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A thread dedicated to the cutest and most racist fox!
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Averi's folders:
https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/Vu1S1YQb Fiddleafox
https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/R70y0KxB Imageboards
https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q/folder/9q8SGLSI Videos
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fuck yeah another averi thread
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Not bumping this have fun
>tfw zoomers are gonna discover Il Capitano's works by hyperborea memes
Sh-shes fast!
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I swear I saw a bodypillow of them and haven't seen it since. Is it real or was it a dream I was having?
I'm not furry at all but why the fuck is she so cute bros. Literally perfect...
what genre of music is this?
whats the qrd of averi?
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It's real, I don't have the image of it though
>Be fiddleafox, averi's creator
>Have friend you talk to on discord, discuss how much you dislike niggers and trannies
>Refuse to do some weird vore erp shit with them
>They get angry and make a Google doc "exposing" you and leaking your dms
>Having a fanbase from 2021 twitter, your audience turns on you
>Leave social media
>Averi becomes associated with TND and TTD
>normal furries don't want to associate with averi, but she becomes popular on 4chan because of the sizeable furry population and racism
Internet users are freakishly intolerant. Real people are complicated. I wouldn't have any friends if they all had to agree with me politically.
>last active in 2021
I hope he is ok
And she gave an update like a month later, but there's probably a 0% chance she's ever returning to social media, she mentioned not liking having a presence and audience anyway
Probably because she's more japanese-style kemono. I can't stand western furry art, she's the only exception for me personally
thats pretty cool, i hope she is doing well
i dont care much about people's opinions or leaked dm's, whats important is their art and what they give to the world
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This is what the future looks like, furries and Nazis teaming up to enact TND/TTD/TKD.

It's fucking beautiful.
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>hey anon what if we.... killed trannies together?
How many Averi threads are we going to make?
how about everybody unites under one averi thread, instead of People being spread on /trash/ on basedjak.booru and now on here

I am not making another edit like this until artists make more material
You must contribute to the future
I am making an edit as we speak
I want trannies to recognize this as a "hate word" so badly. Like instead of calling yourself Aryan you call yourself Averian, and they know exactly what you mean by it but they can't do jack shit about it. Fucking kek
Fox are made for human cock
italo dance maybe house.
song is l'amour tojours by gigi d'agostino
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>You must contribute to the future
As promised
Bone chilling, spine tingling A10 slowburn trvthnvke gemerald from the freezing peaks of furryborea...
*anthropomorphic fox girls
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You don't have to be a furry to appreciate beauty
We need Averi lore, there should be a hyperborean realm called Averia that is filled with cute Nazi foxes.
>Averi becomes associated with TND and TTD
An Icon in the making, we need to be spreading this as much as possible.

I want to make some hyperborea memes but idk how to do the schizo edits, what software do you use?
Best programs are Sony Vegas pro and After Effects, although you can use programs like capcut to make simpler edits. If you ask me, sony vegas has the most intuitive UI, AE is too complex for me (maybe I'm just too retarded, i never got used to it maybe). If i were to rank the quality of videos that these editors are able to produce, i would say After Effects 1st, Sony Vegas pro close 2nd and Capcut or any other popular video editing software.
It's... so based..... Is anything more BASED than this??????? I fucking kneel.
proof or cope larp
I just want a fluffy wife bros... Why must we be separated from them by several dimensions?
what remix is this
Anon, she literally talked about how much she disliked trannies and how she was uncomfortable around them, she even said she was cis
I'm 90% sure fiddleafox is a lesbian
>Pokemon fan
>Said she hated men (though, retracted this in her patreon post)
>Super cutesy art style, even the way she draws dudes they look like girls
>Anime fan
>General obsession with cute girls
Alone these don't mean much, but when you put them side by side I'm pretty sure you can tell she wants to scissor averi
what the fuck is wrong with 4chan, i cant post messages with images
This is /wsg/, you can only post gifs or webms
kino post
I make fingerpaint drawings and then take pictures of them so I can make a really fast slideshow
What is it that draws degenerates to discord that much? (the two retards, not fiddleafox)
this fox is dumb
this vixen is intelligent
How is this fox racist?
averi's creator was canceled for being a chuddy chud on the 'cord
You easily create echo chambers of degeneracy and Discord doesn't do shit about it, even if you're literally grooming children
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'em goes up
if you didn't catch it, i'm asking for her pics (face/body, but feet are good too)
Hi torchfox
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Evil sleeps
Can someone give me a qrd what makes this fox based?
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Fiddleafox was simply a pokemon artist that then transitioned into being a furry artist which got outed in 2020 or 2021 by a friend of hers called inebrias by leaking their discord dms. Showing text messages of her supporting racism and transphobia. Messages such as "Black people need to wear shock collars or they'll fly into a murderous rage and rape your daughters".
And ever since the exposé she hasn't returned to the internet under the same alias or just hasn't been found leaving only her legacy. And because she is so popular and unmistakably recognizable i we use her as propaganda.
Never would I have imagined that a furry fox would be a important symbol against niggers, tranies and other vile abominations and that I would find said fox cute
>"Black people need to wear shock collars or they'll fly into a murderous rage and rape your daughters"
Did they ever say she was wrong though?

