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Put here your cutest kot videos
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>raising abominations
kill yourself
these types of videos make me so sad. PUT DOWN THE CAMERA AND PET HIM YOU MONSTERS.
Previous Thread
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>video of thing happening
>audio explaining what is happening
>text explaining what is happening
is this for downies?
for infants with tablets scrolling through tiktok
I've seen all these webms before
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only for the metal general on mu
it's because i dont make these threads anymore
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what do you want? A fucking medal? Congratulations here's your
>biggest loser on 4chan
you didn't post an award and if you had it wouldn't have been on topic and if it had been I'd have already seen it before
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I love that retard stare the cat gives him at the beginning, never fails to make me laugh
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This is an ad.
cats prefer amazon so you should too
brb grabbin something
It's called "transformative content".
You basically take someone else's video, add as much dumb shit as possible to it until by american law it becomes a new work, which you can profit off of.
In essence, these "explain what happens" type videos are stolen from other people and bastardized so they can make profit off of them.
It's the worst kind of scum on the internet.
>It's the worst kind of scum on the internet
you must be underage if you think that's even remotely true
okay transformative content creator
There are no thoughts in that head
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Happy Caturday everyone. I'm depressed.
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That's fucking animal abuse. Mine too sort of but at least it's cute
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Anyone got the sleeping cat that gets startled?
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Those aren't made of real dogs, bro. They're just slippers.
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>being this literal
Hope you’re feeling better anon. Life isn’t easy. We just have to keep trying.
Lavos is a caracal huh?
Thanks bro, today I broke the cycle of >procrastination>depression>procrastination...

Feel loads better
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fat fuck
man that lego porsche is cool, have it too
ignorant owners: the webm
I struggle with that too.
damn thats a big kitty. cute as hell but why would you ever let you cat get that fat...
>that a big kitty
>that a big kitty
>why did you say it twice
>i didn't
"More to love" or something like that.
wrong thread craka
What type of cat is that? I like fluffy cats more than shorthairs.
i believe a Maine Coon
used to have a dog that would do the same thing, if you scratched or patted the spot right above his tail he would immediately start blepping, like it was involuntary. wonder what causes this?
Inb4 it's some weird sexual thing
I thought they were a lot bigger than that. Either way its cool.
How do i find a good cat breeder? Every website looks like it was made in 2002.
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Test OC cat
That's not a small leopard, right? What is it?
It is and it isn't
It's just a very sensitive spot
Leopard or jaguar?
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I've owned half a dozen cats in my life and none of them ever did this... Why?
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Cats have a scent gland there and consequently a lot of nerve endings in that same spot. It's basically sensory overload when you start scratching because it both feels really good, but also is telling them "RUB HERE TO MARK YOU TERRITORY NYUGGA!"

