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File: deathloop.webm (1.66 MB, 720x565)
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Previous thread >>5550462
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this one got me
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last one of the night. I'm off
go back to your ant colony
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this guy never been to chipotle.
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Bitch, how about making a thread asking "Webms YOU watch when you're down"?
This happened to me in Serious Sam 2 before I knew there was a save file limit and was forced to restart the whole game.
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and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiii EEEEiiiiiii will always I.
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Thank you so much to the Anon from the last thread who gave me the name of Caхap и Чaй.

I've been blasting this banger for 2 hours!
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4.7 MB
literally me
this is basically just that 2012 greentext about being a shit subway customer:
How to be the worst monstrosity to ever waddle into Subhuehuehue
>Start with veggies
>Correct yourself and order a footlong on Montery Cheddar bread
That bread falls apart more than any other, and it can't hold liquid so the sauces will fuck it into oblivion.
>Order one of the 'tray' meats, IE steak, tuna, or any of the chicken dishes
>Alternative: Order the roast beef; it's 80% frozen 100% of the time and it's a bitch to separate into eight pieces for the sandwich
>Don't have them toast it unless there's a huge rush.
>Order bacon once you're on veggies so they have to go back
>Tell them that you come in often and you want them to press the '3' button on the microwave
On 3, it will cook so long it'll burn the everyloving shit out of the employees hands when they pluck it out of the microwave
>Add their name to the end of every sentence from here on out
>"I'd like lots of lettuce..... Anon......
>Tell them you want shitloads of lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes
>Ask for lots of pickles; they're impossible to place on the sandwich just right
>Ask for oil and vinegar
>Tell them, "Don't try and Gyp me out of the sauce! More oil........ Anon...
>Fucking. Oil and vinegar. Goddamned. Overload
>Absolutely saturate that shit.
I want you to make that sandwich so wet it is sopping
Motherfucking. Sopping Wet.
>Ask for heavy oregano then tell them you're good
>Don't have them cut it, the fun has just begun.
>When they're trying to fold this behemoth of a sandwich, remind them that you want guacamole
>Get sandwich, pay for the extra bacon and guac
>Waddle to bathroom with sandwich
>Cram sandwich into toilet
>Never return.
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kkr geil
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doesn't matter, had sex
Raak gras aan nigga
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who has the cotton eye joe sephiroth webm
this is like that bellcurve meme its so retarded its funny
This makes me feel better and worse at the same time.
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Anyone have the thai/Viet karaoke with the girl spaz dancing from a previous thread?
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agent 47 back at it again
was this particularly amusing to gen x and millenials? I think the "this is sparta" song includes this
Who watches this when theyre feeling down
Me, the OP. I also watch sadder shit when I'm feeling down like rubbing lime and salt in a open wound.
Sargon of akkad
I just got it. LMAO
what a plot twist
Me lol
isnt that the guy who isnt as smart as he thinks he is?
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>trans man, lady boy, nigga bitch
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File: thunder brap.webm (322 KB, 950x552)
322 KB
Nigger behavior.
utter dogshit music
youve never wanted to go fast?
No wonder only brazilians and spics like dragon ball, your dub got butchered.
Why would you openly admit to being underage?
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Doea anyone have or know the name of the video where its a guy in a tux playing guitar for his bride in a nirmal kitchen, and the backround seen through the wibdiws is moving?
This one fucking sends me every time
File: karaoke.webm (2.38 MB, 496x480)
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2.38 MB WEBM
Thanks!!! Do you know who or what its called?
this made me laugh, thank you
Sargon of akkad
Goddamn these two virtue signalling soilent chuggers
Pair of cucks lol
>be scared
>what would you do without the (((government))) regulating
looks like one of the King of Fighters games, from SNK, pretty sure that is the girl with ice powers
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You, The Living
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King of Fighters 2002 UM
Are you retarded? This is some parody dub dipshit.
Sure, but risking other peoples lives to satisfy that impulse is nigger behavior. Lots of ways to scratch that itch legally.
Sadly its not
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that adds to it even more. raises the stakes
Anybody have the anime girl on a moped looking up at the night sky? I need that webm so bad right now...
A good old fashioned road safety film from last year iirc.
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File: seal talk.webm (3.15 MB, 480x272)
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holy nostalgia
this makes me feel worse because if i made those noises when i was a kid (like my autistic ass loved to do) i would just get slapped and screamed at to stop.
also yea, filename...
last year? i think it was like 2015 mate
I love this, so funny!
And this driver is awesome, he did nothing wrong! He killed and wounded two fornicators.. Why do the government think we would care?
this kid is red pilled as fuck, she knows what's up
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relatable. Gen x was really the worst. boomers made them that way
fucking top kek mate
kek wtf
Sargon of Babylonia
needed this
The snow jews sent a delta force kill squad to her house to silence her and her entire family 5 minutes after this video was posted btw
genuinely can't say if its supposed to be US blackspeak or some similar language
Aw, that's really sweet.
song sauce?
This is better than 99.99% of the "spatial audio" that the ps5 keeps shilling it has
>So afraid to even mention the context of what Hard R means
I can never imagine living in this much fear.
Anyone know the song? Shazam can't figure it out.
Absolute mommy
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is this a thing? trying o make the singer laugh?
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this is a new favorite of mine
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249 KB
Does anyone have the one where it's this song, but some asian students are mimicking one of those child abduction commercials, but the male student just starts dancing at the drop?
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maybe dubs have gotten better, I wouldn't know because it was early stuff like that which drove me to only watch it subbed
The craziest thing about this, it seems to show that cats recognize themselves
Anyone got the fishing version of this?
Most pets can recognize themselves in mirrors, probably developed this skill after many generations living with humans, mirrors has been around forever.
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Cats famously "failed" the mirror test for years because they didn't demonstrate any change in behavior when shown their reflection, while other animals did (touching marks painted on their forehead that the reflection revealed, etc), when in fact cats knew perfectly well how reflections worked the entire time, they just didn't give a shit until what they saw was creepy.
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I hope that girl is okay
Hardest working police officer
Nah man

