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Anything and Everything.Captcha has gotten wildly out of hand.
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Anyone got the Scrubs dance?
Didn't realize anne frank had the moves like that
what is this type of dance called
shuffling, but slowed due to the song's tempo with some extra hand movement thrown in there
Terrible. Hope she gets hit by a bus
Anyone have this webm of cute black girl dancing to rasputin?
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please die. horribly.
>when Dutch see mountains for the first time
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I've got probably every webm (including edits) of her except for these 2:


Anyone have either of these?
Good, it makes me glad to know someone else out there is just as bitter after seeing that.
show? looks dope
Pretty sure that's Macross, unsure which one, but one of the earlier series/movies.
they made an anime with this plot called Saikano
To this day, unmatched. This webm makes me happy
Kino movie
>>5557481 its the ending of the 1984 Macross movie. Beautiful film.
I'll need a name/source for this slithering one
Thanks a ton for this.

Still looking for the other one in case anyone has it.
any1 have the asian fella dancing to force your way from ff8 with that one girl mirin' him the whole time?
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Have (you) been practicing how to dance?
File: Girls dancing 3.webm (2.59 MB, 540x960)
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i fuck she bets like a jet fighter
Total F-22A energy
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3.8 MB
One of the only threads worth contributing to. Unfortunately only have reposts.
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Does anyone have that webm of the people dancing/falling that cut to other people dancing/falling in a similar manner? It was insanely well made
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3.39 MB WEBM
I have a video like that, but I don't know if it's what you have in mind. Might have something else, too, but I can't remember where I put it.
why is this all so animated and faggy? It's like a horrendous mix of celtic dance and hip hop. Your taste is shit, OP. At least post some flamenca or something
single worst webm ever posted to this site
lmaoo same thread always
>literally the same 8 videos
>all coomer shit
>no real dancing
>muted videos
>most videos that do have music the "dancing" is not even in sync with the song
fucking peak 4chan autism
Terrible. Hope I get hit by a bus
quirked up Japanese boys with a little bit of swag bust it down sexual style.. (are they goated with the sauce?)
what's this type of webm called and how to it. I remember someone posted a guide but it's was 7 webms long i didn't bother
why don't you contribute something instead of being an insufferable faggot?
Could you sauce me anon? trace.moe is giving me no results.
Girls und Panzer das Finale 4 OVA - Commander war
Yeah some of the footage is the same but the video I saw was longer and had a different song, thank you anyway
fuck off
cool bulge
these threads always make me horny damn. im gonna go jerk off now.
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last time i did it was the only new video posted for months and made the new op for one or two threads lmao. Find somone else to spoonfeed you basic rhythm dumb fucking cunt
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2.27 MB WEBM
To this day, terrible. This webm makes me hop on a bus.
Noice. The moves aren’t even that complicated or diverse, it’s the spring and swiftness that makes it look awesome.
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he leans at her and looks at her more often than the other way around
it's over for him
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this one always makes me miss those high school spring nights
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361 KB
Can I filter that webm? I hate that ugly skank so much it’s unreal
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why would you wear shoes when skydiving? I feel like they'd come off easy at those speeds? wtf you gonna do when a shoe comes off midway? i'd keep them in a pouch or backpack and put them on when i land
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5.71 MB WEBM
he's right
Yep! this one, thanks anon
Lmao I like this one

Can some kind soul help me find a dancing meme that I lost?
>countryside looks like a Mongolian steppe or something
>a small tent is shaking hard and rave music is playing
>cameraman walks up to a wooden gate and kicks it open, it breaks off its hinges and falls flat on the ground
>cameraman opens the tent flap, the rave music gets louder and you can see a person carrying a goat dancing wildly
Song sauce?
does anyone have the one with the young woman and that same old dude?
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Ausländer raus!
wait they actually try the drugs on that show?
>Millionare dancing in front of her employees who probably haven't eaten in three days

The upper class chinese are truly an evil people, comically evil at times.
sorry you have to kys your self now, your post contained the simp shuffle, shuffle simp
>its not even the real brother louie
fucking niggers https://youtu.be/Lp2qcCrdBLA
thanks m8
Pretty sure they're just professional dancers that they dressed in suits, you colossal retard.
that guy has some moves... kept getting better. love it.