>we use her as propaganda
Not propaganda, we're continuing on her legacy. HAIL AVERIANS

The best part about it being furry isn't even that it's cute (trannies hate things that are cute and Nazi at the same time), it's that the furry community is filled to the brim with disgusting faggots/trannies, so Nazi furry shit makes them absolutely livid upon seeing it. They think you're directly invading their 'space' much in the same way they invade our space on /gif/ and /b/ with their faggotry, so it's a way of actually doing damage to them.

tl;dr make more furry Nazi art, it's pure poison to troons.
burger king foot lettuce
I think furries are slowly becoming more chill to nazi stuff. Anything on e6 relating to Averi or Aryanne used to get immediate downvotes and butthurt comments, but nowadays it seems like users are generally chill about it for the most part. Though Aryanne gets a lot of "striped" content, so there's that.
>Averi becomes associated with TND and TTD
i never associated her with nay of that I think it just a cute furry fox
While there's always been a sector on this site that likes averi just because she's cute, even before the DM leaks, the racism is definitely the main reason for her popularity here
White males commit 80% of daily suicides in the US despite being only 32% of the population

White male suicide rate is twice that of black men per capita

White males have the lowest lifetime likelihood of ever reproducing oof

White males are most likely to be on daily antidepressants of any race

White males are most likely to be in a homosexual couple

White males have one of the highest sexlessness rates in the US, 1 in 3 US white adult men are still virgins

Whites have the most deaths to births of any race lol

Whites have the most rapidly shrinking population (only race with more deaths than births each year)

White males are most likely to be diagnosed with severe depression or a serious mental illness than any other race

All white countries are below replacement level birthrates

White couples have the lowest fertility rates of any pairing

When ethnic women marry white men, their fertility rate drops lower. When white women marry ethnic men, their fertility rate becomes higher.


White males marry single mothers more than anyone else
Her Tumblr profile picture might also be proof of this.
Kek anyone have the trump pic at 0:07?
>White males commit 80% of daily suicides in the US despite being only 32% of the population
Having a higher IQ leads to a higher suicide rate, that's why
Didn't ask.

Cope and dilate.
it sounds like a hardstyle edit of On the floor by Jennifer Lopez
Wow! That's a lot of cope coming from some ugly ape-faced fat lipped nigger.
Every single study from dating websites + college studies show the opposite, whites are by far the most sought-after race. Not hard to imagine why. I won't post them all here, but they're out there. Here's a good one, 47% of blacks are single, compared to whites at only 27% https://files.catbox.moe/2xa7t2.png

It's true whites have greater access to healthcare, compared to shaniqua who doesn't have the IQ necessary to navigate U.S. healthcare it's not surprising. Most medicines in general have higher usage rates among whites, not just antidepressants but multivitamins as well.


Look, I'm sorry you were born an ugly nigger, I really am. Your "people" have contributed absolute dogshit to humanity and couldn't even discover the WHEEL before whites showed up. I don't know how you'd be able to cope with looking in the mirror. (if you could even pass the mirror test?)

