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Something that does not fit other threads.

Animals, animal interaction or human/animal interactions, behaivour.
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>>5561985 Please tell me it's CGi...
Wasn't this proven to be faked/staged?
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No such luck.
You share a planet with that shit.
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quads checked
fucking disgusting
God I wish that was me
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Thats a barrelfish iirc
It lives in the twilight zone and has eyes on top of its head to look out for predators that might dive deeper down in search of food

anyone got more twilight zone and dark zone fish? Those are my favorite
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anybody got that one with the pink jellyfish, they pour coke on it and explodes
I bet that feels so good
What are these foreskin creatures
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The Chinese eat them raw.
>two dozen full-sized infants shoot out of your dick
that's some fucking body horror shit
Brain amoeba or whatever. Just stay away because that's some nasty shit.
that nigga at 09 born to die damn
Maybe you guys can help me out with this one?
throat goat
They're gooseneck barnacles, and that video is actually upside down. Sorry to ruin the magic. Still fucked up looking though.
The Chinese probably also eat these raw
Pretty sure it's just someone's pet goat looking for some snacks.
The only surprising thing is that the entirety of the front lawn didn't suffice as said snack.
no wasp gf to inject dopamine into my brain and lay eggs on my thigh
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Also I think that's a male.
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You don't know?
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Wasps are fucking horrifying holy shit dawg
Oh no guys...
Saw it in a nature doc, the snail is infected with a parasite causing it to do these things to increase visibility to birds which will eat them, and then shit out the larvae of the parasites, which will infect the snails again.
I fucking knew that I'd find that here
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>oMg HuManS ArE sO cReaTivE wHeN TorTuRiNg OtHer HuMaNS
well wtf is this shit then, isn't this supposed to be god's beautiful creation?
who are quoting?
also why are you still blaming god for everything?
Send this in Constantinople
why do asians love to make this type of shit?
Parasites are one of the big reasons I can’t believe in a creator god. You’re telling me god designed an Earth with that thing in and God is good? Fuck off.
There could still be a creator God, it just may be uncaring at best, and an active asshole at worst.
Almost, that's a barreleye, and it looks up to see it's prey, rather than down to see it's predatorsaxa
Well if God exists and is all-powerful, it's not like you have a choice in anything really, you can only 'accept' the reality as it is.

Now is God evil because He let some innocent children get brutally murdered ?

Well to me it depends of what happens after we die, if there is a day of judgement, heaven and hell and everything, if that kid goes to heaven for eternal bliss, is he gonna care about some suffering that happened during his life ? He would probably be eternally satisfied and grateful toward God.
people always say this shit like the bible doesn't a have million horrible things happening in it just cause god felt like, including having his own son brutally tortured to death, like, hello?
I hate the Chinese. Love Japan though
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I don't think I've ever heard a moth make noises like that before.
>no kill
>reverse drowning a fish while you squeeze her guts to force her shit out her eggs
What the fuck is this?
It's fake and possibly gay.
You need fucking prove to know if this is staged?
boomers on their kid's 18th birthday
God didn't create that thing, it evolved in the world after he declared "Free Will."
It's a brief process and after they're done, the fish goes back into the water and is fine. Raising sturgeons for caviar is a very lengthy and expensive process.
Even the briefest look at the natural world provides overwhelming evidence that if it was the intentional creation of a godlike being then that being is objectively evil. Insects alone do shit that's so horrifyingly cruel that even the most sadistic humans would struggle to invent anything worse.
What is this from, anon?
Parasites are the only proof of God. Unseen influence over creation, inescapable, absolute. You would know his name if it wouldn't be etched into your soul.
Insects don't have a conscience, nobody cares what they do to each other. Also no, cases like Junko Furuta prove humans are able to inflict horror more than any animal can, because humans have conscience. Nobody cares what a mindless insect with no conscience does to another. What's next, bringing up what viruses do to cells?
we're talking about the creation itself, tard. humans doing horrible shit is pretty obvious, but the point is that nature is not a single bit behind on what it does regardless of the conscience meme that is not even that well defined in science (let's wait if in the future AI will actually challenge this topic). saying "don't think about it further, goy, it's only le bad when humans do it" is shallow
Parasitism isn't any more amoral than you eating hamburgers, its just more alien to you. You can't consume other living beings and give yourself a pass, while condemning other animals for the same thing. BTW, parasites are the reason why pork is unclean meat.
>pork unclean
maybe in some backwards desert shithole
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>God is evil because bad things happen
No. Bad things happen because of nature (chaos) and free will. Would you rather be confined to enslaved true predetermination?
Don't worry, you'll grow up eventually
Yes it is male. Female seahorse lays eggs and male seahorse picks them up and carry in pouch until they hatch, then he "births" them.
the sea
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That's pretty sick.
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Those water searching parasites are so cool.
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Michael chrichton with some other guy wrote a book called micro where shrinking humans down becomes real and this happens to a guy. Also a lady gets stored in a birds crop wild story.
DreamWorks wanted to make a movie out of it.
Oy vey
>true predetermination
If there is an all-knowing god then there is ONLY predetermination and we have no free will.
Gnosticism is real.

