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pranks, jokes etc
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this meme is so dumb. I feel like people are more just looking at the phone cause looks conspicuous/precarious. it be like if someone set a glass 60% on a table 40% off, it would draw my attention cause I'd be hoping someone would fix it. I had a coworker that used to do this and I didn't know it was a meme so the conceited little retard probably though I was checking her out
but that is what they all sound like, if they live or have lived in India for any prolonged amount of time, shithead, this same fuck would be so quick to call himself an American first if anything went down too
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based doggo
runs up and doesn't pay attention to snake and goes straight for the snatch and sniff
vehicular assault isn't really a prank, didn't those mulattos go to jail for this?

Yeah, they did, if I remember correctly. I vaguely remember feeling like the sentence was too short, though. I could be wrong. Hopefully they got 25 to life.
They look hot, but man they have the charisma and social know-how of 10 year olds
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The joke is on YOU
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This is the number one reason to marry a man.
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is there something wrong with looking at a fat ass on display? you think she wore those jeans so she wouldn't get attention?
didn't they kill a cop and his daughter defended the killer niggers?
Great thread OP
cute buggos
if you ever check out an ass and notice a phone in the pocket watching you, put on a look of disgust like you saw a poopstain, when she goes back and watches the video she'll wonder what about her ass was gross
It's a bright yellow phone against a dumpy 5/10 bluejean ass. They're looking at the phone.
Why are all the men mestizo looking
religion is batshit crazy
they didnt get into fighting for no reason
its in america
Over for america
At least we aren't speaking Russian
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Florida, and most hispanic men are creepy and especially the cubans
No, for wrestling-type shit you need charisma and to actually be wholesome enough to act properly, even when you're being victimized or whatever

That shit is just embarrassing
So is that a real snake? Is yes then why did he release it? Is it not venomous?
>shit test
if you think that scamming people is immoral then you may as well be already practicing "religion", retard
The fuck are you talking about?
least fake asian tiktok
It looks like you had an entire argument with that anon in your head but you only posted your last senctence. You okay?
lel. usually nothing wrong with that except this girl had an ass like a 12 year old. I feel like if not for the skinny jeans, she wouldn't have any ass at all
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that was so stupid women shouldnt be allowed on the internet
Bunch of you faggots would be even angrier if you were him and that was dog jerky.
I have several indian coworkers and they have thick indian accents because they're from india,
none of them, even the indian girls, mind me doing a fake indian accent to poke fun at them
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>literal penguin lookalike
>instead of owning it calls them crazy
>oy vey whyda coulda they meana theya must beee crwazys
Many such cases
Jesus Ayala and Jzamir Keys. Can't find verdict. According to this article trial is sat for September.

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> Stereotypical accent that hollywood has normalized

I work with 90% Indians on visas, the steretypical accent is real lol
Literally every fucking Indian I've talked to speak like Apu, it's not a stereotype
I feel like the idea isn't bad and potentially funny but he just fucked up the execution
i dont trust the opinion of someone who uses words like wholesome and victimized
Suit yourself, midwit
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The Brooklyn Accent
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Any smooth sanchez
Hahahha he reacted so fucking funny
It made sense when pork was giving everybody trichinosis. Most of those dietary rules were because of parasites and diseases.
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sw = automatic fail + nerd
this. american indians are the most cope riddled people on earth
do yuropoors really eat mcdonalds??? huehuehuehue
>they was good boys
>they was going to school
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women can scare you too
this is the gayest fucking shit ive ever seen
this is basically what pirates were like
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Based and tollpilled.
based retard
Most of them are too drunk/low iq to even think clearly enough to cope
lol what? People might get grossed out but they wouldn't be mad
>you fawken cock fawka
Based Germans
File: Just a prank bro.webm (1.66 MB, 288x360)
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That's a new one lol
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That kids fucking face kills me
listen, "Jason", I know your real name is Rajesh or something. Get me a white person to talk to.
I've actually had to do this. they are shameless liars.
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Is he kill?
this guy was arrested cause he pranked real people, looks like he got wise and started faking them instead
ged branged :----D
>Most of those dietary rules were because of parasites and diseases.
A lot historians regard the whole "pork" thing as a classist/tribal or agronomic disagreements. Mainly because they suck for nomadic lifestyles, and seeing neighboring tribes raising them made them double down on it as an identity.
Beyond that, pork isn't really known to cause trichinosis or other diseases more or less than other meats.
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Gay. This is about as much of a prank as sucking someone's dick
Noooooooo the Jew God says I can't eat this meat arrggghh!! Now he won't let me rape children in heaven noooo!
>vehicular assault isn't really a prank
what about the toe-curling prostate orgasms?
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Taco Hiddleston
I look like this tho
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Get new material dipshit, this has been reposted ad nauseam.
It is a stereotype, as are Mexican cleaners and bad teen drivers. The stereotype exists for a reason, because it is commonly held to be true.
What a cope from the designated street shitter. He would have read a single line in auditions, and the moment the stupid dot isn't with the picture they would move on to the next pajeet in the long diarrheic list of people who do not belong in this country.
Notice how the femoid does nothing to protect itself. Its only use is to make bothersome shrill whines to alert the sex that is capable of doing all meaningful tasks in the word besides giving birth and perhaps cleaning and making food, which are tasks that men can also do.
Wow, nig creature and person of bean doing violent crimes. I never thought this would be possible. We welcomed people who don't respect our values in our country and now they're hurting us. How could this have possibly happened?
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>We welcomed