She knows that in reality snow Jews cast curses to try to stop Christmas each year
Uh shit I gotta run away

The story behind this is that it's a young seal that is complaining and not wanting to go into the water for the first time
>blaming the ladder
women, amirite?
to be fair she does mention she shouldn't have reached over that far. didn't stop her from blaming the ladder first though
fuck, I haven't seen this since I was last in iraq
>men only want one thing and its fucking disgusting
thx my negro
Goodbye ratto
Can't tell if she's a little girl or 20. Fucking Japanese man.
What, it's a valid observation.
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Funfact! What you hear is the current going at its specified current, which is most probably either 50 or 60hz, which means it's between an A#1 and a B1

So kinda close to this:
What is song?
I wonder how niggas in the hood with autism fare. Like if one day Jamarquavius the weird nigga starts talking about diesel trains or whatever would he be disowned or what.
this. Steering wheel should automatically lock past a certain speed so the driver doesnt do something stupid like swerve to avoid something and endanger other people
i hope u copypasted that bullshit that nobody will read
Il mare eterno nella mia anima


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I can never tell if separating the craterman from the surface us supposed to kill him or not. It doesn't seem to, even though it looks like it will according to craterface's drawings
>made me cry
fuck you
Retard, what if you need to swerve because there is something on your path at high speed.
File: rat-clears-hole-frog.webm (530 KB, 1280x720)
530 KB
What movie is the scissoring scene from?
an all-time fav of mine. thank you.
>now you are trapping
The handmaiden
Thanks fren
What would be the evolutionary selection pressure to recognize themselves in mirrors?
So it's not actually a train?
Well you shouldn't. The guy swerved to avoid hitting a dog and instead killed and crippled a bunch of you people
wow, that's some blues
File: out.webm (410 KB, 852x480)
410 KB
anyone know what's this piece called
I'm assuming this.
yes, thanks, fuck i didnt expect to get an answer
This makes me kind of understand seal clubbing. Imagine being some Eskimo dude, just trying to bone your wife in your igloo, but this fucker's outside making tard noises all day.
What up Lamarck, didn't realize you were still alive
it's a joke conlang that this barber speaks to make fun of how people from baltimore pronounce some sounds
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Here you go, Anon:

