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File: QUEEN☆ 4c.webm (5.44 MB, 500x280)
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Post cute cookies, post nice cookie music, post weird cookie videos. This time no black thumbnail OP.
This is not Touhou
Post Touhou here: >>5537728
post 3 or i ruin thread with the snack of the same name
piss off
OP you forgot the most important part, Explaining what the fuck is Cookie/Kusso, also posting 3 Webms.
The TLDR because its hard as fuck to explain is just shit that is based in the VAs of old Japanese dramas that released on nico and people made fun of and its a rabbithole not worth touching.

If you are some random jap you will have better luck getting cookie content on the YTPMV/MAD threads.
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I dont really think this can be explained in a few words for an OP without feeling lacking.
My own take of it would be a shitpost mocking a crappy touhou voice drama that devolved into actual drama surrounding everyone involved while spawning a catalog of characters based of the VAs to make content with
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I'd say it's a subculture based around shitty Touhou voice dramas, born out of their similarity with cheap and poorly made gay porn and thus inheriting all of its legacy.
The gay porn part is because INMU.
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Similarity to Inmu (poor script and voice acting, terrible line delivery, possible sex scandal) is what kickstarted original Cookie's popularity to begin with.
what this Anon said >>5559794
That's cool and all, but I am not going to post any gay stuff.
I agree with the notion that a MAD thread would be better suited for this. Touhoes = good. Faggots = bad.
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I don't give a shit about other types of MADs besides Cookie, and this IS a Cookie thread.
I WILL post gays, and you WILL like it
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based homo shit poster
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What in the hell is going on in this thread?
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here u go. heres my contribution
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Ok but how it is related to touhou?
Have you tried reading the thread?
Japanese yuri autism, its like asking how Kuma is related to Pedobear and how Gondola and Spurdo are related to pedobear.
It all started with a Touhou yuri valentine story with voice actors that japs made fun of.
Its more related to the VAs than touhou, it just happens that the avatars of the VAs are touhou characters of the works they did.

TLDR, its not outside character designs because the VAs voiced some 2hu characters.
ive been enjoying these nyns for a few months now. what is the blond girls name? her voice is so cute. i dont play 2hoo but is she a character from taht?
She is from Touhou, yes, her name is Alice Margatroid. But the Alice that appears with NYN is called Ichigo or ICG
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It's pretty rare to see actual Meguru (not MGRoid) in these videos
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Thank you
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I love the unhinged nature of these videos, will play around tomorrow converting some videos that I have to webms
any retard who knows what cookie is can figure out what the thread is about, it doesnt need an autistic explanation
and you can clearly tell that it has nothing to do with the food
god damnit i feel like such a retard for expecting let the bodies hit the floor from the symbols
was this an actual cookie film?
File deleted.
Yes, it is part of the Cookie Kussoo series. The most influential one in my opinion as it is the one that spawned NYN which I would say it's the most widespread Cookie character, the series is also notorious for making fun of Cookie as a whole and having nods to itself.
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Im retarded and forgot to include audio in that webm and also including the fixed version
I think the first generation is more influential (simply because it spawned the whole thing), but the truth is you can't imagine Cookie without either
I get what you mean, but I see the original voice drama and Kussoo like a book and the movie. There are many famous and influential movies that were based on books, but people know more about the movies than the books (Rambo and Planet of the Apes come to mind as examples). The original voice drama is what started it, but Kussoo is what most people get exposed too. I have met people that know about NYN or MGR while being unaware about Touhou even.
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this video hits hard
everytime i have to go to the dentist for a checkup they give me that fucking deep clean that makes me worried all they've really accomplished is contributing to fucking up my gums
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Rei-kun is really cute! Do you have the link to this video on niconico?
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I NEED to hug RI!
Heart gold.. *sip* now THAT was a game
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>It's another NND channel got nuked and noone reupload their stuff episode
What even happened to most of cookies anyway? I know KNN is a vtuber now, TIS got syphilis in 2019, and YMN is whoring herself on fantia
A fate truly worse than death
Where do i find the og voice drama?
Buckle up son, because it's going to be a wild ride.

