick]
Ah, que loucura isso (alucinação)
Beijos etéreos de algodão (de outra dimensão)
Sem mais censura eu fico (então fica)

Eu tava aqui pensando a gente junto é bom demais
Que horas você chega pra me derreter?
Juntar nossos planetas nesse tom azul lilás
Na sua boca feito L-S-D

A gente junto é bom demais
Pra me derreter


[Saxophone outro]
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better version, with the end trimmed a bit
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Halo Halo
Genre: Forget what i put lmao
what tags would you suggest if I wanted to replicate a song like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9Sn1nFGQQ8
>The music genre tone of the Persona 3 song “Color Your Night” is a blend of electronic and synth-pop elements with a hint of J-Pop influences. The song features a prominent synthesizer melody, accompanied by a driving beat and a subtle bassline, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere. The use of bright and cheerful synthesizer sounds, along with the catchy melody, gives the song a playful and upbeat tone, reminiscent of J-Pop and anime soundtracks. The song’s tempo and rhythm are well-suited for a night-time setting, evoking a sense of excitement and adventure. Overall, the tone of “Color Your Night” is upbeat, energetic, and fun, making it a great fit for the Persona 3 game’s night-time exploration sequences.

Mistral AI generated answer.
I've made a fine piece of art on udio but I can't figure out how to get it to give me a finale and ending. The music just keeps going and then cuts out at the end of every extension.


Someone's figured this out right
The best one. I can imagine a car with megaphones on the street playing this.
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A tribute to my favorite terrapins
Nah, it's mediocre. The Deutschland den Deutschen part is underwhelming.
This banger I've randomly found on the other hand tho.
Simply majestic...
This version was nice
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Haven't noticed much country in these threads,

A song about personal responsibility would be right up this sites alley right?
thanks for this, fren
I feel bold-faced dishonesty has been drastically eroding societal and familial bonds, and it disgusts me
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shit auto generated lyrics bump
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Dedicated to /diy/
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Music is a great tool for manifestation
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My latest song
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is this webm ai?
literally everything ITT is absolute gutter trash shit
Thread for us to move to once this thread hits either image or reply limit >>5582219
it's got some of the telltales, but impossible to say for certain just by ear
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What's with all the Suno shite when Udio exists?
Extremely based
if you've used both, you'd understand each has its own strengths and weaknesses
if you've used Suno 3.5, your opinion is bad
Good one
The great suno benefits like enabling laziness.
Udio cucks you out of making covers of songs with copyrighted lyrics, and its cohesive quality is generally worse
Ye exactly what I said, enabling laziness. What else?
how does "cohesive quality" enables laziness? lets be real anon, you just want to shitpost, you sound like you had a bad day and its looking for a reason to take on someone.

if you are a free user, you can get much more from suno, 1 attempt on suno can give you 3-4 minutes of song, in udio each attempt at creating/extending is just 30 sec. or something. The only positive of this in udio is having more control, but since there is limit of attempts, it can take much longer, in days, to make a single complete song (because you don't always get what you want on the first try at creating/extending).

the same prompts can sound completely different in each one (suno/udio), depending of what sound you want, one may be better than the other. Imo, suno songs sound much more generic, but feels more flexible and I think I you get more out of it right now.
Only thing Suno is proficient at is making the same pop slop with terrible vocals. I'd rather wait a week to get a song done than pump out pure garbo that Suno does.
I prefer Udio, desu.
again, you just want to shitpost
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Didn't make this, just turned a soundpost I saw into a webm
My main issue with Suno 3.5 is it doesn't do Indian accent vocals as well as the previous versions. It starts off as Indian but then defaults back to an American sounding accent.
And you're deaf.
File: Peak female comedy.webm (2.22 MB, 512x768)
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Made some stand up comedy
whoops, got the titles around the wrong way
v2 of these will be posted in the next thread
Show us something you made udio