Get a job, loser
I'm married and yet so alone...
this is just the bit from master of none made longer and less funny
>"I can tell her for ya"
If it's not fake, this seems like the sort of thing that would get yourself arrested.
>hit-and-run on August 14 that killed cyclist Andreas “Andy” Probst, a 64-year-old retired former police chief
>retired former police chief
oh they're fucked. gonna see all 20 of those years and by the sounds of it will probably fuck up more in prison and stay there.
They will go to prison for life. Unless they are in a Democrat city. Then a Soros DA will have them out killing again in two weeks.
First girl is marriage material for sure
He is bad at seasoning. He should have combined all the spices/salts in a bowl and then used that to season. Otherwise the meat is gonna be seasoned all retarded.
Yeah I was disappointed when I checked out his channel and it was nothing but obvious fakes.
You're the manlet getting knocked out aren't you lol
Finding out that this is what blacks mean when they talk about seasoning they food was enlightening. They literally just dump the same mix onto any kind of food.
Anybody have the one where the dude is trying to watch soccer and someone keeps turning the TV off whenever he gets hyped about something?
Why is his neighbors exclusively all white women?
lmao if that had been during the sòycial media age that jew would have immediately gone on tw*tter to say how batman movies are antisemitic
why did you post that shit webm
Maybe if you weren't such a weak beta who settled for a psycho bitch you'd have found happiness
uh oh
blacks hate living around blacks
How's it going having no friends
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that's fucked up
Bro literally everywhere has McDonalds. Even Guam has McDonalds, and it's a little ass island like 60 miles long in the middle of nowhere.
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What the fuck is going on here?
I pity people like you
>allahu akbar
he literally said salamu alaykum
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I've worked with Indians (Americans) who have secret level clearance and they still have stereotypical Indian accents.
It's almost as if accents come naturally from speaking and hearing another language or dialect. Fancy that.
Muslim detected. I would be salty to if I was brown and from a country that never achieved anything.
Anime is real cause cartoons are.
I wish for this bros
made his night lol
Im an eastern european muslim from the balkans, so not brown, and I am proud of my heritage and the history of my people. When I say I pity you, its not because im salty, its because seeing replies like the one you posted honestly make me sad
Absolute dog shit
Muslims are so fucking stupid and don't even understand their own religion. Their child rapist Messiah said it's fine to eat pork knowingly in times of famine and pretty sure he doesn't give a shit if you eat it unknowingly.
God, I hate those goatfuckers so much.
Mohammad (SAW) is not the Islamic messiah, Jesus Christ is. Yes the only time pork is allowed to be eaten is out of necessity you fucking retard I don't see the issue here. Pigs eat literal shit, dead bodies and human beings which is part of the reason they are prohibited
Not only are you following a pedo religion you are also a Turk rape baby. "I'm so proud Turks raped my ancestors and forced them to become Muslim."
This one fucking slays me every time.
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Clearly you're into fat bitches kek
Finally a good one
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what level of cope are you on?
If anybody got raped its serbs and bulgarians for not paying the jizya. The ottomans didnt force anyone to convert because their tax base was crosscuck euros.
Is that the snake guy from Conan the barbarian?
Without God morality is relative
Yeah why would he just saw a guy's hand off like that. That's not a prank and it's just mean.
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Can't find it right now but my favorite is always the old guy pretending to clean a glass door
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the sheer dumbness and simplicity of his pranks kills me. pure mayhem for the sake of mayhem
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>Yeah it's cool, get it outta here man
Makes me lol every time.
> Unless they are in a Democrat city. Then a Soros DA will have them out killing again in two weeks.
You try so hard.
>I want to secretly fuck kids but god tells me not to so I don’t
Not everyone thinks like this though. Plus mr pedophile, pretty sure morality in religion is pretty varied so with god, morality is subjective.
I mean...
And it is just salt, lmao
i just did this to my wife and all i got was a "fuck you"
muslims do shit thats worse than knowingly eating pork all the time
pork is just one thats easy to do without so they go extra hard in on that one and pretend its some sort of mega holy action not eating pork
they are just posers
Truth hurts piggy
"The character we're casting is supposed to be a native southern Indian speaking English so he's going to have a heavy Tamil accent you fucking streetshitting retard".
poo in the loo
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>which are tasks that men can also do.
And better
> attacking a dark-skinned woman in her kitchen
That retard could have ended with a knife through his chest, and someday he probably will.
self obsessed roastie thinking that her meowing interests people
least funny mad tv cast member
you must be 18 to post here
might be during the coof and the prank was that the gas mask dude was taking the old dude to quarantine or god knows where
Gulag flashback
are you stupid?
Non-Whites are scum.
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People actually getting this mad in a prank thread

