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File: Spongebob wrench.webm (1.21 MB, 500x378)
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1.21 MB WEBM
I'm feeling pretty nostalgic for that good old Stephen Hillenburg Era of Spongebob, so I'm going to go grab the show, either Pirate or Physical set, idk. But since this show is another one of those that will not die when its time, I just wanted to double check, Are there worthwhile Spongy Material after the Hillenburg Era, or is top tier still just seasons 1-3 and the First Movie?
Also, Sponge Thread.
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File: Dead Sponge Storage.webm (1.79 MB, 484x360)
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392 KB GIF
Yeah no, it's amazing how much one man does to a series like that, those first 3 seasons are like from a completely different universe. The next two seasons seem to be not "that" bad if you starved for content but yeah, that's all you get.
Season 3 was the peak of the show.
Wow they matched that perfectly. Where's the audio from?
you need to be 18 or older to post here
pulp fiction
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>first 3 seasons

I stopped watching Spongebob by the mid 2000s because I got older. I've started re-watching before bed on Prime the past month, and noticed myself starting the series back to season 1 often, just now realizing how much the show had changed by S4 and I didn't like it.

Even simple things like calling characters stupid, losers, making adult references, etc. It seemed like in those days, a new show had to develop years worth of content when they initially pitched, so maybe that's why the shows spark ran out by the end of season 3. There was a lot more freedom and imagination in the beginning.
I think the original pitch had something crazy like 100 episode ideas.
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It makes sense. I remember how sensationalized Spongebob became by 2005. I just checked the episode log from seasons 4 and 5 and there's not one memorable episode.
Hillenburg carried, when he left the show got all fucked up. It was originally a dialog based sitcom but then it was just transformed into average kids show writing. The only thing that kept it afloat is the fact that the original concept was so good. It could stay alive forever even with shit writing.
Honestly I think what they're currently doing with the show post 2nd movie is way worse than what they did post 1st movie. It's now just a show for babies that milks it's old references in a vain attempt to get adults to watch.
It's pretty crazy how people can remember spongebob as a "beloved show" even though 2/3 of it is shit. Simpsons catches more shit than spongebob, but at least it's golden age was like 10 years instead of 3.
Oh and speaking of this, if you guys wanna see how low spongebob has gotten, watch Sponge on the Run. It's probably the worst animated thing I've ever watched in my life, not kidding.
File: backing up.webm (2.9 MB, 500x281)
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>It was originally a dialog based sitcom
You're a delusional retard. I genuinely cannot think of a single bit of word based humor besides "she puts on airs." The show was always random cartoony exagerated kiddy garbage. Is your dumb ass gonna sit there and tell people falling over cliffs and exploding is genuinely high iq humor? Because that's genuinely about 80% of the original shows humour if your not kidding yourself. Wumbo? Get that unfunny fuck boy millenial garbage outta here BITCH BOY.

Dude, sponge on the run..., it;s so. fucking. bad. Like..., REALLY FUCKING BAD.

How many cartoons have you watched nigga, that shit is like a 5/10 at worst. Where did the funny snoop dog rapper touch you anon? Your gonna kid me and tell me the david hasslehoff bit works because, uhhh, REASONS, OK! Nah, get that corny weak ass writing and shove it up your sponge hole. That crap was corny as hell nigga. Your dumb ass aint nevah even watched Baywatched, the fuck so funny about this shit?

Aging bald headed low T faggot. Baby bitch ass nostalgic do nothing millenial. Yo shit outdated sun, it outta here. Aint nuthin but you bitch ass light skins left watching this barny tier bullcrap.
S4 has some good ones, like Wheres Gary. Most of the season is garbage though.
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>seasons 1-3 = god tier
>first movie = eh but it grows on you.
>everything else after season 3 = wedontdothathere.jpeg

>honerable mention = 2015 movie sponge out of water. was pretty good and almost a return to the classic style spongebob
someone actually made a really good animation for this. wish I remembered who, saw it on instagram
found it ez

