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Post your chess games and chess in general
terrible chess mate
*Nuts all over your chess game*
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Todd Howard thread
Yes but I wasn't writing games at 12.
He actually got to say "who's laughing now." Ill be lucky if I don't swallow a gun in ten years.
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Well, grandmasters are pretty bulky. Chess basedjack needs to gain a few pounds if he wants to be GM. His neurons need fat to work.
Why did it write basedjack. I wrote basedjack. Is my phone hacked?

What the actual fuck is going on
Okay 4chan is trolling me LMAO
>longest lurking pozman fanboy
who is pozman
>genuine newfag
go and stay go
I don't know what you're talking about and i have been posting for years.
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the only good chess webms would be Hansen raging
sauce please
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not an exact Cow but very close
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So what's the idea, we post games and then what...? Guess it's ok.
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Person Of Interest S04E11
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White King to move or get checkmated.
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nerve gas?
How does it feel you will never beat the computer?
Chess is like Overwatch or league of legends or any other game, a game is a game. Gaymes are GAY
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you're not very bright either retard
lol im not playing against him in the webm retard
im 1700 on chess.com
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real comfy scrolling this thread whilst my chess bot destroys everyone
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lol at the ending after Data vs Cleavage
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So he lost?
Yeah. He has to play according to the challenge and if he violates a rule the video abruptly ends.
Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne
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I hate this dweeb like you wouldn't believe. how did he become the most popular channel again?
Why would anyone go through the trouble to make this webm? There is no point
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He accomplished this one with 36 squares.
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Cleanest win of my life
I said the exact same thing
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Cleanest classical victory here. Hesitated a long time for Be2 and I can't tell you why I sensed that that Nh5 would go to kill it, but it was a clean mistake to counterbalance that bishop move. Felt like a seer during that game...
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And probably the funkiest win of my life.
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Sure you are. And my name is Magnus.

>Oh Yikes N
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the horse goes neigh
dropped to 1600 now : (
It's over.....
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legal mate and the budapest gambit smothered mate are the 2 best feelings in chess imo
I'm ok with early game and can usually control the center pretty well. But I have no idea how to press my advantage and keep up pressure on my opponent.
That's the thing about chess, the longer the game goes the harder the game gets. Openings are the easiest part of a chess game, memorization and general principles are enough to get by. The middlegame requires some calculation, tactical 2-3 move combos win games. You also need planning and coordination of the pieces. The endgame is the most difficult part of chess. It's where games are won or lost. The complexities are so deep, you often need to look 10 moves ahead to understand. Even King and pawn vs. King, the "simplest" endgame is too complex for any sub 1500 to wrap their head around.
Why didn’t black queen take white queen and checkmate?
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