>sigh... unzip
Damn. I wish women weren't real
I have. Its honestly is one of the best hobbies you can have. Let's groove baybeeee
Guy knows how to dance, Stacy's just move around, expecting to get attention. Not surprising
File: ImTooSSexy.webm (668 KB, 256x256)
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3.9 MB
If true, this makes it even better.
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3.81 MB WEBM
File: Prayer in C.webm (3.86 MB, 1280x720)
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>I have. Its honestly is one of the best hobbies you can have. Let's groove baybeeee
Hard facts. Shit will change your life.
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3.99 MB
3.99 MB WEBM
>wait they actually try the drugs on that show?
Tried (it shut down in 2019 IIRC), and yes.
Was a Dutch government initiative IIRC.
File: YUKIKA - NEON.webm (3.89 MB, 960x540)
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and instead of contributing new dance content you type a paragraph green text bitching and moaning like a faggot
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1.66 MB WEBM
What song?
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2.11 MB WEBM
B-Complex - Beautiful Lies
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3.94 MB WEBM
Need that song please
Fix your hard drive
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5.97 MB WEBM
File: Extra Bass~~~.webm (3.62 MB, 360x202)
3.62 MB
3.62 MB WEBM
cant find it i give up. whats wrong with my hard drive?
Why are they all chewing gum?
Men just want one thing and it's wholesome and sweet.
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3.03 MB WEBM
No wooden gate, but this mostly matches your description.
ahhhh this is indeed the one i wanted, just some of the clip is missing i think
i must have mis-remembered the goat instead of a mini horse

much appreciated, anon
in fact i went to check out that Tiktok, and the other rave clips were there too lol
Does anyone have the rizz god t shirt one?
you know those niggas drowning in mad pussy at school
been too long since I've seen fighter jet girl. You faggots need to post her moar.
is that the guy from RAB?
OPs webm got me through the toughest moment of my life. Not sure who made it but if you're reading this, thank you.

This was in 2020, my father had died the year before, and I stupidly made several major changes in my life.
>One word of advice for everyone, don't make any changes once something like your parent passing. It won't make you feel better or bring then back
My new job in a new city was a nightmare. I was working for two weekend straight 10:00AM-04:00AM to get a project done and I blasted this webm on repeat and watched that dude dance at work. It helped.
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hmm i wonder why someone would be chewing gum at the club...real head scratcher
anyone have the one of the kid going crazy on the DDR machine from like 2006?
song name por favor?
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>muh contribute or else tough guy post
>posts kslop
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3.8 MB
still bitching like a faggot, huh? great contribution good use of your time
be sure to reply to this too, don't include any dancing or anything
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>k slop
>reposted for the 1000th time, out of rhythm with the song
>reposted for the 1000th time, out of rhythm with the song
hahahaha what a complete embarressment
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2.91 MB
2.91 MB WEBM
Movie name?
love this guy
stuff like this really makes you appreciate our specie
the shit we can do man
>no sound
>no dance
please commit suicide
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4.59 MB WEBM
Zoomer faggots hopping around like theyre playing the floor is lava isnt dancing
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3.71 MB WEBM
I just got old shit, but dump
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3.62 MB WEBM
source on the song?
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3.96 MB WEBM
looking for it for a year myself senpai
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3.24 MB
3.24 MB WEBM
File: delilah.webm (4 MB, 400x400)
4 MB
The dude with the whole bottle of wine is killing me. Id party with these losers. It looks fun.
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File: indian_zouk.webm (1.65 MB, 480x846)
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1.65 MB WEBM
>No diving
when you purge the heretics
where the loli cat girls at
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4 MB
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File: Dont_Bother_Me.webm (3.9 MB, 320x240)
3.9 MB
>iron warrior and a world eater
anon those are the heretics
nothing more cringe than wsg dance threads ROFL
Not much but here you have my (You) for bringing some Tektonik in here.
sneed yourself ASAP
song makes me nostalgic for 2013
this was me lel
good times
found it!

File: 1664202494610204.webm (5.78 MB, 360x202)
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5.78 MB WEBM
disgusting, uncouth whore dance.
hopefully she was stoned to death for her insolence.
Is there a part of China known for these tall, lithe builds? I love their legs so much, but they're so damn rare in my experience
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3.88 MB WEBM
this one?
Super smooth
It looks like they just got on the escalator without knowing he was about to do that. The one in the back seems embarrassed to suddenly have all the eyes on her. The one in the middle is just playing along. Get the stick out of your ass bro
everyone in that music video is over 40 now
and everyone in this vid is dead
I heard this like a hundred times but wtf is the song's name?
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3.27 MB WEBM
unfortunately cant find the original video for this so no sound
Stunning display, it's so clean it's unreal
>he doesn't know what it's like to chew 5 Gum
but seriously, I assume it's because they're all on ecstasy and don't want to damage their teeth by absent-mindedly grinding their jaws.
Good vibes
dude dresses like a fighter jet
You're the one dancing? Either way, this is impressive as hell
Landing is rough on your feet and outdoors, you want a hard sole keeping your foot stable for landing.
Tangentially related I'd started practicing dancing at home and in an unrelated incident broke my foot and the destabilized the arch and now I can never dance, F.
this kid would mog everyone ITT on the dance floor
Does anyone have the clip of a japanese school girl dancing in a hallway, then turns around at 2 guys approaching behind her
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1.26 MB WEBM
She's the height of femininity. The greatest woman that ever lived.
I freaking miss him so much :(
i thought these types of girls went extinct in 2012
Flight Facilities ft Giselle - Crave you
DAYUM He can really get down! Its been a while since I said that in one of these threadz
style of dance?
He's right
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742 KB
its a fucking donkey
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4.49 MB WEBM
F. getting older sucks
all the small things... my fucking sides are rounding jupiter by now!!!
not bad. They should've never been given rights albeit
we're still in our baby stage, just wait a thousand years
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3.95 MB WEBM
Based tektonik enjoyers.
desu it looks gay as fuck on guys but sexy on women
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1.7 MB
>meanwhile in bulgaria
Is it possible to make power look bad?
[spoiler]other than sucking dick at it[/spoiler]
(and fucking up your spoilertext)
is that Roaring Kitty?
somebody posts the guy dancing to pappito song in a wedding or some party
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I jet she bets like a fuck fighter
beau travail
i would have had a heart attack and died 5 seconds in
what do you call this retarded bullshit? Its not breakdancing. Why is it so annoying to watch?
Aight rivelino, chill
Literally me.
Hero of the Earth. Send this to the aliens. This is humanity at it's core.
Some men knock on deaths door either willfully or not, and then some men fucking dance on deaths door.
How many of them got wet from that. If not all?
Korean dance videos are always flashy and what not, attempted eye candy with bodies moving, but once you zoom in on the bug face it's fucking horror fuel and feels like Halloween night.

