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silly wamen
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kek this one gets me every time
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840 KB
I never understand why people who don't like comedy go to comedy shows...
she's drunk
as a man i find this kinda sad and embarasing to watch
this is the kind of fucke dup sad mind virus they try to put in your head.
this poor woman is sad to be what she is. she feels she is somehow responsible for the actions of others base on HER skin color.
its fucking sad
this. too much salsa, she forgot herself
That's what you get for lying, you limey cunt.
This bitch is so fucking ugly I can't even watch the video.
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They're plants, they read their lines and the comedian gets to play off them and act all smug
She looks like the nasty fishmen npc's from call of cthulu
>the concept of private property is fascism and white supremacy
vaush really took the whole tranny thing to heart didn't he
dont have this in webm form
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>fucke dup
I'm stealing this.
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idk what "this" is, I hit spacebar too fast. fight me bitch
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Wrong thread bud, good posts tho
>Nigger lover
>Kiwi/alcoholic kangaroo fucker
So she went from homeless to renting from the bank in 1 or 2 years?
No time to see a dentist apparently
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>"you can have personal property, but not private property."
she's legitimately fucking retarded.
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Why he do that
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kinda cute. any other vids like that?
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Kek, we need a full length documentary of this too
The most demented eyes to ever befoul the internet.
She look really jewish, so I can imagine she did infact ask too much of him
Don’t know how it works in Canada but here in the US, this is pretty standard for what populates HR.
She's dead
Some drunks deserve execution.
She’s both juicy and mentally ill.
Am I the only person who was a little retard when younger and took turns with my friends making each other lose consciousness? It is pretty exhilarating. Stupid as hell, but exhilarating nonetheless.
pump and dump'd, she isnt pretty, the body looks good though thats what you get chasing chads.
no, she is just mentally ill.

thats an obese fatty, i dont get you fatty hunters.
lmao owned
I like a lot of different body types. I don’t get you homosexuals. Such is life bro.
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There was this trick going around in my school where if you pushed your back hard against a wall that would lead to some kids getting knocked out, but it never worked for me
whats their obsession with licenses about
>go to Europe
I'm sure getting fucked by strangers will solve all her problems
>be me
>chink hag
>on my daily power walk
>tummy starts to rumble
>"thosaru piggu egg rorr notaru sitaru righto!"
>start sprinting home
>oh buddah help me
>feel a ripe turd start to crown
>quickly find bush to shit in
>little did i know a meth trailer was right behind the bush
>finish up poo poo and start to power walk away when a white woman approaches me
>try to feign language barrier
>"watto? i notu speeku-"
>she sees right through my facade
>i apologize and begin to clean my big smelly mess up
>shes babbling on about her kids or something
>too spaghetti to do anything except pick up my poo with my own hands
>notice she drops a bad beside me
>too spaghetti to use normally
>still scraping up diarrhea with hands
>say im sorry and leave
>get home and shower
>trying to forget experience
>hop onto tiktok to watch something funny like a talking frog
>see this
>the bitch had a camera
>she uploaded my lowest moment
>now im just a shitty chink granny in the eyes of everyone
why are wh*tes like this?
The whole "u" is something Japs do, not Chinks. Japs barely have any consonants, they mostly have syllables with vowels or consonant + vowels. In order to mimick t, k, s etc. they have to resort to tu, ku, su and so forth because the u is somewhat silent and it's the closest thing they got. Hence they turn "ice cream" into aisu kurimu for example.
File: Her Best Selfie.webm (983 KB, 480x584)
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3 MB

what a flex
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both her and her daughter have great tits
fuck off with the non audio dumbass
virgin toilet slaves vs the truly free shitting Chad
File: angry lady-ly0c1.webm (2.79 MB, 480x640)
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2.79 MB WEBM
they're literally fake
eyes don't eye that way
go look at some humans, even crazyeyed hoes don't have eyes like this
it's cgi
oh sweetie we fucking hate you more
you sad little creature
>We have a huge pandemic going on