You belong here please never seep into society
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Mr. Trump, please control yourself
You are under a gag order
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He should have just let her keep running around until she got tired and realized what a dumbass she is.
>t. friendless wanker
classic, always makes me laugh
I need an Asian wife
They're Muslim
Morality is consent-based.
uh what why
Boy, Emily could be real damn cute if not for those teeth
Shit test? Are you a groomzilla or something? That's fucking gay
kinda funny situation jahwe = allah , christians and muslims are praising jew god
You sound gay my boy
They are clearly not looking at the phone
He's got a nice voice tho
I wouldn't know he's indian just by his voice
This is unironically one of the vids has made me laught the most in this whole website
The video ain't that funny until anon says it is.
I wish he was that based.
You don't know what you're talking about.
they worship the same god as jews and christians retard
the god that jews invented in the middle east 6000+ years ago
can't believe i have to explain this
> believing in zombies and people living in whale stomachs is a sign of maturity
Sure thing chief.
Not that anon but I think if you have male friends that like to tickle you, that’s a little gay.
You sure showed him!
Why is stating the obvious so triggering for you people?
proud of what? having been converted to being a goatfucker muslim by the turks?
good job, retard
What? As opposed to saying traps are gay? I've derailed dozens of people at once by saying that.
they are so loud compared to the jap version
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Can all you faggots please stop faggoting up the thread with your pseudo-religious drivel and childish playground insults or does that have to be "consent-based" as well?
It's fake.
can somebody please upload the swarzeneggar prank call
The chicken is still wrapped?
Muslims solved the feminism crisis. They're more advanced than the West.
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Gets me every time.
>quit going through the damn preliminaries
That made me kek so hard
Nigga the chicken is still in plastic wrapping, what you're complaining about is a trivial detail.
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he name jeff
>wasting a perfectly fine chicken for dramatic effect
The fuck is wrong with this cunt?
Okay but think about how badly you'd own your friends if they woke up to you sucking them off
She isn't White.
Non-Whites are scum.
If they were tickling on frequent occasions, sure. but it's just this one time to mess with his friend while he's ordering. and he clearly doesn't like it either, he was annoyed at first until he got overwhelmed by the awkwardness which made him laugh. anyone with basic social experience can deduce as much unless they have little to no human interaction to pull as reference.
>Lucas Website
Fuck off normiefag
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I knew a Bosnian guy who ate bacon. He said "If A muslim drinks its just 'Im a Bad Muslim. If he eats bacon he is really not a Muslim anymore."
My mom would get me cheese croissants and sometimes it would have ham or bacon with it and one of my muslim friends was hungry so I gave him one and i didnt even know so he got all mad and almost fought me, like his life was over xD
muslims are such a hoot

btw he was really hungry, like not having eaten all day hungry

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