That's coming from a guy that dated a Korean girl for 4 years and lived in Asia for 7 years. Love their bodies, faces/bone structures are scary.
>not using the correct version of the song
I've been blasting this at window shattering volumes for years and years. The bass turned up makes this fucking track DESTROY pussy. I've gotten so many women to jump in my cars just from this fucking song. Cruising Pacific Coast Highway while the sun sets and the moon leaves miles of a reflection on the Pacific ocean, it's just fucking disgusting how this remix hits. Pull into Main Street Huntington Beach and you're fucking king playing this song. Everyone walking on the sidewalk will start fucking dancing. California livin!
White dude that grew up in the ghetto Norwalk where cop cars and helicopters are screaming by 24/7, this shit is gay, you should be up dancing with em and freestyling in between the vocal breaks. World champion break dancers are from here and nobody gets fucking down like we do. 6 second quarter mile street cars roar by with grandman next door and constant crazy shit going down. Oh yeah, Metallica and Van Halen playing backyard parties. Get fucked rest of the world, you ain't got SHIT on Norwalk California.
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5.81 MB WEBM
Anyone got the one of the girl dancing to Illit - Magnetic?
who is this asian semen demon?
it's like 80s nigger music and nigger dancing
it's "fun" because "muh nigger"- just like a lot of the shitty dances in this thread.
Zafina if she real
File: skater_girl.gif (3.53 MB, 480x480)
3.53 MB
3.53 MB GIF
too much glam, not enuff thrash
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5.9 MB
here's the original
File: dance wan wan.gif (71 KB, 112x112)
71 KB
can confirm. i learnt to muzz. first time i danced in public was at a rave, full on muzzing. old school ravers complimented me on my dance moves. i felt no social anxiety for the first time in my life. totally at ease. it's difficult to top that day but dancing does feel good, even alone.
tektonic, but wikipedia is full of bullshit.
OH maybe you guys can help me find a dance vid.
two japanese/oriental school girls really similar to that, their dancing style just has this ... something. it's super cute, i don't know how they so it. that one reminds me of it but they were in a park with some paved path behind them or benches or something.
File: shake your booty.webm (5.86 MB, 720x1080)
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5.86 MB WEBM
i want to marry this chink despite being racist.
Always liked this one.
nothing in china is real, they are just dancers on costumes, they are paid less than the sweatshop workers.
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377 KB
Who has the old one of the dance trio in the garage with the LED shoes shuffling?
fake and probably gay as well
for me, it's boten anna
bros... I just lost the game
I must learn how to whistle this
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2.46 MB WEBM
bump for you
>reddit-tier video
Anyone have the one with the girl outside (possibly a school and near a bus stop?) in a crowd wearing a t-shirt which said Rizz God in reflect print doing hand dancing?

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3.3 MB
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3.88 MB
3.88 MB WEBM
It's Tren-D dancing to Candy Boy
I have this webm of their choreo, although it isn't set to that song for some reason
how do i get a gf like this???
File: candyboy.webm (2.7 MB, 1280x720)
2.7 MB
I got you senpai
be 15 and have her in your class. I think there are no other reliable methods, because the supply will be exhausted by the time those girls reach 19
arigatou senpai
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3.32 MB WEBM
oh dammit, I forgot about that. I thought I had the proper inversion and (probably) fell into the same trap
Staged but at that size, doing that flip body slam, impressive.
Song is Blinding Lights
thanks for the bump but it was not that, they looked like real school uniforms, one was in a cardigan, that is VERY similar though
what the fuck race is that, disgusting, it's like a white girl has been dipped in shit, gross.
File: 1708631472667968.webm (2.81 MB, 853x480)
2.81 MB
2.81 MB WEBM
Been looking for this for shitposting purposes, thank you
damn those freeze-frames are kino
thank you very much anon
I'm glad Gigi D'ag is finally getting some appreciation.
Thanks senpai

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