If he's a nigger, statistically he's more likely to be trans. Trans rates are higher among niggers than whites, you only ever see whites posted online because nigs are too damn ugly, nobody wants to see that shit. https://files.catbox.moe/78uv0s.webp
the melody was popularized earlier from brazilian song lambada/chorando se foi, from which jennifer lopez takes the melody. even earlier is bolivian llorando se fue from 1981.
>llorando se fue
Holy shit this is indeed the melody from on the floor, didn't know that, thanks anon.
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That's some grade A cope. People loved the character before the DM leak, and then after the leak, it merely invited in wannabe edgy fags to clamor on about "based" and other bullshit.
You really think she'd be this popular here if not for fiddle's DMs? You're retarded
gemmy goes uppy
Don't die Averi thread
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>still coping with the fact that white males make up 70% of all daily suicides despite being only 32% of the population
>still coping with the fact that white males are 90% more likely to know a friend or relative that has killed themselves
>still coping with the fact that white death rates have surpassed your already declining birth rates
>still coping with the fact that your grandparents died for nothing

Lmfaooo good riddance to smelly Neanderthals

The dumb racist neanderthal in this video killed himself after it went viral btw lol

Aryan gem
>seething cause you're not white
Must suck being subhuman, huh?
I need to huff her tail so bad
Wtf i love furries now
Averi's popularity here is like 50/50 her being cute and racist
If she wasn't racist, she'd be another furfag fursona that only furfags on Twitter care about
If she wasn't cute, non-hardcore furries wouldn't care about her either
Case in point: there's plenty of nazifur content and cute anthro content, but you never see those posted the same way you see averi posted
Where to find racist furfags?
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Just gotta be on the lookout for the right Twitter posts, and then follow around. I know the Averi server keeps going down, but that's mainly due to incompetent mods, an underaged owner, and retarded members that can't correlate that spamming "nigger" trips Discord's red flags.
Averi is unironically a bridge between two cultures, and it's heckin based
Would you chuds PLEASE tell us how you make these
Agent Eli has been screaming and borderline shitting himself whenever we bring the video projects up, we are way behind Company deadlines and STILL can't work out how to make the logo spin
I just wish there was more averi as a cute trap
Is this a brownoid trying to into statistics?
The contrast is definitely a part of it, averi's about as innocent as you can get, yet when you dig deeper you find all the racist stuff fiddle said
In fact, averi being a bridge was what made me into a furry back in 2021/2022
I love sending averi to all my leftie furfag friends. They dont know.
May mods forgive me, I just wanted to help
When we dissappear and there will be noone left to run the world, except from maybe the Chinese, which would make you face the wall and shoot you point blank in the head because you're a nigger, remember this message.
I will go to hyperborea, and you will go to hell.
they don't know what? that averi has been co-opted by edgy children?
Although this is the song, im 100% it has been edited slightly to make it fast paced, i cannot find it, if anyone has better luck than me please do share
Thank you for contributing.
I will make an edit again once i get my personal projects out of the way
>a cute trap
Wtf I'm a furry now
crusty are you in here?
This feels dystopian for some reason, maybe because I am getting older, idk.
When I close my eyes It brings me right back to when I used to listen 10 hour version all day long
I'm here too!
I want nakadashi averi
Built for Nazi armband
how disappointing
What's stopping you?
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I want to mmmm sniff
Holy bump
Personally I'm not a furry but I find Averi very cute, maybe it's because her snout if not that defined, maybe because she has moe proportions, maybe because she always looks happy and smiles a lot or because of her association with TND and TKD.
this is also why anime is popular with the right
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Her style more closely resembles kemono than a western style. Kemono is a far more appealing style but a lot of the furry community hate it for not being ugly enough or looking enough like an animal for their zoophile tastes.
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i wouldn't really call myself a furry, but averi has only things i like about them
- kemono, which while i don't know much about, looking at pictures seems to be the kind of cute anime character with animal features rather than the more "realistic" style of just an a normal animal standing on two legs
- '90s anime hair, always love it
- cute/happy disposition rather than slutty or gloomy like most furry stuff is
wtf why is she farting on israel?
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Can someone edit her dancing like this?
More Averi killing niggers
Why aren't we all?
seconding this
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More like this?
It's a good thing that Averi is here
No more sorry
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The Faggot Virgin Furry vs The Chad Averi Enjoyer
>all fags are virgins because anal sex doesn't count as real sex