The disaster that started it all:

TIS trilogy:

The Kusso series:

These are all you need to watch to know most of the characters/VAs
This is a theme from DiaPer though

It's become really hard to rip stuff off NND lately, they've also restricted viewing 1080p to premium users recently.
Thanks, the few RI videos I have are too long (curry), so have a HSK instead, she's also very cute
The audio sucks because I don't know what I'm doing but at least it fits with her screams
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fuuuuck i messed up. theres no way i can show my face on this board again
I just use the same thing I do for youtube, and it works fine.
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so who's your favorite cookie character
mine is MGR but I like RI too
LMAO if true, sasuga dried octo pussy
YMN has been whoring herself since 2006 so that's not surprising.
Also most internet drama fag move on to vtubers so cookie in general reached Gachi status (irreverent to zoomer audiences), that's why nothing worthwhile has been made since 2022.
It's still amazing how cookie witnessed the drastic change of internet culture over 2010s. Even beating og 2hu in video department after 2015. I will never forget the actual pioneer of OTOMADers
that turned me on way more than it should have
>>This is not Touhou
>it's all Touhou anyway
Kofji got kidnapped in a GYM at midnight and was never seen again.
KNN still streaming on youtube.
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There are so many, I can't really pick one.

>that's why nothing worthwhile has been made since 2022.
I'm intrigued, what's the worthwhile thing from 2022? Speaking of voice dramas, I think it's been a barren wasteland since Self-Contradiction.
File: Nyn姉貴 .webm (5.88 MB, 882x496)
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What the fuck is this retarded garbage?
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6MB file size limit is killing me
Probably NYN, I have very limited knowledge of cookie so I choose the one I find the most cute.
regular thread died, maybe we shouldn't have been separated
>touhou content
>fat nerd nigger
File: hsi1.webm (4.3 MB, 360x390)
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touhou thread died? damn
cookie simply confuses, scares and enrages some 2hufags
The problem with Cookie is that only other cookie fags "get it", it's strongly related to Touhou but at the same time it has no place in general Touhou discussion because of its self-centered nature. Fighting over this is dumb though, it's great to enjoy both
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yeah, Cookie is just way too detached from Touhou. Both very rarely overlap. I dont care about fighting, but seeing some dude getting mad over Cookie was pretty funny and having a dedicated thread for a change was pretty refreshing.
>but seeing some dude getting mad over Cookie was pretty funny
I remember one time when a 2hufag wanted to burn down KNN's house because "her voice doesn't fit the character"
He was a retard too, because Kanna's character was definitely inspired by Makoto Hirasaka's manga and she pulled it quite well
>the webm only resizes when opened directly in browser
well, that's suck
Sauce on the video?
We're finally getting dank Self-Contradiction derivative vids aren't we
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Thread was deleted/ pruned when i check archive. sad day was gonna post some more stuff
ah so that's why the file was deleted
SZ is my favorite by far
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Please give me more of this.
>regular thread died
Always happens
very confusing thread. I read the explanations, they don't make sense. there is something strange happening here, possibly illegal
It's hard to choose but KRKNTN is the one i feel bad the most. She probably would've been an actual voice actor had she not gotten doxxed.
lmao I havent seen this one in so long
if you cant understand this you are a fucking idiot. Dont even need to know the language.
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Basically stuff too japanese for westeners, cookie and Inmu content rarely leaves Nico although is for the better.
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ytdlp has worked forever, it even let you rip 1080p video without premium for a while.
I can't find a way to use it from behind a proxy
hoooly shit
>wanted to make a new webm
>NND is down due to big ransomware attack
>planned to be back by the end of the month
this is the nico nico refugee bunker thread now
oh shit what happened? why have they been 'suspended'?
>ransomware attack
so for money?
>Niconico said it was 'preparing to rebuild its entire system so that it is not affected by the cyber attack.'
bro if it's another big tech ui change I'll loose it
Kadokawa is known for being against anime so probably some angry jap has something against them because its not only Nico but multiple Kadokawa services.
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Is there a place to catch up on INMU LORE, if so is it wort it?

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