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sports any
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Sports suck ass and if you read this so do you.
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I miss him
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it's not the same without the buildup
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Lol what a faggot
Why do they hate this Gallahger guy so much?
>He watches and adores men yet calls me faggot
for me its womens curling
I hope Soufgate let those three fuck his dauther as a consolation
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Enland didn't really lose


anglo always will be pirates and losers.
>he is not dead
he's a dipshit who likes to stir shit up and then dive when people retaliate. the refs know this and will not call a penalty unless he gets his spine snapped, and even then it will be matching minors.
>muh sportsball
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I'm not into Rugby: Why kick the ball instead of running with it?
have you ever tried to run while holding a large object that everyone is trying to knock it out of your hands?
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>Why kick the ball instead of running with it?
the other team can only legally tackle you while you're in possession of the ball and kicking the ball forward is the only way to legally move the ball in a forward direction without conceding possession to the other team.

this specific technique is called a 'chip and chase'.
jesus christ
why leave the fucking net at all? why did HE LEAVE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE
>the other team can only legally tackle you while you're in possession of the ball
Thank you. Now everything makes sense.
did he tackle him after doing a touchdown? that's foul right
>did he tackle him after doing a touchdown?
in the rugby codes you need to ground the ball to get points, not just cross into the scoring zone

perfectly legal to smash a showboating motherfucker who forgot the rules
But by getting tackled, the ball's now grounded so it's a score right?
>the ball's now grounded
only if its grounded while in hand and with downward pressure

it could have still been a try if the tackled kid kept a good hold on the ball (a try is what they call a touchdown in rugby) but either way its still a legal tackle.
I see. If it's not a try what happens then? They restart from the goal line? Opposing team kicks it?
>If it's not a try what happens then?
it depends on the code. in league they go back to the ten meter line to play the next tackle (similar to a down in american football). in Union they play off the goal line. the only time the ball would be conceded is if in failing to get a try the player also knocked on the ball (similar to a fumble) in which case possession would turn over and play would resume off the ten.
Thanks a lot anon, neat!
no worries.
They should sell this fraud while he is still worth something
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only <90iq tards watch sports
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shes ok
what the fuck.
Goblin can complain all he want but he left his feet prior to contact, that is textbook charging.

>drags Spurgeon down by holding the stick with his elbow
Good on the ref not to call that, because at a glimpse it looks like a vile cross-check.
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I need some black friends
wow lol
lol cheering against England. So fucking based.
some scots too
Anyone have that womens soccer self-goal hat trick?
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What happened to COK?
is that for showboating on an open net or something else that happened previously? i can't fathom non-combat sports that include actual fighting as a normal part of the game. but i'm not canadian.
That's clearly out of bounds before it gets kicked back in though
Yep, clapper on an empty net is no bueno.
No previous history.
What's wrong with him ? PSG may be interested with him, but I don't want a fraud again :(
Typical scots they are happier seeing a team lose than their own do well
What a retard take
wife material
Fighting in hockey is BASED. Keeps everyone honest or you throwdown. They already practically removed the best part of hockey in hip checks. Now those were some brutal hits.
someone give me a QRD on whats going on here
Women empowerment
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personal favorite
Premature Ejaculation
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Yes but allowing them to cuck Spain out of 1st place and eliminating Germany (after beating them previously) in one fell swoop was the right call to make.
14 is impressive
Crazy smart speed
Finals mvp incoming?
So that's where the balloons come from...
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its not Origin without at least one biff
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wow fake lol
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>oh it was the siiiign they hit!
lmao you gotta love how they're talking like the sign was just there on its own, not held by some psychotic femoid
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Almost as retarded as her name.
>14 is impressive
lol are you retarded? I ran a 13.6 100-metre in high school.
>She Believes Cup
>S(he) Be(lie)ve(s) Cup
lol the replay
same mate, what a lad. would have him back in a heartbeat
do you have an alternative take?
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There's something so funny about the way the fight starts so nonchalantly compared to other sports
>create thread for sports
>posts divegrass
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>doesn't contribute
These are the same pussies that cried when their precious ngubus were justifiably shat on for fucking up their penalties. But they'll do this to a kid. Pathetic little twats.
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If you look closely, there was a fellow in the way

wrong sport
You can be like this guy >>5562845, helping out, not being pedantic, and end up with a nice conversation

Or you can be like this guy >>5585437 AKA the usual pedantic faggot
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I lolled when they'd put the volleyball results on the radio.
fuck the fifa for constantly highlighting the negros.
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What are the names of the players? I think I know the server.
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>lemme just put my hands down and let the ball hit my face
nice goalkeeping
gay vibes
Pro-wrestlers don't sell this good.
women are special
It only made her stronger.
Brad Johnson caught his own pass for a touchdown.
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It was a fan riot. 2 Reasons:

1. Victorian based clubs were the strongest, yet the grand finals were moved to Sydney for the year this happened and the next few years. News of this had broken during the week and Victorian based fans were pissed off.