I will wait
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good thread
File: Relief After Fire.webm (5.91 MB, 720x720)
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Japanese girl singing about how painful and relieving it is to take a shit after eating a spicy meal. Enjoy.
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Hm fine I got this unpublished japanese song laying around. You're gonna give me shit for anything I post anyway, but whatever, I'll play your game. Kinda a bad example because the distorted robotic vocals is a deliberate stylistic choice on this one.
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There I ruined it
I need to know what this genre is called.
Electro swing
very cool, thanks for sharing!
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Did you make the 'If it ain't offensive..' one as well? Either way you're a treasure.
any songs like this?
parts of it remind me of this
>submit prompt
>Udio spazzes out and the lyrics sound like they're being sung in Simlish
>Udio wastes 15 seconds of the gen on instrumentals before cramming all the lyrics together
>credits stolen
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>suno adds feature to create songs from uploaded audio samples
>naturally try using audio of the master himself
listening through this I was gasping for air and nearly shat myself laughing
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Psycho vaxxie bloodclot crazy, psycho vaxxie stroke
makes you die, makes you die
Do you really wanna go? HEY!
Psycho vaxxie bloodclot crazy, psycho vaxxie stroke
makes you die, makes you die
Do you really wanna make it stop?
stop your blood from flowing


Psycho vaxxie bloodclot crazy, psycho vaxxie stroke
makes you die, makes you die
Do you really wanna go? NO!
Psycho vaxxie bloodclot crazy, psycho vaxxie stroke
makes you die, makes you die
Do you really wanna make it stop?
stop your life from going ooonnn

So you want to get the shot?
Clot up and watch your heart-rate fully drop
From the time you were a
Psycho, vaxxie, bloodclot, crazy

So you're always good boy
You really don't have to be a goy
From the time you were a
Psycho, vaxxie, bloodclot, crazy

Psycho vaxxie bloodclot crazy, psycho vaxxie stroke
makes you die, makes you die
Do you really wanna go? NO!
Psycho vaxxie bloodclot crazy, psycho vaxxie stroke
makes you die, makes you die
Do you really wanna make it stop?
stop your life from going on

So you want to get the shot?
Vax up and watch your body fully drop
From the time you were a
Psycho, vaxxie, bloodclot, crazy

So you're always a good boy
You really don't have to be a goy
From the time you were a
Psycho, vaxxie, bloodclot, crazy
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I'll stay here, you're stupid
Those filthy streets are filled with gays
You should've never joined Pride festival
They use you, confuse you
Say shit like "YASS you slay it, queen!"
You should've never tried Pride festival

I warned you, informed you
You were the fittest twink out here
You should've never joined Pride festival
They groom you, pursue you
They look at youth in disgusting ways
You should've never tried Pride festival

Ah, ah, ah-ah-ah, ah
(Ah-ah-ah, ah, ah-ah-ah, ah, ah)
They don't show it on the news
The sick degenerate troons
All you faggots sucking cocks on Santa Monica Boulevard
This is not a stage, act your fucking age
All you trannies tie a rope 'round your neck
And jump off of your parents deck
All you faggots sucking dicks out there on Sunset Boulevard
All you groomers put a gun to your head
And shoot it 'til you're fucking dead

(Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah)
Predatory people come to prey, ah, ah
Look at them invite kids to play
Predatory people come to prey
(They all molest little kids)
(That's how they make make of them)
Look at them invite kids to play
Predatory people come to prey

(Ah, ah, ah-ah-ah, ah)
All you faggots sucking cocks on Santa Monica Boulevard
(Ah, ah, ah-ah-ah, ah)
All you faggots sucking dicks out there on Sunset Boulevard
(Ah, ah, ah-ah-ah, ah)
All you faggots sucking cocks out there on Hollywood Boulevard
(Ah, ah, ah-ah-ah, ah)
You should have never joined festival
(Ah, ah, ah-ah-ah, ah)
You should have never tried pride festival
(Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)

You should've never tried pride festival
out of 10
Can you take a request?
Lel nice

What's the prompt for this in Suno/udio?