Okay, she deserves to have her lawn shit on
Please tell me there is a Codex Troon or something like that
she did everything right
She has the face of a 45 year old, grim
the last thing you'd want in your mecca is someone's foot fungus, but as it turns out, that might be what you get
ok but he was into it, he smeared the puke in.
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go back to your thread poltard loser
>Women came be funn-
>blaming herself
Is this part of the joke? Is she that self aware?
All things considered, the dragon lady handled that with poise and grace
is he actually considered white in NA
no, hes black
>sorry for not being nigger enough
t. Muttella
top kek
Women are the devil incarnate....
that's a good one
I lol every time I see this because I remember she got fired and I know anyone who looks her up will see this firsts thing. I hope she likes the thick juicy load of her own medicine.
File: angry makeup artist.webm (3.6 MB, 576x964)
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It's marxist ideology, as in the difference is stipulated in das kapital
funny woman seems straight out of napoleon dynamite
what a fucking hog
hate her fake ass persona "autism". If you fall for this you're retarded.
no one asked, no one cares, fuck off incel
>It's marxist ideology
yes, he said retarded.
oh lol
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>dem quads
so thin :P
Does anyone have that video of the girl being sentenced to be a stay at home wife or something?
he's a true alpha
Of course this retarded bitch lives in LA
i expected worse, at least she didnt marry her husbands killer and had his kids after releasd
File: IM-BLACK.webm (3.96 MB, 1280x720)
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Gets me every time.
He's puerto rican. So yeah, he's got some black in there somewhere.
should have kneed him in the nuts
fake and gay
100% the dudes fault
Asian women cannot handle their alcohol at all, they go fucking limp as fuck. Who the hell needs the Crosby special.
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This is what haunted the dreams of Lovecraft. Eldrich terror beyond human comprehension
Thought this was real for the longest time. Kinda sad it’s not.
humble bragging
what the fuck?
thread theme
does anyone have the meesta heetla girl?
File: fem-1.webm (2.65 MB, 540x960)
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>shes a hard left anarchist
J3ws are behind feminism. No really. Do some resrearch. How you think it made the filthy merchants feel knowing 51% of the population werent participating in their rigged banking game? That couldnt stand, goy.
what are the odds her toddlers are the same race as her.
this is just that evil woman from Emperor's New Groove in brown skin
>i'm hurting because i did a thing, but nobody is proud of me because i'm the wrong skin colour, and i've been gaslit by a rotten society into believing i'm the problem.
the reality is that people are shit, and EVERYONE will try to take EVERYTHING from you.
connecting people to each other was a mistake.
Damn, look at that fat moose knuckle
I didn't expect kino in this thread. Now I'm gonna need more.
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I take pride in the fact that I never watched this video as it was becoming a meme, and I will NEVER know what it is talking about bbecause i will never watch it.
i asked. i care. fuck off normalnigger
this guy seems like such a cringe normie douche. i hate comedians so much its unreal
kys commie troon

Based thicc bimbo broodmare, a generation of Chads could come from her supple loins
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based babycrazy asian hag
more arousing than irritating tbqh, I'd oblige
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why'd he pop their windscreen wipers up and tear their window apart, what's up with this fat guy. he makes no sense
nais cat myfriend
owls are so cool
Pretty impressive that she found her phone in that murky water while drunk off her face.