>captcha 88SA
I absolutely lose myself when hit with this stare
Aryan gem
Mesmerizing racist eyes
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A mirror of Averi's folders if you were being limited by Mega.nz:
It will not be as up-to-date.
perhaps we can make land for ourselves…
maybe… a website?
If you faggots want to larp can you at least post images.
Fun fact: the leading cause of death for niggers between the ages of 25-32 is being murdered by other niggers.

70% of niggers grow up without a father.
Damn I expected 90% or even more
Maybe not an entire website, she needs her own fandom wiki with lore tho
them as in furry characters
I post her on all boards, I need to spread our lord and savior to the unwashed massed.
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Averi, my beloved.
TND can't come soon enough.

Notice how white people take responsibility for their actions to the point of suicide? Something we have in common with the Japanese. Niggers, on the other hand, consistently and constantly blame others for their own failure, they have zero sense of personal responsibility.
They can fuck off to Africa at a moments notice but they don't, I wonder why. It's almost like they want to reap all the hard work white people did into building society and inventions while contributing nothing of their own.
erm, what da sigma is this?
A schizo, don't mind him
>The main thing you have in common with Japanese men is childlesness and simpery
NTA, but I can safely say that white people, a few euro races, and japs are pretty much the only evolved form of intelligent life on the planet right now. Japs are slightly pulling ahead because they've kept subhumans locked out for so long so they get bonus points. There's a reason why there's a direct correlation between keeping immigrants out and having a functioning country.

You think sand niggers who live in perma civil war and bomb their neighbors are civilized? You think Indians and pinoys who pollute their country and drink from garbage rivers are civilized? You think the African monkeys who were still living in mud huts and hadn't even invented the wheel before white people came along are civilized? Sometimes it's better to keep these people locked in their containment zones, believe it or not. Sad though Hitler-kun couldn't finish the job so now the Jews have opened the flood gates and are causing irreparable damage that can't be undone because they want to force their BBC fetish onto everyone as payback.
Averi kills trannies, niggers, and kikes.
i thought you'd never ask
Silence, jew.
Sir, this is a based thread, not a schizo thread. Meds.
Kill yourself you disgusting faggot, never post here again
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Where is the porn
do not go to this website
She's here
WTF all my bitcoin are gone even last night's leftover chicken DON'T CLICK
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WTF I love Averi and her creator now
>she hasn't returned to the internet

I checked e621 and there is a recent pic said to be posted 4 days ago, taken from some /trash/ thread.
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So it's a older pic then?
I check said /trash/ thread and it was indeed from 4 days ago... so she is at least active there.
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I need the source on that remix plsss
Men At Work - Down Under (Luude Remix)
Since you got the answer for free, you owe me your attention with the following:
Just fucking google, its the first result for down under remix
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Averi is one of the Shinto gods of Japan, that's why you see fox statues over there all the time
That's bullshit but I believe it.
Fact check: accurate
Her coming back to drawing sounds nice as she clearly enjoyed it
Holy based
Looks like she's here
I'm here too!
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put this through luna
is that some sort of simulation?
yeah its a simulation of me and her last night
>cfa got archived
lets keep this going until the next one bros
Mayo goes on the chicken sandwich and not on the fox!
lol this thread has already survived multiple archives by this point

She's isn't back. Whatever you found was made by someone else.
Can you faggot gooners quit ruining Averi
She was already ruined way before any of that. Her original purpose was to cater to twitter faggots, remember?
Where the fuck did you pull that claim from? At no point was Averi created to pander to anyone. Fiddle created Averi as a sort of self-insert for "slice of life" (as Fiddle put it) art pieces and nothing more. She did it for herself.
Well, ok faggot. She was created by a dyke, so still fucking ruined anyways.
Unbooped nose + boop^infinity

You do the math
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averi a cute
she probably farts on her tail
I like her
This is the slippery slope.
eeeeee one cup of water

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