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>Holidays in California
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File: My Little Pizza.webm (5.18 MB, 426x240)
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Anon I'm really sorry but that movie is more than 10 years older than anybody who will turn 18 this year.
Are you denying he's underageb&? because he totally is
>but Mr Krabs... we don't serve black people
wasn't that derik dryman, or something? am i missremembering again?
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One poop to rule them all.
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File: Dirty Dan.webm (3.64 MB, 640x360)
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>made by a troon with a fart fetish
>had to replace the music because he broke up with the troon who made it
I noticed that there's alot more underwater sfx, ambience, and bubbles in the older seasons
made me watch it again thinking i missed the braps. how would you know that anyways?
He sadposted about the breakup and someone found some porn account of his on like DeviantArt or something
you follow fart fetish troons on twitter?
Someone on this site does because that's where I found out about it
File: A Couple Ice Cubes.webm (4.08 MB, 508x384)
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>people who make ytps are autistic weirdos
I can't believe it!!!
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File: Errands.webm (1.1 MB, 540x360)
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File: wakemeup.webm (594 KB, 640x360)
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not everyone cares to watch reddit fiction
you dont fit in here bro
Would it be possible to put episodes of SpongeBob into webms and not have them compressed to shit?
could be kind of fun to put some of the classics to card.
File: 1716162749722294.webm (4 MB, 640x360)
4 MB