“God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.”
― Otto von Bismarck
no, you hate yourself tyrone.
this website is too complicated for blacks to use
Squat down and breathe heavily (i.e. pant) for 1 minute, then stand straight up, put your thumb in our mouth and blow against your thumb (i.e. not releasing any air). You will pass out.
they likely get out.to fix windshield wipers while he pretends to walk away then he runs up and attacks. It's like dropping your wallet during a robbery, then when scum bag instinctively starts reaching down you are free to draw gun and mag dump.

guy is a psychopathic sociopath and they should have u turned and ran him over.
This is a women thread
Racial diagnosis: 100% american, just like her.
Most of them. Overwhelming majority I'd say.
Women watch trashy reality tv series.
File: silly-ho-on-car.webm (2.08 MB, 384x480)
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how is it possible to be this oblivious
Psychopaths are born. Sociopaths are made. Nature vs nurture.
ignoring the fucked personality, i'd hit it, but man she is one straw from being too fat for me
i'd never put down a man who likes them big though, power to you... seriously, don't get crushed
i think she's being sarcastic as fuck and making fun of men because her boyfriend made some shit up to get away from her
she thought she was on twatter
this "pranks" deserve jailtime
Many people are these days.
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824 KB
>yOo dONt hauv uh loicense!
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>women control hr
>still a glass ceiling somehow
I need this kind of music, what would be the best way to ask google for it?
This video is like an optical illusion.
File: curtain thief.webm (5.67 MB, 406x720)
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gypsy moment
lmao seething nigger
Can someone translate? I don't speak birb.
What a disgusting piece of filth
Why the fuck would you confront this crazy bitch yourself? That's what the cops are for. It's literally their job to deal with crazy people doing crazy shit in society. Lucky the crazy bitch didn't try to stab you or throw her shit on you.
>husband murdered
File: nz_chinese tourist.webm (3.93 MB, 406x720)
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she was very polite
Yeah, it's a good thing she's cute because she's not getting any smarter.
>2 trips? Nah, i'll just be an idiot instead.
Permanent double chin
Put it on a pyre and set it on fire
what the fuck kek, the state of uk politics
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who says women cant be funny
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2.9 MB
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3.9 MB
Another one? Lol
i can't make out what's happening here
lady in black blanket poopy
Like a seagull. Haha
Why did the shitty captions say unalive instead of suicide?
nah, no evidence she was fired, the regulating body or whatever bullshit leaf commie group she was licensed through just said they were "investigating" which obviously is bullshit.
>it's been a wild fucking ride from choosing to live in a tent posting on instagram for a month to being handed a high paying job just for showing up
I bet it has.
>watch the whole thing
dude space monkeys kicks ass
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2.66 MB WEBM
100% betting all my micro plastics that she was the reason her husband was shot
No. No they do not.
Not the second time
>an underage 21 year old
Oke, but in her defense why is there a gigantic hole in the street
It's like, is this really the issue to tackle right now? As Israel is literally blowing up 3 school buses full of Palestinian children on a daily basis? Just put that shit aside and stand together. At least until children are no longer being blown to bits and starved en masse.
I have an Idea, but you don't want it because you would have to pay me money.
and I would rather you just not keep going down the path you're currently on.
*fuck you its late
Never thought this guy was funny
I hope these retards finish each other off so the rest the world can move forward and forget about two useless religious states
Seethe harder chink monkey. You deserve extermination
Look at all these chinks trying to cover for this dumb chink bitches public defecation.

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5.82 MB WEBM

Eh, I still have a fetish for older asian women... when you pick away at their awkwardness and get to the woman inside, they open up to you like you'd never expect, like grunting uncontrollably into your ear and panting and sweating like a beast of burden type of stuff, they know how to play that part well. It's hearty and healthy like two farm animals going at it the good old fashioned way, and once the heated stuff is done, they put on their dainty side and treat you real good afterward, like playing cutesy little games while cuddling and cooking for you. There are definitely issues reading them sometimes and they're not the most open with communication, but they can have a lot to give of themselves.

They shut themselves up so often once their bugminds are convinced they're old maids that no one loves, it can be kinda sad :,\
I love being a man for them, probably too much
this needs sound effects

TikTok needs to be banned on sight. Straight cancer

How can bongs live with themselves, man...
>"Omg that's so much better than drugs! :O"
Uh-oh. Dangerous new fetish unlocked.
thx, I came

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