Its the cat equivalent of a human scratching the really sensitive area at the small of the back.
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The cat doesn’t like that. Stop reposting this asshole.
>are ya Chinese or Japanese
>we Laotian
>….so are ya Chinese of Japanese
Man, I wish I knew what they were talking about.
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Kot only on technicality, but obligatory
Literally all my days are like that. it's a cycle. If I get something, I feel a little better. I hope you do too, just don't think about it too much
You can tell by the body language in >>5586088 that the cat is clearly pissed off and stressed. I don’t understand why people are entertained by this. I don’t harass any members of my family for entertainment. Especially ones that don’t have agency to defend themselves equally. The cats in your post seemed mildly annoyed at most, which is not the same.
But that's not a backflip, though.
Is that a husky and corgi mix??
Looks like Mel Gibson
zoomers texting
>Undercooked Chink snack pack
I would harass the shit out of you if you were a member of my family.
Anyone got the webm of the cat with it's paw out, looking like it wants a hand shake, but then the cat retracts the paw and licks it?
Hooman is broken?
>Let's see how long before it takes him
Ricky La Fleur over here.
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he's just innocent and knows nothing
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for /metal/ general
i love shorthair cats like that first one so much. their fur is the coolest.
this is the first time you posted something remotely metal related and not just a random cat webm
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Just had to kill this little chick that my cat almost killed. Fuck.
no context
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I think it's just a husky puppy.
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he's literally me
they dont even care
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only for /metal/
Fuck that tortoise.
Not all tortoises, just that one in particular.
A N Y O N E ?
ah yeah i have it, im phoneposting rn though. let me get home and ill post it for you
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so many biscuits!
My cat used to do weird noises too when he grew very old.
I suspect it was because he had lost most of his hearing.
Ain't no better feeling in the world than everything in this webm
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I’m not a cat though. I doubt getting your ass kicked would make you feel any better.
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FOr the metal general
Pls post fren
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i brush my cat's teeth every night and every night after i'm done i make him sniff MY toothbrush and let him watch me brush MY teeth so he knows i'm not just doing it to hurt him.
>I’m not a cat though
But you are a pussy
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threw this in an AI. Was hoping it would be funnier
Dangerously based cat.
I must consult the elder gods
>ate nearly a whole squirrel by himself
Wingardium levioSAAHHHHHH
Stohp it, Ron! Shhhhtoooohhhpppp
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Is that real?
I read your comments to him while petting him on my lap and he clawed more than usual, so I take that as a like.
Karma is a bitch, bitch.
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How do you even get a cat that mad? Lmao dumb bitch.
>le heckin chonker!
obesity kills cats. feeding a cat until it gets that big is animal abuse.
Maybe he should eat less and move more.
That's a poorly trained cat.
Akshully there's only female calico cats, it doesn't appear in male cats
fatter than garfield
>let's design a table to abuse cats, ahahaha wouldn't that be so funny
animal abuse isn't cool
It's a brain teaser.
Preventng a cat from senselessly knocking stuff off a table is literally abusing them?
>waaah animal abuse
stfu faggot
She's a big girl
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>you didn't post an award and if you had it wouldn't have been on topic and if it had been I'd have already seen it before
that's you getting eaten up.. webm.related
For me-ow
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>ignorant owners: the webm
dumb faggot reporting for duty
Trolled good!
File: nigga cat.webm (1.6 MB, 480x480)
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It was probably stolen and reposted like three times
Post fedora tipping cat, please.
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Where is the cat licking its paw webm? You’re tearing me apart Lisa.
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It's time to put that thing down.
No the cat moves the paw away from the owner and then licks it almost tauntingly. Funny webm though
Tell him "anon says you're based" once more for my sake please.
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>give me your skin
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YES. That’s the one. Thanks.
He just wants to know what it's like to have fur, something the cat gods have so cruelly denied him.
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It's instinctual so kinda yeah.
So is pissing all over the place to say it owns stuff.
Where I grew up, we had at least 8 cats at a time. None of them did this, and they weren't even allowed on the tables.
typical tik-tard type material
normies aren't bothered by it because they aren't on the spectrum
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Wow I don't know what I'd do to that asshole... It'd be needlessly complicated that's all I know.
It feels like something so tiny and helpless shouldn't exist.
Tell him he's a good boy.
I tell him all the time he's the best cat ever. I looked up his birthday and he's 16. I'm happy that he has had a long life but sad that it's winding down.
You think you're a funny motherfucker huh? WELL YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT!
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>at least
I meant at most.
Dude's been blessed.
Dude WTF
he spilled so much! :o
That's intolerable behaviour. If I owned a dog that did anything remotely similar I would immediately put it down. I assume catfags for aggressive cats like this also?
You misspelled 2/3 letters in "cat" you uneducated swine.
I love it when cats punish people for acting like retards just like the manchild unwrapping his present.
ok but you see a difference in a cat doing that and a dog doing that right? if she was being mauled by a dog she would have been dead before she could leave the room
i wish i could live in a world where this was normal but people with cat alergies ruin it for everyone.
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>Was ist zwischen diesen kleinen Öhrchen?
>Ist da etwa Hirn?
>Nein, kein Hirn.
>Nur Fluff.
when i see a gif that doesn't appear to move, i assume it's leading to blacked.
Day 4 in al-cat-raz, im now Pipsqueeks bitch
it's a puppy husky, their faces look quite mature even when puppies
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lmao that's fucking awesome
AI is soulless
Holy shit that guy is absolutely useless, how many times do you have to hear your girlfriend shout for help and that she's bleeding?
I really like this webm
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Whoever told me on /v/ that this cat is declawed is a filthy liar.
Why is it always women and so1boyz getting attacked by cats?
>people with cat alergies
Is that that you call them there?
Because men don't fuck around with cats as if they're toys, men just chill with them.
Pretty sure he recognised in the tone of her voice that she needed help because she just did something stupid and not because she was actually in danger.
It's quite interesting, there's loads of videos of women getting attacked by cats. I don't think cats like to get kisses and hugs as much as women think they would.
Do you see any claws, retard?
I think I see trimmed claws.
>im clearly blind and have a sore pussy about it
one thing i learnt being a delivery driver for a year is that women-owned dogs are way more dangerous and less trained. I assume its similar for cats, and probably for children of single moms too desu

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