this is in china and all these animals were eaten alive by bugpeople 5 minutes later
for the record there's a decent chance cows panic and kill you if they're on the alps. they havent had human contact for a while. don't go as close as this
Trivia: The N-word was originally invented for Eskimos to shout at seals
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Alt-Culture during the 2000's and 2010's was kino and im very humble and nostagic about it...
>>Le Super girl is canon futa with big meaty plump balls! :p
>ohhhh scary gubmint forcing me not to fill my office with mercury
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672 KB
this one's better
Damn. That dog was a dick.
>no sound
>claims it's better
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1.67 MB WEBM
this one is better
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>millennial humor
It was slightly amusing, not slap-yer-thigh funny, but "Im glad they made this" amusing. It's more about the fact that the gif was popular in forums etc.
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The Beast at King's Island. I have ridden it many times.
This guy is actually a good singer. It totally makes the vid.
Kek lost
Powerful voice, amazing singer.
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3.35 MB WEBM
This never fails to make me smile. Made one small change to this.
2000 was 24 years ago
So what if there was a person instead
>inb4 but there wasn't a person!!!
I didn't get it at first but holy shit this is good
File: Doors Meme.webm (5.93 MB, 1080x1920)
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That's not a youn seal you mong
Just like regular kid autists are treated, ignored and most of the time bullied
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I know that it's just an ad but this is something they should play to people who want children
Thanks based Seabro.
Obviously has her job due to looks. I would mating press her while she calls me a chud.
a legendary kek was had by me when i first saw that years ago
It was reported that shortly after the video, "Katjuk" the seal was brutally clubbed to death by noble inuit savages who were put in a self-defense situation
And rightly so. If this website has taught me anything, then it's "the fewer living beings that can speak Retard, the better".
Good ear
No, for me it was always about farts, ultra fast cuts, loud noises, and retarded slapstick, so thank god you're here now.
still the funniest webm i've seen on this godforsaken site
The lesson here is to just run over the dog
He said "vindicated" when he meant "vitiated". Rule of law has been vitiated.
I laughed
sounds like the start of Rock Robot Rock, someone should turn it into a transition
me. i literally burst tea out all over my monitor when the lady just gets up its like nick rochefort wrote it
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excellent those where just terrible anon, please do better next time!
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would LOVE to smoke a newport and drink cheap wine at a gas station with that guy
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im glad you cleared that up for everyone anon
> posts Moona
I see you're a man of culture as well.
not freaking out everytime they try to drink water
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3.34 MB WEBM

I've never seen the original of this. Even better than I'd thought
Quake 4 did it better
this had every indication of being cringe but turned out to be soul
>you had me at black
>2016 was a decade ago
Damnit why does time keep slipping by?!
lazy boy
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i still like this one even if you can see the cchain.
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I felt that
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836 KB
I'd give everything I have just to back man....God why I can't I go back?!
Kek! Buenismo
british jack nicholson
bro did a full 360 kek

Absolute kino
you are being trapping in de deatloop saar
Lol wtf does that have to do with wanting to have kids?
>men want only one thing and it's fucking disgusting
File: 1709905652481361.webm (867 KB, 480x468)
867 KB
Yes thank you bro
I highly dought that, i was offered multiple plots of land by government officials if i (6'3 white American able to grant family visas) impregnated their daughters. From the lowest farmers to the top government officials around JinPingXi they always had the smallest mud houses, barely even at times being brick, never, EVER, painted. Whoever made this video painted this house then rubbed it to make it look aged, you can call me a fucking liar then go fly to BeiJing for free on an English teacher visa, then pay 10 dollars to take a train from the top of China to the south of China and NO WHERE. EVER. ANYWHERE. WILL HAVE A FARM PAINTED LIKE THIS.
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Yer a fookin legend m8
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Next time keep your shitass opinions to yourself, depression boy
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OMG thank you jfc
fuckin lol
i hadn't seen that particular video before but it's the same costume as this photoshoot https://kemono.su/patreon/user/14445533/post/59511434
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sorry bitch, Halo 3 sucked ass, whether anyone's actively reminding you of it or not
She kinda looks like the girl from always sunny somehow
If they're lucky they'll get into fighting games
This is a Tekken pro
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I will never find love
Idk why but this one always gets me.
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Everyone wins.
Not being a kenyan toddler to start off with.
That one emu video
check yourself, friend
Context makes this one even better, supposedly the day/week before some attack had happened in the UK and a bunch of European/American news outlets were fearmongering about how the British public was terrified to even leave their homes so someone went out next weekend and recorded this
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3.33 MB WEBM
this was the inspiration for anime btw
oh nice, thank you
File: Do nothing.webm (5.19 MB, 1280x720)
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5.19 MB WEBM
Fuck I lost
You are the biggest retard I've seen in awhile. That's impressive
Thank you cia tranny
Your input is valued
where do you think we are
>Assslappins creed
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