There is one all powerful creator god, who is different from the all benevolent God.
sounds like a copout
>objectively evil
You're a retard.
I wish my dick could do that
don't know why but I do
Why are there SO MANY AIRPLANES flying above that cuttlefish?
its a cuttlefish, they're fascinating and one of the only creatures to consistently value intelligence during mate selection.
What piece of media is it from? The video didn't just appear out of nowhere. It's too well-shot and graded to not be from a show or movie.
What would who be coping out of? You just implied that a creator-god must necessarily be the motivating factor behind absolutely everything that ever happens ever - the Epicurian fallacy. I clarified that people who believe in God and Free Will at the same time have zero issue with evolution producing predatory creatures. It isn't inconsistent with God "meaning" objective good.
goofy ass nigga
>only a voorhees can kill a voorhees
welcome to the fold.
get well soon.
Worse, it's a prion disease. Turns you into a zombie without coherent thoughts that just wanders around like a zoomie, it can't be cured, it can't be treated, it continues until your entire brain is fried, and humans can have it even without using a phone. It's like having Twitter and Tiktok inside you.
Proof that neither evolution or creationism is real.
That's a negative, ghost rider. Free-will is an elemental construct. It exists regardless of our universe or its evolution. If you want to think there's a God, you might assume it wouldn't do pointless boring things; and making a pre-determined universe is as boring as it gets. But even if you don't assume that, you can assume that at least *some* of the time, the universal creator rolls dice. Thing is, God can't just literally roll dice, because omnipotence DOES imply causal completeness without (forgive the weak analogy) a trusted external processing enclave. If an Free agents interact with one another, chaos emerges over time. We can roll dice *for* God.
>not steak_party.webm
do not be afraid
Fascinating. Did its filter feeder thing snap off? Looks like it came off pretty easily. Is it supposed to do that?
I helped with this once at a hatchery. Wrassled a couple giant sturgeon out of holding tanks and into a big stretcher with water flowing over their gills so their eggs could be collected. Pretty fun.
That's pretty much rape.
Some resident evil or horror movie shit.
I hate parasites with all my being
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That's it spitting out its guts. Can be a threat response (or just because it feels like it) and the guts all regrow pretty quickly. Some critters also eat by spitting their guts out onto their food, but in that case it's not supposed to break off like that.
>Wait a while before making a post
Okay hiro, the adblocker goes back on now.
nature is god. chaos is god. that's what you fail to grasp. god is neither moral nor immoral, but rather amoral
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That worm is not throwing its intestines, that white stuff is a proboscis (like the "trunk" of bees, mosquitoes and moths) with which it catches its prey and defends itself from dangerous creatures.
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>The proboscis of the class Anopla exits from an orifice which is separate from the mouth,[9] coils around the prey and immobilizes it by sticky, toxic secretions.[22] The Anopla can attack as soon as the prey moves into the range of the proboscis.[23] Some Anopla have branched proboscises which can be described as "a mass of sticky spaghetti".[9] The animal then draws its prey into its mouth.
Look at me getting proved wrong. At least the function is basically identical.
Cool it with the antisemitism
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What in the motherballs is that shit?
It's not -actually- an egg, is it?
It's a ball of mucus that contains a gorillion squid eggs. This NatGeo video of another squid ball explains it with more detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU99GZpuJF4
Pretty sure the ancient greeks or romans had a method of execution where they'd slather you in honey and tie you up in a canoe so you'd be eaten alive by insects, which isn't far off from what you're seeing in that webm.
low brow knucle dragging nigger
sauce on the song
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I never ceases to amaze me how perceptive 4chan can be about the smallest details!
literally me
If god is real he has a hilarious sense of humor
>those gunshot noises
I'm sorry to hear that the BBC has fallen to the same sensationalism as the American Nat Geo shows, with the screaming insects and so on (I don't have the webm, absolute gold though)
I loved Yukikaze.
Holy shit, IS THAT REAL?
If youre phonefagging, its really hard to close this video
>this is fine
>i liek corm
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i liked when they boiled a drop of water in an instant at that scale to make soup.