Or is this another AI?
It's from Honkfm, I should have put the title on them. I don't know the tools.

It's just one of those days
When my heartrate is all jacked
Everything is wack since I had the vax
I can't really explain
Sorta like a constant pain
Tearing all my veins up

No human contact
Cuz I get sick so fast
Who knows what I'll contract
My best bet is to stay in bed
Motherfucker, it's just one of those days

It's all about the he test we test bullshit
I think you better quit trusting that shit
Because the government controls it
It's all about the she test we test bullshit
Well guess where you can stick
Your chink flu test kit

It's just one of those days
Feelin' like a space case
So blank in the brain
Raced to my safe space
Damn right I'm a brainiac
But since I got the vax
I'm fuckin strugglin with plain math
Yes I regret it, I accept it
I'm desperate for acceptance
Retrospect is bitch so they say
Motherfucker, it's just one of those days


I'm feelin sick
My suggestion is to keep your distance
Cuz right now I'm contagious
We've all probably been sick
And been coughing and shit
I don't think it's working
I need a checkup

I hope you know we packed wit prions
We gonna die, son
Cuz at the rate this mRNA makes spikes
Won't make it late in life
We packed with proteins
Inside they're growing
And at the rate this mRNA can make spikes
It's made for us to die
we packed wit prions
We gonna die, son
And if the antivaxxers ain't sick
then oh shit
Maybe turns out they were right

Covid virus is fake
Covid virus is fake
Corona virus is fake
It's fake and fuckin gay

I hope you know that yall got AIDS now
Yeah, AIDS now
Got motherfuckin VAIDS now

No fuckin kiddin


Go cope on reddit
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metal song about evo devo. lyrics are taken directly from wikipedia page
Tempted to steal some of these for background in my youtube videos
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What's the bgm track? don't tell me it's also AI?
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tfw no gf with southern accent
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Fuck it I tried and failed
Really good
Didn't find the post since it's barely readable but on the first frame. Got it? I would do it properly.
all fucking garbage
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Don't be gAI.

Bullies are a childhood necessity
Pussies have to learn somehow how how
Whatever happened to good old adversity
Just stop with the gay hand-holding now now now

You needed someone to make fun of you
Well you're in luck
Cause that's exactly what the fuck imma do
You feeble faggots need a talking to
I want you feeling as embarrassed as we are of you

All your traits need not make you proud
Feedback from the crowd
Is worth contemplating
Don't need no therapy involved
Problems could be solved
With some public shaming

Dumbing up the standards of society
Everyone's become a fragile clown clown clown
And I refuse to partake in this fantasy
When I'd rather watch you breaking down down down

You needed someone to make fun of you
And you're in luck
Cause that's exactly what the fuck imma do
You stupid mutants what is wrong with you
These bumbling mongoloids belong inside a fucking zoo

If you think talking shit aloud
Should not be allowed
You're a spineless weakling
Your self-esteems not my concern
Now it's time you learn
Til your eyes are leaking

All my friends are mean like me
(You're a fucking clown)
They'd surely agree
(You're a fucking clown)

Bitch, you're retarded, you're retarded
Motherfucker you're a-
(You're a fucking clown)
Bitch, you're retarded, you're retarded
Motherfucker you're a-
(You're a fucking clown)
Bitch, you're retarded, you're retarded
Motherfucker you're a-
(You're a fucking clown)
Bitch, you're retarded, you're retarded
Motherfucker you're a-
(You're a fucking clown)

All your safe spaces aren't around
Nowhere to be found
Like your father figure
So you can try to shut me down
I can see you frown
You're so often triggered

All my compassion has dissolved
Absent like your balls
Always sobbing shrieking
So you can cry to shut me out
While you screech and pout
Such a softy seething
You should see bullies when they get bullied back lmao. Lemming bitches.
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Any specific genres you're into anon?
How long until an AI generated song becomes a hit
I have several songs which have become stuck on my mind, so it can't be far off.
This was a Norwegian shitpost on /int/. Fucking love the refrain and the guitar solo.
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