There was some anon a while back who managed to compress entire Thomas and Friends episodes into webms under the filesize limit. But they were only around 5 minutes.
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5.98 MB WEBM
File: hey pal.webm (312 KB, 480x360)
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Krusty Towers is season 4 and it's hilarious
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File: Spongebob VR.webm (2.91 MB, 750x422)
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2.91 MB WEBM
If you have a VR helmet then check this video out
I'm so glad it was the right version
File: Ripped Pants.webm (5.83 MB, 512x384)
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5.83 MB WEBM
I've seen every episode. If you can tolerate slapstick humor without much premise for the plot, then you won't care how fast-paced it is now.
So? It came out when I was 4 and I've seen it. Sorry, you can spend a lot of years on this planet, but if you don't seek out great art you are still mentally a child.
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File: Winner Takes All.webm (3.98 MB, 512x384)
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File: Plankton's Magic.webm (1.3 MB, 1280x720)
1.3 MB
Anyone here remember the spongebob best day ever marathon that aired on nick in 2006?
I tried to stay up late in order to watch the all the episodes but ended up falling asleep.
>Country Boy's first day at UC Berkley
I was 6 back then. Watched it with my brother all night but I eventually fell asleep on the floor. good times
File: Anchor Arms.webm (4.51 MB, 512x384)
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File: the greatest scream.webm (2.93 MB, 580x434)
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File: Perfume Department.webm (5.98 MB, 512x384)
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File: White Stuff.webm (1.23 MB, 480x270)
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1.23 MB WEBM
damn all these edits are so painfully unfunny
just post the stuff from the fucking show ffs
File: this is patrick.webm (3.74 MB, 1440x1080)
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3.74 MB WEBM
every time, haha
File: Gary Takes A Shit.webm (5.35 MB, 640x480)
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File: We saved the city.webm (2.93 MB, 512x384)
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2.93 MB WEBM
File: Pride Patties.webm (4.17 MB, 320x240)
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4.17 MB WEBM
How low does my iq need to be in order to find this funny?
Hot take: theres still plenty of good episodes past season 3. At some point it turned to pretty much 100% total shit, but to me the change wasn't as immediate or drastic as people claim.
>Is that one purple?
Man that takes me back
File: Magic Conch Shell.webm (3.58 MB, 480x360)
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3.58 MB WEBM
New groomer Spongebob dropped.
I hope the people that made this for kids are punished by death (in Gmod)
Im pretty conservative and Im having a hard time finding the "groomer" part of this.
Dangerously crisp encoding
this one clip inspired like 4 separate memes
File: I don't need it.webm (3.47 MB, 480x360)
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File: jellyfish jam.webm (3.53 MB, 400x293)
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3.53 MB WEBM
File: krusty krab pizza.webm (3.6 MB, 710x480)
3.6 MB
File: good night spongebob.webm (4.47 MB, 710x480)
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File: California.webm (3.86 MB, 640x640)
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3.86 MB WEBM
this is one of the more unhinged spingbills I've seen in a while
File: Friends.webm (3.93 MB, 710x480)
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File: squidward an heros.webm (1.83 MB, 482x360)
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File: Patrick Griffin.webm (3.17 MB, 320x240)
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File: secret entrance.webm (1.02 MB, 640x360)
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File: whirlybird incident.webm (3.85 MB, 640x360)
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3.85 MB WEBM
File: squidward an heros 2.webm (410 KB, 482x360)
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File: new student starfish.webm (2.83 MB, 176x144)
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2.83 MB WEBM
just because you have a fetish doesn't mean this is grooming kids
Man, that opening really is something else.
I feel like I've been here
this nigga could never catch a break
We need more Spongeboy!
File: its a rock.webm (5.7 MB, 500x380)
5.7 MB
why was the squidward clarinet song in this actually gary playing the clarinet?
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Whenever a show has to have new characters or a new setting each episode, that show is dead. Spongebob was great in the beginning because it'd just be spongebob and patrick fucking around. An episode would consist of just 1 idea and run with it eg "spongebob and patrick are selling chocolate" "spongebob and patrick think they've stolen a balloon". The last time I watched a new episode it would be something like "spongebob, patrick and the rest of bikini bottom travel to a far away land to visit spongebob's extended family which consists of 10 different people who have never been mentioned before"
File: Squidward.webm (1.95 MB, 720x480)
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1.95 MB WEBM
While Hillenburg deserves the praise and adoration he gets, I feel like not enough people also give credit to his right hand man and series Creative Director Derek Drymon.
He was just as involved as Hillenburg from the early days and had a hand in every episode for the first three seasons. He left alongside Hillenburg too.
File: ween.webm (2.54 MB, 1440x1080)
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2.54 MB WEBM
the lip sync editing is 10/10
>It's pretty crazy how people can remember spongebob as a "beloved show" even though 2/3 of it is shit.
to be fair, i didn't even know until recently that it's still airing, i thought it ended in the mid-00's like most other late 90's cartoon
found the squidward
How hard would it be to run S2 and S3 into some AI that changes it to the hand drawn art style of S1 ?
Is strange how I dont remember any of the new shit on TV. Only the early seasons.
i don't visit here often, and what i used before to post >400s webms doesn't seem to work
he's literally me
spongebob and ween did more than just the shoelace song together?
Original song? sounds familiar
Now I understand why my parents took my internet away after watching these.
File: 1690763103628.webm (588 KB, 640x1138)
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It's a shame that the show went downhill but the first few seasons (the golden age of the show) were one of the best one could see on the tv as a kid so no wonder it was so beloved. I have watched some of them recently and I still love them. The new ones on the other hand feel like they constantly have to grab the attention of the audience with whack expressions and nonsensical plot twists. A shame but noways everything gets ruined that used to be good
song source is Nmesh - 心痛を受け入れます
Probably by Pogo.
File: When Worlds Collide.webm (5.99 MB, 512x372)
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File: Fly of Despair.webm (4.71 MB, 512x384)
4.71 MB
4.71 MB WEBM
File: Alone.webm (2.64 MB, 512x384)
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2.64 MB WEBM
File: Bus Stop.webm (5.16 MB, 508x384)
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File: It's not my wallet.webm (5.32 MB, 512x384)
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File: Circle one.webm (2.84 MB, 512x384)
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2.84 MB WEBM

Regardless his YTP is high art, and yes I will die on that hill.
File: Alien Squidward.webm (5.42 MB, 512x384)
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5.42 MB WEBM
That one was straight out of Amadeus
Damn props to Yukari for putting up with the contents of the fly of despair all the time

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