but then his co-author had to take his pirate novel and turn it into a self-insert hebephile fanfic. good fight scenes though.
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maybe he is wondering why would you swim when you have wings
Reminds me of that one enemy in re6
It's not meant to be closed.
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What's crazy is that usually the birds only eat the parasites, and the snail lives on normally afterwards.
nature is so fascinating
Yea, no shit. This would be 1000x cooler without the gay sounds, but I don't even want to show this shit to my friends.
fuck off Kevin
ya cunt
not fake but it would have been better if it was. they broke the cat's bones so it couldn't move on its own and then used thin wires to make it dance like a puppet for this video.
this is beautiful, like a renaissance painting
something about the resilience of life
we can all relate to the crab being boiled alive just trying to enjoy some corn
No worse than 21st century marriage
Let the creature inside
>already got hit with the hammer
>didn't learn his lesson
Why can't I get rid of this dirt on my screen
Richard Preston finished the the book working off of Chrichton's notes post mortem, it "feels" noticeably different in comparison to his normal works.
The fuck is happening here
Underrated. Truly
This can't be real. Is this real?
why he bully monke
this is fake. you can see the noodles through the corn. the crab and corn are also no moving with the rest of the liquid.
Standard shower foreskin water balloon maneuver
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Pretty sure it's a species of batfish like >5588527
All bat fish have those weird leg/fins on their underside
Nah, the fake-calling was an online hoax, this is a carnivorous interspecies of eel, somewhere between the common mudskipper and the eel families
This is very much real
There's always a bigger fish
The video is fake: https://twitter.com/hoaxeye/status/1359928702784704513
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgcPYRGc80SnXEpEyWRYSeA (clone account?)
nicely recognized lol
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Maybe that parasite would eat body fat or something? Gods a tricky fella like that.
Imagine seeing a mountain lion eat your cat like a snack and try to attack you. I bet that guy stopped being a catfag after this encounter.
damn now I see it.
underrated post
If the insect eat you, what's the honey for? Are the insects picky eaters

>but mooom, it doesnt have any honey on it!
>like, hello?
it's better than the other cavier extracting process that was just cutting open the fish to get them. the whole reason cavier became expensive luxury item instead of being a lower class slav food served in bars like pretzels like it used to be was overpoaching causing the sturgeon to become an endangered species.
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It's interesting to see how instinct- and reflex-driven insects are. The mantis can't pull himself away from his eating to respond to being bisected.
jesus, poor snail. just stand on it and put it out it's misery already. also nice post No.
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He's literally me
lmao you're right
Nothing makes me more nostalgicly sad than watching BBC archive videos and seeing how low BBC has fallen
not a great ad for yellowstone
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based bird
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it's what happens when ice fishermen feed the wild life. It looks cute and all, but these birds become dependent on humans when they shouldn't be.
I see it happen every winter. People go on to the frozen lakes to set up tents for fishing and the birds come by to beg for food. please don't feed the wild life
Weird you changed the ding ding ding song
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In the end, the real winners were the ants.
Ants always win, baby
so that's is why it's asking for a bagel
Are you allow to shoot it or any other large wildlife like a bear if it's in your property ??
I've had worse in my mouth.
>I believe I've made myself clear
some moth can "scream" in ultrasonic sound to defend against bats. of course they dont have a throat nor a voice to do so, they generate the sounds like grashoppers do.. or something like that. i guess this is something like that and whatr we hear in the video is on the lowest range of that ulrasonic sound. or its an artifact from the microphone getting vibrations in ultrasound and the software interprets it into that.
You wouldn't like to be scratched or rubbed if parasites weren't around
w-woah he's fast!
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>I bet that guy stopped being a catfag after this encounter.
you think most dogs would stand a chance against that?
Plague Inc. - Shadow Plague
Humans are horrible beings
Not in a 1v1 fight, but 2 or 3 of these dogs that are breed to hunt wolves may be able to take the mountain lion down.
you could have just said 'no'
what was original song?
Afghan Orkin man
>current state of White America
what is that thing?
(not the octopus)
Even creepier is that it can survive cooking. Who would've thought that one of the most terrifying diseases would be nothing more than a fucked up protein? Hope that thing got burned to ash.
That got fixed a long time ago.
It's a real life cartoon character.
I think the standard protocol is:
Don't ask.
Fuck the law.
But doesn't it have a tracking tag?
Most animals, even protected species, don't have tracking tags.
If it does, get rid of it. They're not always being tracked. Good men should not be forced to live in fear of oppressive laws, men, or beasts. If a predator is staking out your home, the rules of nature apply.
pumas are cute but are total cunts
lmao this crashed my driver
No, it’s 100% real dude.
>eh, it's a living
Kek'd out loud
The fish is orgasming when they do this
Jew alert
Wom wom wom
Would you kindly post this with the correct audio
Every star wars movie
Person who filmed this is dead, killed by a werewolf, obviously. He even warned them it was over there.
out loud chuckle
the bible the bible the bible the bible the bible the bible
my roach friend ;(
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Some kind of ray/skate?
Where did you catch your metapod at?
gibbons are too pure for this world
fucking unit
Well, the colored part is the snails eyes.
The birds usually only eat the eyes of the snail.
The worst part is that eyes regrow on these snails, and they can catch the parasite multiple times...
Eyup, mother nature is charming...
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No idea what the name is, so here.
Wish i could birth from my belly button. Changes the game when the man does the birthing
See Tinh (Cukak remix), it's a Vietnamese song.
Thanks, but the K-Pop song fits so much better imo.
>once i revert to an egg i must bury myself for 3 years, there my form matures

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