2. In the 1970s Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser opened the floodgates to Lebanese immigration into Australia (there was a war going on in Lebanon at the time). Now, Lebanese people are all hot-headed psychos who love their soccer. It was mainly Lebanese soccer hooligans that were responsible for the riot. Much of Australian society are still suffering from this immigration surge - most crime here is caused by the Lebanese or their descendants.
thanks anon!
Where's female sumo
Good he didn't conk himself out cold(heh) with that hit to the back of his head. Good lad. Would hqve a pint with
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was actually gonna go to this game but couldn't because i was fielding in cricket, would've likely been sitting up back of that end
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She sounds like her hymen is still intact
Was at this game. The plan was for both ends' ultras to walk out at 20 mins. Tensions were high as it was. At 18 minutes, that end's keeper does the stupidest fuckin thing imaginable and throws a lit flare back into the crowd. Those guys weren't having it, jumped the fence, and pegged a pail full of sand at the keeper.
Someone didn't have a dad
>suck ass
I’ve tried but my wife really isn’t into it.
I don’t watch hockey. Is this a regular occurrence? This ends your career, right?
These women look like a cross between trannies and beef jerky. Are people getting off on this shit?
those poor, poor ultras. they should be allowed to abuse players in peace :(
I dont get what was funny also >1488
always cracks me up
I mostly despise that cringe coach for deliberately stepping into the way of the player. Fuck that guy.
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Well, who is going to claim the Dark Magician for himself?
still hilarious
beyond based. There is being n full kit wanker in football but being a full kit wanker in ice hockey is based.
This will forever make me laugh. Not just for the fail but because Zabaleta and the guy that is laughing is probably the same age.
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based bongs
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life expectancy of this shit has to be pretty damn low
I had no idea england's inferiority complex was that deep.
That's Dennis Wideman, CTE rage. He was suspended for 20 games but there are conspiracy theories that the refs are still butthurt and unfairly pick on Calgary
Holy shit is he okay? Is it in Sweden?
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he's probably ok now, it was like 15 years ago
but no, he fucked up his back
yes it is sweden
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>blue-eyes white dragon
What did he mean by this?
did they drown
Go fuck yourself, you stupid racist cunt
He ran the semi-final with Exodia (and won).
He simply is a Yugioh fan and wants to run with the most powerful cards as a lucky charm.
If more black Americans were like him, America would be a better place.
match throwing but too obvious
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but they're not. So if less black Americans, America would be a better place.

why are you mad?
I hope so
Slapshot in empty net is frowned upon, but a crosscheck to the face of a teammate? meh, part of the game.
I'm with you on that less ethnic diversity is generally better for a country, but it's wrong to judge a human by the color of his skin.
Lyles appears to be some swell dude, unlike, for example, the guy above you. Same skin color, completely different individuals.
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>only makes her faster
no one cares unless its olympics
>I'm doing my part!
georgie everyday
I just love her voice
Fucking terrifying save that shit for /x/
can do that for brazil, but cant score a tapin for spuds LMFAO
>would you like to know more?
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and a classic since everyone loves the hurrdurr violence
How do I get this job?
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she sounds like an eunuch
Lost as always.
No actually, they both survived with minor injuries. somebody posted the news story about it one time
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> kicking the ball forward is the only way to legally move the ball in a forward direction without conceding possession to the other team
well that's not true. the guy was running forward with the ball in that clip.
Did you guys watch the Copa America Semis between Argentina and Canada? Fucking Canadian fans are either jeets or changs.
and this is why we consider the scots, scum of the earth

Canadian team needs to learn how to dive better
Had the ref thought, that the Canadian had kicked the Argentinian, it would have been red.
Yellow is (most likely - didn't watch the match) the proper penalty for that situation.
I thought sorority girls are way hotter and felt like I missed out for not going to an American University
Holywood movies have been lying to me all this time, they're slightly better than our slags
that looks like one of those harder plastic bottles with still some liquid in it and its hitting him fast. I would react aswell but probably not as insane as he did
what even is the sport here?
What's the point, there's boats taller than that block of ice
really depends on the sorority itself
>red card
fucking 200 IQ move by that coach lmao
the fact that you can dive to change the course of the game at all is why soccer is so fucking gay. same goes for basketball.
He clearly meant the guy would get tackled if he kept possession, so kicking it was the only other legal move
You can do that in almost every contact sports e.g. in american football they try to draw flags all the time
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why is this in a sports thread lmao
I can't wait for the Olympics
man i miss this rivalry
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Reason why the Copa America final between Argentina and Columbia was delayed.

Colombian fans are trying to get in without a ticket.
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Copa America final between Argentina and Columbia
They must really like watermelons
what´s wrong with rudiger?
Why are South Americans so uncivilized?
Look at the webm:
>what we can criticize is, that we didn't already murder them earlier.
He also appears to be an Islamist - not a Muslim, an Islamist - for he is regularly intentionally using their gestures in public.
Which makes statements like the one above look even worse.
Donald Trump will fix things.

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